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Recreating Battle Beast with AI Art

Art Battle Beast

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#1 ChrisCool


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Posted 25 September 2024 - 11:58 AM

Hello everyone,

it has been a reaaaaally long time since I last lurked here... Hope everyone is OK ! My collection didn't change since last time (several years ago...). 


I don't know if I can post that here, but I didn't saw a better topic. I'm currently having fun with the IA image creators, and I wanted to present you some pictures that may remind you familiar faces...



















For a bit of context : my father, my brothers and I have been creating images using an "IA image contest", just for us, and just for fun. Everyday one of us give a subject, and everyone try to create an image with that subject. Lately, I proposed to my family to choose (at least) a beast among my collection, and create the best picture of that beast. Here are the results ! (the winner of that round was Miner Mole from my brother, my creations were Sly Fox and Deer Stalker).


If you enjoy that, I may propose to "create" a beast of your choice (or create ALL the beast but I'm not sure I will have the time for that XD).





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#2 jkaris


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Posted 29 September 2024 - 08:39 AM

Those are incredible!

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#3 Beastformers


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Posted 07 October 2024 - 11:31 AM

I believe I´ve seen quite a few of these passing by via Instagram already so you probably showed them there first but they remain pretty awesome.

Not really sure about AI in general though because as cool as just the images are it also shows a rather worrisome potential imho...

Might be time to built an actual Beast like that as a personal protector/guard in the future knowing what we might be facing :sweat: 


Can´t really pick a personal favorite here but the Deer design is pretty smooth and the same goes for the Ram so those would definitely win over the Mole lol


So how does this actually work, I´m not into this AI thing at all, you give that generator/creator an idea with a reference image of the concerning Beast and ask for a picture of it in it´s 21st century version or something and it generates images like these in seconds/minutes!?!? Or you´ve to go back and forth with AI quite a bit in order to fine tune it in such a way you get results like these? Either way interesting stuff and try another round with the family! ;)  

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#4 ChrisCool


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Posted 07 October 2024 - 01:24 PM

Hello mate !

I use bing image creator (free, powerful, and illimited image generation, well, the first 15 creations everyday are nearly instantaneous, after that you have maybe 20, or 30 seconds of waiting...)

You give a detailed description, you can describe the style you want (watercolor, photo, cartoon, old painting.... Anything, really), and 4 images are generated using that description. You can try as many times as you want with the same description or changing something to achieve the wanted result.

For exemple, here is (in French of course...) the prompt used to make the mole :
taupe sortant d'un tunnel en terre au milieu d'un quai bondé, humanoïde violette claire en armure cybernétique bleue nuit avec une petit écran carré en son centre, avec des lunettes de vision nocturne bleues électrique, une pelle lance dans une patte et une patte pince de crabe mécanique bleu nuit, une lampe jaune vive sur le front, art numérique, unity render, éclairage sombre, tunnel de métro.

So as you can see, try to describe precisely the beast you want and the IA will create it.
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