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Star Wars - E1-E6

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#1 jkaris


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Posted 22 October 2002 - 08:24 PM

Okay, I just finished watching Episode 2 (for the first time) and SW, ESB and ROTJ for the first time since I was in grade school. All I can say is....
Why does George lucas always hire bad actors?
Okay, so Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Harrison Ford and a handful of other were good, but the rest SUCK! Alost every actor in E1 and E2 sucks major donkey dork, and Mark Hamil in 4,5 and 6 is JUST AS BAD! Really, if it wans't for the CGI and special effects, movies score, and Yoda, it would be REALLY lousy.
Granted, the latter 3 are really good movies, but the acting is horrendous! E1 and E2 just plain suck though. Maybe that's why they started with 4 instead of 1? Hmmmmm.
Yoda rules though!
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#2 arforbes


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Posted 22 October 2002 - 08:29 PM

I was blown away by Yoda in Episode II. That little effer can use the force like there is no tomorrow. He's the MASTER Jedi!!! ;)

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 12:14 AM

I didn`t think E2 wasn`t that bad because it would be hard to screw up that storyline, but I`ll say it..........return of the jedi sucked a fat one!!!!
I mean c`mon, if the empire were that much of invalids they would have never of came to be!!! What was the point in having the empire be a major force if You`re just gonna have them crap out to ewoks and a lame rebel fleet? I hate that movie!!!! ;)
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#4 Tortle



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Posted 23 October 2002 - 06:01 AM

Alost every actor in E1 and E2 sucks major donkey dork, and Mark Hamil in 4,5 and 6 is JUST AS BAD! Really, if it wans't for the CGI and special effects, movies score, and Yoda, it would be REALLY lousy.
Granted, the latter 3 are really good movies, but the acting is horrendous! E1 and E2 just plain suck though.

Well, that's what George gets when he wants to hire "fresh", "unknown" actors! I think the only actors worth a damn in all the Star Wars movies are Harrison Ford, Ewan McGregor, and Alec Guiness. Oh, and ROTJ Jabba had a great performance, too. ;)

But I think you've hit the nail on the head on something that I've been suspecting for a while now. Maybe the Star Wars movies really aren't all that great, maybe we've just been brainwashed our entire lives into believing they're great with our over-active nostalgia! Or, maybe I'm thinking too much about it.

Anyway, I agree that the new ones (Ep. 1 and 2) are definitely different. I don't think they suck necessarily... I do enjoy them... but the first three movies definitely have a different feeling. I have a theory about that, too...

I think that with the first three movies, George was a young, enthusiastic filmmaker with great ideas. He and his the gang were limited in what they could do special-effects-wise, so they had to bust their chops and come up with innovative and fresh ways to tell their story. For example, the ships were filmed with cameras that moved around them; the AT-ATs were filmed with stop-motion animation models in a set filled with baking soda; and the speeder bike chase was filmed by a couple of guys who walked MILES through the woods with a special camera that recorded at a slow speed and blurred frames (so it would look like they were going really fast when played at normal speed). This stuff sounds like a pain, but man, it also sounds fun!!!

With Ep. 1 and 2, George is an old fuddy-duddy, who has relatively little passion and enthusiasm for filmmaking, since he's pretty much done everything already. All the special effects can be done in the computer. There are really no limitations in what George and the gang can do. So, that kind of takes away the "spirit" and "freshness" that the old movies had.

Maybe I'm thinking too much about that, too.


PS - Jango Fett rocks. Thank you, drive through.
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#5 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 06:28 AM

Jango fett was a disapointment. Died way to easy.
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#6 Tortle



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Posted 23 October 2002 - 07:06 AM

George Lucas at the first meeting of Ep. 1 preproduction...


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#7 gojiman


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 08:36 AM

But I think you've hit the nail on the head on something that I've been suspecting for a while now. Maybe the Star Wars movies really aren't all that great, maybe we've just been brainwashed our entire lives into believing they're great with our over-active nostalgia! Or, maybe I'm thinking too much about it.

Well said Tortle!!
The Star Wars series has a place in our hearts and memories that is hard to match with a modern movie. SW is, in fact, just sci-fi and being such, a person must suspend disbelief to enjoy it. In the same way, you must also suspend your cinematic expectations when approaching the subject matter. Think about it. How many sci-fi movies win awards? Of course this is just a blanket statement and I'm sure there are examples of great sci-fi movies that people can throw at me. I just think of sci-fi as a fun way to temporalily escape the humdrum reallity of everyday life and the only expectations that I carry with me is to be entertained. Both E1 and E2 met this expectation quite well, in my opinion.
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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:14 AM

I think during the 80`s when the trilogy was out the rest of the sci-fi movies didn`t hold a candle to them, for the most part. I mean look at some of the other movies that were out- battle star galactica, the last starfighter, flight of the navigator, saturn 3, etc, etc. I think the only one that is in the same league with the trilogy is close encounters. I wish I could have seen some of the better sci-fi/horror flicks back then like alien and the thing.

The star wars line of toys back then definately made the movies appeal even more for me when I was a kid though!!!
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#9 Tortle



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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:25 AM

I'm surprised General Veers, the resident Star Wars nut, hasn't chimed in on this yet!

The star wars line of toys back then definately made the movies appeal even more for me when I was a kid though!!!

That's true, without the Star Wars toys I doubt I would have been as interested in the movie both when I was a kid and now as an adult collector. (A collector who is an adult, that is... I'm not collecting adults. B)) Anyway, that kind of reinforces the "brainwashing" scenario, because the brainwashing was not only confined to the movies, but continued when I was playing and interacting with friends (who were also into Star Wars). Hm... I wonder what that Sigmund Freud action figure would say about this...;)

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#10 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:49 AM

I’m sorry I didn’t find this thread sooner. The first thing I have to say is, “Blasphemy!”

Now I could go on and on about this, but I will try and keep it short. The OT (original trilogy) is fantastic. I don’t think you could find a better trilogy (LOTR doesn’t count because it was a book). People usually agree that Star Wars (actually A New Hope, but most people only know it as Star Wars) and The Empire Strikes Back are almost flawless. But many people feel that Return of the Jedi, was kind of crappy. They are wrong.

I think that people look at ROTJ with too much hindsight. When Star Wars (ANH) first came out it was made to be a stand-alone movie. George Lucas (GL) had no idea whether it would make money, let alone go on to be a classic. But when it became a success it gave him an opportunity to do more with the story.

GL has said that he was inspired by Buck Rogers and other mulit-chapter stories. His creation lent itself to this, and gave him a way to continue his story. Originally I believed that GL had written a 9 piece story (those were the old rumors), but my faith in that has slipped. I now believe that GL wrote ANH, but was forced to come up with general outlines for his characters (which any writer is forced to do). When he had the opportunity to make ESB and ROTJ, he believed that these would be the last 2 movies. ROTJ is a product of that.

With ROTJ, Lucas was simply ending his story which had basically 2 parts to left. He needed to finish the confrontation between Luke & Vader, and explain what happened to Han. Lucas chose to deal with Han right at the beginning of the movie. While Jabba's palace was an excuse to have another "cantina" it was just fine at the time. When I saw it all those years ago it made sense to me that Jabba would have a place like that. It wasn't until many years later that I thought, "Why didn't Lucas try and make it a little more different?" But at the time, the audience believed (and most still do) that an outer rim dive-bar looks like the cantina from ANH.

Luke confrontation with Vader was held off until the end. Remember, at the time, Luke was the main character not Vader. First of all we are told Luke is a full-fledged Jedi. Fine, why not? He had most of his training (I don't believe what the movies shows is just one day of training, but again that's another topic). He had also already faced Vader once, and not died. Supposedly Vader had killed all the other Jedi (as far as we knew then), yet Luke had survived. Plus, what else would have Luke done then continue training?

As for some of the other points that people dislike about ROTJ...
The speeder bike chase was just an action sequence. SW is full of action sequences, and they need one when they got to Endor. They certainly weren't trying to "copy" the asteroid scene from Empire.

Leia. As for her being Luke's sister, I don't think we were ever led to believe she was equal to Luke. I also thought she had been "gifted" in other ways. She certainly had more charisma and leadership, why else would a group of Rebels follow a 19-year-old princess. Also she didn't know she was Luke's sister until the end of ROTJ. It wouldn't have made sense for her to start kicking butt right away. Luke didn't really have any killer skills at the beginning of ANH.

Lastly the Death Star. This has been an easy criticism of SW for a long time. But why wouldn't the Empire want another, better version? It is the most powerful weapon in the galaxy; it can destroy entire planets. While it may not seem "original" it really fits in with the Empire's "war machine". Weapons of war go through evolution before a totally new one comes out. Tanks were used during WWI, and they are still used today. It's not that they are bad, just different. Bombs were used during WWI, but the ones used today are better.

And remember it is easy to question ROTJ now because we have the "full" story, but at the time it was just wrapping up the story.

As for the PT (prequel trilogy) there are some concerns there. I think that Lucas has surrounded himself with “yes men”. This didn’t happen with the OT. I think Episode 1 could have been skipped. While I don't think Episode I was so terrible, I don't think it was totally necessary. I think Episode I should have started a little bit before where Episode II begins.

Anakin & Padme didn't have to meet all those years ago. Anakin could still have been assigned to protect her, and they fall in love. During their "courtship" Anakin could have explained how he was found by a "lost Jedi" (this could also add to the Sith mystery). The council had thought he was too old, but blah...blah...blah.

Anakin's piloting skills could have been showcased by his escaping from a large group of bounty hunters (or droids, it doesn't really matter) in space with Padme.

While I don't hate Episode I, I don't believe we needed to be shown 2 hours of how good Anakin was. I also understand there were other plot points to develop, but again it could have been told to us (perhaps in a senate scene).

One last note, we could all be proven wrong by Episode III. There could be developments which make us say, "Wow Episode I had so much more going on then I thought!" I don't think that will happen though.

Again, like I said, “I’ll try and keep it short.”
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#11 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:50 AM

As far as the acting goes, it’s ok. I think people like to be a little hard on it. Remember it’s Sci-Fi, not Shakespeare.
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#12 arforbes


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:53 AM

I cannot wait for Star Wars Episode III. I have a feeling this one is going to be awesome. Lucas is going to have to explain a lot in this episode though. It's going to be a sad one too, I think. All the Jedi are destroyed except Yoda and Obi-Wan, oh and Anakin and the Emperor. e+

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#13 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:55 AM

I can’t wait for Episode III either. I hope it is super dark. How can it not be? The Empire is born, Anakin falls to the dark side, and most of the Jedi die.

Again, I could go on and on…
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#14 arforbes


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 10:57 AM

When is it supposed to come out to theatres? Not for a while, right? e+

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AKA Yapiel, AKA balucard
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#15 EVOM


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:01 AM

In rotj I would have had the rebels try to sneak into the death star or just fight their way in and try to sabotage and destroy it from the inside, not this lame crap like the empire leaving the reactor core wide open and vulnerable. I guess the empire just turned into a bunch of tards and did not learn from the destruction of the first death star. You mean to tell me that they would not put armor around that reactor core?

I just wish the demise of the empire would have been done differently!
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#16 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:13 AM

Right now we know it is 2005, and people guess that the actual release date is May 13.

[QUOTE]Lastly the Death Star. This has been an easy criticism of SW for a long time. But why wouldn't the Empire want another, better version? It is the most powerful weapon in the galaxy; it can destroy entire planets. While it may not seem "original" it really fits in with the Empire's "war machine". Weapons of war go through evolution before a totally new one comes out. Tanks were used during WWI, and they are still used today. It's not that they are bad, just different. Bombs were used during WWI, but the ones used today are better.[QUOTE]

Did you read this? Also the Empire had protected their new Death Star, the shield from the moon of Endor. You also need to remember that the Death Star wasn't finished being built. Perhaps there was going to be more protection for the core, but it hadn't been finished.
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#17 Tortle



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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:14 AM

But many people feel that Return of the Jedi, was kind of crappy. They are wrong.

I think so too! ROTJ is my favorite Star Wars movie. I think people are just pissy about it because of the Ewoks. So they're cute and cuddly... big deal! Every alien doesn't have to be a big hideous monster!

Some other complaints include:

~"Leia being Luke's sister is a lame cop-out so that George wouldn't have to do more Star Wars movies." Originally, George was planning three movies after ROTJ where Luke searches for his sister (which was the original idea behind Yoda's quote, "There is another"). Instead, he decided to make Leia his sister. While this is kind of a cop-out, I think it works much better this way because 1) the Luke/Leia romantic relationship would be finished, causing no conflict between Luke and Han, and 2) it would be difficult to base three more movies around a limited concept such as this.

~"Han is a waste of a character in ROTJ." Not really... Han has just changed from his previous scoundrel ways.

~"The Stormtroopers' armor can withstand blasters, but not arrows and rocks?!" Um... okay, I don't have a rebuttal for this...

Two out of three ain't bad! B) But keep in mind you can rip apart any of the movies just as easily. I mean, the whole time discrepency in ESB where Luke trains with Yoda for what seems to be a long time, while the Millenium Falcon flys to Cloud City in less than a day, is a bit annoying. e+

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#18 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:24 AM

Ewoks and Stormtroopers.

Another area that people complain about.

Stormtroopers – Many of the arguments about these people have changed with the recent clones developments. Star Wars fans used to “know” about them, but now it is a big area for questions. As for their lack of protection from the armor it is better to just think of it as a uniform.

Ewoks – Originally these were supposed to be wookies. But 2 things stopped Lucas from doing this. First, it was going to be too expensive and difficult to find enough large people. Second, wookies were gifted with machines. Lucas wanted one of the crushing blows to the Empire to be given by a primitive group.
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#19 EVOM


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:24 AM

I`m not saying that they would not build another one I`m saying that with something as fragile as a reactor core you would not have it as exposed as it was, even if the death star was not completed.

I agree with You Tortle, they don`t explain the time period when Luke was training that well, but maybe because dagobah is a different system it revolves around a different sun, than cloud city, I don`t know!?!?
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#20 Tortle



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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:31 AM

I agree with You Tortle, they don`t explain the time period when Luke was training that well, but maybe because dagobah is a different system it revolves around a different sun, than cloud city, I don`t know!?!?

Maybe so... but I was thinking that it seems like Luke is training a long time under the tutilage of Yoda. But then we see that it's not really a long time because the Millenium Falcon is following a simultaneous timeline. The timelines aren't a different span of time because they both intersect when Luke goes to Cloud City. So Luke basically only gets a day or so of training under Yoda, and there's no way he could even be remotely considered a Jedi. Hm... again, I am probably thinking about this too much... e+

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#21 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:31 AM

Time isn’t explained very well in Star Wars. There really isn’t a true answer to how long Luke was with Yoda, or Han and Leia were at Cloud City. This is really a personal decision.

I’ve always felt that we are looking at the span of at least a week. Why? Because Luke takes great strides in his development and so many things happen with Han and Leia (asteroid field, space slug, travel time, Cloud City).

Again, evom777 there was protection (the shield) and the Death Star was still being built. The Empire was arrogant. They believed that the Rebels would try another airal (sp?) attack, not a combined ground and airal attack.
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#22 Tortle



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Posted 23 October 2002 - 12:24 PM

Time isn’t explained very well in Star Wars.

Yeah, I know... I don't want to rip ESB too much. I was just saying that each Star Wars movie is just as vulnerable as the others to criticism. Very little separates Episode I from ESB from a quality movie standpoint (acting, plot, etc). I try not to over-analyze the movies too much. They're not meant to be dissected, but enjoyed as fun special effect movies!

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#23 jkaris


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 01:10 PM

Well, like I said, the latter 3 were awesome, short of the bad actoing. But as far as $$ is concerned, I am forever hooked on Star Wars. I heard how bad E1 and E2 were, but I HAD to see them. As far as the toys go, Yoda, Jawa, Boba Fett, Jabba and Wickett are my prized posessions from that collection. Star Wars toys (originals) defy my collecting senses (as do MUSCLE). The articulation SUCKS, but I like them better than any of my GI Joes. Go figure!
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#24 EASports


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Posted 23 October 2002 - 04:45 PM

The original trilogy, despite the critisism, is an icon of our society. It was a sign of the times, so to speak. Because they were new and exciting. The new movies are not new, innovative, or even very entertaining. It was too easy to capitalize on the star wars franchise. Episode 1 was horribly awful. Did anyone notice that Quaigon (sp?) was talking into a lady bic? And where do they get off trying to explain the force? Metichlorians my arse. And of course, as everyone loves to point out, the acting was arse-crappy. I mean, what the hell kind of accent was Annikan's mom supposed to have? Will someone tell me, please? The only redeeming factor of episode 1 was the way cool fight scene with Darth Maul, who was not a very exciting character, really. But if you want to see cool fight scenes, rent a Jackie Chan movie. Episode 2 was better, but it didn't help that Annikan was played by a whiney little weiner kid. There were cool big battle scenes, though. But come on, that Yoda fight scene was pretty dumb. Why didn;t they just splice in a 5 minute clip from dragon ball Z and save the effort? Hopefully episode 3 will be less concerned with the emotional story and more focused on people dying. Like all the stupid characters that suck, like queen amidala, all of the naboo effers, JAR JAR eff. Hell, just kill them all off.

One more thing, what the hell was Sammy L doing in the movies? He belongs out on the streets, not in some jedi council with wierd aliens from the never ending story. "I'll meditate on this, then bust a cap in your arse".

Well, this is just my two cents. I'm by no means a star wars fanatic, but I know what I don't like...
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#25 Tortle



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Posted 24 October 2002 - 07:25 AM

The new movies are not new, innovative, or even very entertaining. It was too easy to capitalize on the star wars franchise. Episode 1 was horribly awful.

That's true... the new movies aren't very new or innovative... I think because alot of the Star Wars concepts and character types have been used over and over again in movies since then. A recent example is the Matrix... with Neo, we have a character who discovers inner power against an seemingly impenitrible enemy (much like Luke with the Force). Hell, Neo even trained under a master like Luke under Yoda. The difference between Matrix and Ep 1 and 2 is that the Matrix took the concept into interesting directions, exploring new ways to present the action on screen.

But I do think that both Ep 1 and 2 were entertaining and cool, and I enjoy watching them. What cracks me up is, Star Wars fans who say they hate the new movies yet collect all the figures anyways because they have to have a "complete collection". I mean, they say that they hate Jar Jar, yet when a shortpacked Swimming Jar Jar figure came out, they snatched them all up anyways! Are they pinheaded?!

One more thing, what the hell was Sammy L doing in the movies? He belongs out on the streets, not in some jedi council with wierd aliens from the never ending story. "I'll meditate on this, then bust a cap in your arse".  

Ha ha! :) Mace is one bad mutha... shut yo' mouf!

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