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#76 Neo Muscle

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 05:27 AM

Dec. 11, 2036

It's been about a month since Nero's Ten Million Power Plus Tournament and the guys and I have decided to head for America and see what the chojins there have to offer. Right now we are hanging around the California area and haven't seen anything that has impressed us. Kid Bison has become rather quiet latetly and seems to only talk to me or Lomeinman, which is starting to piss Prince Mako off a bit. These guys are starting to act more like a family of bickering children then a group of elite chojins. Oh well...at least we haven't run across any more pyschotic chojins. Mako has heard word of a strange Chojin Carnival and we just might check it out...
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#77 Neo Muscle

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 08:21 AM

Dec 12, 2036

It turns out the Chojin Circus' big attraction is a wrestling contest held every night. It seems the winner of the nightly contest gets to challenge the Circus' champ and if they win they get 100 Million dollars! The Champ, a chojin called Burst, has yet to be defeated. Me and the gys decided to test ourselves by entering this contest and beating this Burst. Not like a bunch of these local chojins could ever hold a candle to the elite group I have formed...right?

Dec 13, 2036

We made it to the circus grounds, which in reality is nothing but one big circus tent surrounded by several small stands that sell food and such. Whatever, it's not like I wanted to see the clowns or jugglers anyway. What I did see was a glimpse of the Champ...he looks nothing like one would think. He stands only about 5' 10 and looks like he barely weighs 200 or so pounds. He has sandy blonde hair that hangs over his face, with a sort of military style bandana on his head. He sports a black tank top and some green cammo pants with black combat boots. He looks rather normal for a chojin, in fact when I asked Lomeinman what his power level was he told me it was a mere 300,000! The only thing that even makes this gut stand out is his eyes which are pure black and the fact that he looked like he couldnt stand still for even a second. I mean this guy was bouncing all around and twitching like some kind of addict. This is going to be a walk in the park, so much so I might just let the other guys handle this and watch from the sidelines...
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#78 Neo Muscle

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 10:26 AM

Dec 14, 2036

It seems this tournament is not going to be as big as we first thought. If what I am hearing is correct then only three other chojin have even bothered to sign up. None of them look to impressive so I will let the guys have fun while I coach them from the sidelines. I did get a chance to talk to a local man who told me this would be the Circus' last night in town, seems they stay in one place for about a month until all the local chojins are either dead or refuse to fight the Champ...not that we have anything to worry about.

Edited by Neo Muscle, 28 September 2009 - 01:32 PM.

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#79 Neo Muscle

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Posted 01 October 2009 - 10:04 AM

OK, I am seriously curious as to why every time I post I get another twenty or so views yet noone here ever rsponds to my post save for Veers. I would eally like to know what is good, bad, meh about this story. I a curious to know which guys you like, hate, or just ould care less about. I also wanna now what yo want to read abot in future post because I am sue there are plenty of ideas going through your heads. Yu don't have to post longpost, just something like Jag = Lame or Kid Bison = Kool or I want to see Kid's Son. if youdon't want to break up the story by poting here, PM me! Ok my rant is over, the story continues soon for those that care.

Edited by Neo Muscle, 25 October 2009 - 09:14 AM.

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#80 Neo Muscle

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Posted 25 October 2009 - 09:15 AM


Edited by Neo Muscle, 02 May 2010 - 12:52 PM.

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#81 Neo Muscle

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Posted 10 January 2010 - 12:24 PM

Quick note, due to this being started when my Kinniku-Knowledge wasn't very large I made some oversights. Lomeinman will once more be referred to as Mongolman from here on out. Any previous mention of Lomeinman will refer to Mongolman.

Edited by Neo Muscle, 30 May 2010 - 09:27 AM.

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#82 Neo Muscle

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 10:52 AM

Dec 15, 2036

Tonight’s the big night and it seems like the entire local population has turned out to witness the festivities. I had to fight my way through a crowd just to make it to the tent that held the participants. Mako, Kid Bison, and Mongolman looked as prepared as they could be considering they knew nothing about their opponents who were all in a tent across the Circus grounds. We were not allowed so much as a look at the other group of fighters…I got a funny feeling about all of this. After a few last words of inspiration to the guys I lead them out of the small tent and over to the larger one that held the awaiting crowd. The ring they set up looked to be at least twice as large as a normal ring which only added to my bad feelings. Across the tent three men in cloaks where sitting around. I can only assume that these would be the three opponents for the night.

The ring announcer stepped out and got the crowd quiet relatively fast. He made no small talk or attempt to pump the crowd up, mostly due to this being the last night the circus would be around and the thought was whoever was going to show up was already there. He then announced that Mongolman with 980,000 Chojin Power would be facing a chojin name Tommy Hawk who had 920,000 Chojin Power. A sixty thousand power difference in our favor, I can’t say I wasn’t pleased. Mongolman then leapt into the ring in quick fashion as the cloaked chojin on the left end stood up and removed his coverings. What lay underneath was a young looking chojin of no more than seventeen years. His brown skin was almost reddish under the circus lights. His yellow wrestling tights went down to his black boots. His chest was bare except a small patch of hair. On his head was a yellow headband that matched the ones around his wrist. His hair was long but kept in a tight pony tail which bobbed as he ran and slid into the ring.

The bell rang and Mongolman landed a flying kick that caught Tommy Hawk off guard. Mongolman tried to follow this up with a spinning back kick but Tommy Hawk blocked it. Tommy Hawk then began to unload a series of tomahawk chops that caused Mongolman to begin stumbling backward. Tommy Hawk then grabbed Mongolman around the head and landed a hard bulldog maneuver. Mongolman rolled around in pain as Tommy Hawk played up the cheering crowd. Mongolman got back to his feet and did a handstand flip over Tommy Hawk, twisting in the air and landing behind Tommy Hawk. Mongolman then locked in a sleep hold as Tommy Hawk began to struggle. Mongolman then lifted
Tommy off his feet and brought him down hard in a sleep suplex. Not missing a beat Mongolman bridged the move then flipped over and came down on Tommy Hawk’s chest with both his feet. Mongolman stood there grinding his feet into Tommy Hawk’s chest but Tommy Hawk was able to grab Mongolman’s ankles and lift Mongolman up off his chest. Shocked by this Mongolman didn’t struggle as Tommy Hawk flung him to the left side. Tommy Hawk got to his feet slowly as Mongolman rolled to his.

They stood there and stared at one another for a second and the entire crowd fell silent. As the tension began to mount I felt a gurgle in my stomach and then let out a loud fart. Tommy Hawk began to laugh uncontrollably as Mongolman stood there shaking his head. The crowd for their part let out a loud groan. Mongolman used this distraction to his advantage and nailed Tommy Hawk with a hard shoulder tackle. Mongolman then pulled Tommy Hawk to his feet and flung him into the ropes. Tommy Hawk came off the ropes hard and fast and Mongolman ran at him then leapt into the air nailing Tommy Hawk with a leg lariat. Tommy Hawk was lifted off the mat and flung backward. He landed with a loud thud and Mongolman bowed at the downed Tommy Hawk. The crowd was going crazy and Mongolman raised his arm in victory. As Mongolman stood there Tommy Hawk slowly made his way back to his feet. Blood dripped off of Tommy Hawks’ mouth as he began to mock Mongolman. Tommy Hawk yelled out “ You call that a leg lariat? My mother hit harder than that!”

Mongolman rushed Tommy Hawk and ducked under a weak chop to grab Tommy Hawk by the arm. Mongolman flung Tommy Hawk to the ropes once more. Tommy Hawk twisted while airborne and caught the ropes with his feet. Mongolman didn’t seem to care and he ran and leapt at Tommy Hawk with a leg lariat. Tommy Hawk shot off the ropes and headed at Mongolman face first. As Tommy Hawk got closer he raised his right arm up and yelled out “Steel Cutter Chop!” Tommy Hawk then pushed the leg of Mongolman aside with his left hand and landed a chop to the face of Mongolman with his right. Mongolman went down in a heap and Tommy Hawk hit the mat hard himself. Both men were slow to their feet but only Tommy Hawk looked happy.

Tommy Hawk rushed at Mongolman and landed a quick back elbow that sent Mongolman stumbling back. Tommy Hawk tried to follow this with a chop but Mongolman landed a kneed to Tommy Hawk’s ribs. Tommy Hawk went down and Mongolman leapt backward landing on the ropes. Mongolman bounced off the ropes and high into the air. As Mongolman began to descend he had his leg out for a kung fu style kick. Tommy Hawk got up to one knee and brought his hands up to his mouth. When Mongolman was within a few feet Tommy Hawk let out a yell that was so loud it made the ears of the front row of human fans begin to bleed. Tommy Hawk’s yell was so powerful the sound waves hit Mongolman like a sledgehammer and he was flung to the far end of the ring. Mongolman was out cold and Tommy Hawk was declared the winner…so it seems power doesn’t decide victory after all. And why did that U-Ra-Ra yell Tommy Hawk did seem so familiar?
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#83 Ramenking


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Posted 30 May 2010 - 12:09 PM

Dude allready read this on the forum but I thought I would post here. I love the Circus Tourney sofar I really appreciate you including one of my characters to. I also liked the way you described him to man. Also I thought I would say even if someone hasnt allready. The way you go into such detail is amazing I mean it actually puts an image in my head of the action going on.

If I end up buying flash dude Im going to animate some of these fights but till then I will continue with the sprites and try and make matchs with them.

Keep the updates coming dude.
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#84 Neo Muscle

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 12:25 PM

We helped Mongolman out of the ring as Tommy Hawk celebrated his victory. The crowd was going wild and Tommy seemed to enjoy the attention. Kid Bison didn’t care for his showboating, and would have ripped Tommy in half if we didn’t stop him. I’d hate to be in Tommy’s shoes if he ends up on the other end of the ring from Kid Bison.

When Tommy left the ring the announcer came out and made the introductions for the next bout. Kid Bison and his 20 Million Power would be up against a man called A.M. Reed and his 30 Million Power! Before A.M. Reed took his cloak off to reveal himself I admit I was worried about the difference in power…even if Mongolman lost his fight with a power level advantage. However, when A.M Reed hoped into the ring and tossed his cloak off I was relieved. In the ring across from Kid Bison stood a man of at least eight feet and having to weigh in the three hundred fifty pound range with rippling muscles and only one arm. His left arm was gone clean up to the elbow. His tattered flannel vest and ripped jeans with ragged boots did little to impress me either.

Kid Bison wasted no time and went in and landed a hard right to A.M. Reed’s face causing Reed to stumble back. Kid Bison went in for a left but Reed grabbed his arm by the wrist and flung Kid Bison into the far corner. Reed rushed in and landed a hard back elbow that made Kid Bison slump down in the corner. Reed then lifted Kid Bison up by his hair and flung him skyward. Reed jumped up with Kid Bison and grabbed him by the waist in a Canadian back breaker type of position. As Kid Bison’s back lie across Reed’s shoulder, Reed shifted his weight and soon he was coming down with Kid Bison in front of him. Kid Bison landed across the ropes in the corner with his legs on one set of ropes and his neck on the other. When he hit the ropes he coughed up some blood. Reed didn’t waste the opportunity and he landed a hard elbow across the back of the helpless Kid Bison followed by a hard kick to the ribs that sent Kid Bison up and off the ropes.

Reed began to rain rights down on Kid Bison as the crowd roared its approval. Reed then got Kid Bison to his feet and flung him at the far ropes. Kid Bison rebounded off the ropes and Reed went for a lariat only to have Kid Bison reverse the move into an armbar. I guess he did learn something from his training sessions with Mongolman after all…Anyway, Kid Bison kept the pressure up and we were all on our feet waiting for the inevitable snap of a bone when Reed pulled himself free of Kid Bison losing his right arm at the shoulder in the process. Reed stood up as blood poured from his wound but instead of looking worried he began to laugh maniacally. Kid Bison got up and tossed the arm out of the ring. Kid Bison looked over at Reed and to his and everyone, including my own. Amazement a new arm grew from the bloody hole. This arm was not the same as the one he lost…this arm had a flat piece of metal with two spikes instead of a hand…
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#85 Ramenking


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 08:36 AM

This is awesome Jaguar... I cant wait for the next update.

Hope it will be just as exciting and action packed! :D
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#86 Neo Muscle

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 04:45 AM

Sorry for the long wait but this weekend will hold a huge...well Big update.
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#87 Neo Muscle

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 07:34 AM

A.M. Reed charged at Kid Bison and landed a hard blow to Kid Bison’s head. One of the spikes tore into his flesh leaving a wound that sprayed blood as he stumbled back. A.M. went for a second shot but Kid Bison was able to move out of the way. A.M. continued to throw wild punches but somehow Kid Bison was able to stay one step ahead of them. Finally A.M. threw a huge haymaker that missed Kid Bison and landed square on the ring post. Reed tried but he couldn’t dislodge his spiked fist from the post. Kid Bison came up behind Reed and gave him a German style release suplex that ripped out his arm from the socket and left it hanging from the post.

Kid Bison turned to face Reed only to witness yet another arm grow from the empty socket. This one looked like a coiled spring with a red gloved hand at the end of it. Kid Bison charged forward but the arm extended and punched him in the face. A.M. Reed continued to punch Kid Bison from across the ring all the while laughing maniacally. As I watched my friend get pummeled, Mongolman came to and when he saw what was going on in the ring he began to shout like crazy. Prince Mako and I tried to calm him down but Mongolman kept screaming “He’s a Devil Chojin.”

The crowd fell silent and Reed stopped his assault on Kid Bison to throw a punch at Mongolman. Mongolman fell back on his ass and Reed began to laugh once more. When he stopped laughing he looked at the downed Kid Bison and began to taunt him. “It’s true! I am a Devil Chojin! I have given my soul to the great Satan and in exchange he has given me theses lovely arms from his servants who failed him. When he returns to earth he will give me back my missing arm and give me a place of honor at his side. All that is needed to bring him back is his blood…the blood that flows inside you Kid Bison! Your grandfather Buffaloman was given a great gift, and he passed it on to you.The power that your so proud of belongs to Satan and I am here to take it back!”

Things grew very quiet and Kid Bison wiped his hand on his wounds and looked at the thick red blood that was on them. Before he could speak I got up on the ring apron. I looked at Kid Bison and then over at Reed. “The blood that flows inside of Kid Bison is not Satan’s because it belongs to me! Kid Bison you swore to follow me until I got my throne back…Now get up and send this demon back to hell!”

Kid Bison rose to his feet with a renewed look of confidence. Reed threw a punch but Kid Bison caught it by the wrist and began to pull Reed over to him. As he pulled he bent the metal arm up causing Reed to cringe in pain. Kid Bison then spoke. “You threaten me…my friends…my home…now, you pay!” Kid Bison grabbed A.M. Reed by the shoulders and rammed his left horn right into Reed’s heart. Reed let out a fierce yell. Kid Bison removed his horn and then fell to one knee. I looked over and swore I saw Kid Bison smile at me before falling on his face…
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#88 Neo Muscle

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Posted 23 January 2011 - 01:59 PM

Do I stop or continue? Please let me know your thoughts...
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#89 Ramenking


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Posted 19 February 2011 - 08:38 PM

Do I stop or continue? Please let me know your thoughts...

Continue please... I love these man, also I have found someone that can actually draw for you. I have some of his stuff for the comic I have him working on for me.

My link

Go to the sketches page and you can see his two sketches for my comic. If you are wondering my comic is a continuation of The Tick animated show. He has a really good skill man, also those are just quick sketches he did in about 15 minutes. He can do far better than that, and if you want him just let me know.
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#90 Neo Muscle

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Posted 20 February 2011 - 07:24 AM

For you RamenKing I shall continue...although updates will be about 1 MONTH....
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#91 Ramenking


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Posted 27 February 2011 - 04:09 PM

Thats fine with me Neo as long as I get to find out what happens next. And if you want me to man I can try to start on my sprites again?
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#92 Neo Muscle

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 09:26 AM

Kid Bison was lead out of the ring and soon a crew was mopping up all the blood and removing the body of A.M. Reed. Since A.M. claimed to be a Devil Chojin his body was sealed into a special container that resembled a big Tupperware bowl and placed on display by the Circus. These creeps will do anything to make a buck! Despite the fact that our little group was a bit on edge over the comments from A.M. Reed about Kid Bison having Devil blood in him we all tried to pretend we didn’t hear any of it, at least until we could all talk in private.

As soon as the ring was cleaned up the ring announcer came back out and began the introductions for the third fight of the night. The final cloaked figure at ring side jumped up and tossed his cloak aside to reveal a tanned skinned man of no more than twenty years of age. His bare chest had a yellow bird type of tattoo and his head had a fin not unlike the one I have on my mask. Around his waist was a small grass skirt that he removed to reveal yellow and black knee length shorts. Soon the ring announcer was letting the crowd know that this man was Prince Louie Kamehame. Prince Mako entered the ring with less flash but a more regal air about him. Soon the announcer was letting the crowd know that Louie had a power level of just under 5 Million while Prince Mako was clocked in at 20 Million.

The ring announcer left the ring and the bell rang to the cheer of the gathered crowd. Mako ran in and grabbed Louie by the neck to deliver a choke slam but somehow Louie countered it into a arm bar on the still standing Mako. Mako raised his arm and went to slam Louie onto the mat but Louie let go at the last moment and Mako slammed his own arm on the mat hard. Mako winced in pain and Louie used that moment to come up behind Mako and deliver a jumping German Suplex. Louie rolled through the move and lifted Mako up onto his shoulders and then delivered a leaping Samoan drop. Louie popped up off the mat as the crowd cheered him. Mako for his part was slow to get up and seemed quite phased by the series of moves he went through. This was going to be a tough fight indeed…
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#93 Ramenking


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Posted 20 March 2011 - 09:46 AM

Ohh yeah Louie gets some time in the sun! This update was pretty sweet, but its getting me excited for the next update.

P.S. I sent you a new message on your forum.
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#94 MisterE


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Posted 05 May 2012 - 05:39 AM

so sad this is left unfinished...
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#95 KinnikuGai


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 03:32 PM

so sad this is left unfinished...

Ummm... not really no i'm glad this is over the guy couldn't write to save his life.

The dialogue was just awful & the story really is no better, no this of those pieces of kinnikuman fandom that is better dead.

Edited by guy kinniku, 17 May 2012 - 03:33 PM.

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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#96 MisterE


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 10:20 AM

Really? Because I thought it was awesome and truly captured the spirit of Kinnikuman like no other fan-fic has. To me this is what the next generation of Kinnikuman will be like...
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#97 KinnikuGai


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 12:09 PM

Really? Because I thought it was awesome and truly captured the spirit of Kinnikuman like no other fan-fic has. To me this is what the next generation of Kinnikuman will be like...

Really... this. :confused:

A bad story teller trying to pass off a sue as the main character wow lets hope not.
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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#98 MisterE


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 01:25 PM

How exactly does Lord Jaguar come off as a Sue? He's not uber powerful, not super special, nothing more than the main charecter in the story...
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#99 KinnikuGai


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 01:46 PM

How exactly does Lord Jaguar come off as a Sue? He's not uber powerful, not super special, nothing more than the main charecter in the story...

"Lord Jaguar" is 2 words i'll sum them up for you wish-fulfilment poorly developed character , lacking in realism to be interesting.

yeah thats how.

But hey each to his own right. :pardon:
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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#100 MisterE


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 01:50 PM

If you think that Lord JAguar the writer wants to be Lord JAguar the character you're very wrong. Lord Jaguar the character is just a good character with a thought out back story and developing characterazation. He is slowly changing from a fan boy to an evil genius right before our eyes. You are coming off a bit jealous that your Kinnikuman fan fic is so poorly received compared to this one.
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