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#51 MissMothra


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Posted 21 October 2007 - 02:03 PM

My dad wants to get me the one from Target for Christmas.. and my boyfriend wants to get me the Wal-Mart one for Christmas.. so there's a chance I'll have them all XD;

Best Buy had an exclusive one also. It came with 2 figures!

^_^ Me want. T__T
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#52 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 09 November 2007 - 09:47 PM

Well, I'm a bit late, so I'm not gonna be a big critic.

Okay Movie.

Most attempts at Humor, Pointless or just stupid.

CGI, Pretty Good, but as said, Most of the action was a blur of jumbled CG.

Actors, Not bad. Some were unnecessary.

Many useless scenes, not enough Character development for the Main Attraction. Transformers.

Jazz was stupid and deserved to die. :D No, I loved Jazz, but the new one was terrible.

Transformers are heartless towards their own kind and only care for humans....But that's nothing new. :p

Even if it shrunk down too carry on size, wouldn't the allspark still weigh tons?

What Happened to Scorponok?

A whole hour and a half of "OH CRAP WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" With the Human characters.

Not enough Transformers. Some of the Robot forms sucked.

I've learned that anything modern that Spielberg has anything to do with will suck, and Michael Bay is a idiot. I hope this movie has ruined his credibility and his career. He shouldn't do anymore Scifi flicks in my opinion.

I think it was Orca who mentioned Black Hawk Down. That's what I was thinking of during most of the battle scenes.

Overall, not a bad movie, but not a good one.

Keep in mind that I am not in any way comparing the movie to the old show, cause well there really is no comparison. If it wasn't for Peter Cullens or the Name Transformers, you would have never known it was a Transformers movie......well except for the transforming parts. :D But it's something completely different in my opinion.

Now compared to the G1 Transformers.

Sucked A$$!!!!

Terrible movie!!!

The Characters, Transformers and the like were terribly developed.

It's obvious that Bay completely ignored the original script and did what he wanted. You can tell since on some occasions what seemed like something that would happen or be said would happen for a split second.

I own the DVD, but I don't know if I will watch it anymore if at all.

The Plot was dry, like most TF plots are, but still for a modern movie it could have been better, or at least more compatible with the original plot. (Transformers at war, During Battle, they Crash on Earth and are stuck in Stasis lock until they revive.)

I actually thought that at the beginning the helicopter was trying to steal energon, until someone said they were stealing data. :(

I hope they get a new director for the sequel.

I sort of felt that the original 80's animated movie was more serious and realistic at most points.

the new designs were too apelike, and they were on their hands and knees, or clinging to walls and stuff way too often. They never did that in the original transformers.

They were too animated. Your so used to them being clunky, that the new constant movement was a bit of an eye sore. I mean humans don't even move around that much.

The music was too loud.

Sometimes transformers took up the whole screen and made it hard to tell what was going on, and there were too many cuts and screen changes.

But hey, it was something new, and a completely fresh take on Transformers, and that's nothing bad. Transformers has had so many changes and stuff that it's crazy. But they usually all had the same feel to them.

I did kind of feel like I was forced to watch it. Not that I was, but I got these urges to get up and do something else at certain parts. I guess endless action gets a little tedious at times.

I would have rather a 50 year old guy write this movie who knew nothing about it, than some 20-30 year old guys who still get kicks out of peepee humor. (It worked for Beast Wars)

Uh OH. I said I wouldn't be too critical, but I just couldn't stop typing.

I tried, but I couldn't really find too many positive points for this movie. I guess I'm just crazy.
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#53 asator


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Posted 09 November 2007 - 10:44 PM

All I can do is quote the song "Pearl Harbor Sucked... and I Miss You" from the movie "Team America",

"Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?"
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#54 Czarcher


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 03:17 AM

:D Wow URS I did'nt expect all that. I guess I'M the minority round' here.
I feel like a .. [ Insert Racist Analogy Here ] :D
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#55 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 10 November 2007 - 09:27 AM

I was surprised myself Cz, I started watching it like Veers, with the lowest expectations possible, and it hit exactly at my lowest expectation. The opening was Great! Don't get me wrong, Prime giving the back story was tingly. But it didn't' live up past that. The battle scene with the Helicopter was also pretty cool, but after that it just lagged out for so long that it was ridiculous. All that Security break stuff was really pointless, they only had to say it once, and we would have got the point, but it was like a 20 minute thing of "they hacked the system!!"

What's funny is my 5 year old cousin was over today, so I popped it in. His mom said they tried watching it with him and he fell asleep in the middle of it the first time. He must of fell asleep like 5 minutes into it, cause when the helicopter battle came up he said he didn't remember this part. :D Then he completely lost interest in the movie after 10 minutes. If you can't keep the attention of a 5 year old for 15 minutes of a 2 hour movie, it's not a good movie. I remember sitting through the entire Star Wars trilogy when I was his age.

Oh and the Transformations were pretty good too. There really is no diss on the graphics or the explosions and intricate car flips and everything, those things were the most commendable things. But the Robot designs just didn't sit well with me is all.

Edited by Universal Ruler Supreme, 10 November 2007 - 09:29 AM.

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#56 el midgetron

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Posted 10 November 2007 - 09:47 AM

I haven't seen it but they were playing it at a video rental place I was at last night. I thought I heard one of the transformers saying he "got it on eBay"? Maybe a human character said that, dunno.
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#57 YoshiAngemon


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 10:18 AM

Actually, it was Optimus, who said "eBay," referring to how he found out about the glasses. Incidentally, my parents bought the Transforming case from Target, and I bought the Movie-Accurate Voyager Class Megatron! Of course, the ironic thing about Optimus Prime's statement was that eBay is where I bought the RID Ultra Magnus that I was searching for! I already had Optimus Prime from the RID Line for years, now, and now he's become Omega Prime!
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#58 hunterrose2000


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 11:23 AM

All I can do is quote the song "Pearl Harbor Sucked... and I Miss You" from the movie "Team America",

"Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?"

"Mr. Bay, those are special effects...NOT ideas."
"I don't understand the difference."
"...I know you don't."

Why does he get to keep making movies? Because they make money. And they make money because too many people have low standards when it comes to these types of movies....that, or jackasses like me will pay to see it, knowing Bay is a complete douche and that he will cheapen anything he touches, simply because it's "Transformers". I blame myself...and yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am!

And to be clear, no, URS, you are most certainly not crazy for disliking the movie. I think they actively tried to "dumb down" a cartoon...that was aimed solely at kids...and existed only for the purpose of selling toys...now THAT's dumb.
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#59 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 10 November 2007 - 12:16 PM

If you forget the fact that it was a transformers movie, remove transformers from the title, and make it so that none of the names are transformer related, then it's not that bad of a movie on it's own. I think the major reason why so many disliked it, was because it was an attempt at Transformers and it wasn't a good movie. So they took a not so good movie to begin with, stuck Transformers on the front of it, and instead of getting an average movie we get a worse movie due to it's failings to beat everyones standards and expectations of what a Transformers movie should be. Did that make any sense? :lol:

I wouldn't mind them remaking the original movie into complete CG with the new designs. That might be interesting. They would have to use the original score, and dialog though. :D
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#60 hunterrose2000


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 12:54 PM

If you forget the fact that it was a transformers movie, remove transformers from the title, and make it so that none of the names are transformer related, then it's not that bad of a movie on it's own. I think the major reason why so many disliked it, was because it was an attempt at Transformers and it wasn't a good movie. So they took a not so good movie to begin with, stuck Transformers on the front of it, and instead of getting an average movie we get a worse movie due to it's failings to beat everyones standards and expectations of what a Transformers movie should be. Did that make any sense? :lol:

I wouldn't mind them remaking the original movie into complete CG with the new designs. That might be interesting. They would have to use the original score, and dialog though. :D

Well, you're saying its not a bad movie in and of itself, and I have to disagree. I think it's especially bad because it craps on everything you love about Transformers, but in and of itself, it's still an awful movie. I don't care what the subject is supposed to be, random giant robots, transformers, or pink fluffy bunnies. If the movie is supposed to be centered around pink fluffy bunnies, and the main advertising is about pink fluffy bunnies, and the reason everyone wants to see it is for the pink fluffy bunnies, then you'd better damn well give some pink fluffy bunnies...not some assclown Nickelodeon "star" who thinks he's a comedian and spends the whole movie alternately making lame jokes and staring googly-eyed at a pair of incredibly fake ta-tas. And if you want to pad the running time with some completely unnecessary subplot and characters that you're just going to ditch 3/4 into the movie and never resolve, how about some goddamn pink fluffy bunnies? Instead we get some fat assclown who thinks he's a comedian and another vapid valley girl who looks in no possible way, shape or form like the super-hacker she's supposedly playing.

The movie just assaults you in every possible way with mindlessness. And before I get assaulted for being elitist or demanding too much from an action movie, I like dumb movies. But I don't like dumb movies that aren't fun. And there's just too many examples of it being done right to have to put up with garbage like this. Special effects do not automatically make for engaging and exciting action. You have to have some minimal level of talent and respect for what you're doing. Michael Bay has neither.

Edited by hunterrose2000, 10 November 2007 - 12:55 PM.

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#61 Czarcher


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 01:44 PM

What's funny is my 5 year old cousin was over today, so I popped it in. His mom said they tried watching it with him and he fell asleep in the middle of it the first time. He must of fell asleep like 5 minutes into it, cause when the helicopter battle came up he said he didn't remember this part. :D Then he completely lost interest in the movie after 10 minutes.

He obviously did'nt have his nap that day. :lol:
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#62 TheOrgg


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Posted 12 November 2007 - 08:30 AM

I enjoyed BATTLEFIELD EARTH more than this movie.

THAT should say something.
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

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#63 Tortle



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Posted 12 November 2007 - 09:03 AM

I enjoyed BATTLEFIELD EARTH more than this movie.

THAT should say something.

Yeah, Battlefield Earth sucked. I wouldn't go that far myself... I'm in the middle of the road with the new TF movie. I agree with a lot of what URS and hunterrose are saying, and I thought this quote from URS was especially applicable to the movie:

A whole hour and a half of "OH CRAP WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" With the Human characters.


But I also thought that it was cool enough that I was entertained. I love the new designs of the robots and the Shia LaBouf storyline was good enough to keep me interested.

I disagree that this movie is worse than the original cartoon. I just finished watching the old G1 movie this weekend and while it was fun from a nostalgic point of view, from every other perspective (plot, character development, animation), it was terrible. I agree that the new TF movie isn't fantastic, but at least Wheelie and Blur aren't in it. And what did Ironhide say... something like "I'm ready to bust some Decepti-chops"? :lol: And the Dinobots were terrible. Why did I like this as a kid? :lol:
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#64 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 12 November 2007 - 01:55 PM

:unsure: Man! Those were some of my favorite characters and quotes from the movie. :D Except Wheelie.

One of the funnest things about the old movie is looking for mistakes. :lol: There was a website dedicated to mistakes made in the movie, but the guy hasn't updated it in like 3 years. I sent him a whole huge list of stuff he missed. He emailed me back saying he would add them, but he never updated again. :D


Nifty little site. :lol:
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