Well, through research and the work of some guys on octobertoys, I think I have it mostly figured out. I can try to give an explaination of it.
First I guess the most helpful link:
http://www.octoberto...8eb6&start=165'>Octobertoy's Beast Saga Thread pg 12
A User over there, Phlis, translated the Q&A, the 35 question faq that came with the starter sets. I'll be referring back to this where necessary. I do have a bunch of personal house rules I like to use, because either a) I think the official rule is dumb and the house rule makes the game better, or the official rule is unclear, I'll note those where necessary
First, there are some items to explain: The Beast (the actual Beast Saga figure), The Card (the card that comes with the Beast Saga Figures), Battle Lot (The dice with the Emblem that comes with each figure), Magic Lot (All other dice are considered Magic Lot), and your Deck (Your figures, cards, Battle and Magic lots)
Beasts: You may have at least 3 Beasts in your deck. The official rules and faq say you can have 3 and only 3.
however PERSONALLY, since I have 30 beasts right now I let people have more when we play. So sometimes we'll do 4v4 5v5 or whatever.
Cards: Each Beast should have a version of their card, Burst or Standard. The Burst versions are the ones that come with the clear boosters. The official rules say the cards are required, and to use the special abilities (the part listed on the gold banner at the bottom of the burst cards, which you can see translated in the octobertoys link and my pastebin) however you do not need to burst figures to use the special abilties.
PERSONALLY Since I didn't receive a Lepermint card and haven't been collecting the boosters I ignore that and say you can use the special abilities whether you have the burst cards or not.
Magic Lot: Each card has a number on the front designating that Beast's Magic Lot total. The number of magic dice allowed in your deck is the sum of each beast's Magic Lot. So if you're using the Land Starter set with Liorga (Lot: 1), Big Serow (Lot: 2) and Geedam (Lot: 5) you can have 8 magic lot in your deck.
The Types of Magic Lot are as follows:
Boost: +3, +4, +5, +6. Adds a specific number to your roll this turn
Mirror: Reflects attack back at opponent. This does work on Emblem and normal attacks. The rules are unclear as to what else it works on.
PERSONALLY I say it reflects everything, so a Mirror can reflect a Mirror or any other Magic Dice (such as Reverse and Change, even the Boost)
Break: Defeats Mirror. Again, I like to think this works on all Magic Lot.
Reverse: Flip opponents Battle Lot upside down
Change: Swap Numbers with opponent
Inverse: Flip your own dice upside down
Join: You add the bottom number of your Battle Lot to the Top (so if you're Liorga and you roll a 5, the bottom number will be a 9, so your new total is 14)
Doping: You discard a number of Magic Lot to Boost your Battle Lot (so if you have 8 Magic Lot as before, you can sacrifice up to +7 to add to your roll)
Special Abilities vs Deadly Attack:
This came up a bit so I'll just explain it. Special Abilities are listed on the front of Burst Cards (and the Deluxe set cards) and affect gameplay, they are things like Liorga: If you roll a 1 this turn, it counts as your [Emblem]. Special Attacks may only be used once per game. Deadly attacks are on the back of all cards and are supposed to be what happens when your emblem comes out (In the Anime preview you see Liorga's Blue Lion attack). Deadly attacks are just fluff, Special Abilities affect gameplay.
Playing the Game:
So, with all that out of the way here is how to play:
1.) Flip a coin to determine who goes firsts (turns do matter)
2.) One player picks which beast he wants to fight, and rotates that beasts card left (if he wants to use that beasts special ability) or right (if he doesn't)
3.) The second player does the same
4.) Both players fire off their Battle Lot at the same time. In the event of a tie players reroll
4a.) Assess some special abilities here
*Personally I don't like rerolling here, I say in the event of a tie, both players may choose to fire off Magic Lot at the same time.
*The rules are unclear as to what order Special Abilities resolve themselves, I say Player 1's resolves first.
5.) The player with the lower number decides whether he wants to use a magic lot, if so he fires it off
6.) If necessary the other player may also fire off a magic lot at this point
6a.) Depending on what Magic Die is used, some special abilities may be assessed here.
7.) If the result, after magic lot are assessed is a tie, the match is a draw
*I hate draws, so I say, in the result of a tie, players may continue to use Magic lot if they choose. I think this is better because it makes having higher magic lot a little more strategic in my opinion.
8.) Return to step 2, with Player 2 choosing their Beast first
9.) Repeat, alternating turns, until all members of one Player's team are defeated.
So, fairly simply with Special Abilities being the only real thing to throw a wrench into the works. Let me explain some situations in which the resolution of special abilities may change to try and show why it can be an issue.
Situation A) Player 1 is using Liorga and Player 2 is using Dolfan. Liorga's ability is if he roll's a 1, it counts his emblem, Dolfan's Ability is if his opponent rolls his emblem, he must reroll once. This is fairly clear, Liorga rolls a 1, Dolfan rolls an 8, Liorga's Ability resolves, his 1 counts as his emblem, Dolfan's ability resolves and Liorga must reroll once.
Now, where this gets interesting, let's throw magic lot into it. According to the Q&A, Special Abilities actually resolve after Magic Lot (if they hadn't resolved before I believe) For example, if Liorga rolls a 9 and Dolfan rolls a 1. Dolfan rolls the change dice, so his total is 9 and Liorga's is 1, however Liorga's special ability then resolves, so the 1 counts as his Emblem, and then Dolfan's ability resolves and Liorga must reroll his dice.
You see how this can be confusing? I believe the same applies to Inverse/Reverse, where it's applicable.
So, Personally, I say Special Abilities always resolve prior to Magic Lot being resolved because it is simply easier.
And that's how I play.