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OMFG overpopulation

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#1 Jackson


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:26 PM

i got mine! i seriously hope these are the last s1 figures to be released! too many versions! it is getting harder and harder to keep the "complete" aspect of my s1 collection going! lol

I've officially thrown in the towel on collecting every color variation of S1 OMFG.
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#2 SmokinGun


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 01:19 PM

I dont know. I think there will be more colors in the future. Im completely lost track of the colors they produced. S1 is by far the most popular series than the rest of the series. So whats next in line? Grape, pink, neons colors, translucents. Its endless.
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#3 Metalmonkey


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 05:33 PM

So far I've managed to keep up with the colour releases for series one, but it hasn't been easy!
TimeZone differences usually mean I gotta get up in the middle of the night which sux when you work a FT job.
I think the hardest set to get would've been the NYC stealth ed, setting me back a bit on eBay.
I do hope they slow down with colour releases for future series and start pumping out more figures instead, but I am still enjoying seeing so many different waves so far.

Edited by Metalmonkey, 11 November 2012 - 05:33 PM.

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#4 ComradeCuttlefish



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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:55 AM

Eventually they will release more and more colors. Then eventually more and more collectors will give up trying to get them all. That will cause this little market of OMFG series 1 figures to crash. Then they will all be worthless and easier to get.

Why do all toy companies, big and small, never learn the lesson that flooding the market kills it? You can make only so many of something before people get sick of it. Or, in this case, you can only make so many different versions of something before people simply give up trying to get them all. Does anyone really want to invest the time or money into getting 60 different colors of the same 5 figures? That's where this is heading. Enjoy it while it lasts, because in 2 years you will all have lost interest.

Edited by ComradeCuttlefish, 14 November 2012 - 09:56 AM.

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#5 PlasticSoul


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 10:26 AM

Eventually they will release more and more colors. Then eventually more and more collectors will give up trying to get them all. That will cause this little market of OMFG series 1 figures to crash. Then they will all be worthless and easier to get.

Why do all toy companies, big and small, never learn the lesson that flooding the market kills it? You can make only so many of something before people get sick of it. Or, in this case, you can only make so many different versions of something before people simply give up trying to get them all. Does anyone really want to invest the time or money into getting 60 different colors of the same 5 figures? That's where this is heading. Enjoy it while it lasts, because in 2 years you will all have lost interest.

I don't agree at all with your claim that in 2 years everyone will have lost interest.

I know you stopped collecting toys but most people here are still collecting the same toys they collected 20 or 30 years ago. Sure there are new guys who jump in head first then get bored they sell what they bought a few months later but that's a small minority here. Most of the people i know here don't get wrapped up a toys value or popularity. They get what they like. They get what their kids like. They are adults and their taste doesn't drastically change.

I'm sure i'll enjoy my multiskulls 10 years from now, just like my muscle figures and zombies slugs and mimp wolves.

Honestly anyone who loses interest because there are MORE colors released probably didn't like the toys that much in the first place.
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#6 ComradeCuttlefish



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Posted 14 November 2012 - 10:56 AM

I don't agree at all with your claim that in 2 years everyone will have lost interest.

I know you stopped collecting toys but most people here are still collecting the same toys they collected 20 or 30 years ago.

Yes, but the difference with the toys we had as kids is that there were only so many of them released. Interest in those have only grown. There was no major toyline for us in the 1980s where they released more than a dozen of the same figure. Toy companies have done that TODAY, and that's why people have lost interest in new toys. There are 62 versions today of Snake Eyes. Only 3 of those were in the 1980s. Now, most GI Joe collectors have just said "eff it" and don't care if they have all 62 versions. This flooding has happened only in the current market of toys. And big companies and independent producers are all doing it today. It's not sustainable. That's why so many GI Joe collectors, for example, who were initially interested in collecting both old stuff and new stuff have completely given up on the old stuff. And that's why I think a lot of people will also give up on the new toys today that are flooding the market, but unlike our 1980s toys, they will have nothing vintage to fall back. They will just stop collecting completely.

Most of the people i know here don't get wrapped up a toys value or popularity. They get what they like. They get what their kids like.

Totally disagree with this statement. Read what people have written in this thread alone about almost feeling compelled to buy something, not because they like it, but because they MUST have every version.

i seriously hope these are the last s1 figures to be released! too many versions! it is getting harder and harder to keep the "complete" aspect of my s1 collection going! lol

I've officially thrown in the towel on collecting every color variation of S1 OMFG.

And countless other statements like this in threads about newer toylines where people seem to feel compelled to complete a set and have it all in every possible color.

I'm sure i'll enjoy my multiskulls 10 years from now, just like my muscle figures and zombies slugs and mimp wolves.

I hope you do!

Edited by ComradeCuttlefish, 14 November 2012 - 10:57 AM.

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#7 ironmask


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 01:38 PM

Eventually they will release more and more colors. Then eventually more and more collectors will give up trying to get them all. That will cause this little market of OMFG series 1 figures to crash. Then they will all be worthless and easier to get.

Why do all toy companies, big and small, never learn the lesson that flooding the market kills it? You can make only so many of something before people get sick of it. Or, in this case, you can only make so many different versions of something before people simply give up trying to get them all. Does anyone really want to invest the time or money into getting 60 different colors of the same 5 figures? That's where this is heading. Enjoy it while it lasts, because in 2 years you will all have lost interest.

I hate to say it... In fact, it's causing me great physical pain to do so... But I totally agree with you.
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#8 iwao


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 06:19 PM

Eventually they will release more and more colors. Then eventually more and more collectors will give up trying to get them all. That will cause this little market of OMFG series 1 figures to crash. Then they will all be worthless and easier to get.

You aren't factoring in that the number of OMFG collectors will grow each series, and only 200 sets of the exclusive colors are made. They don't need anyone to buy every color anymore. 200 sets of any series in any color will sell out eventually, unless the seller is charging too much.
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#9 Metalmonkey


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 07:23 PM

Read what people have written in this thread alone about almost feeling compelled to buy something, not because they like it, but because they MUST have every version.

It can be for both reasons you know. Liking something enough can lead to wanting more of it. Isn't that just logic?
But generalising that 'people' have said or whatnot is not a reflection of a majority, rather you may have gone off these and now identify with the minority of people who have also. It just shows how you feel about collecting these really. So what?
As a kid I collected MIMP, and now as an adult I can't keep up with every worldwide release and variant but that is the beauty of collecting.
No one say you have to have it all, you can just have some and enjoy it for what it is. And if you want them all, have the time & money to stake out any and every release, well good luck to ya I say.
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#10 jkaris


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:08 PM

One thin g to note is that some collectors also drop the line because they can't get a color that was limited, and they are compelled to own every piece. So too many colors to collect, people drop off. Not enough of each color, people drop off. On average the line continues to grow. The only thing I see that could cause it to come to a stand still are boring sculpts. But still at $2-$3 per figure average, it isn't hard to be a completist.
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#11 ironmask


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 09:47 AM

One thin g to note is that some collectors also drop the line because they can't get a color that was limited, and they are compelled to own every piece. So too many colors to collect, people drop off. Not enough of each color, people drop off. On average the line continues to grow. The only thing I see that could cause it to come to a stand still are boring sculpts. But still at $2-$3 per figure average, it isn't hard to be a completist.

Toy collectors can be totally fickle.
I also throw a high-fiver towards you, for acknowledging that the quality of the figure concepts is on a decline.

The one point I would like to counter with is: $2-$3 per figure is average for the primary market. If you can't make it to a convention where a new color is being offered, or meet some bogus "drop" online, then you can generally bank on paying an inflated price. $2 a figure is not bad at all... But when you're paying $6 a figure, and multiplying that by 5? That can be a more costly collecting endeavor.
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#12 ComradeCuttlefish



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 10:49 AM

It can be for both reasons you know. Liking something enough can lead to wanting more of it. Isn't that just logic?
But generalising that 'people' have said or whatnot is not a reflection of a majority

Ok, so they're not "people," but "usernames."
...I never said it was a majority of people who will stop collecting because toy companies flood their market with duplicate figures in different colors or different versions. What I said was:

Eventually they will release more and more colors. Then eventually more and more collectors will give up trying to get them all.

It just shows how you feel about collecting these really. So what?

It doesn't show anything about how I feel about them. But since you asked, I have no interest in collecting them, because I don't actively collect anything, really. However, I have been very involved in toy communities for over a decade, seeing how overproducing or underproducing an item impacts the market. I have bought and sold thousands of dollars of toys and made quite a bit of money in my spare time as a hobby. That's why I shared the example of GI Joes, a market I am very familiar with, to show what happened with the Snake Eyes figures. They made 62 versions of the same damn figure, and 59 of those were AFTER the 1980s. For nostalgic toy collectors who collected both vintage and new, this caused burnout and many GI Joe collectors reverted back to collecting only vintage and giving up on new GI Joes.

While the OMFG market is a grain of sand compared to the GI Joe market, the same thing will happen. Even though there are only 200 of each OMFG version produced, and even if there are probably only a few hundred (at most) people who collect OMFG, people will get burned out trying to get every color and every version. That's why some will just give up.

What makes OMFG worse than even big companies like Hasbro flooding the GI Joe market with 62 versions of the same figure is two things:
1. OMFG has been around less than 2 years. Yet, they've already released more than a dozen of the same figure in different colors. They're flooding the market faster than even Hasbro did.

2. OMFG is also worse than Hasbro because they are making those color variations far too exclusive. There simply are not enough of each color to satisfy every person who collects them. So the other reason for burnout is if 200 of a color is made but there are 300 OMFG collectors, 1/3rd of them won't be able to complete their set. So, many of them will burn out and just say F it. And stop collecting. (or stop trying for one of everything).

*that 300 figure is an estimate, because there are probably even fewer OMFG collectors than that.

Edited by ComradeCuttlefish, 16 November 2012 - 08:39 AM.

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#13 ironmask


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 11:57 AM

While the OMFG market is a grain of sand compared to the GI Joe market, the same thing will happen. Even though there are only 200 of each OMFG version produced, and even if there are probably only a few hundred (at most) people who collect OMFG, people will get burned out trying to get every color and every version. That's why some will just give up.

What makes OMFG worse than even big companies like Hasbro flooding the GI Joe market with 62 versions of the same figure is two things:
1. OMFG has been around less than 2 years. Yet, they've already released more than a dozen of the same figure in different colors. They're flooding the market faster than even Hasbro did.

2. OMFG is also worse than Hasbro because they are making those color variations far too exclusive. There simply are not enough of each color to satisfy every person who collects them. So the other reason for burnout is if 200 of a color is made but there are 300 OMFG collectors, 1/3rd of them won't be able to complete their set. So, many of them will burn out and just say F it. And stop collecting. (or stop trying for one of everything).

*that 300 figure is an estimate, because there are probably even fewer OMFG collectors than that.

Well, unfortunately many toy collectors have serious psychological issues. So many of them are obsessive compulsive and/or jealous and/or narcissistic. :crazy: That's why so many collectors feel a compulsion to HAVE IT ALL. And to COMPLETE THEIR SET, even if they don't actually like every figure or every color.

So although you might say you personally don't care about having it all, maybe you're just one of the few normal toy collectors who's not obsessive compulsive, jealous, or narcissistic! :)

I think comparing a brand that has been around for 50+ years to a new brand is unfair (even if I hate that new brand). It's apples and oranges. You may as well try to describe a crab nebula to a blind kid that has no interest in science. OMFG has been around for roughly two years, which brings me to my next point...

#1, I agree with. They have oversaturated their market, and not spent nearly the time or money on trying to reach a broader audience. OT seems pretty content to bleed their current customer base with flea market tactics.
I don't collect OMFG at all, and dumped the few figures I did have, because I disagree with that business model (and the inherent exploitation of the series' contributing artists).

Finally, I would like to say that MetalMonkey is a pretty normal dude. I'm pretty pleased to call him my friend. Once again, I think your divisive and trollish brand of communication has completely skewed a conversation that you haven't really been a relevant part of, into another ego-feeding pissing match. For somebody that is so content with their life, seems like pretty small potatoes to me.
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#14 laserbeast


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 03:56 PM

I think comparing a brand that has been around for 50+ years to a new brand is unfair (even if I hate that new brand). It's apples and oranges. You may as well try to describe a crab nebula to a blind kid that has no interest in science. OMFG has been around for roughly two years, which brings me to my next point...

#1, I agree with. They have oversaturated their market, and not spent nearly the time or money on trying to reach a broader audience. OT seems pretty content to bleed their current customer base with flea market tactics.
I don't collect OMFG at all, and dumped the few figures I did have, because I disagree with that business model (and the inherent exploitation of the series' contributing artists).

Finally, I would like to say that MetalMonkey is a pretty normal dude. I'm pretty pleased to call him my friend. Once again, I think your divisive and trollish brand of communication has completely skewed a conversation that you haven't really been a relevant part of, into another ego-feeding pissing match. For somebody that is so content with their life, seems like pretty small potatoes to me.

I still enjoy the line so far and will probably purchase some for series 3 since 2 designs I absolutely despised didn't make it...but ya nailed it nonetheless.

Edited by laserbeast, 15 November 2012 - 04:00 PM.

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#15 Metalmonkey


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:42 PM


Edited by Metalmonkey, 16 November 2012 - 03:58 AM.

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#16 Metalmonkey


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:44 PM

Thanks for the kind words iron mask, yeah your my brother from another mother man. :drinks:
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#17 ComradeCuttlefish



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 06:44 PM

See below post.

Edited by ComradeCuttlefish, 15 November 2012 - 07:03 PM.

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#18 ComradeCuttlefish



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 06:49 PM

You know what, I am actually going to backtrack on this one, because it really was not my intention to upset or offend anyone in this discussion.

Edited by ComradeCuttlefish, 15 November 2012 - 07:03 PM.

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#19 SaltLakeToyJunkee


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 07:04 PM

I would have to say I am a little burned out with Series 1. I would rather see new figs coming out instead of the same ones in different colors. :confused:
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#20 imperfecz



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 07:07 PM

hahaha is that supposed to be a step up from your usual ... edit? YOu forget "people" do know you're a puke.
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#21 ComradeCuttlefish



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 07:13 PM

hahaha is that supposed to be a step up from your usual ... edit? YOu forget "people" do know you're a puke.

I still hate you. Nothing's changed there. :) But in this case what I was posting was completely misinterpreted, so that plus because I have ZERO vested interest in OMFG, there's no reason for me to continue a discussion about it.
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#22 imperfecz



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Posted 15 November 2012 - 07:16 PM

I still hate you. Nothing's changed there. :)

Funny how coming from you.... well that's the sweetest thing you could say.
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#23 TheWatcher


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Posted 15 November 2012 - 08:49 PM

I've gotten lucky and gotten pretty much every color way so far. The only figure I am missing is an AP crawdad kid and that's cause he was never my favorite sculpt by far. I liked this line more when releases were sporadic and cheap. Now it's starting to be expensive with so many drops so close together. I'm starting to feel like I am being forced in a way to buy even when it's not financially feasible for me to keep up and not pay more later. I have quit lines before for the same reasons. I enjoy collecting colorways but not so many and not so close together.
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#24 bigburty


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    This and that - mostly that!

Posted 16 November 2012 - 07:55 AM

Personally I think things have got a little out of hand with the sheer amount of new colours and the rate at which they are being released. I stopped sometime ago and I'm more than happy with what I've got, hence I can't justify buying anymore of the same 5 figures when there's so many other LRG's out there that I want. I'm going for an AP 2 set to sit alongside my AP 1 set then that's it - end of. I'll be keeping my LRG green set (standard :thumbsup: ), flesh set, black set and ersico custom painted set/Crawdad, but as for my other sets I have considered selling them to fund other things. I really struggle when parting with figures though, so it's unlikely I'll ever do that :rolleyes:
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#25 PlasticPlayhouse


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Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:40 AM

i love the sculpts and some of the color variations are cool, but i am tired of seeing series one already. i want to move on to series two, three, four, etc!
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