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what KIND of plastic are these guys made of?

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#51 phillymadison



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Posted 24 May 2003 - 08:44 PM

Actually Marty I do own 3 of your customs 2 brockens and a bug guy (Me and Alex did a trade)

But I haven't talked to you on the phone lol

I read the other topic soran did and I do agree with you 100% about its not very smart for him to be takeing names and makeing promises and junk

I was just saying theres no reason to fly off the deep end so to speak but I can see how that can really upset a person

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#52 Ridureyu


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 08:44 PM

17-25? I'd put him at under twenty...

this is a mess.
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Posted 24 May 2003 - 08:46 PM

Johnny you may be right on the correlation between this group and the BB yahoo group, however, it started almost the same way! Trust me, I have been through it once.

I probably am more pissed off than I need to be, but, I am pissed with soran1985! Big time!

Pure and simple he is irresponsible, uneducated, and has shown us nothing.

So you are probably right. I am angry, pissed off, stressed out, over worked, tired, cranky, etc...............
Crap, maybe I need to change my respirator cartridges on my gas mask! Maybe I have been breathing in too many toxic plastic fumes!!!

Ha! Ha!

There I laughed.

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#54 jkaris


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 08:50 PM

I still ask you Johnny, explain Andrew and my relationship? How can you not see the difference in Andrew's approach and total respect and soran1985's pure irresponsibility? C'mon, how do you think you would feel in my shoes? For real, not how you would have to act because you run this site! You would not feel insulted at .25 a figure crap while he was asking for advice?

Okay, you posted this while I was posting the previous response.

I don't see how he is insulting you by asking what type of plastic was used, and mentioning that he wants to sell them for as low as .25. I seriously doubt that he had even heard anything about you or your customs before he started this thread, so I don't understand why you feel as if it is a personal insult.

If I was in your shoes, this is what I would do, since you asked the question.

I would sit back and see if the guy could do it. That's it. If I were the Godbeast, who has a reputation for making customs that are perfect down to the last detail, and who can charge a premium for his services, because of the time and quality he puts into his creations, then whether or not the other guy succeeded at his attempt, would not bother me at all.

Sorans approach may be irresponsible, but anyone with half a brain can see that he is inexperienced and isn't sure about what he is doing.

It's not like the guy said "Hey Marty, this is easy, you are ripping those folks off!"

No, he said, "Gee, I would like to try that too. This is what I am going to attempt to do."

If someone came here, and said, "Johnny, I am opening up a new Kinnikuman/MUSCLE message board, and it is going to run on a faster server, and have all these fancy bells and whistles, etc." Then I would say, "Great, good luck!"

I wouldn't yell at him and tell him he is being irresponsible or get pissed at him, thinking he is personally insulting you.

And yes, Andrew approached you with alot of respect, because he knew that you had it down pat already, and that you were the person to go to for advice on making repros.
But is there some rule that some guy who no one knows has to show us all respect? He asked a simple question, stated a concept he had and got flamed for it.

I don't expect people to come here and bow down to me because I run a huge Kinnikuman message board, or because I run Kinnikuman.com.

I still do not see why you are in an uproar over this guy wanting to make customs of his own.

I'm still confused man. I don't uderstand why you are so pissed, and you don't understand why I can't see your reasoning.

What can I say. I am still Johnny, and you are still Marty, and we happen to have different opinions on this subject.
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#55 jkaris


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 08:52 PM

So that brings me back to how irresponsible it was for him to post the crap he did when #1, there are kids in this group who to be honest might get a wild hair and think, " Dude I can do this." Then order some plastics which are toxic and you can readily find and buy easily. Then they dable with them unsafely. Which also points to the other topic where someone says, " how does this hurt anyone?"

Okay, I see your point on this part.
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#56 Ridureyu


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 08:54 PM

And if we do factionalize, I'd guarantee that everyone would be on the same "side," anyway...
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Posted 24 May 2003 - 09:02 PM

There is no "for at home use" eraser plastic that I know of. As far as the stuff I use, it isn't a big secret, however, I really don't feel comfortable recommending the stuff I use for just anyone. The stuff I use is highly toxic in liquid form and you must be totally safe using it. :mellow: Not to mention I hope you have $1,000+ to purchase the right equipment, supplies, and gear. I know Andrew is dabbling in using plastics and molds and he can tell you how hard it truly is. I know I make it look simple, however, there is plenty of art and mastery of the equipment and materials.e+
PS. I would agree with mimoman on the use of the term "Jap." I am sure you weren't purposely using it in a vicious or derogatory way, but, be a little more sensitive to other nationalities.

what you fail to see is that I started trying to feel him out with this first post of mine, not a flame. Then after all his uneducated and irresponsible comments and other's defense of him and his "dream of making figures," I got angry and pissed. So to be honest a few of you helped to piss me off with him.

Please don't make this out to be some image thing. Sure I like the respect all of you have shown me and my work. I appreciate the trades/sales. I appreciate the reviews and everything. I joked about being a "legend" and now I feel like everyone looks at me like this ego freak! I know that I have probably done nothing to help that whole image with these posts on this topic and the other one posted by soran1985, but, to be honest, I feel the way I feel and I am upset, big time!

Please don't make me sound like an ego freak, I just know what I know and I do what I do, and I believe in my work and my talent and if that is being an ego maniac or ego freak, then I guess that is how people will view me. I feel that if you don't have confidence and the belief (defense in this case) in your own work, then no one will.

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#58 jkaris


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 09:02 PM

And if we do factionalize, I'd guarantee that everyone would be on the same "side," anyway...

I agree, We are a very mature group. We have had some pretty heated discussion before, when it was just the email group, and no one splintered off.

I remember when it was Me, Joe Rodd(pre rip-off days) and Efren against Chris O(TheShizit), Lestat and a couple others, with JShurt(el Midgetron) playing mediator to both sides on the subject of buying mass quantities of MUSCLE on eBay.

THOSE were some FLAMES! Buddy, that was fun.

But there was always something that made us stick together, and no one splintered off.

Arguments and disagreements are good for any group. It stretches boundaries, pushes limits, gets the differences out into the open. You can say, it helps to promote growth.

We did have a few people unsubscribe because of the flame wars though, hehehe. :mellow:
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#59 jkaris


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 09:05 PM

Please don't make me sound like an ego freak, I just know what I know and I do what I do, and I believe in my work and my talent and if that is being an ego maniac or ego freak, then I guess that is how people will view me. I feel that if you don't have confidence and the belief (defense in this case) in your own work, then no one will.

Having a healthy dose of confidence in your work, as great and detailed as it is, will never be mis-construed as being "egotistical". At least not by me.

Although, a little bit of ego doesn't hurt. :mellow: Hehe.
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Posted 24 May 2003 - 09:18 PM

I probably jumped the gun with the whole comparison thing, however, that is how upset I am! This whole thing started to stink of that whole thing in the BB yahoo group and to be honest, I like discussions of different opinions and even heated ones, however, this one hit me wrong and personally (and not for competition reasons at all!).

You know, when I first came here I was a little nervous to mention my customs at first because I had just come from the BB Yahoo group BS and I saw that someone here had posted a topic of , " were the god beasts ever produced?" and it wasn't a negative topic, but, rather someone wondering. Right then and there I thought to myself, " How do I introduce myself and not come off as greedy, arrogant, or just plain dorky." How do I get these people to accept me (not knowing crap about muscles) and get them to accept my customs (at the time I had no intentions of making muscles at all). I really wanted to become a fixture here and contribute to this group! That is really why I wanted to donate 3 figures to the muscle con! To contribute and do my part! That to me was not a noble thing, but, rather a contribution! That is why I entered the custom contest, not to win necessarily, but, to contribute to Johnny's first contest! If I was scared of competetion, I would not have bothered entering for fear of someone beating "thegodbeast!" Ha! Ha! If I loose, I loose. Oh well. That is what competetion is. Not everyone needs to like my work or trade/buy my work, all that matters truly, is that I like my work! I would like people to appreciate the quality, the uniqueness, and the effort though.

So basically what I am rambling on about, is that I am sorry I made the possible correlation between this group and that group, that was for sure jumping the gun.

Sorry Johnny.

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#61 TheOrgg


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 09:48 PM

I've taken a step back on heated things I don't really feel extremly strong enough(knowing I don't have the money for customs at this point, anyway), and I'd like to say what I was thinking when I first read a good bit of this thread:

"in three days, Godbeast is going to get a call from a friend of his, or a simple accuaintance, or possibly an accuaintance of a friend asking him about 'his boy's dream' of making little plastic figures. Soran then gets back the answer of "$200 for the initial molds, then $6 for the materials per cubic inch, total, plus $8 an hour for hazard pay, as liquid siliconic plastic is extremly toxic."


Hell, as a matter of fact, I've still got that feeling!
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Our glorious Milky Way is a tiny, infinitesimal speck of sand in this vast, incomprehensible universe. And somewhere in that Milky Way is our own solar system, less than one billionth of that speck of sand that is the Milky Way. And then there is our planet Earth, one hundred trillionth of that one billionth of that one speck of sand. And on this planet Earth there is DEV-0, an insignificant blemish with a lifespan too short to measure when placed in infinite time.

And you are here, with them, as so many specks of sand.

#62 Ridureyu


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Posted 24 May 2003 - 11:32 PM

Just remember, you fall into four different categories:

1. An artist

2. A collector

3. A fan

4. A salesman

I have absolutely no problem with number four. This explains the fact that you sell for at least some profit, produce by demand, and even offer deals, bulk discounts, etc. Considering that America is a capitalist nation, and you are the only supplier of most of this, nobody should really havea problem with your prices or your methods. I've worked in sales befor,e myself- heck, I even have a few e-bay auctions running! (bid on them somebody, please!). People who think that it's wrong to charge money for custom figures have been influenced too much by communism, sadly- either that, or an "entitlement mentality" inherent in many socialist governments.

Anyway- don't leave here, and keep contributing with BOTH your posts and custom figures!
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#63 mimoman


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Posted 25 May 2003 - 09:17 AM

I don't think you're an egoist, Godbeast, actually, quite the contrary.

Being relatively new to this board, I didn't understand all the stuff underlying this conversation, but now that I do, I better understand why godbeast got so mad.

I'm confident this will all cool down and we'll joke about it in a few weeks. :o
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#64 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 27 May 2003 - 09:59 AM

Geez I wish I could have been more of a main part of this discussion. There are so many things to touch on that I don’t really know where to start. Instead I’ll just state my impressions after reading all of these posts.

Godbeast had every right to feel offended, and I certainly wasn’t trying to flame the kid. I just think that the topic got knocked off course and never really got back on.

The reason that I thought soran’s comments were so strange was that he seemed to endlessly contradict himself. He never spoke as if this was a dream, or a goal. He arrived and announced what he would be doing without seeming to have any prior knowledge. I wasn’t just trying to be argumentative, but I couldn’t sit by and watch people eat up what he was saying without voicing my doubt.

I feel it's obvious when people have knowledge or desire about a subject. His statements didn’t show any of this. Take swoodington. At first everyone thought this guy was pinheaded, why would he pay that much? Then he stated that he was a business owner and had a propensity for paying too much for things he wanted. He stated he could afford to do it, and now that he knew he could get them for less he probably would. Now take soran. He threw around all types of monetary figures. He said 2 figures for $8.50 was too much, but $10,000 was ok for building MUSCLEs. Then he said he could probably get everything he needs for $2000 because he’d get a good deal. Where was this money coming from? His job. Is it really? We don’t know, he wasn’t specific.

Granted in both of these cases these people are free to spend their money how they see fit. But when money is spent in a way that greatly differs from the norm it is kind of strange.

Well so much for me not having too much to say. I know this topic is dead but I had to chime in.
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#65 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 27 May 2003 - 10:09 AM

Wait I forgot my last point. Yes Godbeast went a little overboard, but it’s understandable. I’ll use Johnny’s example to illustrate my point.

If I came to Jkaris and said I was staring a new MUSCLE website, then he might feel bummed or he might not care. Who knows? Each person if different.

But if I came to Jkaris and said I was starting a new MUSCLE website, and that it would be more complete, offer lower prices, have a better message board, have a better chat room, and weekly giveaways, then he might be shocked. Then I continued to add things that I would have, and people could let me know if they were interested then Jkaris might feel a little confused. If I continued to tout my skills and abilities without any explanation, then Johnny would probably be somewhat frustrated. It wouldn’t be because of the competition, but because I (who doesn’t know anything about websites) wouldn’t shut-up about how great my website was going to be.

This would be much different from me saying, “Damn Johnny, someday I want to have a website. I totally know some of the changes I would like to make. I hope it will happen someday soon.”

So Godbeast did get a little off course, but I think most people do when they get fired up about something they care about. crap, I almost stabbed a guy once because I was so pissed (but that’s a MUCH different topic!).
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#66 soran1985


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Posted 03 June 2003 - 01:57 PM

forget about it. it was just an idea. i will, however, dedicate my life to final quest. they will come out by either me, or a toy manufacturer...someday. godbeast, i realize now how irresponsible i was acting, but i only meant it as a future goal. guess i shoulda said so, huh? anyway, i apologize for any bad feeling this might have caused.
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The story of a young wanderer and his friends. did i mention they fight an evil, godlike corporation with thousands of armies and a big biological error that may annihilate the universe. that's final quest. if you want to know more, send me a pm and i'll gladly tell you the tale.
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