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The first MPS newsletter, March 1998!

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#1 Tortle



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Posted 26 July 2002 - 10:17 AM

Hey gang, here's a blast from the past for you! Here's a "reprint" of the very first MPS e-mail newsletter, dated March 18, 1998. There were only ten people on the first mailing list. Hell, back then, my MUSCLE site wasn't even online yet (although I do remember working on a prototype at that time). Anyway, I just thought it would be interesting to contrast what MUSCLE collecting and fan fiction was like back in the Dark Ages with the way it is today. Also, it's a piece of MUSCLE history! (Of course, keep in mind that the links and trade entries are completely out of date and therefore not necessarily applicable. I removed the email addresses in case someone would have a hairy cat fit about me posting their addresses.) Enjoy!

Welcome Members, to The M.U.S.C.L.E. Preservation Society's very first e-mail newsletter.  This issue has lot's of great stuff! Want lists, Fiction and more!  Note: This is a GREAT way to get M.U.S.C.L.E.'s that you need, or to unload stuff you don't want.  Make sure to use this online newsletter to YOUR advantage!!   Thank you!
Darrin M. Vindiola (M.P.S.)



M.P.S. Members!!!! If you don't already know, I've constructed 6 different icons that say  "Proud member of the M.U.S.C.L.E. Preservation Society" I made six different icons, so you could choose your favorite to proudly display on you M.U.S.C.L.E. Pages if you so choose.  Go see them at: http://members.aol.c...sskk/ICONS.html

Member Dave Woodrum has constructed a Page at:

A NEW (non member) M.U.S.C.L.E. Page from down under,  Australia!! at:

Check out member Tim Drage's Page for updates at:

Also, Dave Conklin (non member)  has put up a trade page with M.U.S.C.L.E.'s he needs, and has for trade at:

Post #1

My post for everyone to read is: Does anyone have an extra #211 or #216
for trade, for me to finish my core collection? I'm also looking for any
guys not on the poster.
* (kevin mayle)

Post #2

Attention M.P.S. Members!  Avid M.U.S.C.L.E. fan desperately trying to
complete his collection!  I still need about 13 wrestlers to make the hall
of fame, and you are the only ones who can help me!  Here are some with
the corresponding numbers from the poster  (more as I get them):

#153  -  The Claw  (can you believe I don't have this guy?  Actually, I
have three of them, but they are all fakes.)
#172  -  I guy I call "Big-arse-Head Macho Man."  He has 3 stars on his
shorts, two clenched fists, and a headband on his huge melon.  (I'm not
kiddin', it's like an orange on a tooth-pick!)
#189  -  Super NIKU!!
Plus ANY guys not pictured on the poster!

Please e-mail Phil at * if you have any of these guys and I know you do!) so we can set up prices or trades.  I have close to 500 M.U.S.C.L.E.s to choose from!  Thanks for the hand (get it?) fellow M.P.S. Members!!

Post #3

By: Dave Woodrum


March 15's Sunday Night Brawl quickly proved to be quite a spectacle.  Like  he Sunday Night Brawl of the previous weekend(which was the MWL's  remiere event), the wrestlers were more or less (see the match between  Gorgeous" Gary Beautiful and Primal) pitted against each other by random  raw, but this time the whole event was a lot more prepared.  The highlights  f each match are presented below.

Heavy Metal Rocker (#73)  d. Night Hawke (#46) - As speculated, the Heavy Metal Rocker officially signed on with the Muscle Wrestling League this week and has already landed himself a victory against Night Hawke. The match started out in much the same fashion as Night Hawke's match against the Canadian Ninja from the previous Sunday Night Brawl (in which he lost),
showcasing a wide variety of ducks, dodges, and other defenses that kept  he Heavy Metal Rocker at bay.  Soon, however, Night Hawke's brand of passive tactics proved useless as the Rocker battled his way through with a series of flying clotheslines, Irish whips, and atomic drops. Night Hawke  ubmitted from a bear hug.

Canadian Ninja (#26) d. Granite (#23) - The Canadian Ninja returned to claim   second victory in the MWL. This time it was against the recently signed Granite, who seemed to be coming on strong at first with a powerful display of uppercuts.  The Canadian Ninja soon turned the tides, however, as he dropped his trademark karate chop in favor of a more agile and destructive roundhouse kick.  Granite was overwhelmed with this tactic and soon began to wear down. The Canadian Ninja ended the match with a well executed  iamond Cutter, which also happened to be the very same move he used to  eat Night Hawke the previous week.

Johnny 1000 (#55) d. Captain Krinkle (#233)- What appeared to be at first a fine match against two potentially great wrestlers soon proved to be he biggest let down of the evening.  Not that it wasn't interesting to see Johnny 1000's awesome aerial moves on display, it was the fact that Captain Krinkle  rovided little competition for the masked wrestler.  Repeatedly using a very  nique combination of atomic drops, drop kicks, and flying leg drops, Johnny 1000 was soon able to wear his opponent down to a rather pitiful state. The good captain submitted to a dragon sleeper.

Tangle (# 129) d. Muscleman (# 141)- This match was perhaps the most  xciting of the evening and proved itself to be the main event.  First off, shortly after the names were called to enter the ring, "Gorgeous" Gary Beautiful  trolled out and began yelling and making demands.  According to Gary the  rawing was fixed and he was supposed to have gotten to wrestle. He then  ade a challenge to any wrestler on location to face off against him in a match  ollowing the current one (featuring Tangle and Muscleman).  Then as Gary  tormed off, the lights dimmed and Tangle, long time friend of Terribull entered the ring to face the legendary Muscleman. As the bell rang, the two flew into  ction as they began to wear each other down with a series of mid punches,  irplane spins, and body slams. Muscleman grew into a raging fit and soon  laced an early (and unexpected from both his opponent and the audience)  owerbomb on the yet undefeated Tangle.  The legendary wrestler was  howered with boos from his audience which gave Tangle enough time to  ecover. The two wrestlers once again went at it and though Muscleman had  he opportunity to slide out of the ring for brief moment to gain a second wind  once again resulting in a negative response from the spectators), he was  eginning to wear down from Tangle's skillful opposition.  Finally, though he had managed to place a second powerbomb on Tangle, Muscleman submitted to a bear hug.

"Gorgeous" Gary Beautiful ( #101)  d. Primal ( #75)- If Gary wanted to wrestle, then he got his wish. Shortly after Beautiful's insults about the random drawing system (which MWL uses to set up matches) and his not  eing allowed to wrestle in general, Primal stated his intentions to mop up the  at with Gary's face.  The two went at it in what was considered a "post main  vent" match and Primal unleashed his custom blend of dirty tactics (his  pening move was biting his opponent's ear). Gary came through though,  sing his trademark drop kick over and over again to wear Primal  own. The  atch ended with Primal submitting to a dragon sleeper.


Hi guys, I need the following M.U.S.C.L.E. Men in pink.........
39, 61, 68, 81, 109, and 120

Let me know if you can help.  Thanks,
Darrin (*)


Thanks for reading!  We'll see you in two weeks for the next online
Darrin Vindiola
(founder of the M.P.S.)

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#2 jkaris


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Posted 26 July 2002 - 10:21 AM

Haahaa. That was classic. A couple of those sites are still up, too! Thanks Nate!
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#3 arforbes


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Posted 27 July 2002 - 08:40 PM

There are a few of those sites that are no longer running, but the info is great! Thanks Nathan!

A blast from the past. B)

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AKA Yapiel, AKA balucard
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