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Mekaneck Review

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#1 Tortle



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Posted 24 November 2002 - 08:30 AM

Okay, since I recently bought the new Mekaneck figure, and had a good chance to play with him before I got rid of him, I decided to do a review. I'll try to be as impartial as possible, since everyone is aware of my hatred for the dorkdom that is Mekaneck. I rated this figure's different attributes on a scale of one to five, with one being suck-arse and five being kick-arse. I attached a scan of the figure's card back so you can see some of the features. We'll start with the figure's strongest point:

Sculpt: 4.5 The detailing on this figure is very nice. The figure is detailed all over with cool cybernetic features. If you get one, take a couple moments to look really closely and appreciate the nice work the Four Horseman did.

Articulation: 2 The figure's extending-neck feature unfortunately takes away from any hip and neck articulation, but that I can live with. What I can't live with is the fact that, strangely, Mekaneck's legs move very little from front to back. While he can still do the splits (so he can ride the vehicles), there's pretty much no way you'll pose him so that he'll run, much less sit. The good articulation of the shoulders and the wrists keep this figure's articulation from bottoming out.

Play Value: 2 They came up with some pretty cool ideas for features for Mekaneck, but those ideas were unfortunately very poorly executed. The neck extension works exactly the same way as the old figure: you twist the hip and the head goes up. Hmph... kind of boring, but it works well. But the swinging-club feature is not as fortunate. The club is so large that the spring inside the arm has trouble moving it, so Mekaneck can only lightly tap is opponents.

Another feature that had potential is Mekaneck's viewer. Basically, Mek has a hole in the back of his head and transparent goggles so that you can peer through his head and see things through his eyes. I was expecting something like the vintage 12" Boba and Six-Million Dollar Man, where you peered through and saw everything really small. But hey, that would be fun, and we can't have that with Mekaneck! Mek's viewer doesn't distort things at all... which makes it pointless.

Also, the hole in the back of his head really is a hole... an open hole into his head cavity. It's really distracting... why didn't they just close that up with some clear plastic?

Coolness: 0 This guy is an uber-dork. He looks like he's wearing those huge cheesy late-70s women's sunglasses, and his chest armor looks like those metal external braces that some kids have to get for their teeth. Also, that club is just plain foolish looking. It looks more like a chandelier than a weapon!

Overall: 2 My hatred for Mekaneck is solidified, and I feel that this figure vindicates my loathing!


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#2 jkaris


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Posted 24 November 2002 - 09:16 AM

Haha! Great review Nate. :)
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#3 Ridureyu


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Posted 29 November 2002 - 03:39 PM

You mean that the neck doesn't operate with some sort of a lever? He can't extend his neck unless he's "twisted?"
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#4 Tortle



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Posted 03 December 2002 - 08:18 AM

That's right! Sucks, doesn't it?!

I think he would have been much cooler with a lever or a spring-loaded button. That way, you could actually move the hips and put him in cool poses. Well, as cool a pose as Mekaneck COULD have...

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#5 jkaris


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Posted 04 January 2003 - 03:34 PM

Hooray! I finally found a MekaDork! I think he'll stay misb. No reason to take him out yet.
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#6 Krangala


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Posted 10 January 2003 - 10:07 PM

go pick up Trapjaw, you'll feel MUCH better!!!

he is an excellent figure, and my absolute favorite Evil Warrior.......usurping Tri-Klops by a small margin....
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#7 Tortle



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Posted 11 January 2003 - 07:40 PM

Yeah, I've played with my friend's Trapjaw, and it's a pretty cool figure! He has great accessories, all his play attributes work well, and he looks pretty cool, too. He's a much better figure than Mekaneck, but that's not saying much...

He, like all the other new MOTU figures, was smaller than I expected, though. I don't know... it's just that when I see prototypes on the Internet, they seem pretty large, but when I see them in person, they look a little puny. Maybe the prototypes are 2-ups or something.

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