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Episode 77 - The Final Episode!

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#26 Knuxman


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Posted 23 May 2004 - 04:53 PM

I thought it was an ok episode, but warsman's voice was good, but they should just stick with one voice. Muscle Gravity was a great new finisher though, it looked like a reverse kinniku-buster with a leg lock for extra effectiveness!

btw, in the ep they said warsman was half man, half robot, i thought he was all robot! is this just in the dub?
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"So it goes."

#27 Chibi Riya

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 05:52 PM

Well, I am somehow disappointed in how the show ended with Mantaro farting and being .. cut off by a circle in a bowl of rice and cow.... I expected a better ending. Although some part were pretty funny and I really loved Croe/Warsman's freaky grin.... it makes me melts in the inside. *_*
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[ Yuujou Power ]

#28 Ridureyu


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Posted 23 May 2004 - 05:56 PM

It was preempted by baseball.

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#29 YoshiAngemon


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 02:09 AM

The way the GCN Warsman says "I DECLARE WAR ON YOU" makes me think that he sounds similar to Mojo Jojo. Only Warsman isn't as complexic speaking as the Chemical-X powered monkey.
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"Bonjour! Monsieur Cheeks here, with the Chojin Crown News du Jour! ... So, without further ado, LET'S GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT!" -- Monsieur Cheeks.

#30 ironmask


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:47 AM

the last episode sucked.
they should never stray that far from the cannon in which they derived the show from.
well, maybe cartoon network will pick it up... they went back into production on U.M. once before...

( a fool can hope, can't he?)

horrible way to end the series....
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#31 TheOrgg


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 05:47 PM

Well, here's nearly the summary(next post.) All I need to know is the names of Roxanne's red haired friend and black haired friend.

I'll edit those in once I know their names, and the final summary will be done.

...hopefully it'll get picked back up if it's popular with the Japanese up until this episode...

...and they didn't call it a 'Series Finale.' Only a 'Season Finale.'
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#32 TheOrgg


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 05:49 PM

"Kid Muscle is in a world of pain, now, Doc." MacMetaphor narrates.

"You said it, Mac. Don't forget that Kevin's using a move from his father's playbook, that hard to master technique called Olap." Doc responds.

"What does Olap mean, Doc?" MacMetaphor asks.

"I'm guessing that it stands for "Ole Lotta Pain."" The ring announcer narrates.

Kid Muscle pitifully cries as Kevin Mask continues glowing yellow and stretches Kid's pain tolerance to the breaking point with Olap. Suddenly, Ramen Man stands up and points at the ring.

"Uh Oh. What's up with Raman Man? What's he doing?" Roxanne asks, as Buffaloman and Star Face follow Ramen Man's example.

"Now everybody's getting into the act." Kiki cuts in.

"Yea, didn't their mothers ever tell them that it's like totally impolite to point?" Trixie quips.

"It's the Shoot sign." Terry Kenyon tells Roxanne. "It's a signal to the crowd. It shows what the judges think about the move. I'm afraid they only use it when they think a move is practically perfect... when they think there's NO EXCAPE!"

The camera closes up on Kevin Mask and Kid Muscle as Roxanne and her friends gasp... Kevin is stretched in an arc, and Kid Muscle still is crying in ultimate torment. Suddenly, we see Lord Flash's clenched hand, and some drops of rain splatter upon it.

"Let it rain," Lord flash thinks to himself. "Even that can't put a damper on the pride I feel right now. My debt to your father is about to be repaid! I owe your father more than anyone will ever know. He saved me from a life of crime" Lord Flash flashes back to when Robin Mask found him in an alley while he beat two people up. "He trained me to be one of the most powerful Chojins ever." Lord Flash then flashes back to some of his training sessions, and Warsman's fight with King Muscle. "...but I faild him. King Muscle defeated me because I could never master your father's greatest technique." Lord Flash flashes back to Robin Mask carrying Warsman out of the arena on his shoulders. "...but you have mastered it today," The camera focuses on Lord Flash's hand, which is now becoming saturated, along with the ring mat around it, with rain. "and the heavens themself weap tears of joy in your moment of triumph."

A deluge begins, covering all the spectators, the ring, Kid Muscle, and everything else-- other than Kevin Mask. The camera pans to Kevin Mask's armor, which is immediatly evaporating the rain in huffs of steam as it hits, and we hear both Kid Muscle and Kevin Mask straining painfully and pitifully in the arrangement of Olap.

"Let me get this straight. Kid, according to you, Terry..." Starts Trixie. "'Fraid So. ...Is going to lose." finishes Terry Kenyon.

"No Wait!" Thinks Roxanne. "He's still got us!" Roxanne begins cheering, her cheers are followed by her friends, Terry and Wally, and finally the crowd at large, "Let's Go Kid! Kid Muscle! Kid Muscle!"

"That's Me." Kid Muscle says to himself, his Power of Ultimate Muscle blooming once again on his forhead with a great roar.

"Doc! The support of his friendship seems to be reviving Kid Muscle." MacMetaphor says as Kid Muscle's Niku symbol blooms golden irridecense. "Yes, the power of friendship seems to be the strongest power of all."

"Sentimental Hogwash" Kevin says invertedly, straining Kid Muscle's arms further and causing once again Kid Muscle's power of Ultimate Muscle to fade once again. "Your puny powers pale in comparision to my Maelstrom Power!" Kevin yells as his entire body turns the glowing golden color of his full Maelstrom.

"Doc, why has Kevin Mask suddenly turned solid gold?" asks MacMetaphor.

"It's not because he has a heart of gold, Mac. I'm afraid this is very bad news for the kid. Kevin Mask has obtained the near-impossible state of Peak Power." Doc responds.

"He's using it to twist the Kid's arms beyond what's nessissary, beyond what's sporting." as Mac Metaphor pauses in his statements, Kid Muscle's sholders are closed up on, and each in turn cracks sickeningly as his suit parts from his shoulders. "...beyond the breaking point." Doc finishes.

"Ohh! That Noise! It sounded kinda like treebranches snapping!" Roxanne moans, her ears covered in horror.

"Those wern't treebranches, Roxanne." Terry Kenyon tells Roxanne.

"Yea." confirms Wally Tusket. "That was the sound of his arms snapping. They were wrenched from their sockets."

"It's Too Cruel!" Jacklyn gasps, as Kid Muscle screams, crosses his eyes, and passes out.

"Buldging Bicepts!" exclaims Meat from the back of Checkmate, running down the hallway of the arena, attempting to make it to the arena outside. "I think that sound was from The Kid! Kid! I'm Coming!" Meat, Checkmate, and Dikdik emerge from the entrence in time to see Kevin Mask let loose of Olap and Kid Muscle collapse on the ring floor face down. "Oh No! Kid is ~HURT~!" Dikdik exclaims. "We're Too Late." Checkmate states.

"Kevin Mask releases his grip and Kid Muscle collapses to the canvas!" MacMetaphor narrates.

"Kid! You can't lose!" Roxanne yells.

"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddd!!" Meat shatners. "It's Meat, Kid! Your old buddy Meat! I'm here for you now, Kid, and I'm not leaving your corner ever again!"

"Kevin!" Lord Flash gutterally hisses.

"What?" Kevin snaps at his cornerman.

"Don't celebrate your victory until you've achieved it, Comrade." Kevin turns to look at Kid Muscle as Lord Flash continues. "As long as the mark on his forhead glows, Kid is still a dangerous enemy. Your father made the same mistake. He had beaten King Muscle, but instead of kicking him when he was down, he made the fatal error of showing him mercy." Lord Flash tells Kevin with a hybrid Russian/British accent. "This was all his enemy neeted to recharge his power of Ultimate Muscle ant win the Chojink Crrown. Comrade, don't make the same mistake. Show him No Mercy!"

"Yes, No Mercy." Kevin agrees as Kid Muscle starts to stumble up slightly. "My father was a fool, His preoccupation with what he calls 'good sportsmanship' was the obsession of a loser." Kid Muscle stumbles to his feet unsteadily, his eyes still blank. "Fear not, Lord Flash. I will never make the same mistake. I'm prepared to win at any cost!"

"Oh! What have I done?" Jacklyn wonders, rainwater or tears running down her eyes. "Please don't let him lose the match or his limbs."

"Are you o.k.?" Ikemen asks his sister.

"Stay down, Kid." Wally mumbles, rain affecting him similar to Jacklyn.

"His favorite techniques have all failed him, and now he's lost both of his arms." Terry tells the group, rainwater masking what could be tears. "I'm afraid that boy's a sitting duck."

"You should never lose hope," Roxanne says. "even when it seems like you don't have a chance."

"Yea, that's right." Jadger says from the stands. "He's no Liar Liar Pants on Fire. He made a promise to win!"

"Kid Muscle is a TRUE Muscle Leager" Ricardo seemingly weeps, affected by the rain similarly to the others. "It isn't enuff to break both of his arms. If Kevin Mask wants to keep Kid Muscle down, he's going to have to break both of his legs, too!"

"Kid Muscle!" calls Barrier Freeman, again affected by the rainwater in a possibly misleading way. "I'm not just a weirdo with an old man for an arm. I belive in you, Kid!"

"If you lose, Kid," starts Hollywood Bowl, another affected by the rainwater. "My reputation gets flushed down the toilet."

"He's no loser!" Cries Meat, yet another person affected by the rain.

"Meat?" El-Ninyo asks dumbfoundedly.

"It ain't the mummy." Meat quips. "Now Kid, Kid! Listen. You've got two dislocated arms. They're as limp and useless as two wet noodles... but that's no reason to quit! You've gotta find a way to keep on fighting, Kid!"

"How can he fight with Noodlearms?" Dik Dik Van Dik inquires.

"Ayes, Methinks Sir Meat needeths to take his pain medication." Checkmate says.

"Look, I'm not going bonkers. I can see that while the Kid's body has been laid low, his spirit is still riding high!" Meat responds.

"But Meat..." starts Dik Dik.

"No Buts. If I hear one more 'but' I'm gonna have to kick me a few. The kid's got the heart of a champion. He'll figure out somethin'. He'll fight him with his feet. He'll knock him with his knees. He'll hit 'em with his head. He'll tear him with his teeth! I'm gonna help him find a way to win if I have to give him my own arms!" Meat tells his council.

"They're broken, too." Dikdik chimes in.

"WE CAN DO ANYTHING IF WE JUST BELIVE! IF HIS SPIRIT IS STRONG, IF HIS HEART IS PURE," Meat yells with conviction as Kid Muscle's Niku symbol again lights up and connects back together, "AN' IF WE ALL STILL JUST BELIVE IN HIM, HE CAN KEEP ON FIGHTING!"

"Meat's Right! I can do it!" Kid Muscle thinks. "I can still win!"

"So what's it going to be, Muscle? Are you just going to stand there swinging your arms like a lobotomized baboon, or are you going to fight?" Kevin accuratly summarizes.

"Hey, Meat? I need your help." Kid tells to Meat.

"He Needs Me!" Meat says tearily, quickly wiping out his eyes. "Alright. Use those massive muscles to pull those armbones... right back into their sockets."

"Meat, it sounds crazy to me, but I'm going to trust you." Kid Muscle says to Meat, swinging his arms around and having them swing into place. "Wooohoooo! It Worked!"

"It Worked! But How!" exclaim the McMadd family from their throwns.

"It's Most Miraculous!" Checkmate chirps.

"The muscles of the Kinniku Royals can do things normal muscles can't." Dik Dik explains.

"Now I've seen EVERYthing!" El-Ninyo knows.

"Quiet!" Meat silences the Kid's and the spectators' rejoicement.

"Huh?" Kid Muscle says, starting to turn towards Meat at the ropes, but tripping over his own feet and falling to the floor facing Meat.

"Still a klutz." Dik Dik verbally rolls his eyes.

"We've got your arms working... Now if we can get your legs working before Mask makes his next move... and I'm betting that his next move just might be his last move." Meat tells to Kid Muscle.

"Last Move? What do you mean?" Kid exclaims, confused.

"Final. Clencher. Here's a hint: Ding Dong." Meat berates the Kid. "I'm talking famous finishing move, here."

"You mean Big Ben Bash??!" Kid exclaims.

"'Fraid so, but don't worry, Kid. Remember, It's darkest before the dawn, and every cloud has a silver lining, and when life hands you lemons, it's time to make lemonaid, and don't forget that nessessity is the mother of all invention." Meat preaches. "Y'got all that? Kid? I'm talkin' to ya!"

"Uhhhh..." Kid stammers.

"I'm going to keep it simple for you, Kid." Meat clerifies. "Every problem has a solution, so never give up. There's always hope."

"Oh. That makes a lot more sense than clouds or lemons." Kid Muscle stands up. "Now I've got something to say to you. Now this is going to sound a little mushy, but I just wanted you to know that you're the best friend I've ever had, and I'm glad you're in my corner."

"Gee, Thanks." Meat replies, choked up and obviously crying-- the rain not simply making it seem as so.

"...but enough talk. It's not time for words, it's time for action." Kid continues. "It's time to win this match for all my friends."

"The Kid has finally become a man." Meat thinks to himself. "We should start calling him Man Muscle, now!"

"Meat is a great cornerman. There is still much wisdom I must learn from him." El-Ninyo says to himself. "Now, Kid Muscle! I'm giving you the signal you've been waiting for! The corn is ripe! Let the harvest begin!"

"Listen, Mask, I'm not leaving here without the Chojin Crown." Kid Muscle tells Kevin.

"No, you're leaving empty handed... on a streacher!" Kevin Mask retorts.

"We'll see who's right!" Kid Muscle responds.

"I already know ~I'M~ right, but it'll be my pleasure to PROVE it to you!" Kevin Mask states.

"Dyis match has drakt on lyong enuff. It's tyme for tee fiynal blow!" Lord Flash says, eyes wide and gaping red grin plastered on his face and with his british accent heavily obsquired by Russian twang. "Sweech to Termeenal Tacteeks and put an eyend to Kyid Muscle Das Vidanya!"

Kevin and Kid Muscle lock up in a simple test of stregnth.

"This is the ultimate power struggle, Mac!" Doc says.

"Yes, but who's power will prove to be more powerful?" MacMetaphor speculates.

Kevin Mask pushes Kid Muscle to the mat and begins again to glow. "You're going DOWN, Kid MUSCLE!"

"Uh Oh," Doc comments "It looks like Kevin Mask is getting the upper hand!"

"He's going for the gold! He's ~going~ gold!" MacMetaphor states the obvious.

"Yes! Once again Kevin's Maelstrom power has obtained its peak potential! It's almost certain that he'll be able to pin Kid Muscle any moment now!" Doc tells Mac.

"Stop the presses, Doc! Kid Muscle's mark has flared up, and now he's standing up!" Mac Metaphor says as Kid Muscle fights back against Kevin Mask, righting himself.

"You've made your point, Kid Muscle." Kevin Mask says to Kid Muscle. "You're stronger than I thought... but here's my point, a DEADLY point!" Kevin says as he throws Kid Muscle upwards and aims the spike of his helmet towards the falling form of Kid Muscle.

"Look Out, Kid!" Meat exclaims.

"Don't Worry!" Kid Muscle yells back, turning a glistening blue and charging his mowhawk right towards Kevin Mask's spike. "Kinniku Cutter!"

"Good Job!" Meat exclaims.

"Gosh! He's bluer than a berry!" Wally says to Terry.

"An' he's brighter than a Will-O-The-Wisp, Just like Kevin Mask!" Terry responds to Wally.

"Why does he look thusly?" Checkmate inquires to Meat.

"I'm not sure." Meat responds. "I've never seen anything like this. His body is practically pure energy-- mabe he's reached a higher level of Muscle Power-- Mabe the Ultimate Level!!"

The camera shows King Muscle and Robin Mask staring from the shelter of an arena door.

"I hope your son does well." King Muscle says to Robin Mask.

"I wissh your shun only the besht." Robin Mask conneries.

"Robin, let's drop this fake polite act." King Muscle replies.

"Glodly." agrees Robin Mask.

"Kid Muscle! Knock out that Knight Nincompoop!" King Muscle yells to his son.

"Kevin Mashk! Crush Kid Coward!" Robin yells to his son.

Kevin Mask kicks Kid Muscle's shoulders, following with two dozen Karate chops to the same area.

"Kevin Mask is concentrating all his blows on Kid Muscle's injured shoulders. I think he's trying to dislocate his arms again!" Doc yells.

"I havn't seen anything this cruel since my sister use to poke my sunburn and say 'ooh! Does that hurt?' " Mac tells Doc.

Kevin Mask grabs kid in a shoulderlock and forces him to the ground.

"Cruel Indeed, Mac." Doc responds.

"Brutal!" Meat says.

"Yes, his attacking is most fiendish." agrees Checkmate.

"Attacking the weakest point isn't very noble, but it is effective." Dik Dik tells them.

"Kevin! You should be ashamed of winning like this!" El-Ninyo chides Kevin.

"Why? I've broken no rules... though I intend to break some bones!" Kevin Mask says as Kid Muscle's blue glow fades.

"Get up, Kid!" Roxanne yells.

"Let me help you up." Kevin tells Kid Muscle, grabbing the tuft of hair extruded from Kid Muscle's mask and pulling him to his feet.

"Ouch! Hair pulling! He's reminding me more of my sister every minute!" MacMetaphor reflects.

Kevin Mask twists Kid's arms together and begins forcefully rubbing them.

"Mean Hombre!" Terry says.

"If he doesn't stop that, he's going to twist the Kid's arms right off of him!" Wally replies.

"Van Dik," Meat inquires, "Isn't that the same move Kevin used on you?"

"That's exactly the same move he used on me..." Van Dik replies. "and he used it right before his final move!"

"The Big Ben Bash! Kid Look Out! He's getting ready to use his Finishing Move!" Meat cries.

"This match has to end sometime." Kevin says, throwing Kid Muscle into the air. "Let It BE NOW!"

"Kid Muscle!" Jadger yells in supprise.

"It's Over!" Ricardo states.

"No!" exclaims Barrier Freeman.

"The Final Flush!" Hollywood Bowl gushes.

"This is it" Dik Dik predicts.

"He's Finished!" Checkmate agrees.

"There's gotta be somethin' we can do!" Terry yells, searching for some way to help Kid Muscle.

"Gotta Belive." Wally Tusket tells him.

"We Belive! Kid! We Belive In You!" Roxanne calls out encouragingly.

Kevin Mask leaps up, grabbing Kid Muscle's head in a scissorlock, his arm in a shoulderlock, and balancing the whole move by grabbing one of Kid Muscle's legs.

"It looks like Meat was right. Kevin Mask is executing the Big Ben Bash!" Doc calls out.

"Has anyone ever excaped this hold?" MacMetaphor asks.

"Not a single soul, Mac" Doc tells MacMetaphor.

"With this one move, I will end the Kinniku Dynasty, and all shame and dishonor will crash down upon your head. Your arms have suffered too much damage. There is no excape." Kevin gloats.

"I hate it when a bad guy makes a good point." Kid thinks to himself.

"Kid Muscle's about to experience the Bash part of the Big Ben Bash!" MacMetaphor calls out.

"Oh, it's hopeless!" Kid Muscle thinks. "Wait, didn't Meat say something about it being Darkest before the Dawn? Sure is dark, so mabe it isn't hopeless... Oh, what else did Meat say?" Kid flashes back to Meat telling him when life gives you lemons, make lemonaide. "Hey, mabe that's not as stupid as it sounds. Mabe I even know what it means!" Kid finishes his thought.

Kid yells to Kevin. "I gotta turn my weaknesses into stregnths! My shoulders! You think they're my weak point, that you've turned my shoulders into lemons!"

"What Lemons?" Kevin says, confused.

"Well, get ready, because I'm about to turn these lemons into SWEET LEMONAID!" Kid Muscle calls out.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin inquires. "The only aid you're going to taste is First Aid. Have you lost your grip on reality?"

"No, but you've lost your grip..." Kid Muscle says as he pops the arm Kevin was gripping out of place, removing it from Kevin's grasp. "...ON ME!"

"Doc! The Kid excaped by dislocating his own shoulder!" MacMetaphor narrates.

"Your attacks loosened it up, so I made Lemonaid in the Shade!" Kid tells Kevin Mask.

"Fool! How are you going to try and win now without the use of your arm?" Kevin inquires bemusedly, launcing a lazy dropkick at Kid Muscle.

Kid Muscle snaps his arm thrice and relocates it in his shoulder's socket. "Who said I can't use it?"

Kid Muscle then begins glowing blue once again and pounds with his fists and feet on an amazed Kevin Mask as both fall towards the canvas, then sets up for the Kinnikubuster.

"You're wasting your time. We've already disabled this technique!" Kevin reminds Kid.

"But I don't know another one! Wait... Meat said something about this!" Kid Muscle says as he flashes back to Meat. Nessessity is the Mother of all Invention... Nessessity...the Mother of all Invention. Nessessity... Invention."Well, there's plenty of nessessity. I guess I better invent something. This is for my family and all of my fans. This is for everyone who belived in me! Help me find a new way!" Kid Muscle speeds up as the sun comes out from behind the clouds. Kid Muscle grabs each of Kevin Mask's feet and leglocks Kevin's arms... resting Kevin's recumbant and no longer glowing head on his shoulder. "MUSCLE GRAVITY!"

"Doc! What's the kid doing?" "I don't know, Mac. This is something totally new!"

"Sweet Macrel!" Wally Tusket mumbles.

"Sweet Mercy!" Terry the Kid exclaims.

"Careful, Kid!" Roxanne and her friends squeal.

"It's Harvest Time, Kid! Harvest Time!" El-Ninyo yells excitedly.

Kid Muscle lands in a large cloud of dust. Kevin Mask slowly frees his head and Kid Muscle releases his grip. As Kevin Mask falls, he says "I have been a lone wolf for far too long. My powers were fueled by anger and rage... but your power was fueled by something greater... the power of friendship."

"Kevin!" Lord Flash hisses as the audence and spectators sit dumbfoundedly. "I don't belive it!"

"The audence is completly frozen in disbelif." Doc diagnoses.

"The magnitude of the move is still sinking in!" replies MacMetaphor.

Ramen Man, Buffaloman, and Star Face wave their hands in front of their faces. "Now the judges make it official!" Mac Metaphor clarifies. Ikemen hefts the wooden hammer and strikes the bell three times.

The audience goes wild.

Kid Muscle rises up and celebrates.

"After what seems like an eternity of fighting," Mac Metaphor narrates, "this marathon match has oficially come to an end, and Kid Muscle is victorious. He is the new Chojin Crown Champion!"

"Kid Muscle," Kevin strains, righting himself on the ring ropes. "I used my deadliest move, but your moves were deadlier. I used my mightiest powers, but your powers were mightier. You have defeated me, Kid Muscle, but this has been the greatest match of my career."

"I fell the same way. It was my greatest match, too. Strange as it seems, I think we bring out the best of each other." Kid Muscle offers his hand to Kevin Mask, who takes it in a handshake. "Let's do this again sometime."

"It'd be an honor" Kevin mask says, his helmet's doubled dints glowing red... before shrinking away to nonexistence. "to do this again some day."

"Look at his mask!" Roxanne exclaim.

"Those cracks in the mask have dissappeared!" Wally exclaims.

"Y'know what that means. The feud between their families is finally over!"

Kevin Mask tries to stumble to the next set of ropes... which were broken earlier in the match.

"Comrade!" Lord Flash yells, before ejecting three foot-long spikes from his fist, thrusting them into the ground, and using the leverage to launch himself underneith Kevin and preventing a headfirst fall into the concrete. Kevin Mask bounces off of Lord Flash, of whom the impact cracks the whole of his body. As Lord Flash stands up, his carapace shatters, revealing the black form of Warsman. All spectators gasp, and Kid Muscle is shocked.

"Lord Flash is really... that Villan!? Lord Flash is that Russian Wrestler Warsman?" Kid exclaims, dumbfounded. "Half Man, Half Robot, all Villan?"

"Why did you decieve me?" Kevin asks Warsman.

"To Rrepay yourr father," Warsman responds, handing Kevin his father's book of techniques. "by teaching you hiss secret techniques... but I knew because of yourr hatred of him, you'd neverr have trusted me if you knew why I was here."

"Warsman, wait." Kevin calls out.

"You have bekome a grreat Wrestlerr. Perhapse even greater than your fatherr. My work here iss done."

"Warsman, WAIT!" Kevin calls to Warsman as he walks towards the exit.

"Warshman, you're a true friend!" Robin Mask calls out to the leaving Warsman.

"Mabe, but he's not very friendly." King Muscle says. "I mean, why is he leaving before the post-game party? I have it catered and everything!"

"Warshman was neither human nor Choshin. He was a fighting machine." Robin Mask says, reflecting on some of Warsman's previous matches. "and no matter how hard I tried to make him feel like he was one of ush, he alwaysh felt like an outshider. I shall Missh him."

"Whatever." King Muscle cuts off Robin. "Enough about him. Frankly, that guy always gave me the creeps. How 'bout that match? It reminds me of the one that we had."

"Hishtory hash a nashty habit of repeating itshelf." Robin Mask replies.

"Don't be such a party pooper We can be proud of both of our boys." King Muscle replies.

Kid Muscle is getting his belt buckled on as Ikemon looks on in displeasure.. "The Chojin Crown, the symbol of Ultimate Achieval, adorns the Championship Belt." MacMetaphor narrates once again.

"The same championship belt that was worn by his father when I had a full head of hair." Doc tells MacMetaphor. "I think I'm getting a little verklempt."

Kid Muscle vaults up to the ropes, raising his arms, celebrating his victory.

"Doc, this is indeed a historical day. Kid Muscle is a most unlikly hero, but he's not only won this championship, but the hearts of an entire galaxy." Mac Metaphor yells, as Kid Muscle crouches down into a squat. "The intoxicating scent of his victory perfumes the air." Mac Metaphor finishes as Kid Muscle's head turns red.

Kid Muscle lets off a lound fart, and all present shield their nose in some way.

"Gross!" tosses Trixie

"Totally!" Kiki crows.

"You can forget about that Kiss!" Roxanne says.

"Ikemen, take that belt back!" McMadd exclames to his son.

"Let sister do it!" Ikemen says.

"I'm not going near 'em!" interjects Jacklyn.

"This stinks worse than Cow Manuer!" says El-Ninyo, fanning his nose against the odors.

"This stinks worse than Fisheads!" Wally Tusket knowingly exclaims.

"I'll pay you a hundred bucks to cut off my nose!" Dik Dik Van Dik offers to Checkmate.

"It's a weapon of mass distruction!" Jadger tells his doctor.

"Jadger, what do you need?" asks his family.

"A Gass Mask!" Brocken Jr. says.

"Let's send him some of your adult diapers." Barrier Freeman says to himself.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Ricardo hurls.

"I've smelt some doozies in my time, but this is the worst." Hollywood Bowl complements.

"We know from whom he inherited thish dishgushting trait." Robin Mask says to King Muscle.

"Hey, it's just roughage!" King Muscle quips back.

"Havn't you heard the saying? You are what you eat." Kid Muscle jokes as the screen is enclosed by a bowl of Cow and Rice. "Hey! All I wanted was one more bowl!" The circle attempts to close, and Kid Muscle pushes it back. "I didnt' say I wanted to BE a bowl!" Kid says as the circle closes up, leaving only the tuft of his hair in the middle of the bowl. The bowl sits onscreen for a few seconds before fading out.

Edited by theorgg, 24 May 2004 - 08:40 PM.

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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#33 jkaris


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 06:17 PM

Well, here's nearly the summary(next post.) All I need to know is the names of Roxanne's red haired friend and black haired friend.

Trixie(Tamaki) and Kiki(Keiko)
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#34 TheOrgg


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:44 PM

To quote in Robin Mask's accent:

"An' Thash All, Folksh. Yesh it ish. It wash a good run, but now itsh oveh. Go shay shomthing to 4 Kidsh entertainment and Toei Animashion if you want shome more. King Mushle's Shon shtole the title from Kevin and stayed the Mashk family name in dishhonor. Shadly, mosht people will take this shi+ting down, and we'll be forgotten. Sho it goesh."
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#35 Knuxman


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 10:40 PM

In non-existant pentagon voice:

"I can't believe i didn't get to talk at all! i didn't even get to insult King Muscle! 77 episodes and only like 6 of us legends spoke! WHAT! YOU DON'T THINK I'M A LEGEND! Well if "King Tut" can be a legend then i might as well be Kinniku Daiou! At least I had first hand experience with warsman! NO FIRST HAND DRILL CLAW JOKES! At least I might speak in the ps2 game, what do I sound like!? Even I don't know! But at least i don't change mine between performances, like a certain roosky robo! I swear Black Hole and I could destroy him!"

Doc Nakano: "This has been a rant from an irate angel"

btw, did i make good use of your format theorgg? thx.
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"So it goes."

#36 YoshiAngemon


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Posted 25 May 2004 - 01:49 AM

Uh... maybe I should've recorded the show from Day 1, instead of Kirby. That way, I wouldn't have needed to spend that money on the DVD! Plus I wouldn't be WAITING!! If anything's willing to catch on faster than Ultimate Muscle, I say Sonic X!
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"Bonjour! Monsieur Cheeks here, with the Chojin Crown News du Jour! ... So, without further ado, LET'S GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT!" -- Monsieur Cheeks.

#37 smackman


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Posted 25 May 2004 - 07:58 PM

Screw Sonic X already! :D BTW no offence to Mike. I'm sure he does a wonderful job voicing the Dr. Eggman character.

Anyways, I was thinking about something today, In the last few episodes when they showed flashbacks of the Chojin crown battle between Suguru and Robin Mask, didn't they say that Kinnikuman was the winner? I thought Robin Mask won. Am I just hearing things, or did they change that too? :D
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#38 Marik_KIN


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Posted 25 May 2004 - 09:59 PM

Anyways, I was thinking about something today, In the last few episodes when they showed flashbacks of the Chojin crown battle between Suguru and Robin Mask, didn't they say that Kinnikuman was the winner? I thought Robin Mask won. Am I just hearing things, or did they change that too? ^_^

Actually, no. Kinnikuman won with a Mexican Rolling Clutch Hold. Robin Mask appeared to have it won, but he released the Tower Bridge too soon. The pinfall stip was added so Suguru would have a chance, since he lacked a finisher.
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#39 smackman


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Posted 26 May 2004 - 07:56 PM

Thanks! :lol:
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Posted Image

#40 Marik_KIN


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Posted 27 May 2004 - 12:03 PM

No problem.
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#41 Juan


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Posted 29 May 2004 - 07:35 PM

i thought the ending was cool and yes him farting was kinda of lame but that's how the japanese people are when the action gets to intense they easliy bring you down with some lame humor which is cool and i'm used to these methods they use in dragonball. for example when goku is kicking arse and you start to think he's a bad arse, he'll kill the mood with saying something stupid and everyone even the viewers sometimes have the big tear drop hanging from our temple on the left side of our head. i thought the series was kick arse and i'm not in fear that cartoon won't be shown here here because it's just cheaper for fox to bring these cartoons from over seas than to make them and also there is cartoon network which nought us back family guy to us even though it's in rerun but now fox is considering on bring family guy back on fox. so if everyone got together to let cartoon network know that we want ultimate muscle or the the first series with his dad I think they would try to do that. so i'm not worried because this cartoon has a loyal following and would work out.
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#42 YoshiAngemon


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Posted 30 May 2004 - 02:07 AM

4Kids probably doesn't have the budget with Fox to upgrade the Fox Box to Weekday afternoons! Besides, I can think of three reasons why they wouldn't want weekdays!

One: Fox obviously has NO budget put in for weekday afternoons
Two: most kids have cable, and can watch such shows as Lilo & Stitch: The Series, Fairly OddParents, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, MegaMan: NT Warrior, and a few others I can name!
And Three: Fox is cheap, and would blow their budget on stupid shows like The Simple Life, Forever Eden, or even American Idol and The Simpsons!

A friend of mine was once wondering if there would ever be "The Simple Life 48," when the show wouldn't even LAST THAT LONG!!! Can you believe the stupidness?

I looked up tv.yahoo.com, and I saw that there's no reruns of Ultimate Muscle airing later on.
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"Bonjour! Monsieur Cheeks here, with the Chojin Crown News du Jour! ... So, without further ado, LET'S GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT!" -- Monsieur Cheeks.

#43 TheOrgg


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Posted 30 May 2004 - 09:46 AM

So who will give me the very shortened summary of "The Menu?"

The show has replaced our beloved Ultimate Muscle, and with that, I'd like to know why it's been done in that manner.
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#44 pfisteria



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Posted 30 May 2004 - 12:16 PM

So who will give me the very shortened summary of "The Menu?"

From TVGuide.com:

The latest in music, movies, TV, sports, fashion, and beauty, geared toward teenage girls.
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"If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

#45 Frobman



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Posted 30 May 2004 - 01:15 PM

So who will give me the very shortened summary of "The Menu?"

From TVGuide.com:

The latest in music, movies, TV, sports, fashion, and beauty, geared toward teenage girls.

Would've been better replaced with something else, I'd say! Or more Kin Nisei.
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#46 nemo 80

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 06:41 AM

I would have ended it thusly Instead of trying the Kinniku buster on kevin kid should have grabed his armor from behind and used it as a handle to beat kev off the mat and post until the ring was destroied. at which point the straps on the armor would break and he would go flying. as he got up you would see that his mask is broken just enough to see that one eye is swollen shut. as he stands up he staggers and almost falls just then to everyone surprise a towel lands at his feet. he looks up to see kid walking away with his head held high. after everyone recovers kevin is named the winner. later on everyone is upset talking about what they will do if the Dmp returns at which point kid will walk in and say if they come back " I 'll just beat them again" "you guys need to relax, i quit because it wasn't important. this match wasn't to defend the innocent or avenge a friend. i wasn't fighting some villian trying to conquer earth. When i saw him get up that last time i realized that this meant more to him then it did to me and that he would not give up. if the match continued one or both of us was gonna get hurt maybe killed. and no mere title is worth that and besides there's always next year." Terry wouldn't like it but would concide that he right. meat would be proud of him for thinking of some one else for a change.
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#47 Ms. KinnikuFan

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 11:57 AM

In non-existant pentagon voice:

"I can't believe i didn't get to talk at all! i didn't even get to insult King Muscle! 77 episodes and only like 6 of us legends spoke! WHAT! YOU DON'T THINK I'M A LEGEND! Well if "King Tut" can be a legend then i might as well be Kinniku Daiou! At least I had first hand experience with warsman! NO FIRST HAND DRILL CLAW JOKES! At least I might speak in the ps2 game, what do I sound like!? Even I don't know! But at least i don't change mine between performances, like a certain roosky robo! I swear Black Hole and I could destroy him!"

Doc Nakano: "This has been a rant from an irate angel"

btw, did i make good use of your format theorgg? thx.

Actually, I think pentagon spoke very briefly in episode three.
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Aw hell, I can't think of a good signature!

#48 Checkmate17


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Posted 16 June 2004 - 04:24 PM

I never got a chance to see this episode and I just wanted to know if Warsman looked like he aged at all. Thanks in advance!
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#49 STG


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Posted 16 June 2004 - 07:32 PM

I never got a chance to see this episode and I just wanted to know if Warsman looked like he aged at all. Thanks in advance!

Warsman cannot age because he is Robo-chojin. :)
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#50 Knuxman


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Posted 16 June 2004 - 07:51 PM

In non-existant pentagon voice:

"I can't believe i didn't get to talk at all! i didn't even get to insult King Muscle! 77 episodes and only like 6 of us legends spoke! WHAT! YOU DON'T THINK I'M A LEGEND! Well if "King Tut" can be a legend then i might as well be Kinniku Daiou! At least I had first hand experience with warsman! NO FIRST HAND DRILL CLAW JOKES! At least I might speak in the ps2 game, what do I sound like!? Even I don't know!  But at least i don't change mine between performances, like a certain roosky robo! I swear Black Hole and I could destroy him!"

Doc Nakano: "This has been a rant from an irate angel"

btw, did i make good use of your format theorgg? thx.

Actually, I think pentagon spoke very briefly in episode three.

Really? i'll have to check that if i get the dvd. thx!

btw, nice new smileys jonny! :cow: :) , but my fave is still :KS:
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