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Lord Jaguar's Journal Reboot

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#51 MisterE


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 11:51 AM

The ring was swept before the final match and I wondered what would become of the shattered bits of Escorpio Rojo's shell. Perhaps it would be used to make commemorative souvenirs. That made me wonder is he would see any of that money...or if I would ever see any money from the sale of Jaguar Muscle T-Shirsts and action figures that would sure to emerge after my victory in the tournament. As I was lost in thought I missed Super Mysterioso's entrance. (I can say, after watching it years after the fact, that it was awesome! There was all kind of smoke and strobe light effects. I suggest you watch it on ChoTube if you have a spare ten minutes.) He stood in the corner, his black ninja-like outfit standing out like a sore thumb against the white ring.


Payaso entered the ring next to a huge wave of laughter and applause. He was dresses like a child with oversized red tie, sailor like school uniform, and colorful cap. I overheard a few members of the audience comment on his last show, and I have since learned that he was part of a hit comedy show in Mexico called El Payaso del Cinco. He stumbled his way to the ring, falling down the stairs and rubbing his behind to loud laughter. When he entered the ring he whipped out a huge lollipo and handed it to Super Mysterioso. Mysterioso looked confused and the match started after he tossed the lollipop to the floor, shattering it to a thousand pieces.


Mysterioso looked at the broken lollipop and came at Mysterioso with his arms swinging wildly. Mysterioso was taken offguard by this odd attack and received a few punches before shoving Payaso off. Payaso fell back and tumbled into the corner. He looked like he was about to cry as the crowd booed Mysterioso. Mysterioso ignored the crowd and went after Payaso with a flying dropkick. Mysterioso landed his move and Payao fell to the mat. Mysterioso then followed it up with a quick backdrop. Payaso exploded into a cloud of dust as Mysterioso rubbed his face. The crowd was laughing and soon I saw why...The real Payaso had slipped out of the move and switched himself with a balloon filled with pepper. Payaso climbed back into the ring and pointed at the annoyed Mysterioso who had removed his mask to relieve the burning in his eyes.


Mysterioso rushed Payaso, but he was stopped when Payaso pulled out a beenie hat with a propellor on it. The propellor spun fast enough to create a wind that pushed Mysterioso into the corner. Mysterioso tried to fight the wind but it was too rough. Payaso put the beenie hat dow and stepped in front of it. Payaso flew at Mysterioso arms outstretched. Payaso passed through Mysterioso, who was nothing but an illussion, and crashed into the ring post. Mysterioso then removed his white mask, revealing the black Mysterioso was not real. It turns out he was in a white ninja outfit blending into the ring from the start. Man, I hate chojins who use tricks to win fights.


Mysterioso then grabbed Payso from behind and jumped into the air with him. When they reached the peak of their jump Mysterioso flipped over and began to spin as they fell to the ground. Within a second they crashed into the mat with Payaso lodged deep within the canvas. Mysterioso was the winner, but he revealed his biggest trick in the first match...or did he? Four matches were done and I was among those who would compete in the second round. Tommorrow would be one of the worst days of my life, of course, I didn't know that back then. No, back then I was looking foreward to facing Tortuga Loco in honest combat. Oh, how foolish I was back then.


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#52 MisterE


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Posted 03 November 2013 - 10:21 AM

April 2, 2016


The second day of the tournament was here and I was all set to face Tortuga Loco, however I was stunned when I found out the tournament match ups were being revised. I was told that all the remaining competitors were going to go out to the ring to determine who they would face in round two. Confused by the turn of events I went out to the ring and saw each one of the remaining chojins standing outside the ring in a different corner. A large pile of rope was in the ring and we were told that it is in fact two different ropes. Each one of us would grab an end and pull until the ropes straightened out and whoever was on the other end of our rope would be our next opponent. This seems completely ridiculous to me, almost as if it were a cheap way to change the match ups of some wrestling manga. If the others thought so, they didn't show it. (Years later I would learn this very thing happened during the legendary Tag Tournament that King Muscle and Terryman won.) I pulled my end of the rope until there was no slack left to pull. I looked up to see it was Sirius who was holding the other end of the rope. I was hoping to get Tortuga Loco as he was who I thought I would be facing, but I may have fought Sirius in the finals, so this was okay I guess. Both Sirius and I were told that we would be the first fight of the evening and we were given ten minutes to get ready. As I headed to the back I bumped into Tortuga's arm. My own arm felt wet and when I looked at it there was a smudge of green paint. I guess I wasn't crazy after all. Either way, that mystery would have to wait as I had a match to prepare for.


Unlike yesterday, Sirius entered the ring without the elaborate entrance. Instead he simply walked out from the back to a loud applause from the crowd. Seeing his simple entrance made me realize that the crowd was being denied the pageantry of chojin wrestling. I scrambled around the back looking for some props and missed the ring announcer calling my name. I ran out after I was announced for a second time holding a spiked dog collar and large net. I was wearing a pristine white suit and little cap, the uniform of a dog catcher in case you didn't figure it out. The crowd let out a loud bout of laughter, but I shut them up with menacing look. Sirius looked upset by my outfit and the implications that came with it. I tossed the collar and net to the floor as I entered the ring.


The bell rang as I pulled my cap off and Sirius attacked almost immediately. I was hit with several hard forearm shots before being whipped toward the ropes. I recovered quick enough to grab the ropes and swing through them flying at Sirius with a dropkick. My attack caught him off guard and I was able to get behind Sirius and apply a sleeper hold. Sirius was able to push my arms away with his own before slipping free. Sirius then grabbed me by my wrist and swung me around like a giant top. After a few minutes Sirius flung me skyward, jumping after me seconds later. He caught me in the air and hooked me in a Diamond Cutter. Still dazed by the spinning I was unable to fight my way out of his grasp and as a result was slammed hard on the mat to the loud “oohsâ€￾ of the crowd. Sirius was howling and playing up to the crowd as I slowly got to my feet. Stunned Sirius allowed himself to be caught off guard by my tackle. I started to punch Sirius, but after six blows he caught my right hand in his mouth. Pain shot through my arm as he bit down harder. Slowly he was able to get to his feet as I desperately tried to pry his jaws open. Sirius clamped down harder and a huge splatter of blood gushed forth from out of his jaws. The crowd winced as I left out a howl of pain.


Normally this kind of move would be an instant disqualification, but in tournament setting like this it was allowed, although still frowned upon. The crowd began to chant my name and somehow I found the strength to pry open Sirius' jaws. I pushed him back and he looked at me with daggers in his eyes. Boy did I regret my entrance attire. I rushed forward and was able to avoid a wild kick from Sirius. I slammed him hard to the mat with a German Suplex then followed it up with a series of elbow drops. Sirius got up to his feet and started to laugh hysterically. I must admit it made a shiver run down my spine. He then pointed at me and left out a howl that took me off my feet from the force. Sirius stood above me and let out another howl, this time it was so intense blood shot out of my ears. Sirius continue to laugh as he began to address the crowd. (What follows is a transcript of what he said.)



You thought you would capture me? Send me back to that...prison! When I escaped from the Pytt I vowed I would never be sent back. I don't know how you found out I was an escaped convict, but you'll live to regret it. As for the rest of this tournament...You fans are witnessing the first member of the renewed dMp army crushing a pathetic good chojin!


The crowd gasped as Sirius removed a patch of “skinâ€￾ on his chest to reveal a dMp tattoo underneath it. The crowd started another chant of my name and I was filled with renewed strength yet again. I stood up and punched Sirius in the throat. He stumbled back and tried to let out a howl, but found himself unable to muster enough power. He smiled at me, then he spoke once again.



You may have put a stop to my howl assault, but there is a reason I am called Sirius. The star for which I am named is the brightest thing in the night sky and I am the brightest thing in the ring!


Sirius began to glow brighter and brighter. The light was so intense the audience had to cover their faces with their arms. Being a chojin, I was able to withstand the brightness longer than the crowd, but my eyes were already beginning to ache. I needed a plan and quick or I would have a very short wrestling career. As the light continued to increase in brightness Sirius started to cackle. I admit all hope seemed lost, but my mind suddenly remembered something from the chojin encyclopedia. I only hoped it would work, after all there was no guarantee at the time that I could even do what I was about to attempt.

I lifted up my mask and blinded Sirius with the one thing brighter than his light, the legendary Face Flash! The arena returned to normal as Sirius was holding his eyes. The crowd had no idea what happened and I had no time to explain it to them. I quickly rushed Sirius and tossed him into the air. I jumped up after Sirius and grabbed him in the same manner as I had done to Agave Man. My arms locked around Sirius' waist, we began our descent. We came down with tremendous force and like the last time I used the move, I heard the sound of a back snapping in two. Sirius flopped off of my shoulder as chojin police officers swarmed the ring. Sirius was taken from the ring in shackles as the crowd cheered for me. The crowd was ecstatic, but I was concerned. If an escaped convict could sneak into the tournament, did that mean I was right about Tortuga Loco hiding something?

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#53 Ramenking


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 12:02 AM

Hey MisterE I am currently going through this and rereading the entries to see the differences between the original and your reboot... Also I'm just gonna let you know if you want you can use Tommy Hawk, since he is the only 3rd gen character I ever made that Jag actually used. I would appreciate it though if I could talk to you about him a little bit before you take your own creative liberties with him.


Thank you, and I shall be keeping an eye on this topic for further free reading! :D

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#54 MisterE


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 08:15 PM

Hey MisterE I am currently going through this and rereading the entries to see the differences between the original and your reboot... Also I'm just gonna let you know if you want you can use Tommy Hawk, since he is the only 3rd gen character I ever made that Jag actually used. I would appreciate it though if I could talk to you about him a little bit before you take your own creative liberties with him.


Thank you, and I shall be keeping an eye on this topic for further free reading! :D

PM me your thoughts/concerns and I'll respond next time I pass through...

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