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Poké-Bashers and Harry Haters

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#1 Alan Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 03:44 AM

Do book burners really think that burning one book will get rid of everything?
Do Anti-Pokémon people honestly think that pretending to kill ONE Pokémon or a Pikachu will get rid of all the Pokémon? Pikachu isn't all Pokémon's about! :D
Some people happen to have the common sense of a two-year-old.
The people who wrote alot of those Anti-Pokémon articles out there are so stupid. It's obvious they know absolutely nothing about the show or the games, yet they still feel qualified to offer opinions on it. Same deal with Potter haters.

Anyways, this is where you make commentary on pinheaded articles and post it for all to see.
Here's a little PokéHater's article with my commentary added.

Lousy Pokemon lessons
{Oh, goodie. I can't wait.}

1) In one episode, where Ash needs to get a ghost Pokemon to defeat Sabrina and Kadabra, they walk to Lavender Town. Team Rocket is already in the Lavender Town Tower to capture Pikachu. James falls through a floor at the top of the tower. Then Mewoth sees a ghost Pokemon, Gastly. When Mewoth sees Gastly a second time, he scratches Jesse to kill it. Jesse grabs a poker and flings Mewoth around the room and into the hole.

Is this any way to treat your teammates when you’re working together?
-(Um...dipwad...before you get too excited with your brilliant deduction, let me explain to you the rest of this situation. Jessie, James, and Meowth are about as evil as a sack of potatoes; they're about as brave as one too. So, when they wander into Pokemon Tower and are assaulted by Ghost Pokemon it is in their best interest to fight back. In the nature of the Ghost Pokemon, they trick Meowth into scratching up Jessie. Jessie, in turn retalliates by chucking Meowth down a hole. If you had cared to watch more of Team Rocket in past episodes, you'd know that Jessie doesn't stand to get scratched by Meowth. How would you respond if someone came up to you and took a big chunk out of your face? Knowing you, you'd smile like a moron and walk off, thanking them for causing you the pain that you deserve just for being alive.)

2) In another episode, James creates a Team Rocket Arbo-Tank to destroy everything. It has boxing gloves to punch out natural terrain like mountains. James takes out money from Jesse’s, Mewoth’s, and his account.

Is that any way to treat your friends—take money out of their accounts without telling them?
-(Uh oh! STOP THE PRESSES!! To further your cause, they've stopped being teammates and are just friends? I guess that Meowth incident above fractured the relationship beyond repair, huh? Anyway when you are working together with your "friends" you tend to share things, hence the "working together." We can assume they shared money, and I guarantee you he didn't take out much. Again, if you cared enough about bad morals to watch the series you'd know that Team Rocket couldn't afford a $2 riceball.)

3) In the same episode, Pikachu, inside the Arbo-Tank, electrocutes the interior so it starts fizzling and stuff like that. Charizard stops the tank just so Pikachu and Togepi can escape. When it really starts going to explode, Jesse and James jump into the tank, thinking that they can save it.

Is that the way to teach children—to try to salvage something that is inevitably going to blow up?
-(What the Hell are you saying? Let's teach children to lose hope? How about let's teach them to never give up even when the cards are down? And also, I don't think they're trying to teach children to salvage things that are going to blow up anyway...idiot.)

4) In several episodes, Misty and Ash engage in an argument. When it gets out of control, like it usually does, Pikachu electrocutes both of them.

Is that the way to bury the hatchet and settle the argument or a dispute? It of course teaches that electrocuting is the way to settle a dispute.
-(Who ever said electrocution was a good way to settle an argument? I've never even seen this situation occur, so it doesn't happen all that often. And again, haven't you even seen your parents argue? Probably your dad yelling about how your mom is crazy and how a dipwad child like you couldn't possibly be his. Haven't you wanted to stop that argument? Usually by throwing something or screaming? If you could administer a small shock so they could get the idea, I'm sure you would do it... so shut the Hell up you crazed moron.)

5) In every episode, or most episodes, Team Rocket always gets “blasted away.” They fly to such a height that they disappear like a star. When they fall to their destination, they should be immediately killed. They aren’t.

This really teaches that anyone will survive if they get “blasted away.” Is that the way to teach children that?
-(Yes, and we all know how often kids get "Blasted Away" into the sky only to fall to their death. That, combined with the Power Bouncers epidemic and the whole human race is doomed!)

The answer to all these, is, of course, no. This is why Pokemon is stupid. These are the stupid lessons Pokemon teach to kids.
-(Okay, you just made a dumb article even dumber. You've proven nothing except that rats should not electrocute people, and children should know that when they are "blasted away" they will die when they hit the ground.)
Other Stupid facts

1) It’s also not possible of Pokemon’s power. Dragonite, for example, can shoot water, breath fire, and produce lighting. Impossible! Furthermore, Pidgeot can fly up to 2 times the speed of sound with a person on their back! Hello?
-(Look, Pokemon aren't real, they don't hide in your closet and plot to kill you. Even though the world would be a better place without you this is not the case. In the GAME (yes, Pokemon is a game after all) Dragonite CAN learn learn Surf, Fire
Blast, and Thunder Wave. I'd like you to find me a dragon that can't breathe fire, and then I will believe you. Oh, and in the game the PokeDex says that a Pidgeot can fly that fast, and since POKEMON DON'T EXIST we can only take this to be the truth. What's the fun of making things up if you can't bend reality a little? Your childhood must have been a really lonely one.)

2) Why do Pokemon trainers think that Pokemon actually like battling? In one episode the final of the Orange League, which of course has Ash in it, it appears that they actually hate fighting.
-(Dare I comment on THAT one?)

Battling Charizard, Team Rocket, Tauros, and Squritle exhaust Dragonite, but Drake refuses to let him rest! Animal cruelty to the extreme! Drake is being stupid. He should resign the match if he thinks Dragonite is too tired.

Ash is just as bad as well. Dragonite electrocutes the Tauros that Ash brings out, and lets him get electrocuted. Dragonite also sprays Charizard with his water gun, but Ash still lets him in until he almost faints.
-(Dragonite is a tough Pokemon, and if I remember this episode correctly, Dragonite willingly fights. I'm pretty sure Drake thanks his Pokemon for the effort. And what is wrong with hitting a fire pokemon with water? It's their weakness, and a good strategy.
And Ash's Charizard is not what one would call a "good" pokemon. If he wants to stop fighting, he'll stop fighting. The fact that he continued fighting is not cruelty it's will alone. That's the message that's being sent to kids: never give up. And what's with this "Animal Cruelty" garbage? Pokemon aren't even animals!)

He then finishes by saying the same thing he said before. I'll spare you of the stupidity.

Edited by Alan Mask, 15 August 2003 - 04:13 AM.

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#2 Kinnikux


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Posted 15 August 2003 - 07:05 AM

I think someone is taking Harry Potter and Pokemon a little too seriously...I mean jesus man its a show/movie. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but in my opinion they both suck, but thats me. Maybe you should lay off the tv, and focus on something more important. Try to step outside....fresh air is not going to kill you , its your friend. You seem to study the show like its your job....It's not real.
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#3 Alan Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 08:05 AM

I'm not taking it too seriously. And Pokémon started off as a game. I'm starting to hate the show, but I still like the games and TV specials.
And unless you're the kind of person who becomes a mindless zombie when you watch TV, characters can become real to you. You can understand them and sometimes even relate to them when you pay attention, instead of just watching millions of pictures flash in front of you like a brainless drone.
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#4 Alan Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 08:24 AM

This one's pinheaded, too. Yes, I feel sorry for the kid mentioned in the article, but those dumbarsed parents shouldn't have left him home alone.

Pokémon Kills

On JANUARY 30th 1999, seven year-old Robert J. Brazier passed away when the "POKéMON POWER BOUNCER" he was playing with became lodged in his throat. Despite the valiant efforts of his family, neighbors, EMTs, the Fire Department and emergency room doctors and staff, the Pokémon Power Bouncer could not be dislodged because of its size and consistency. Robbie suffered a slow, painful and agonizing death.

(Yes, that's a sad story. Also for some reason I've noticed that this site magically forgot to mention that the boy was autistic. Now doesn't that actually make it seem like the kid shouldn't have been alone with things like that in the first place?)

What made this tragedy even more unbearable for the family, was the fact that it could have been prevented had it not been for hasbro's greed.

(No, it could have been prevented if the kid didn't decide to put the friggin' ball in his mouth. It also could have been prevented if the moron parents didn't leave a mentally handicapped seven year old alone with objects that he could choke on.)

If hasbro had complied with the Consumer Product Safety Commission guide-lines and made the brightly colored character in a ball larger, it would have been too large to fit snugly in Robbie's throat.

(If it was any bigger, the only difference it would make is that the kid would have a harder time getting it down. Trust me, it was no accident, for whatever reason the kid was trying to swallow the ball on purpose.)

hasbro, the second largest toy maker in the world, knew or should have known* that the ball posed a choking hazard at its size of 1.72" in diameter.

(No, they should have known that it didn't pose a choking hazard to babies, since it couldn't even fit in their mouths. The "7 year old autistic kid" factor doesn't really come into play when they're discussing safety regulations, now does it?)

In fact, in the past 10 years there have been no less than 60 reported cases of children choking to death on balls between the sizes 1.5” and 1.75" in diameter. *Prior to Hasbro’s release of the Pokemon Power Bouncer on November 13th 1998, a similar toy, the “DINO BOUNCER” given away as a restaurant promotion caused the death of a 6 year old girl in Houston, Texas under similar circumstances.

(...and it's the same darn thing. Unless all 60 of those kids were also mentally disabled and/or older than 6, then their parents should have known that babies put things in their mouths and should have tried to prevent it. But unfortunately for them and their kids, they didn't.)

Further, the Pokemon Power Bouncer's design is a danger to children because it consists of a brightly colored figure suspended in what Hasbro calls an “ultra clear” rubber ball.

(Yes, it's not just clear, it's ultra clear.)

The television cartoon series, video game, and other Hasbro toys depict the Pokémon figures coming out of a sphere like object, which is simulated by Hasbro's "ultra clear" ball surrounding a Pokemon figure.

(If it was simulated to look like a PokeBall it'd actually look like a PokeBall, wouldn't it? You could just as easily say that it was simulated to look like a tasty orange. And just how the Hell could you get the toy to bounce if it wasn't shaped like a ball?)

To a child this product appears to be a yet unwrapped toy. The danger comes when children attempt to “open” the toy to get at the figure inside using scissors, knives and their mouths.

(Yes, to a dumb child. And have there been any cases where a kid slit his wrist trying to cut Pikachu out of his little ball? Not that I've heard. Also if the kids are trying to open the ball with their mouths, they'd use their damn TEETH, not the back of their throat.)

The Family of Robert Brazier asked Hasbro to discontinue sales of the "POKEMON POWER BOUNCER" or to increase the size of the ball in hopes that their tragedy might save the life of another child.

(Trust me, another 0.4 inches on that ball isn't going to do anything.)

However, Hasbro, calculating the profits from children collecting all 151 Pokemon characters in the POKEMON POWER BOUNCER, has refused to stop selling the deadly toy, and has also refused to make it safe.

(Yeah... there were about 8 different Power Bouncers to collect at that time. If you can mess up such a big detail like that, then get off of Hasbro's back for making their toys too small by 0.4 inches.)

It should be noted that TOYS “R” US and other toy stores are claiming that the ball is now being made larger in order to keep selling the hot product. However, this is simply false information.

(Do you have any actual proof that this "simply false" information is "simply false"? And as I said before... MAKING THE BALL BIGGER BY 0.4 INCHES WON'T DO ANYTHING!)

Currently, NYPIRG, the non-profit New York Public Interest Research Group has placed the Power Bouncer on its annual List of Dangerous Toys.

(Ah yes... I saw that list. It wouldn't kill them to mention that it was on the bottom of it out of the 20 'dangerous' toys chosen. I also noticed how it got beaten by many tools of death including "My First Years' Squeakie Playbook" and "Mega Bloks' Stackable Soft Block Rattles.")

Please join in the boycott against Pokémon and Hasbro products which include: Playskool ®, Kenner®, Tonka®, oddzon®, Super Soaker®, Milton Bradley®, Parker Brothers®, Tiger™, Hasbro interactive™, and Galoob®

(Yes, do as they say and block your child from 1,000's of perfectly OK toys on account of they stand for all that represents greed and killing little autistic boys for money.)

Please read the other pages to learn more about other negative aspects of the Pokémon marketing scheme.

(Ooh... Negative... Scheme... ASPECTS... scary words ya got there)


If you wish to know more or provide assistance please email RJBrazier@aol.com


(...and while you're at it say yes to gullibility)

Despite the enormous popularity of Pokémon paraphernalia, parents should think twice before purchasing Pokémon products for their child. An examination of the history, marketing and impact of this latest merchandising craze reveals the darker side of Pokémon, Greed.

(Ooh... the DARKER side of Pokemon...GREEEEED. Look, just because Hasbro wants to make money doesn't mean they're all fat, evil, greedy bastiches with a stack of money on their desk, a cigar in their mouth, and a Pikachu in their arms as they are depicted in that image in the top left corner of the website...)

Most Americans first became acquainted with the Pokémon phenomenon when news spread that more than 700 children in Japan were hospitalized after suffering from seizures brought on by the strobe effects of the Pokémon cartoon. In an attempt to be “eye-catching”, the promoters of Pokémon used strobe special effects despite the fact that it was known to trigger such seizers.

(Eye catching? Uh... no. They were simply special effects that are commonly added to Animé, they didn't know it was enough to hospitalize hundreds of little kids.)

Pokémon soon arrived in America as a multi-media/commercial phenomenon. In order to ensure large profits, its promoters created the grammatically incorrect tag lines “gotta catch `em all” and “gotta collect `em all” causing kids to attempt to do just that.

(I noticed how you mentioned that they are grammatically incorrect. But technically, they aren't. It's simply an abbreviated form of "Got to catch them all," which seems to be a well enough structured sentence to me. Ah, but yes, the kids are corrupt enough with the choking and stuff, so the bad grammar can only add to their mental deterioration, right? If Microsoft Word Processor counts "`em" and "gotta" as words, it ain't completely "grammatically incorrect". And notice how "you have to catch all of them" just doesn't sound as 'catchy'? Pun intended.)

No child-targeted promotion in the history of merchandising ever dared to tell our impressionable children that the needed 150 of anything until Pokémon. As a direct result of this campaign, many children have become obsessed if not addicted to hording Pokémon merchandise.

(So? Did it exactly harm kids in any way? Well besides the ones who didn't know any better than to shove it down their throats... but anyways...it's a hobby to those kids, and they enjoy collecting the items. It brings them happiness, and God forbid that a child actually enjoys his young life, right? The kids didn't buy Pokémon items because of Hasbro's marketing devil work, they bought it because they enjoyed the show and/or the game and wanted to have toys from it. Just because many people like something does that necessarily make it so horrible?)

To date, even before the release of the movie, it is estimated that the Pokémon line has generated over a billion dollars in U.S. sales. It is easy to understand why it has become so profitable, when considering that some of the Pokémon products are produced through the exploitation of cheap foreign labor. Most Pokémon items are manufactured for minor fractions of the U.S. retail price.

("Cheap foreign labor?" Are you implying something like that the toys are made by little Malaysian kids or something who work for about 5 cents an hour? Or that everything made in places besides America is just cheap crap? Well tough potatoes, but the toys are made from sturdy plastic. Do you want them to be made out of gold and diamonds? Also, most Pokémon items really are manufactured for minor fractions of the US price. But you know what else is? JUST ABOUT EVERY DAMN THING THAT ACTUALLY SELLS.)

Further the Pokémon ‘myth’ itself should give parents reason for pause. Pokémon is in essence a fighting game promoting violence, capture, enslavement and greed. The ROBERT J. BRAZIER FOUNDATION applauds McDonalds’ decision to decline to participate in a Pokémon promotion for its Happy Meals, citing the questionable family values of Pokémon.

(Violence? Well so does just about everything else that isn't aimed at 5-year-olds. Capture? You mean the same way people stuff real animals in zoos and use them for personal profit? Are they evil now? Enslavement? Not many slave drivers become personal friends with their slaves like Pokemon trainers and their Pokemon, do they? And Pokemon do not always obey the trainers in the first place, and if they don't the trainers don't beat the hell out of them (unless... well, they're horrible trainers)... uh... and Greed? Again, collecting these toys is just something that makes these kids happy. Adults commonly have collections as well (antiques and beer trays for my parents...) and if you find it stupid and greedy for kids to like Pokemon collectibles just because you don't like them, then, well... you're an idiot.)

Lastly, the ROBERT J. BRAZIER FOUNDATION would advise you avoid Pokémon merchandise because it would help send a message to the promoters of Pokémon to recall the Pokémon Power Bouncer, an unsafe toy that took the life of an innocent child.

(Yes, that's right. Stop buying Hasbro's demonic and corrupt merchandise and save innocent little kids from DEATH. And everyone knows that on that glorious day when Hasbro notices a sharp decrease in their sales, they'll naturally start getting rid of the toys that autistic 7 year olds can kill themselves with.)


If you wish to know more or provide assistance please email RJBrazier@aol.com

(Yes... yes... you already said that.)




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If you wish to know more or provide assistance please email RJBrazier@aol.com


Edited by Alan Mask, 18 August 2003 - 01:18 PM.

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#5 jkaris


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Posted 15 August 2003 - 08:51 AM

Nice post Alan.
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#6 Alan Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 09:10 AM

My comments in this next one are more on the humorous side than the serious.

Ash Ketchum/Satoshi
Ash is an ambitious {more like selfish, mean and rude} 10 year old with an aspiration to become a Pokemon master and has not only the want to be the best, but also a love for his pokemon. In the first episode, he winds up being late to meet Professor Oak and receive his first pokemon, and finds that Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle are all taken {Lucky them}! Oak then gives him an usual pokemon called Pikachu {"an usual"?}. Ash soon finds out all about Pikachu's "electric" personality, and finds himself more being owned by the stubborn little pokemon than owning him. After failed attempts to catch more pokemon, Ash soon finds himself chased by a flock of Spearows, which badly injure Pikachu. Ash finds Misty, and takes {steals} her bike to get Pikachu to a pokemon hospital {Center!}. The flock chases, and the bike is destroyed. Luckily, Ash gets Pikachu to the hospital {CENTER!!} fine, and the two bond and become eternal friends in the land of Pokemon.

Misty is seemingly a brat {no, she IS one}, but on the inside she is really a good girl {Good girl? What is this, a preachy little kid show?}. She is nice to everyone, except Ash {and Brock, and Psyduck, and everyone else in the world}. She always is bothering him about her bike, and what he's going to do to replace it {he never will}. She loves pokemon {except poor Psyduck}, and travelling with Ash and Brock is really what she enjoys doing {coulda fooled me!}. Her favorite type of pokemon are water, and naturally, she most often uses a Starmie to fight. In the game she is the holder of the WaterBadge.
{No, really?! I thought she used a Charmander! Why would she "naturally use Starmie"? And it's the Cascade Badge, ya nimrod.}

Brock is the older, testosterone-inflated male of the travelling trio {O_O....ooooookay.....}. Every chance to see a woman is taken up, and every chance to flirt is already done. Of course, the females are mostly bimbos, excluding Misty {no, she's a bimbo, too.}, and don't take it to heart, if they even understand it. Brock's eyes never seem to open, and it just makes you wonder how he sees these women, of course by the way the ones look that he falls in love with, this is evident. {what's evident?} =) Brock prefers rock and fire pokemon (Get it, Brock, rock? Kinda like Misty and water) {He has ONE fire-type}. In the game he has the, get this, BoulderBadge. {Funny how that works, ain't it?} Brock decides to stay with Professor Ivy on Valencia to help with her Pokémon research.

Pikachu is definately the most popular and lovable pokemon {not at Newgrounds.com}. His cuteness has captured the love of millions of watchers and players {not in my class}. He is sort of a weak pokemon {sort of?} in the game to start out, but becomes a strong fighter. In the cartoon, he kicks butt, and tags along outside of his pokeball with Ash. Pikachu is the target of Team Rocket's evil plans most of the time {they're about as evil as a sack of potatoes...}--they're constantly trying to capture poor Pikachu! {And "poor little Pikachu" seems to enjoy shockin' `em!}

Tracey is a new character that joins Ash and Misty after Brock leaves them to help Professor Ivy with her Pokémon research in Valencia. Tracey loves Pokémon, and loves learning about them, as well as sketching pictures of every new Pokémon he runs across! {If the author typed any more, he'd spontaneously combust}


Gary is the self-centered opponent to Ash {That don't make him a villain!}. He seems to think he's the best Pokemon trainer in the world, {he basically IS} and so does his little herd of cheerleaders that seem to cheer him on everywhere. Although he is very self-centered, he is a good trainer. But, he doesn't seem to really enjoy pokemon, more just the winning and competition. {If he doesn't enjoy Pokémon, why is he a Trainer, smarty?}

Jessie/Musashi & James/Kojiro
Jessie and James are just two little kids stuck in a pre-teens body {BUG OFF! THEY'RE ADULTS!!}. They always wind up loosing in the end {"loosing"?}, as is expected of every bad guy in the TV Wonderland™. {You jerk...} Their goal, being in Team Rocket, is to steal precious and rare pokemon, especially the powerful pikachu of Ash. Everytime they appear in the show they say their famous poem {MOTTO, dummy!}... "Prepare for trouble, Make it double. To protect the world from devastation, To unite all peoples within our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love, To extend our reach to the stars above. Jessie, James. Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light. Surrender now, or prepare to fight."

"Meowth thats right" is the first line after Jesse and James' little poem. {MOTTO!! And it's DAT'S right!!!} Meowth is sort of like Pikachu in that he does not stay in a pokeball. However, meowth is a very rare pokemon who can actually speak english (or japanese or whatever) {Or whatever?}. At least Team Rocket caught one good pokemon {More like every one they've caught is good. And Meowth doesn't belong to them.}. Meowth is really the brains of the Team Rocket Triple {Trio!}, as he comes up with most of the plans, and scratches Jessie and James into submission. {HE DOES NOT!!
You make him sound evil!!!}

Other Characters

Nurse Joy
Nurse Joy and all of her sisters with the same name and same look are found in nearly every town in the land of Pokemon. {Freaky, ain't it?} She works at the Pokecenter {Pokécenter?!} healing hurt pokemon. There are slight differences in each Nurse Joy found in different towns! As Brock points out in one episode, they each have a different color on their cross! {He never said that. He said "What your eyes can't see is quite clear to me"!}

Professor Oak/Professor Okido
Professor Oak is the person to call when you need pokemon info. In younger age he was a trainer just like most others. But now in his old age, he studies pokemon, and created the pokedex for trainers to learn info on pokemon and write info about when you come across new pokemon. He gave Ash Pikachu.

Officer Jenny/Officer Junsa
Officer Jenny is your average ditzy female often found in watered-down Japanese Anime like Pokemon {WATERED DOWN?! That's when the dubbers get a hold of it!!!}. She is in most towns and just does her thing, like try to stop Team Rocket and train her Growliths {add one "e" on the end}. Every Jenny found in different towns wear a unique symbol, which Brock uses to distinguish each of them! {No, there are differences that only Brock would notice...}

Ash's Mom/Satoshi's Mom
Ash's mom is just your mother figure, who won't stop asking Ash if he has clean underwear and to be safe, etc, etc.
{Another example of the author having to stop typing in fear of bursting into flame}

Edited by Alan Mask, 18 August 2003 - 01:27 PM.

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#7 Alan Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 09:13 AM

The next one is rather long, so I'll post it in seperate parts.
Here's Part 1.

Here's the next article.
One person's opinion that is very good:
by Brett Peterson

The latest game craze among school children these days goes far beyond childish antics. In fact, it's out right dangerous. Do you have any idea what your children are playing with? "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). My son and I were trading the cards and playing the game - I observed groups of children role playing the Pokemon characters for a period of 4 months - I watched the anime (cartoons or Japanimation) -

{Now THERE'S a term I haven't heard in a long time...}

and I did extensive research into the subtle influences on the whole Pokemon world before I wrote this paper. It is out of much prompting that I finished this and I pray it helps many of you make an informed decision about whether or not Pokemon is a game that you want your children playing with. Pokemon is the result of influences that are completely mystical. These are just to name a few: Buddhist Mysticism, Hinduism, meditation rituals, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Book of Tao, the Analects of Confucius, the Gita, the I Ching, The Tibetan Book of the Dead: All These Philosophies influenced Pokemon!

All the results of his "extensive research," I assume.)

C.G. Jung summarizes all these philosophies in his theory of 'collective unconsciousness, & he assures his followers of the congeniality with occultic energy sciences and the evolutionary into the water energy, fire energy, leaf energy, and wind energy you can achieve spiritual enlightenment and success - all of which are incorporated in Pokemon.

{And Captain Planet...and MANY RPG's...}

Jung draws upon Oriental conceptions of consciousness to broaden the concept of "projection": Not only the "wrathful" demons/monster (pocket monsters) but also the "peaceful" deities/spirits (pika-chu's) are conceived as animal projections of the human psyche - the fundamental Pokemon!

{*Gasp* They're NOT real?! *World shatters*}

Study Ephesians 5:8-17


In the Tibetan tradition life is a sort of 'game',

{In American tradition, "Life" is a cereal}

and they state that each of the levels of game-existence is associated with a particular color and also certain geographical symbols. Note the energy cards in Pokemon have colors and elements that also refer powers and positions. In Tibetan teaching, each person (trainer of projections) has to learn to decode his own internal road map. The Tibetan indicators may be used as a starting point. The purpose is clear: one should follow the signs of the three higher types and shun those of the three lower. One should follow light and pleasant visions and shun dark and dreary ones. Look at the Pokemon cards - both are represented and role-played by our children.

Sorcery is based on the mystical and ethical teachings of the Tao (pronounced "dow."

{Insert one ")" }

All powers and creatures receive their strength by the five elements: fire, water, air or wind, soil, and the void. They teach that these powers can be manipulated by magic. Recently I observed a group of children who were role-playing Pokemon. They were making evil faces and chanting their Pokemon character names over and over! One three year old was chasing another boy almost trance like in expression saying in a deep raspy voice, 'bulbasore attack, bulbasore, bulbasore.'

{Funny how such an "extensively researched" article can misspell the name of the VERY FIRST POKEMON!!!

And you show me one kid who's been turned to Taoism (which is just another religion...I mean really, what's the problem with eastern religions!?) because of Pokemon and I'll show you a monkey that an crap out golden eggs.}

They are, in a very conservative and innocent way, doing what members deep into the occult practice regularly - meditating and projecting their spirits just like practitioners of the occult!

{Taoism isn't a cult! It's a religion that ISN'T Christianity!}

I don't believe the children themselves are doing this as they play,

{But just in case, stay away from it! And while you're at it, you'd better throw away your toaster--the coils inside it turn red, red like the DEVIL!!!}

but for some of the children they are feeding the methodology into their minds and creating a desire for that kind of power. I don't know if the writers of the game intended to indoctrinate children into mysticism or new age believe systems or the occult

{They didn't...you freak}

- but too many aspects of Pokemon do just that - and this can not be ignored.

{Oh, it's very easy to ignore something that doesn't exist.}

In Shinto, the spirits or Kami's can

{Behold the can of Kami! Look in awe as God takes a sip of refreshing cola! Keep your eyes peeled for His coffee-making skills!

The plural of Kami is Kami.}

be summoned, can be the agents of possession as in Shamantic possession trance rituals, and can be utilized to aid in protection and fighting off evil K pe of teaching in Shinto and is very evident in Pokemon)!

Shinto teaches that all such natural features were felt to have a god behind their power. Many Shinto beliefs were incorporated into Japanese Buddhist practices after its introduction in the 6th century. Just as they believe in evolution and re-incarnation, these very ideas are manifest in Pokemon.

{Japanese ideas finding their way into a Japanese game?! Who would have guessed it?!}

Some of the cards show creatures associated with Satan (dragons, ghosts, wizards, etc) and are typical examples of the dark side of Pokemon. Haunter, an evolved spirit can hypnotize and has 'dream eater' power (powered by the purple Pokemon energy cards which is the psychic energy). This power lets him drain the energy from his opponents.

{<as Jedite> Energy that can be harnessed for the Dark Kingdom!}

Some eastern and New age philosophies teach this principal and call spirits that can do this 'energy vampires'. This is just the tip of the iceberg! The Pokemon game contains many typologies manifest in the cards that reflect the philosophies of Shinto with mystic Buddhism, in addition to many other beliefs. Kadabra, above on the right, evolved from Abra. Both have demonic powers. EVOLVING

{Even ignoring the numerous grammatical errors in this paragraph, this just proves the guy's stupidity. "Energy Vampires?" What the noodles?}

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).

In Pokemon, the monsters actually die to their old self and evolve into the new, more powerful Pokemon. This is the teaching of eastern mystery religions and is spelled out in the Egyptian book of the Dead and other occult religions.

{For Kami's sake--a religion that isn't Christianity isn't an evil occult devil worship!}

In one Pokemon episode, Bulbasore did not want to evolve - some feel this means to just 'grow up' - but the idea is to go through a substantial change and it is even suggested that the Pokemon 'looses' its former self or in a way dies to his current psyche

{Well, if I had a name like "Bulbasore," I'd want to "loose" myself too.}

- a typical example of Pokemon and it's occultic influence.

The Pokemon evolve and take on new characteristics and one (Evee) can evolve into one of two completely different Pokemon, which indicates a complete change as I have asserted.

{Yeah...intensive research...}

Children are subtly being indoctrinated in the theory of evolution and mysticism in the Pokemon game. At this level, you will teach your children that God created the world, and the world will tell your children that we evolved from Apes, and they will be so familiar with evolution that they will instinctively believe that un-provable theory!


On a side note, the latest theory of evolution is not survival of the fittest (this is simply adaptation within a species), but 'punctual equilibrium' - species changed spontaneously with no evolutionary steps (which is what Pokemon do).

{Something always jump-starting the evolutions. Whether it's being introduced to the radiation of an evolution stone or by battling and gaining experience, there are always steps.}

What other influences are evident in Pokemon? It gets more unbelievable and shocking as you read on! Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, Satanism, 'New Age', and other occultic influences in 'Pokemon'

Lets look at what these religions teach and a short history. Remember - Pokemon's energy is derived from earth, water, fire, lightening, etc. - and the 'pocket monsters' are part of a universal whole.

First - do you really believe there is power in the occultic?

Study Carefully 2 Chronicles 33:6

These are real powers that have one intention - to keep you from knowing God and experiencing His plan and will for your life! Any game, cartoon, etc. that even hints at occultic practice is dangerous!

{I bet I could find a "hint" of the occult in Veggie Tales if I looked hard enough...}

Wicca, or Witchcraft is a popular and fast growing religious practice all over the world today.

{OK, you're calling Taoism and all the other religions occultic pratices, but then turn around and call witchcraft a religion?! Would someone get this guy a dictionary?!}

Most Witches/Warlocks consider their practice something that is learned by experience - not by books. They go through many incredible rituals to become powerful in the 'craft'. Pokemon trainers must go through a lot of training and ritual type actions

{Such as...?}

to become 'Master Trainers', with the ability to control the Pokemon and their powers.

Pagans use earthly powers and demonic spirits, shamans use animal spirits - their minds are set on the flesh - the Bible says the mind set on the flesh is death!
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#8 arforbes


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Posted 15 August 2003 - 11:09 AM

Good lord Alan! You're right up there with Veers on those post lengths. Interesting points and extremely well-written.

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#9 Mystery Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 11:54 AM

That's a long post! :D

You make a good point though, maybe a lttle to much time on your hands but whatever.
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Just when you think it's safe to go back on the internet...


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#10 Alan Mask

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 12:04 PM

Why's the page all wonky like this?! It's impossible to read anything!!
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#11 WarsmanandRamenmanrule


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Posted 15 August 2003 - 11:07 PM

Man this thread is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D e+ ;) You make good points, and you're right, these people are annoying!!! Also yeah this thread is really long, width wise. It's really annoying. Almost as annoying as that dude who wouldn't stop saying that, that artical he wrote was founded by whatever. I mean, it took me a bit to find where the smilies are. Anyway, great thread dude!

Edited by WarsmanandRamenmanrule, 15 August 2003 - 11:10 PM.

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#12 Mystery Mask

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Posted 16 August 2003 - 09:44 AM

That's a long post! :huh:

You make a good point though, maybe a lttle to much time on your hands but whatever.

I forgot to make spaces, and my browser wouldn't let me edit it. Sorry. ^_^
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Just when you think it's safe to go back on the internet...


Now with UM Series 1-5, 8 of 10 CCG Sculpts, and 6.5" Figures!

#13 WarsmanandRamenmanrule


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Posted 16 August 2003 - 10:21 PM

Thank you whoever changed the strange width of this thread. ^_^
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#14 Alan Mask

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Posted 17 August 2003 - 04:12 AM

Here's part two of One Person's Opinion That is Very Good. Can you believe that was the actual title?!

Study Carefully Galatians 5:16-23
Study Carefully I Corinthians10:19-22

{Carefully I Corinthians...Carefully I Corinthians...nope, can't find it...}

In Pokemon, trainers summon one of their Pokemon to battle other monsters and they use them as guardians. In Wicca, guardians, known as Watchtowers, are called. These spirits (and sometimes animals) are called by them to protect them from 'evil' spirits while they open themselves up to these spirits during rituals - the circle, the pentagram, etc.

{Most of the time the Pokemon are summoned to gain experience (for this evil "evolving nonsense") or to stop Team Rocket from catching some Pokemon.}

all provide a 'safe' area to practice. (In Pokemon the monsters are held in a Pokeball until the trainer summons them). In witchcraft these spirits are summoned and called to stay in the circle until needed to fight off bad spirits. These Guardians in Pagan practice are often the spirits with whom a person feels comfortable with and has developed some form of a relationship with (in Pokemon the trainers befriend their 'pocket monsters' and develop trusting and advice seeking relationships with them).

{I love my little doggie. She's so nice and pretty, and when someone comes to the door she barks at them to make sure I know someone's there and she's always looking for intruders...

Wait a minute...animal friend...protection from intruders...Oh my God! My dog's helping me practice occultic rituals! Oh, how will I save my doomed soul?!}

Possible guardians might be one of the Ancestors, a "spirit guide," or other spiritual entity (including animal spirits and even real animal - like the typical witches black cat) with which the person is familiar with.

{NOW I see his point! Summoning spirits is evil! Remember Final Fantasy 8's lenghty summoning animations? Shoot--after getting the Tonberry King I never wanted to see Diablos again!}

This is what occurs in Pokemon play -the pocket monsters are captured, trained, and summoned as needed.

{And Christains are captured (or "converted"), trained (by preaching), and summoned as needed (every Sunday morning and sometimes on Wednesdays).}

Elements & Powers, geography, and demonic realms of power in Pokemon and astrology, New age cults, & Witchcraft.

Most Pagan and earth based religions and philosophies find power in the Four Elements - Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. These are the energy cards in the Pokemon game!

{That's like the twentieth time you've mentioned that.}

Study Carefully Timothy 4:1

What are we allowing to come into our homes! The elements in Pokemon are foundational to many earth religions and mystic rituals. We draw our power from God, not the earth!

{I don't think that's what Timothy 4:1 says...}

Study Carefully Galatians 4:3,9

Most all covens and eastern philosophies, and Pagan belief systems hold the elements as sources of power, as the Pokemon game does.

Study Carefully 1 Timothy 1:4 and 4:7

Study Carefully 2 Timothy 4:4

This is what all religions are - nothing but mans attempt to reach God. Listen - finite man can not reach an infinite God! He had to reach down to us, and He did in Jesus Christ!

One last example of occultic practices and Pokemon. In Paganism and the Occult there are sprit guides, messengers, and elementals or artificial elementals. They can be summoned to do things for the 'trainer' or 'practitioner.'

They can: 1.) Watch and tell the trainer what it sees

{"Pika pika pika!"
"What is it Pikachu?"
"Pika kachu!"
"What? Timmy's fallen down the well? Lead the way!"}

2.) Guard the trainer

{*imagines Ash shoving Pikachu in front of him to shield him from an attack*}

3.) Fight with other spirits or elementals

{Attack that puddle of water!}

4.) Carry out assignments given by the trainers

{Loaf of bread, stick of butter, gallon of milk...}

Pagans can capture free elementals (much like Pokemon trainers capture pocket monsters) and build relationships with them for use (just like Pokemon trainers). Witches, Shamans, etc, recommend only master practitioners do this because you are not masters of the elementals, just like Pokemon trainers are not masters of the Pocket monster - and they warn that they can be hard to get rid of and may require an exorcism to become free of a bad one.

Study Carefully Matthew 17:14-21

Please pray and do what the Lord instructs you to do - it is time to take a stand for God and protect our children from the influences of our enemy!

{Over-zealous evangelists?}

My son is six and we had a whole book of Pokemon cards - after praying about it he made the decision to get rid of his cards, because he could see they were evil!

{No, he just got tired of never getting any "good cards" or Kids' WB playing endless reruns.}

Listen Christians - we are in a battle! The enemy is subtle and is trying to influence our children's minds. Pokemon teaches all the basics of many false religion and occultic practices! Pokemon also indoctrinates children in evolutionary thought and pagan beliefs!

It is not Pokemon that we fight!

Study Carefully Ephesians 6:12

{Because there WILL be a quiz after this...}

These 'powers' are the very real demonic spirits behind all-false religion and self-serving pursuits. Again, Pokemon is not the enemy - it is Lucifer and all that exalts itself against Jesus Christ and the true path to enlightenment. Pokemon is a tool the enemy can use to build a false foundation and plant seeds of futility in my child - and this I will not allow, and I will, by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit come against all falsehood and doctrines of demons that try to indoctrinate my child with eastern mysticism and occultic practices.

{In the name of the moon...}

There is only one way to God - and He revealed that way in the Bible. It is our absolute fixed point of reference and tells us the Jesus Christ is the only way to God. We have this fixed point of reference - no other religion or philosophy has this! More on the Bible in a moment - read on.

I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ by and through the power of the Holy Spirit will lead you into truth, protect you and your children from the schemes of the enemy, and work in you to will and to do His good pleasure.

{This article was MUCH longer. It proceeded to give the opinions of various pastors. Some were talking about the "evils" of Team Rocket's crossdressing and how the TM's in the game stand for "transcendental meditation" instead of Technical Machine.}
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#15 Alan Mask

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Posted 17 August 2003 - 04:22 AM

Here's one about kids being turned into pinheads by Pokemon...which wasn't brought to America until late 1998, so you know he's lying. And the kids who jumped off their balconies were from some Arabian country. And we all know that because Pokémon was popular at the time, we just gotta blame it. Who says it was Pokémon's fault? Remember the scene in Aladdin where he jumps off the balcony and is caught by the carpet? Some dumbarsed kid might've thought a carpet would catch him if he jumped! And did I ever tell you about the idiotic group of parents who tryed to get Pokémon cancelled? Know why? They think the Pokémon "evolve into evil" just because most Pokémon are tougher-looking than others. ^_^
Anyways, without further interuption, here's the article.

"School Psycologists of Nizhny Tagil-city Think that Cartoon Characters Pokemons Turn Children to Idiots"
.a.p.i. - agency of political information of Ekaterinburg, April 10, 2001
NIZHNIY TAGIL, April 10th. School psycologists of Nizhniy Tagil raises the alarm. Pokemon mania is starting in city schools. Even more, psycologists consider that characters of popular cartoon series, Pokemon, turns children into idiots. Graderschoolers are starting to be behind in intelligence as school progress is decreasing.

We should notice that Pokemon (which initially was computer game) originated in Japan, where this cartoon show is prohibited for the next three years. In US and France, translations of "Pokemon" is also prohibited. There were an accident in USA, in 1997, when a child jumped out of window shouting "I'm Pokemon! I can fly!" There were mass children fightings for posession of Pokemon toys in European schools. Children used razors and others used cold steel.

Despite the article's obvious lack of research (the show was never on a three-year ban, there was no such ban of Pokemon in the US or France, there's been no reported case of the "I can fly!" incident), the article just doesn't explain enough. How did they determine that children's intelligence was decreasing? Was a professional hired? On what were the tests based on? Were other variables looked into to see what caused the lowering of school performances? And how do you know the kid wasn't yelling that he was PETER PAN?

Oh well, I guess we'll never know. Now excuse me, I've got a window to shout out of...

Edited by Alan Mask, 18 August 2003 - 06:32 AM.

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#16 WarsmanandRamenmanrule


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Posted 17 August 2003 - 09:42 AM

;) :lol: That last thing you said, and the doggy comment were the best. These people are so WEIRD! They're looking WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too into it. How can a card be evil? :lol:
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#17 Alan Mask

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Posted 17 August 2003 - 03:31 PM

Here's another article about little things in Pokémon that are "wrong". :D

*Some creatures in pokemon also have 'psycic' powers, like abra and kadabra for instance. Even humans like sabrina in the game also have 'psycic' powers. There is no such thing as 'psycic' powers.

{Because we can't misspell something if it doesn't exist, now can we?}

*There are also channelers in 'pokemon tower' who are 'possesed' by, from what it suggests, demons. Also in 'pokemon tower' there are 'spirits of dead pokemon' which is crazy. There are no ghosts except in peoples minds.

{And over-zealous evangelists only exist in people's minds also. Right?}

*Also there are lots of things in pokemon that inspire violence. The weepinbell card, for instance says it finishes off its enemies with a spray of acid. Do you want to go to jail for finishing off your enemies 'with a spray of acid'?

{Um...excuse me, but there are a LOT of violent acts in the Bible. Y'know, the whole "Cain killed Abel" thing?}

*Omanyte: A fossil that has to be 'resurected' at a science lab.

{Jesus: A holy man who has to be 'resurrected' at a burial place.}

*Meowth: It 'evolves' into persian, which has a hindu mark on its forehead.

{Well, listen to the name. "Persian."}

*Pokemon also teaches gambling in the 'game corner' where players may waste all their money. It becomes a habit so in their later lives they spend lots of money on gambling

{Suuuuure...and the parents who let their kids scratch one of their lottery cards doesn't influence them at all...}
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#18 Ridureyu


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Posted 17 August 2003 - 04:46 PM

The sad thing is that we SANE Christians never get this sort of press... (those guys make us all look bad)
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#19 Alan Mask

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Posted 18 August 2003 - 06:40 AM

This article is called "DUNGEON'S AND DRAGONS", and you'll soon see the raging stupidity level some people can reach.
It's "Dungeons and Dragons"... can't these "educated" people learn basic grammar?!

It is known that pokemon was created to be a stepping-stone to dungeons and dragons and other satanic games. If I have my info right, the people who were shooting at Columbine were playing dungeons and dragons. Who knows? They might have even played pokemon. Pokemon is wrapped up in mysticism and other false religions. I would not reccomend pokemon for my worst enemy (probobly because he would also start to play dungeons and dragons because of pokemon and then shoot me because he hates me).

Columbine wasn't because of any media influence--it was because they were tired of putting up with all the crap they were getting for being different. Sure, they went WAY overboard, but this doesn't mean that Pokemon had anything to do with this. Besides, Pokemon was just starting out then and was only known to diehard anime fans. It hadn't reached the mainstream yet.

And that last sentence...what an idiot...
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#20 Alan Mask

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Posted 18 August 2003 - 06:45 AM

What follows are excerpts from an article, "The Problem with Pokemon." The article is much too long to reprint here. The article basically condemns pokemon for not promoting Christain views and values, and basically concludes that "...the best place for Pokémon paraphernalia is in the trash can!"

Satan seldom mounts a direct assault. Rather, he, through his human helpers, uses subtle, clandestine and deceptive methods to advance his evil doctrines. So, how can we detect these deceptive methods and evil doctrines? How can we protect our children and our-selves? The Bible says, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21. The Bible says, "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31. The Bible says, "…Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good." Romans 12:9. Therefore, we must measure Pokémon paraphernalia by the principles of the Bible to determine if it is acceptable. Let's do that.

{Wow, he's really laying it on thick huh? After reading that, I got very curious...}

One of the first things I did was to find out who produced the trading card game. Here is an exact quote right from the Web page of the producer - "The Pokémon Trading Card Game is a new collectable Card Game that is made and distributed by Wizards of the Coast. The same company that made the best selling game ... Magic: The Gathering." Magic: The Gathering is a heavily occult laced trading card game very popular in the 1990's.

{Heavily occult laced? You'd think they manufactured voodoo pokemon or something. Well, the evil doesn't stop there...}

Next, I looked into the characters in the Pokémon video games, comics, cartoons, movies, etc. What kind of values do they have? Ash Ketchum (a boy) is one of the main characters. He is described as "an energetic and determined 10-year-old…a little too competitive." He is obsessed with catching all Pokémon and driven "to become the world's foremost Pokémon Master." Oh yes, you can be sure that the Pokémon Rap song and mantra will be included in the materials --

"I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside.
Gotta catch them all!"

The last line of the Pokémon mantra, "Gotta catch them all!" is used over and over again in Pokémon paraphernalia because it fuels the craving for more cards, games, toys, gadgets, and comic books.

{When I read the above paragraph, I think I laughed for about five minutes straight.}

Then there are Jessie & James. Here is how they are described -- "Prepare for trouble, make it double.... Jessie, James…are a mysterious and evil gang looking to steal rare Pokémon. Jessie and James are stuck up, fashion conscious, and prone to cross-dressing."

Headstrong, stubborn, quibbling, self-centered, vindictive, obnoxious, hormonal, sexually preoccupied, evil, thieving, cross-dressing jerks are most definitely not biblical role models! These characters do not portray biblical values. Pokémon does not measure up!

{"Hormonal, sexually preoccupied, evil, thieving, cross-dressing jerks"? :lol: I can't exactly imagine little kids running around in James' bodysuit from "Holiday at Acapulco".}

I pointed out earlier that Pokémon originated in Japan. What I did not draw to your attention was that a Pokémon Master is a spin off of a martial arts master in Japan. Pokémon Masters are the leaders of fighting schools or battling gangs that solve their problems by beating their opponents. And how do they do this? Their little booklet says, "Some attacks cause the Defending Pokémon to be Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned."

The Bible warns us to be cautious about what we occupy our minds with (Proverbs 4:23). The games a child plays, the television programs he watches, and the things that he listens to have a powerful mind shaping influence over that child. Mental health professionals are finally coming to understand what the Bible has said all along -- the things you let into you mind shape your thinking and your thinking directs your actions. This truth was acted out at the Columbine High school slaughter. The shooters had saturated their minds with violent video games, Gothic death music, and violent reading material. The result was on April 20, 1999, twelve students and one teacher were murdered.

{Oh! Now I understand! Pokemon-like games caused the Columbine tragedy! So that's why I keep getting urges to climb up a tower and shoot nuns whenever I see a commercial... I better switch to Digimon!}
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#21 Tortle



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Posted 18 August 2003 - 08:17 AM

The sad thing is that we SANE Christians never get this sort of press... (those guys make us all look bad)

Of course. There will always be religious nutjobs who are so insecure in their own beliefs and so afraid of those who are different that said nutjobs feel they must destroy the lifestyles of others. Fortunately, as Ridureyu said, those people are in the minority.

All you can really do is laugh at these fools! The last few articles that Alan posted were hilarious because despite the absurdity of their countless logical fallacies, the authors were totally serious! These idiots ACTUALLY BELIEVE this! Ha, ha! :lol:

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#22 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 18 August 2003 - 08:24 AM

This goes in the Sandbox.
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#23 mimoman


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Posted 18 August 2003 - 08:32 AM

Alan Mask, find a girlfriend. Quick.
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#24 Alan Mask

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Posted 18 August 2003 - 08:36 AM

I sorta do have a girlfriend. Why'd you say that?

Edited by Alan Mask, 18 August 2003 - 08:36 AM.

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#25 Alan Mask

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Posted 18 August 2003 - 08:37 AM

BTW, where's my Shipping topic?
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