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Blue Prize Drill???

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 09:18 AM

So what is known about this supposedly rare blue prize drill? I have seen 2 of them now. One sold on Ebay and one sold on Yahoo Japan.

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#2 jkaris


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Posted 26 May 2004 - 09:34 AM

I know Hydra had one, and one sold on Yahoo JP for reasonable (they always sell reasonable on Yaho.JP, lol). My guess is that it was just another variation from the punch boxes.
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Posted 26 May 2004 - 09:50 AM

What I don't understand is how after years and years of everyone knowing about the gold drill, the maroon/yellow punch box prize drill, and the yellow/red mail away Skull Grotess drill, then why did this blue version of the prize drill just now show up? Both of these mysterious drills popped up within months of each other. Could a warehouse find (similar to the Shield Battler sets popping up all at once and flooding the market for a brief time) happen? I mean it is very possible that there are tons and tons of prize punch boxes sitting in a Takara warehouse somewhere in Japan just waiting to hit the toy market. Look at Mattel's Toy Vault and all the ULTRA RARE MOTU toys from the 80's that popped up on Ebay for a good long while...

Just a thought...
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#4 Orca


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Posted 26 May 2004 - 12:48 PM

I know Battlebeast always work in threes, its obvious actually. Just as its obvious, depending on if the BB or LB figure you recieved with the Vehicle is of the correct faction to the color of Vehicle you bought/recieved, that all the Factions (Wood, Fire and Water) are color coated. I assummed that the Gold Drill was the Fire factions Drill while the Brown prize drill was of the Wood faction. I assummed that the mail-away color was just that a mail-away color and the *new* Blue Drill was for the Water faction. I agree that the Blue Drill could have been available in the punch box store display mabey even as a second wave punch box store display? Most of us have seen pictures of the 3 Godbeasts and thanks to thegodbeast some of us have very well done renditions of 2 of the Characters (still waiting on the Firelion buddy), who's to say that there aren't a few more variations or colors or even totally new vehicles sitting somewhere in a warehouse collecting dust and rotting away the once mighty toy that could have been that has long ago suffercated in its plastic prison?????? I've seen incredibly cool Transformer character's and their counterparts like Micromaster vehicles and Actionmaster exo-suits and vehicles that never came to be for a toy line that got cancelled before its time?! Who knows what could have been indtoduced to the BB and LB world in the next wave of Beasts~!!! i can speculate that all of us wouldn't be looking for those freakin' second set of sheilds!!!!!!! ARRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#5 dark_eternal


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Posted 03 June 2004 - 09:28 AM

its all speculation. i agree with marty, why has it just now surfaced when the existing drills have been around for so long? until its authenticated by bickmore or takara itself, im gonna assume its a clever imitation.
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#6 lord


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Posted 03 June 2004 - 09:48 AM

its all speculation. i agree with marty, why has it just now surfaced when the existing drills have been around for so long? until its authenticated by bickmore or takara itself, im gonna assume its a clever imitation.

Are you a friend of Bickmore ? 'Cause if he (they) has (have) a lot of items from the Battle Beasts line I don't thing he (they) is (are) the most expert in Battle Beasts/Beastformer. I'm sure there is poeple here who know much more things.

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#7 jkaris


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Posted 03 June 2004 - 10:12 AM

its all speculation. i agree with marty, why has it just now surfaced when the existing drills have been around for so long?  until its authenticated by bickmore or takara itself, im gonna assume its a clever imitation.

I don't see how Bickmore is the authority on what constitutes a legit BB/LB item, ay more than anyone else who has been around a while. Don't get me wron, Alex runs probably the most informative Beastformers site on the web, but his speculation is not any more valid than Sylvain, Marty, Dave or any of the other long timers in the group.

But, I did see the second Blue chariot that came in a punch box on Yahoo Japan last year. A friend of mine won the lot and got the blue drill. As far as I am concerned, it is legit, unless someone is counterfeiting blue drills and selling them in unopoened punch box displays in Japan. :)
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#8 Orca


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Posted 03 June 2004 - 12:10 PM

But, I did see the second Blue chariot that came in a punch box on Yahoo Japan last year. A friend of mine won the lot and got the blue drill. As far as I am concerned, it is legit, unless someone is counterfeiting blue drills and selling them in unopoened punch box displays in Japan. :)

Like i said, second wave punch box displays. Short-run, like everything else. FIRE WOOD WATER, the ring of the Battlebeast universe. the mail-away color was just that , a mail-away color because not every store had the punch boxes. Everything in the BB universe works in three's............except the Sunburst sign, which there is only one of, the Pirate Lion, so have him kill the Mail-away Skull Grotes and call the Mail-away Drill the Sunburst Drill.
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#9 dark_eternal


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Posted 04 June 2004 - 04:46 PM

in light of Martys recent posts regarding alexs actions, I must retract my previous statement, his slandering proves how unprofessional he really is. my apologies on this.
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"Strongest of the scions created by the gods, they feared his power, and so kept him confined to the dark. So indomitable is his strength that all things are by him twisted and pressed into oblivion. He alone fashions the laws governing all things, and administers punishment in place of the gods. So is he dark eternal, and his authority is absolute."

#10 lazorlion


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Posted 06 June 2004 - 03:03 PM

in light of Martys recent posts regarding alexs actions, I must retract my previous statement, his slandering proves how unprofessional he really is.  my apologies on this.

Right on, man!

That is what a bunch of us have said for a year or 2.

Also, Hydra (the supposed "collector") sold his for $$$ on Ebay because it is all about making lots and lots of $$$ off collectors BEFORE the market is flooded with them... At this point, I wouldn't pay more than $200-$250 for one. I learned my lesson the hard way, over-paying 100's of $$$ for what I thought were ultra super rare figures (read some of Hydra's auction descriptions and titles on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/...5902568176&rd=1 ).


Edited by lazorlion, 06 June 2004 - 03:20 PM.

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 07:37 PM

So basically, there are 3 known Blue Prize Drills...


these are the 3 owners of the 3 Blue Prize Drills...

Who actually owns a Mail Away #101 Drill??? Anyone???

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Posted 10 September 2004 - 02:39 PM

So basically, there are 3 known Blue Prize Drills...


these are the 3 owners of the 3 Blue Prize Drills...

Who actually owns a Mail Away #101 Drill???  Anyone???


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So far only Dabbuu owns the #101 Mail Away Drill???

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Edited by THEGODBEAST, 10 September 2004 - 02:54 PM.

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#13 lord


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Posted 10 September 2004 - 10:35 PM

But nobody own the yellow Battle Buzzsaw ! :lol:

Edited by lord, 10 September 2004 - 10:43 PM.

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#14 Eyeofthebeast80s


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Posted 11 September 2004 - 02:08 PM

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#15 lord


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Posted 11 September 2004 - 11:25 PM


I din't own one. The one I saw was not a custom. And you can see it to on my site but nobody noticed that.
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#16 lord


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Posted 12 September 2004 - 09:00 AM

I forgot to say where on the site you could find the Yellow Battle Buzzsaw. It's in the "1988 Pre Toy Fair Catalog". You will find picture of some others great prototypes like the MARRON BATTLE BUZZSAW,the YELLOW BATTLE SAVANNA, the BLUE BATTLE SAVANNA, the MARRON BATTLE SAVANNA, the YELLOW BATTLE EAGLE, the BLUE BATTLE EAGLE and the MARRON BATTLE EAGLE

Enjoy !
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Posted 12 September 2004 - 09:08 AM

I missed it totally on your site...

See, when you first posted your site (there weren't any photos and it wasn't finished), then when you updated it (I looked at what you updated), then this last time when I checked it, I totally missed that photo...maybe it is because the photos are real small until you click on them, so you don't notice something like that and it is easy to pass over...

TOTALLY KICK arse though! What is strange is that the drills are all the correct ones and the battle chariots are all funky, even missing the 3 correct colored ones that were released...

Thanks for sharing that photo, it is kewl and if I every customize Drills and Battle Chariots....watch out!

He! hE! he!

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#18 Toxoviper


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 06:27 PM

But nobody own the yellow Battle Buzzsaw ! :lol:

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#19 retroactive80z


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    BATTLE BEASTS ROCK AND SO DO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 02 November 2012 - 05:13 AM

I've had one for 6 monthes just traded it off to Barry so now he has it.
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#20 dabbuu


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 11:10 AM

I've had one for 6 monthes just traded it off to Barry so now he has it.

Huh? Can you please explain?
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#21 retroactive80z


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 11:38 AM

A blue drill.

I'm about to trade it for a yellow drill so he has his drills completed and a few other bits. Then I will just need the blue drill again.
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#22 dabbuu


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Posted 03 November 2012 - 04:24 PM

A blue drill.

I'm about to trade it for a yellow drill so he has his drills completed and a few other bits. Then I will just need the blue drill again.

AHH ok understood I thought you were talking about the yellow buzzsaw.
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#23 retroactive80z


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    BATTLE BEASTS ROCK AND SO DO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 03 November 2012 - 04:55 PM

Is there only one yellow Buzzsaw? I think I would like one.
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#24 dabbuu


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Posted 03 November 2012 - 07:14 PM

Is there only one yellow Buzzsaw? I think I would like one.

Only one of each of these were ever made:

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#25 Toxoviper


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Posted 03 November 2012 - 08:39 PM

Dabbuu can you tell any differences to the color or made in stamps on the Skybat, Green Rayfer or Battle Eagle ?
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