Was it (supposed to be) a sealed box and did you open the original tape for the first time or was it re-taped/sealed?
Overall the set seems to be in pretty nice condition and IF it´s been opened by you for the very first time you should´ve found the 6 weapons that were included in this set in a transparent wrapping. This was the standard random weapon pack they included with this set, they also handed these 6 weapon bags out during the promotion of the punch box. You might have seen images of the Clear Carps, or Striped Clear Carps, that could be obtained via the punch box in Japan which also had this 6 weapon baggy included. In Japan, from the beginning, most packaging types held the incorrect weapon for the figure on purpose because they wanted to enhance the power of trading amongst the kids. Together with the ID card information you could compose the strongest Beasts by providing the Beast you had with it´s own weapon. Long story, anyways when it comes to the incorrect weapons it´s actually correct and maybe you´re lucky that still 3 of them matched
In regards to the ID cards it´s a little bit weird and there you might´ve indeed been unlucky because normally (as far as I know) the correct cards should´ve been included with this set. So it could´ve been a packaging mistake.
It all comes down to whether it´s a sealed pack or not to be sure but if you´re the one who opened it for the first time they probably made a mistake with the cards during the assembling of this set.
When you have the Beasts all mint from that set they also should still be holding the MADE IN CHINA (中国製) underneath their feet. It´s possible some might have fallen off and are loose in the box as such.
Hope this answered things a bit.
Enjoy the Beasts!
Collector & Founder of the Beastformers Blog
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