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Ramen's Pixel Pictorium (Big Topic with Sprites) - MUSCLE Moment!

Pixels Kinnikuman Sprites

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#1 Ramenking


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Posted 15 March 2024 - 01:45 AM

New topic time boys and gals, because the old one was a bit busted and I want to start fresh. It's been almost fifteen years since I first posted on here. Wild stuff… Time goes by oh, oh so fast. I found this place because I loved Ultimate Muscle, I grew up on it. Then through there I hunted down fan translations of the Kinnikuman manga, boy were some of them poor quality text and image wise. haha Real eye sore and headache inducing stuff, but it's all I had. Then I managed to find this site when I was looking for a specific Kinniku thing, and it all went up from there. You all were oh so welcoming, and I made a good amount of friends and met some other great and interesting people. The good 4 or 5 years I spent here off and on were some great times, and I gotta say I became nostalgic. Let's cut to now, I'm a bit older I go searching out things from the old days. I remember this forum I log on, I see the fan art section is on the quiet side, and I think I'd like to fix that. (Or try to in my somewhat vain attempt.) As many of you know, I'm a pixel guy. I have always liked making sprites and mucking about with Pixels in my free and spare time. When I was younger I had lots of that, but I didn't really have the ample skill to make the things I wish I could. Certain characters from the Franchise were outside of my skill range badly. I recall spending months upon months trying to make Sunshine, countless hours spent trying to figure him out. It was wild and all I ended up happy with was a head for him and that was it. haha Anyway now I'm older, and I've been doing this whole pixel thing for well over 10 years and I decided since my skills have improved. I'm gonna do some revamping of what I did before, and make even more of what I lacked ability to do so before. (I might even share some pixel pieces outside of the Kinnikuman fandom, just too keep this topic spicy) With that I present you all this (Something I teased in my original old topic). My first of many to come Sprite drops with an initial show of the top dog himself… Kinnikuman in my first make of him, to what I was working with for him prior to my leaving, to the now times. DneZsUD.gif - Kinnikuman Evolve Gif for Funs uajIfbe.png - 200x To See Better AtPsbgD.png - Actual Size Enjoy guys and stay tuned for many more as time goes on, I got a lot of ideas. So follow along if you want to see what goes up. Happy to be back! TLDR: I like this place, I made pixels here over Decade ago, I lefts, I will make more now for your eyes and for my enjoyments. Hope you enjoy em too. Yeet!

Edited by Ramenking, 11 July 2024 - 02:12 AM.

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#2 Mangler


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Posted 15 March 2024 - 06:30 PM

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#3 Ramenking


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Posted 17 March 2024 - 03:53 AM

First off thanks Mangler, appreciate it!
So I wanted to just share some of the Old Work I did, as the links in the past threads are long since dead. 
Just gathered some bits up and lined them up for you all. I'm going to be revamping all these guys in time. (Also included is a link to them separated and bigged up if you would prefer looking that way instead) Gotta say while some of these for me look not at all good structure wise anymore. I did at least seem to do some alright colors. Definitely will carry those over to the next cycle for the revamps.
Next post in due time will be another Kinniku Franchise character, and some extra little bits as well. Stay tuned for it, also if you guys have any questions, comments, or even requests feel free to drop em in here, or message me. All that said…
Ramen, out!


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#4 Ramenking


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Posted 26 March 2024 - 03:09 AM

Hey guys, so I got really deep into the revamping weeds and made way more than I thought I would, and I just can't stop going honestly. This has all really revitalized my drive for pixel work, genuinely loving working on these characters again.


All that said, I don't want to drop all these fellas all in one go, so for the moment I will give you all a choice in a nice little poll of 1 to 6. Cast your vote and the highest voted will be shown next week, and second highest the week after, and so on and so on. 


Here are the six peeps nicely blurred for effect.




So you all have one week to cast them votes, and I'll start rolling out the sprites from there one by one. Also they won't be as bare and lack of extras as our boy Kinnikuman was up there, each has their own unique set of alt looks that will accompany them. 


Also doing it this way as well will give me a bit more time to work on bigger and exciting pieces to show down the line here. Which is something I'm really excited about. Until next time…





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#5 Ramenking


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Posted 29 March 2024 - 04:49 AM

Popping in to Celebrate...
Happy Kinnikuman Day!!!!
Have a bit of Kinnikuman and Meat, in their Anime Colors, Manga Colors, and Manga BW looks. Also a Kinnikuman W.I.P. Face set. (All upscaled by 200 for the eyes to better see) Also a little bonus, have Kinnikuman over the years from his first appearance to his dumb dumb jacked self in the 2011 reboot. Heres to 45 years!!
Hopefully Ill have something even bigger and better for the next one.
Also I'll keep the poll going another week, and if I still get no votes I'll just release the shadowed figures in my own order. Seeyah peeps!

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#6 Ramenking


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Posted 10 April 2024 - 12:33 AM

Poll is done on both here and Tumblr. Votes all counted, so I'll be getting to work on putting the sprites in a nice presentation. Then start throwing them up bit by bit, for you all to enjoy.

Stay tuned, next post we will reveal our first Blur Boy!!

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#7 Ramenking


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Posted 14 April 2024 - 02:03 AM

First Blurry Boy up, with surprisingly the most votes… Kinkotsuman!


So this one actually wasn't as in-depth of a revamp as the others in the set, and didn't have really any extras. In a sense though I guess that makes him a perfect start to this group before I drop the others.

Hope you all enjoy the Skelly Boy, and stay tuned for the next one I drop in about a week or so, and thanks to everyone who voted again. Appreciate you peeps!

(Also I've presented him here at 300x the normal size just for convenience on the eyes.)

Until the next post, stay cool everyone. *Slight update made to the Kinko Sprite upon further reflection and altered text and stripes to purple. This is to signify Kinko's tweener status between good and evil*

(Little process of this revamp posted up on the Tumblr... Check it out. https://www.tumblr.c...ss?source=share )


Edited by Ramenking, 20 April 2024 - 08:43 AM.

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#8 Ramenking


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Posted 17 May 2024 - 01:17 PM

Long overdue follow up. 
Second Blurry Boy, is the one, the only… Robin Mask!
So this one like the others to follow had some planned extras but I unfortunately can't manage to fully realize those bits and bobs. For now to get it out, because you all did vote I was able to piece together the basic Character Piece for you. (Something I'm hoping to do for the rest, just it's quite an adjustment using the other arm for spriting at the moment. So its all slow going)
Hope you all enjoy the British Baddie Goodie flip flopping Gentleman Chojin for what he is worth. Also I chose the anime Colors as it's my favorite look for Robin, and in my own Headcanon is his starting point look. “Oh what's that mean? Starting point? Are you saying you have other Robin variations planned?” Yes, I do indeed I do. This for me is Robin when we first meet him in Kinnikuman, wearing and rocking colors similar to his father, and his father before him, and before him. I plan on doing my own specific thing for all the Kinnikuman characters, just to keep fun for myself. I will also when I am able to work my good arm, will do way more variations and have a bigger work flow. Just a day at a time for now guys and gals. 
Stay tuned for the next one when I can manage to drop it, and thanks to everyone who voted again. Appreciate you all! Two down, four more to go…
(Also I've presented him here at 300x the normal size just for convenience on the eyes.)
Until the next post, stay gentlemanly everyone.

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#9 Ramenking


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Posted 11 July 2024 - 02:07 AM

Shared this on Tumblr first and I'll go ahead and throw it up here too, as this is my OG home…

Hi there, I got this finished and done a bit sooner than I thought I would. (To be real though it's not like I did too much new, just had to repurpose some side bits I was already working on for hopeful later posts.)

I have high hopes to do more things like this, a capturing of a moment in time. Whether it be a headcanon/fanfic moment, or a fan favorite reinterpretation from the manga or anime.

I shall call posts of this specific nature “MUSCLE Moments”, because Muscle you see. It's fitting right? Beefy Beef dudes, just slinging their Beefy muscles to beat down on each other. Definitely works, and hey the Muscle line of minifigs. It all fits.


To start this trend off here is something I would have wanted to see, and did do a lot in “Galactic Wrestling” on my PS2. - Kid Muscle Vs his Father in his Prime in a one on one match. Both with their respective Meat Sidekicks for guidance.


So I've had Kid Muscle/Mantaro revamped for a decent time, just sitting in the wings for a post of him mid face off against Kevin Mask. But I unfortunately never started Kevin and I wasn't going to be doing that task with a Trackpad. So rather than sitting on him further. Have him here head to head against his dear old dad, but younger.

The rest of what you see on display was heavily altered work of a really old bg I found from some old wrestling pixel game. Don't ask what it was called, I genuinely don't know. I saved it as “Wrasslin Pixel Ring” back in my youth. So who knows what it was from. Maybe I'll throw up the original at some point and you all can let me know. It was a really fun undertaking to do back a couple months ago, was doing it for this purpose of making in ring moments. (Something I had done a tiny bit of back in 2011) Bonus Points to whoever can figure out what moment in the classic Kinnikuman anime the ring's specific colors are based off.

on9GZ3S.png - 7qbeRhm.png

With this text dump done, and these sprites and inaugural “Muscle Moment” shared. I shall now get back to my Ramen consumption, Kinnikuman reading, and anime watching. Expect some Kinniku Text thoughts in the near future, and I'll try doing more of these “Muscle Moments” as soon as I can.


Edited by Ramenking, 11 July 2024 - 02:19 AM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Pixels, Kinnikuman, Sprites

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