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Ark: Survival Evolved

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#1 Draznar



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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:11 AM

This game is going to be an epic open-world sandbox game that allows you to tame and enslave dinosaurs! It's coming to Steam Early Access on June 2, and PS4 and Xbox One in June of 2016. So far, they've shown video footage of people riding dinosaurs, aquatic reptiles, flying reptiles, and even giant scorpions.


Confirmed animals outside of the video can be found here:






This game places heavy emphasis on grouping together to take down larger foes and protecting yourselves. Especially since you can't log out of this game. Your character falls asleep in the game world, but does not leave when you log out. This means you need to log out in a secure location, or a hide out. Which brings up the next point that you are able to construct all manner of buildings to help you survive on the island.


They're going to have dedicated servers for both PvP and PvE, which should please the crowds completely. Better yet, you can even switch servers at specific points in the game world if you tire of one or the other. There's more to this game that I haven't posted, but if any of the above is interesting I strongly recommend checking it out. I am applying for the alpha and I will be a part of the early access, (early father's day present from the wife.) If anyone else is going to be playing this we should band together as the LRG horde and troll some noobs.


I can't access the youtube video from my work PC, so I will either add it later or let you guys check it for yourself!

Edited by Draznar, 13 May 2015 - 09:13 AM.

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#2 Jesse


    They should really get a breathalyzer on thi site

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Posted 13 May 2015 - 10:53 AM

Sounds pretty sweet! Dinosaurs yay!
Kind of funny making you play until youve built a hideout or you will die logging out, better start on a weekend then hahahaaa...

And the lrg horde sounds pretty effing cool idea :lol:

Edit: checked pics. Epic megalodon :woot:

Edited by Jesse, 13 May 2015 - 10:55 AM.

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#3 MantisFang


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 11:33 AM

Monster hunteresque..
But Dino mounts?? Sign me up!
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#4 Draznar



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Posted 13 May 2015 - 12:19 PM

Monster hunteresque..
But Dino mounts?? Sign me up!


Exactly. I love the MH series already, this was pretty much a no-brainer for me. I've applied for the alpha, here's to hoping I can get in on that. They're going to let us know next week.


Kind of funny making you play until youve built a hideout or you will die logging out, better start on a weekend then hahahaaa...


You could take your chances sleeping in a cave, or under some logs or something. It's not like you will have much to lose if you die that early in the game. I forgot to mention that when you die in ARK, you only lose your items. You keep all your blueprints/stats.

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#5 Jesse


    They should really get a breathalyzer on thi site

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Posted 13 May 2015 - 12:32 PM

Thank god...

Can imagine though later in the game youve built a nice house with lots of stuff and yard and storage and all, only to wake up the next day to read the screen saying your house was wrecked and you were eaten alive by a Spinosaurus. Ps. But dont worry youve still got your level!

But still sounds good and dont mind dying but just sayin... ^:rolleyes:^

Edited by Jesse, 13 May 2015 - 12:32 PM.

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#6 Draznar



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Posted 13 May 2015 - 12:45 PM

Thank god...

Can imagine though later in the game youve built a nice house with lots of stuff and yard and storage and all, only to wake up the next day to read the screen saying your house was wrecked and you were eaten alive by a Spinosaurus. Ps. But dont worry youve still got your level!

But still sounds good and dont mind dying but just sayin... ^ :rolleyes:^

Build better defenses and alliances next time, homie! Make friends with peeps from around the world so someone is usually going to be on. One person shooting at the roaming T-rex is better than it just munching on all of your tasty sleeping bods.

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#7 BaltanII


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 05:18 PM

There's more than enough games floating around in the Early Access stage of development or even further back that I don't waste my time getting excited by anything like this anymore until it legitimately exists as product. The GoatZ trailer for Goat Simulator, of all things, perfectly captured the absurdity of all these pie-in-the-sky survival games with its "first survival game not in Early Access" subtitle. This isn't even the first dinosaur-themed survival game!


So absolutely, I'll be down when this actually convinces me it exists, but certainly not with its otherwise awesome and tempting trailer bait.

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#8 Draznar



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Posted 15 May 2015 - 08:39 AM

I've applied for the alpha testing, but if that fails I'm balls deep on the EA. While I agree that survival games in EA can be a bit of an issue, this game does not appear to be making the same promises many other games have made. For starters, that reveal trailer is in-game footage apparently, and it looks great! The game also looks pretty much done at this point, and the developers are pretty active and honest in the community. They came forward and mentioned that their building mechanics are definitely not perfect, and that they hope to refine them throughout the EA process. I appreciate their honesty in that regard.

The Stomping Land is the only other dinosaur survival game, (that I know of), and it tanked hard due to an incredibly shitty/shifty developer. I didn't touch that game with a ten foot pole, but apparently the dev team took ages to respond to any requests/questions and the fanbase just accepted that. That's something that is incredibly unacceptable during the EA phase for obvious reasons.

I think the biggest thing these guys have going for them is that the game is looking relatively finished at this point, and more importantly they aren't using crowd-funding.


It could end up as a gigantic blunder in the end, but they're taking the rights steps forward, in my opinion, and I am excited to check this game out! Assuming I can get into the Alpha, the devs have stated there's an NDA for it, so I won't be able to talk about it one way or the other until June 2. Check back then if you want my opinion after I experience it?

For those interested in a better explanation as to why this is different than other games:



Probably the best reason though, is right here: "P.S we also have dodos and dinosaurs and you can force feed people poop"


Edited by Draznar, 15 May 2015 - 11:51 AM.

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#9 ironmask


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 06:55 AM

 "P.S we also have dodos and dinosaurs and you can force feed people poop"

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#10 Draznar



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Posted 12 June 2015 - 11:55 AM


 "P.S we also have dodos and dinosaurs and you can force feed people poop"



The game has been out for ten days, and I am still yet to force feed anybody poop. (I suck. I'm sorry).

The game has been an absolute blast so far, with a few exceptions:

The PvP is incredibly unbalanced. It took me and a friend several days to construct a base. It was torn downin minutes. So that's very unbalanced and, well, unfair.

I say this because when you log out, everything is persistent. This means that even if you aren't around, people can kill you, take your stuff, and ruin your entire base. The only way to combat this right now is to never sign off. I kid you not.


Outside of that glaring issue, it's been a lot of fun running around the island. Levelling isn't too grindy, and taming dinosaurs takes a bit of effort too. Each dinosaur has different abilities, and it's fun discovering them.



My favourite part about the game so far is probably the lighting. To be honest, playing at night time is almost a drag because it's so dark. This also makes it realistic because you're running around a wild jungle. Things are more visible, naturally, if you're in an open field or on the beach though! It's very neat to walk through the jungle with a torch in your hands and not being able to see all that far ahead of you. (Especially if you accidentally bump into a predator!)

The game is in early access, so it still requires a lot of work and patching. It's playable right now, and a whole lot of fun!

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