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Male bashing

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#1 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 05:35 AM


Talk about a kick in the pants just because they are there.

Somebody noticed that society has it out for us guys. Just for being guys. Makes a good point of if you were to switch men with black or jew or something else it would never fly because it would be racist or derogitory.
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"I've always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other." Ronald Regan - April 11, 1984

#2 AmoiMan


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 06:01 AM

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#3 Tortle



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 07:16 AM

This is true... although I seriously doubt that "society" affects men's performance in school or college. Men fall behind in school not because of "society's perception of men", but because they goof off more than women. Maybe instead of blaming "society" for their idiocy, they should get off their fat asses and go to class. <_<

Although in the media, men "get the shaft" quite frequently. If you've seen pretty much ANY Disney movie in the past 15 years, you'll likely notice that the male hero is a lovable cutesy doof, and the female secondary character frequently bests him both psychologically and physically. Also, in virtually all commercials, the men are blithering simpletons driven by a love of beer/sex/cars/farts, while the women simply shake their "superior" heads ruefully at the antics of their sexual mendicants. The article mentions we should boycott all products that present men in a negative fashion. Hell, if we did that, we couldn't buy ANYTHING.

However, products that feature idiotic men in their commercials simply don't appeal to me, so I avoid the product if possible. Why would I want to associate myself with beer-drinking, partying, sex-deprived losers?

The fact that men are shown in a negative manner in commercials has nothing to do with a "conspiracy" by "society". I've noticed that most men approve of such commercials, and laugh along with the women. If the companies noticed that men disapproved of their commercials, they would not air them. But men enjoy them just as much as women.

Which makes me suspect that "society" is right, and men truly are idiots.

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#4 Drtooth



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 08:58 AM

Also, in virtually all commercials, the men are blithering simpletons driven by a love of beer/sex/cars/farts, while the women simply shake their "superior" heads ruefully at the antics of their sexual mendicants. The article mentions we should boycott all products that present men in a negative fashion. Hell, if we did that, we couldn't buy ANYTHING.

However, products that feature idiotic men in their commercials simply don't appeal to me, so I avoid the product if possible. Why would I want to associate myself with beer-drinking, partying, sex-deprived losers?

sex deprived loser I am, but enough of that!

Anyway, it's okay to make fun of either Males or Fat people and anything else is Politically incorrest. Me? I'm Mr. Equality. I beleive EVERYONE should have equal rights and such. I mean, Feminisim was a powerful and great movement when it was for equality, now it's for Superiority. I mean, a group of people that wants superiority and is biased against others, Be they Nazis, Black panthers, or Women's power movements is wrong. It's heartless, brainless and pointless, and I will have no part of it. Why do you think we have war? The quest for Superiority. No one is superior to anyone, not for celebrity value, not for monitary value, not for race, color or creed.

I just turned 21 last month and the LAAAAST thing on my mind is beer. Can't stand the stuff... smells quite rechid. I do not have huge pin ups of nude women and I do not watch porn. I do not like sports, and I do not watch them on TV!

By this same logic, I can make any false generality about any race and be a nazi, while women can harass men and be heros.

Okay, the human race? It's messed up!
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#5 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 09:33 AM

The progressive commercial they talk about I think is hilarious. I never would have put it the category with putting men down. The joke about the costs of brains I thought was funny too.

I don't think society is making boys or men do poorly in school or life. It is all the choices they make that affect them. Same with everything else. You have a choice always.

It is more Pc to bash on a guy then it is on anyone else though. I guess it is backlash for the time when men lorded over everything.

It would be nice if everyone could just accept everyone else. Agree to disagree and be done with it. I think it is rather humorous that the media teaches tolerance in TV ads.

Would you rather be tolerated or accepted? Just because you and I disagree on something doesn't mean we can't accept each other for who and what we are.

They need to make an amendment that simply states that you can not be favored because of your sex, race, religion, ethnicity.

If you want something your going to have to work for it. No freebies
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"I've always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other." Ronald Regan - April 11, 1984

#6 Knuxman


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 10:57 AM

im sorry but this politically correct crap has to stop, its not like we make fun of people in horible ways, as long as its all in good fun, nobody should care about it. and about the rrcent commercials there are also several "questionable content" commercials w/ women just prancing round in bikinis, is that correct?
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#7 Ridureyu


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 11:10 AM

After having a girlfriend for about a month, I can tell you that this is entirely true. She and her friends basically abused me simply becuase I'm male. My ex told me more than once that because I'm male, I have no say in anything, and I belong to *her.* Her friends verified this. When I broke up with her, many of her friends automatically assumed that I was an evil scumbag... until about ten people at once said that it was her fault (two of her friends included), and then people finally calmed down.

This is just one little thing that I've seen. There's a lot more.
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#8 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 12:52 PM

Whenever a guy breaks up with a girl. he is automaticlly a scum bag in the friends eyes.

A lot of women now days are rather possesive.
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"I've always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other." Ronald Regan - April 11, 1984

#9 TheOrgg


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 01:28 PM

Devolution IN Action.

Are WE Not Men?
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#10 Chibi Riya

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Posted 13 May 2003 - 05:37 PM

one word- crap

this aritcle look like it was from a lady who doesnt like guys.

i am a girl and I have no problems with guys (only dumb@$$ are but not all are though) Why should I bother protesting with that lady who wrote this anyway? Unless I got the whole thing wrong but this article, it is SO wrong....

(dont get creep out because of what I typed)
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#11 jkaris


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 05:49 PM

Prsonally, I don't care what male bashing goes on. People get bashed regardless of your race, gender, religious beliefs, etc. It's the popular thing to bash someone with different interestes, looks, etc.

When I was a kid, I was teased because I wasn't a jock.
I was teased becasue I was smart.
I was teased because I was small (that stopped when I was 13 and grew to 6 feet.)
I was teased because I was a nerd/geek/poor/chubby, whatever.

Now I am an adult, and I am teased because I am chubby, white, collect toys, male, conservative, etc. etc.

Do I care? Haha no. I am happy with the choices I have made in my life, and I realize that most teasing is benevolent and comical. Some of it is harsh, but really, I could care less what they say. I have a hottie wife who loves me tremendously (although I don't really know why), 2 wonderful and smart as hell kids, lots of $$$, a good and lenient job, a thriving business, lots of toys, 2 well running cars, my own house, more friends than I can count, including very loyal friends from this board, who are miles and continents away, who I have never met.

So if someone wants to bag on me, well, eff'em. I don't care what they say. I am me, and if they don't like me, oh well. No skin off my back.

As much as I wish was different in myself and my life, I realize that I have it much better than I ever thought I would growing up, and alot better than most people in this world. So yes, I like me, faults and all. And if someone else doesn't, bummer. e+
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#12 max powerz

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Posted 13 May 2003 - 05:59 PM

Its basically saying taht men are being treated like crap in general. Its true to some extent but it does go both ways. Everyone is discriminated in some way but to say that society makes men stupid there is actually some reason to believe that but its still the man's fault who is not motivated. It just allows for such actions to happen. I mean you can do the simple psycological reasoning to it. If a guy is lazy and unmotivated to do work many are label as lazy yet still intelligent... Where if a girl would refuse to do work in school she would be labeled as a dumbass. You may all disagree but its true in most cases where i have been. Girls are forced to work off their hineys if they are smart where as a guy can goof off more. Its easier to not do work than to do it but that is still no excuse on the males part. Both genders, all races, etc... have stuff against them. Whats sad is today there is a general white racism within the white comunity and they dont know what they are saying. i.e. a white girl saying "pshhhh shes soo white" and i dont mean skin tone, i mean they way she was talking. I know its because the girl grew up in a neigborhood full of minorities, but she cant stand it. Everywhere you go there is some sort of discrimination and its impossible to have none what so ever, what needs to be done is make things more equal. There were some valid points in the argument such as the battered men cases and these need to be dealt with but some things we dont need to be so anal about. I know of one radical feminist who was wanting to not allow stand up stalls and to disallow men from standing while taking a leak because it has males show athority over women because they can stand while doing it. Thats extreme. Thats why feminism has a bad conotation. Men do it to women as well with things like the man show etc... but you know what things have gone along way. I feel as men we are losing rights as time goes on but thats just me. One thing I never figured out is if men and women are equal, why is it that a man cannot touch a woman? Wouldnt that say that we are NOT equal? Hey I never would do it unless in good fun, but it makes you think. It can be viewed as two ways. 1) men are superior to women because if a guy lays a hand on a girl he would crush her or 2) women are superior to men because you cant hit your master. Either way, i am not saying it should be changed, I personally find it wrong and would never lay my hand on another female unless she was a total complete bee-eye-itch who went to attack me and tryed to rip some lovely part off my body. I am just saying that gets you thinking sometimes why that is the way it is...
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#13 max powerz

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Posted 13 May 2003 - 06:01 PM

Boy i took along time to write that...
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#14 jkaris


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Posted 13 May 2003 - 06:02 PM

Nice post max, it would be easier to read if you broke it into paragraphs though.
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#15 max powerz

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Posted 13 May 2003 - 06:10 PM

ehhh you can edit it if ya want. Sorry about the format. Im good most the time.. Guess i am one of those lazy dudes, wait Im not joking e+
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#16 The Shizit

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Posted 13 May 2003 - 06:22 PM

a couple things i have noticed.

1) CHEATING: girls are worse than guys anymore

2) the maury povich show: every show is a paternity test and every guy gets boo'd no matter the outcome... even when he isnt the father! why dont these people boo the girl for being a whore. if she hept her legs closed, it wouldnt of happened. she deserves no pity IMO.

i know there is more, but im sick right now, cant think and my head feels like the size of that old MTV cartoon show "The Head" e+
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#17 max powerz

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 06:48 AM

Im sorry but maury is boring as hell. It is a show to get me angry. Ive watched alot of it durrig school hours senoir year of h.s. because I would be in teh AV room behind the stage durring my free periods. Yea He started giving me headaches along with jerry springer and maury shows the same freaking 5 types of shows over and over. a ) paternity tests b ) man/woman tests c ) fat kids... test d ) look at me now and see what a slut i have become... test e ) look at old creapy man film people doing indesent things and give the tape to the cops... test
they just switch the day it will be on. And 55% of it is a) then b and so forth...

I just have a bias against thta show as well as many talk shows although i will put it on every once in awhile since there is nothing on durring my vacations too much gets me realy angry. More so at him then the sluts and i am talking about the guys and the girls... men can be sluts too.....
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#18 The Shizit

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 08:22 AM

men can be sluts too.....

i believe they are called "players" ... who i hate with a passion
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#19 max powerz

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 08:26 AM

I think of a playa as a specific type of slut. They play with womens emotions to get them in the sac with lies, money, etc... where as a slut just trys to jump into anyones pants but not nessesarily to hurt someone.
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#20 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 09:59 AM

When I first read this I was going to simply respond with, “Who cares?”

Then it began to snowball, and I thought, “Forget it, I don’t want to get pulled into this.”

After reading some of the recent posts I finally decided to throw my hat into the ring.

First and foremost people are always going to point out differences. It doesn’t matter if it is sex, color, religion, hair color, shoe size, jumping ability, running speed, or a million other conceivable categories. Fast forward a 2500 years into the future, and everybody is one color. People will still point out differences. It is human nature, and I believe it is hardwired into our brains. It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Humans needed to understand the world around them and what was dangerous, safe, etc.

So the humans develop schemas to process the information. I.e., big animals are dangerous. So the next time they see a new animal they can instantly sort that information into the existing schema (“This animal is dangerous”). Now once they understand this new animal they may learn about it (“The animal isn’t dangerous, but it is dangerous in a herd.”). They can develop a new schema.

Second, people need to relax. So what if men are painted a certain way? Sure it might not pertain to you, but it might pertain to many people. For instance, a show makes a character a beer drinking, lazy, idiot. Sure they could make it a woman, and it might be funny because it is different. But more than likely it will be a man. Why? Because most people know at least one person like that, and it appeals to the old saying, “It’s funny, because it’s true.”

Another old saying is that, “If you ignore it, then it will go away.” While more times then not this is false, I believe it holds true here. People can’t get upset at every little thing. My grandpa died of cancer when I was younger, and my sister had a friend when she was younger that beat cancer. When I watch the Kids in the Hall movie (Brain Candy) I didn’t get upset with Cancer-Boy. Sure I could have, it was done in poor taste, but it was funny. Life is too short to go crazy every time something ruffles your feathers.

And I understand the need for some political correctness. It developed from a real need. But that need has been corrupted by lawyers trying to take advantage of the situation. I believe there now needs to be a conscious effort to curb the rampant corruption of political correctness. The fine line that exists in this situation is exemplified really well by the NFL hiring process.

The NFL has a majority of black players, and only had 2 head coaches. The NFL decided, under some heavy pressure, that something needed to be done. So they decided that teams MUST interview a minority candidate. They didn’t have to hire the person, they just had to interview the person. This was hailed as a great change. But then some people said, “Wait, so they can still hire all white coaches. They just have to have a token black interview.” Now the same people that wanted something done in the first place, want more to be done. But nobody considered other facts.

The current number of black head coaches, and assistant coaches represented the normal US population. Also there is no proof that players either make good coaches, or that they become coaches. So nobody was asking if the applicant pool was only NFL players, or all possible candidates. To me, this is a perfect example of political correctness running out of control instead of rationally approaching the situation.

The last thing that I noticed was the talk about men being players. This is stupid whether it is about men being players or women being sluts. People want to have sex, and why shouldn’t they? Who cares what people do? You know who gets upset when guys are “players”, guys that aren’t getting laid. When I was at the bar or in high school, not getting laid, I hated the people that were. You know when that went away? When I was getting laid, I never noticed them. Sure I still laughed at geeks wearing blue button down shirts, khakis, and black shoes or dorks wearing hats sideways, with jerseys, and their phones clipped to their pants that are falling off, but it was because I thought those styles were stupid. If girls talk to those guys, then I’m not missing anything.

I believe the negative attitudes associated with sex are rooted in the past and specifically religion. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a spiritual person but I’ve pulled away from my Catholic faith. And I respect any person that waits until marriage to have sex. Both religion and abstinence are noble pursuits, but too often these things cause people to pass judgments that don’t really matter.

So what was I upset about?

I’m sure I had more thoughts in my head, which I thought I wrote but I didn’t. So don’t consider this my final word. It’s more of a first draft of ideas.
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#21 max powerz

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 10:24 AM

The current number of black head coaches, and assistant coaches represented the normal US population. Also there is no proof that players either make good coaches, or that they become coaches. So nobody was asking if the applicant pool was only NFL players, or all possible candidates. To me, this is a perfect example of political correctness running out of control instead of rationally approaching the situation.

I agree with all your points. I just had to quote this because its soo true that we want to become PC when it really isnt.
Maybe you didnt read some of the stuff I was saying the way I was saying it but I'm not mad at anyone really. And the thing about the player thing wasnt because I am envious, its because just sleeping with random people degrades the intimacy with just one person. I mean if you end up sleeping with many people in your life, thats ok, but I find that if your intent is to sleep with as many people as you can before you go wrong. I should have cleared that up.
Funny you cant agrue thta maury is a good show because it truely is horrible ;) :o
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#22 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 10:29 AM

I mean if you end up sleeping with many people in your life, thats ok, but I find that if your intent is to sleep with as many people as you can before you go wrong.

I didn't mean to single you out at all. It was just the topic in general.

But I didn't quite understand your above statement.

And I don’t believe sex is always about intimacy. I believe that is just another constraint. I’m not a person who believes that you are intimate with everyone you sleep with, and I don’t believe you should only sleep with people you love. Again, life is too short and you need to experience life.

Again, not talking directly to you max. :o
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#23 max powerz

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 10:48 AM

Welll my views are biased because I have been with my first and only girlfriend for almost 2 years (this sunday will be the 2 year aniversary) so you can understand where i am coming from. I agree with your points even though some things are different but if I say why I fell it will really stray off of topic or just sound like a jerk. But my only complaint about those people is that they brag about it. I guess I just find certain points of ones life should be private.
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#24 The Shizit

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 11:18 AM

You know who gets upset when guys are “players”, guys that aren’t getting laid.

i beg to differ. i dont like them because of how they treat women. i was brought up a certain way. to respect a woman. they dont. plain and simple. getting laid has nothing to do with it.
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#25 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 14 May 2003 - 11:59 AM

I think that’s just a stereotype. If you don’t like “players”, then you are judging that these people coerce women into doing things they don’t want to do. If you don’t like these guys then the women that are around these guys, or interested in them, shouldn’t be of any interest to you. Your statements suggest that you don’t believe that the women have any free will. That they will be fooled by these guys, because the guys are “players”.

The real thing that people don’t like is hooking up with someone and the other person doesn’t have any feelings for the person. Whether you are a girl or a guy, you don’t like your feelings to be unreciprocated.

I think respect is a separate issue. Most people usually exhibit appropriate levels of respect for the situation, or culture, they are in when they are interacting with new people.

But we're getting just a little bit off topic.

Get back on topic Veers! :angry:
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