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Who is the Chosen One?

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Poll: Which Skywalker is really the 'Chosen One'? (23 member(s) have cast votes)

Which Skywalker is really the 'Chosen One'?

  1. Anakin Skywalker (19 votes [82.61%])

    Percentage of vote: 82.61%

  2. Luke Skywalker (4 votes [17.39%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.39%

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#51 jkaris


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Posted 17 January 2006 - 06:44 PM

Nice take Kevin.
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#52 Ridureyu


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Posted 17 January 2006 - 08:27 PM

And keep one very important thing in mind.

Fans had 25 years to imagine what happened in the prequels and to mull over the little details. it really doesn't matter what movies were released, ANY prequel trilogy would be hated because it doesn't match the fans' mental picture perfectly - my sister HATES every movie based ona book because it doesn't perfectly match her mental picture of everything.

She spent ten minutes complaining about Hermione's dress in the last Harry Potter movie because the buttons weren't "right."
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#53 Kevin Mayle

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 09:21 PM

Fans had 25 years to imagine what happened in the prequels and to mull over the little details. it really doesn't matter what movies were released, ANY prequel trilogy would be hated because it doesn't match the fans' mental picture perfectly - my sister HATES every movie based ona book because it doesn't perfectly match her mental picture of everything.

I've also noticed that kids that are under the age of 12 right now, and haven't been influenced by adult fans, don't see this clear distinction between the 2 trilogies. They don't share in the belief that the original trilogy is the greatest thing ever and the prequel trilogy is the worst thing ever. For them, picking one episode over any of the others is like the saying Moonraker is the greatest Roger Moore - James Bond film and his other six are crap. Maybe 25 years from now the average populace will just think of them like the Planet of the Apes films. An old sci-fi film series that started off strong and got weaker. They'll see Dath Maul's awesome lightsaber stuff at the beginning descend to the really crappy Darth Vader lightsaber stuff at the end. They'll see cool aliens in the beginning descend to teddy bear costumes by the end. They'll see the kick-arse pod race at the beginning descend to the less impressive speederbike chase by the end. They'll see it takes the second most powerful jedi to take down Jango Fett descend to that ridiculous death for Boba Fett. Lines like "Laugh it up, fuzzball" and "Laserbrain" will help blend with anything out of Jar Jars mouth to just give them an endless stream of stiff, crappy dialogue. They'll be left with the impression that the budget ran out by the end of the series.
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#54 Personality #9

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 09:34 PM

I've also noticed that kids that are under the age of 12 right now, and haven't been influenced by adult fans, don't see this clear distinction between the 2 trilogies. They don't share in the belief that the original trilogy is the greatest thing ever and the prequel trilogy is the worst thing ever. For them, picking one episode over any of the others is like the saying Moonraker is the greatest Roger Moore - James Bond film and his other six are crap. Maybe 25 years from now the average populace will just think of them like the Planet of the Apes films. An old sci-fi film series that started off strong and got weaker. They'll see Dath Maul's awesome lightsaber stuff at the beginning descend to the really crappy Darth Vader lightsaber stuff at the end. They'll see cool aliens in the beginning descend to teddy bear costumes by the end. They'll see the kick-arse pod race at the beginning descend to the less impressive speederbike chase by the end. They'll see it takes the second most powerful jedi to take down Jango Fett descend to that ridiculous death for Boba Fett. Lines like "Laugh it up, fuzzball" and "Laserbrain" will help blend with anything out of Jar Jars mouth to just give them an endless stream of stiff, crappy dialogue. They'll be left with the impression that the budget ran out by the end of the series.

First off, Lucas wrote Episodes I-III primarily for kids. Sure 12 year olds right now can't make the distinction of what trilogy is supposedly better, but I'm sure that once they mature, they'll realise that even though the original movies didn't have as great of special effects, the overall story and plot is much deeper and interesting that just about anything that the prequels have to offer.
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#55 Kevin Mayle

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 09:59 PM

First off, Lucas wrote Episodes I-III primarily for kids.

If I was a kid I'd think all that political and forced romance crap was not for me, but the fun and adventure of Episodes IV-VI was MORE kid friendly.

the original movies story and plot is much deeper

There isn't anything particularly DEEP about an old mentor aiding a young hero to save the princess and vanquish the black knight. It wasn't deep in 1977, it's not deep in 2006 and it won't be deep in 2031.
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#56 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 08:51 AM

You know, I wouldn't mind if Lucas remade the original trilogy completely. I can't stand CG, but the 70's film just doesn't fit right with all that new technology. I honestly couldn't care less what Lucas does with his films and his money. I can agree with everything that Kevin has stated, but that doesn't mean I have to like the new movies as much as the old ones. I will admit I do like them to an extent, if only for the sake of them being star wars related, but they just feel like common hollywood fodder in the end. Also if you pay close attention while watching the new movies they sometimes get sloppy with their CG animation. For one thing they apparently were afraid of babies, cause Luke and Leia were CGed into place in episode III. The animation is just sloppy when the robot hands the baby to Obiwan. Also when Obiwan is talking to Cody (clone), the animation of the body doesn't match his head when he walks over and then turns his head. When Yoda jumps on Chewies back, that just isn't animated too well either, and the Wookies. Well, there were like 6 wookies that they just copied and pasted into the initial charge of the wookie battle. I saw the same wookie jump over the barricade like 3 or 4 times. If anything Lucas could have splurged and took some lessons from the Lord of the Rings. Not that it was any better in the animation department.

Oh! And to stay on topic, Although Lucas mentioned the Chosen one thing in Episode I, the prophecy became blurred for most when Anakin turned to the darkside. Although we knew the end of the series already, it seemed to most that Luke had a much larger involvement in the fulfillment of it than his father did. It seemed after all that fuss, all orphan Ani had to do was kill the emperor and Poof he's the chosen one! Pretty lame if you ask me.
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#57 Kevin Mayle

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 03:45 PM

I can't stand CG

I like CG when done well (Jurassic Park) and don't like it when done poorly (Hoodwinked). When I went to art school it seemed everyone else in class was pursuing a career in CG animation and were really put off by art classes requiring them to pick up a pencil for the first time and actually try learning the basics of drawing. I'm also put to sleep when I watch DVD bonus features of some CG guy drone on about all the details of spending 4 straight years animating Gollum's left ear.

I wouldn't mind if Lucas remade the original trilogy completely.

Personally if I could get Episode IV with the Luke/Treadwell scene and the two Biggs/Anchorhead scenes fully restored and reinserted, I'd be content to never watch any of the other episodes again.

orphan Ani

That's funny! He was an orphan, wasn't he. God, what was George thinking?!? Nobody called Obi Wan, Obi. It wouldn't have seemed like a mouthful to say Anakin.

Edited by kevinmayle, 28 January 2006 - 07:54 AM.

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#58 EVOM


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Posted 18 January 2006 - 05:26 PM

Holy crap... I'm not the only one who knows ZARDOZ?!?!?!


Seriously though, the first time I saw Zardoz and heard that speach I was laughin so hard I was in tears! :woot:
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#59 Ridureyu


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Posted 18 January 2006 - 11:06 PM


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#60 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 11:14 PM

I like CG when done well (Jurassic Park) and don't like it when done poorly (Hoodwinked). But from personal experience I really don't like CG animators. 
I'm also put to sleep when I watch DVD bonus features of some CG guy drone on about all the details of spending 4 straight years animating Gollum's left ear.

I totally agree with you! I really enjoy CG when done wonderfully! For it's time Jurassic parks animation was quite good! I also like full on CG films like a Bug's Life. But when someone goes blah de blah! and tries to pass CG off as real looking and totally fails at it they really make me mad! (Final Fantasy: SW) Geez! Lucas shot just about everything on a blue screen!!! It's no wonder the acting wasn't up to par! A good actor feeds off his surroundings and other actors! Not a dimension full of smurfs! They had like a chair and a fan! And don't even get me started on Gollum! :woot:

Personally if I could get Episode IV with the Luke/Treadwell scene and the two Biggs/Anchorhead scenes fully restored and reinserted, I'd be content to never watch any of the other episodes again.

Well, we will have to wait and see what Lucas jams in the Super Ultra Master Jedi DVD Collection about 3 years from now! I know he reshot some old scenes in the originals with some new actors. For instance he reshot the hologram recording of Sidious talking to Vader in ESB with Ian Mcdiaramid, and I believe he redid the ending to ROTJ yet again. Hopefully he'll at least repolish the horrid CG he threw in the Special Editions in the mid 90's.

orphan Ani

That's funny! He was an orphan, wasn't he. God, what was George thinking?!? Nobody called Obi Wan, Obi. It wouldn't have seemed like a mouthful to say Anakin.

Yes, it's no wonder our little chosen one was mental. :kev:
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#61 Ridureyu


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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:48 AM

In honor of the random Zardozisms, I have decided to create a desktop image using screenshots from the movie.


(EDIT) Now made into a YTMND!

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Edited by Ridureyu, 19 January 2006 - 01:53 AM.

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#62 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 06:23 PM

You know! This was probably one of the better discussions we had on Star Wars. I thought of a couple new points, and some other confusing stuff.

I watched Ep:1 today for some unknown reason. :( It has been so long since I seen it last, that I had forgotten some of the dialouge that took place. For instance when Qui-Gon is talking to Anakin's momma, he asked her who the father was, and low and behold! There was no Father! What the devil is up with that? That kind of makes Darth Vader a Bast@rd!!! B)

And an interesting point! If you reread this thread, you'll remember all that we talked about regarding stuff like "If it wasn't for Luke this wouldn't have happened"! You know stuff that would sort of justify Luke being the Chosen One. But when you think about it, if Anakin didn't get Jiggy with Padme' then they wouldn't have had Luke. So in a way Anakin would essentially still have been the chosen one even if his babies were the ones who brought balance to the force.

Also I never noticed it before, but Aurra Sing was in Ep:1 for like a second during the pod race! That's kind of odd isn't? I thought she was just an expanded Universe character or something.
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#63 Ridureyu


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Posted 01 October 2006 - 08:45 PM

If you think that's bad, try to see if you can spot Quinlan Vos in Episode I.

He's there.
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#64 Universal Ruler Supreme

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 09:15 AM

From what I've just read about Quinlan, Apparently his design was taken from the Extra sitting in the background when Sebulba was introduced. Do you think they did the same thing with Aurra Sing? I'm not to big on the expanded stuff, but I know about alot of the characters, so exactly how long they have been around is a mystery to me.
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#65 pasvagrsvj


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:41 AM

Aurra was intentionally put in. Quinlan was created based on the background extra.
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#66 Checkmate1989


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 01:56 PM

It's Shadow! He even has a song called "Chosen One"!
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#67 TheOrgg


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 02:23 PM

Neo = oNe

1 = 1

93X+52X-97 = 1
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#68 Soupie



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Posted 02 October 2006 - 02:36 PM

Neo = oNe

1 = 1

93X+52X-97 = 1


L is the 12th letter in the alphabet, U is the 21st, K is the 11th, and E is the 5th.

12 + 21 + 11 + 5 = 49

4 + 9 = 13 (9 - 4 = 5)

1 + 3 = 4 (5)

5 - 4 = 1

Ergo, Luke is NOT the Chosen One.

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