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Evangelion Micro Action figure: Two-Headed Sachiel

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#1 Ridureyu


    Original AKIA Founder Y/S*N*T

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Posted 29 September 2003 - 08:57 PM

From the "hit" anime Neon Genesis Evangelion comes its most famous monster: Sachiel, the Third Angel (who was the first to show up in the series).

Evangelion is basically a "High on tegretol" trip of a TV series that has gained much critical acclaim for its "inventive" use of "psychological," "philosophical," and "religious" themes (read: Freudian BS mixed with RANDOM names out of the Jewish apocrypha). Translation: it's a garbled mess.

My personal favorite character is Sachiel, the Godzilla-sized monstrosity that attacked Tokyo, got nuked, grew another head, and then got killed by a big purple robo-non-robo, the Eva 01. However, in his one episode of glory, he shone like a million stars! Sachiel had no melodrama, no oedipus complex, no alexis complex, no deep, personal feelings of regret... He Just Smashed Things!!!!

I have waited a long time for an affordable Sachiel figure that actually RESEMBLES the monster, and it took until now before I found one. Here's the review.

Sculpt: The figure is roughly 3" tall, but they didn't lose much detail in making him. After all, there wasn't very much to begin with. The sculpt captures everything and puts them all in the right proportions, though, which is excellent. It just has a LOT of trouble standing, which is a major problem.

Paint Job: Again, this figure doesn't really need a complex job, so it's perfect without being impressive. But then, there are probably millions of ways to screw it up, so it's a good paint job.

Articulation: Just as a note, this sculpt was taken from a Gashapon capsule figure. He can technically come apart. Besides that, he is articulated at both arms, and the movement is so-so. They're at rather odd angles. The legs look like they could move, but they just come apart, instead. He also moves at the waist, and is fine that way.

Accessories: Very little. Sachiel comes with a clear plastic stand (a lump with a groove in it- it doesn't work), and a random Eva 01 head. My only guess is that the Eva head goes to another figure (one of those "collect everyone and put it together" figures, perhaps?), which is why it's there. A small piece of it is taped to Sachiel's stand, too. His stand is absolutely the most worthless stand that I have ever seen- his foot does NOT fit in the groove, and he can't stand without it. D'oh!

Pricing: At $4.99, he costs a dollar more than Tichondrius. It must be the fancy-schmancy packaging (Sachiel comes in a blister pack, while Ticho comes in a glorified ziploc).

GOtGM (1-10): 1. They'd call him "cute."

Overall: 2.9 out of 5. This figure is affordable, and looks all right, but other than that it has serious issues. I know tha tthe character couldn't do very well with accessories in the first place- but maybe that missile that was fired at it? Or maybe a working stand? heck, SOMETHING that makes sense? Still, it's worth it if you're a die-hard Evangelion fan, or a die-hard Sachiel fan. The ArtFX toy of him looks much better, but is WAAAAY too expensive.

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Edited by Ridureyu, 01 October 2003 - 02:37 PM.

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