Hi There all, I think its the right time, to announce, The Prince Of Planet Kinniku To return, its been sometime I know, but it takes many years to built it back up from the ground. As it has There has Been Many changes to the story, and Many Characters and elements have been taken out., reworked. if you looked at it now from it first started, it would look like a difference Project. so Its taken many years it bring it back to Full Power, And its still no even there. I wanted to Keep the KEY parts of the story cos they worked well. I looked forward to working on this and displaying it here.
But here is an Over View of the Plot
Its been many years snice KIng Mantaro brought pace to the galaxy. he then settled down and had a son, with the head of the Jacqueline Muscle, Joining the Justice federation and the Crown of Planet Kinniku together. Something Harabote Muscle did not like at all. he clamed Mantaro and the Kinniku family were after the power.
"Its a Power grab I tell ya, a Power Grab, theres no way that fool can Marry my daughter, let a lone the head Of the Justice federation"
And Ikemen Muscle is nowere to be seen. As he was caught skimming the Justice federation funds and putting them in to his own account.
But all was not well as some how guy found his way in to an old ship, and somehow got it working and the ship flew off. They all looked for him for Many years but sadly never found him. Guy somehow landed on earth. And he was found by a young couple who took him as there own.
Many years have passed but its now time for Guy to discover his Fate.
This is KInnikuman 3 The Ultimate Muscle
More Updates will come thank you for stopping by
And heres some artwork of guy, Thanks to
Attached Files
Edited by guy kinniku, 10 June 2018 - 12:17 PM.