Candelaman, Candelman, Candleman, Canderaman, Kanderaman, Lod IX, Zod IX, Zed IX, Sud IX (or so hsi forehead says at least once)
Just what is this guy? A candle? An escaped convict? A statue? A mime? A clone? Cigar wrapping? Does anybody have even a remote idea what he is? The writing on his forehead isn't even consistent (Is it Lod, Zod, Zed... or Sud?), and his random appearances can't seem to decide if he's segmented, striped, banded, or solid green-and-red. Interestingly enough, this was Tim Drage's favorite MUSCLE way back in the day, if I remember well enough.
Comic-wise, he got his first appearance in a group character submission pic at the beginning of the Golden Mask arc, but then showed up in a couple of crowd scenes among the Perfect Chojin in space.
Edited by Ridureyu, 10 August 2011 - 09:02 PM.