Five great castle battle unique sculpts
Posted 28 December 2020 - 04:28 PM
Naochin says that the Satan Cross, Manriki, Bikeman, and Parthenon are the unique sculpts.
However, several others either looks different or altered to me.
For example, the Buffaloman looks like a Buffaloman (A?) with the horns removed and a “headband” carved in.
The Ninja looks like the existing ninja with arms in a different position. Same could maybe be said for Warsman and maybe Robin Mask. The Kinnikuman I don’t recognize due to the weird posture.
So, which of these sculpts are unique to these sets?
Posted 28 December 2020 - 06:35 PM
Yeah Satan Cross, Manriki, Bikeman, and Parthenon are completely new sculpts, a few of the others are slightly modified existing figures.
Posted 29 December 2020 - 09:17 AM
Did I miss any?
The Ninja
Kinnikuman (Suguru)
Robin Mask
Posted 29 December 2020 - 09:38 AM
Posted 01 January 2021 - 06:22 PM
So, I went through and tried to identify which sculpts I believe were used as bases for the “unique” sculpts which were altered.
キン肉マン Kinnikuman - part 3 (hands closed)
ミート君 Meat - part 1
テリーマン Terryman - part 1
ロビンマスク Robinmask - part 1 (No armor)
ウォーズマン. Warsman - part 4 (Can arm bend that way?)
マリポーサ Mariposa - part 16
ホークマン Hawkman - part 16
ミスターVTR Mr. VTR - part 16
ミキサー大帝 Mixer Taite - part 17
キングザ100tKing 100Ton - part 17
ビッグボディ Big body - part 14
ペンチマン Pinchman - part 16
レオパルドン Leopardon - part 17
ゴーレムマン Golemman - part 17
キャノンボーラー Cannonballer - part 19
ソルジャー Soldier - part 16
ザ・ニンジャ Ninja - part 2
アシュラマン Ashuraman - part 6 (top right arm up)
ブロッケンJr Brocken Jr. - part 1 (Hands open)
バッファローマン Buffaloman - part 1
フェニックス Supapheonix - part 14
マンモスマン Mammothman - part 16
ゼブラ Zebra - part 14
サタンクロス Satan Cross - unique sculpt
ザ・マンリキ Manriki - unique sculpt
バイクマン Bikeman - unique sculpt
パルテノン Parthenon - unique sculpt
Kinnikuman: Change of posture and left hand becomes closed.
Robin Mask: Removed Armor.
Warsman: Change of posture. Not sure if arm could be repositioned or if new arm was made.
Ninja: Repositioned.
Broken Jr.: Hands open! So, does this mean this was the original sculpt and the Part 1. Broken Jr. had its hands closed? Or are the hands new hands?
Buffaloman: Horns removed, headband revealed.
Ashuraman: Noticed this one latest. Top left arm is up too instead of bent and pointing down. Mount seems more open too.
I think that’s it. I have a long-term goal to complete this set so maybe more information to come when I can compare each against their main part series counterparts.
Edited by OctopusMan, 02 January 2021 - 10:30 PM.
Posted 02 January 2021 - 09:37 PM
How to tell apart the unmodified figures from this set from their regular part versions?
Is there any way aside from color and feel at a side by side comparison.
Posted 05 January 2021 - 08:18 AM
Looks like some of the altered sculpts were in this set too:
Superman fight. Golden mask set.
Naochin doesn't include The Ninja in the grid view of each sculpt.