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I’m not gay!

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#1 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 07:21 AM


I know that we’ve discussed how weird it is for people to continuously state, “I’m not gay,” whenever they mention anything that could remotely be thought of as gay.

“I like Queen. But I’m not gay!”

Who cares?

Anyway I recently saw this interesting story, here.

The 3 reasons I found this interesting was:

1.) Why would the government ever care what type of sex people are having? NOFX has a song called “Vanilla Sex” which has a pretty good take on this subject.
2.) If the government is going to allow this, then why would they not want same sex marriage?
3.) If Canada allows same sex marriages, then why would the US not recognize this?

The only reason I even bring this up is that it’s interesting, and I’ve been hearing a lot about the whole gay marriages not being recognized lately. So I’ve got 3 questions…

1.) Do you think the US will allow same sex marriage? If so, when?
2.) Do you think that the US should recognize same sex marriages that take place in foreign countries?
3.) Do you think that the government should have any law stating what type of sex we can have (of course there should be laws to protect children, I’m talking about consenting adults. Oh, and no animal stuff either)?

I think someday the US will allow same sex marriage, but it wouldn’t shock me if it took another 25 years. I also think that the US should recognize same sex marriages that take place in foreign countries. However, if marriages for hetero couples aren’t recognized then same sex shouldn’t be either. Basically it should be the same for everybody. Did that make sense? And lastly I think all of those laws should be taken off the books. If two consenting (or 3, 4, or 5) adults want to lube up and go crazy, then let’em have at it. Life’s too short to be having vanilla sex (thanks NOFX).
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#2 Wraith


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 07:35 AM

1.) Do you think the US will allow same sex marriage? If so, when?
2.) Do you think that the US should recognize same sex marriages that take place in foreign countries?
3.) Do you think that the government should have any law stating what type of sex we can have (of course there should be laws to protect children, I’m talking about consenting adults. Oh, and no animal stuff either)?

1.) yes i do, as soon as the right-wing christians get replaced by more liberal politicians.

2.) of course

3.) i think as long as the person is old enough to give consent while sober, then who cares what they do? as long as it doesn't involve any animals besides humans.
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#3 ToyMan



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Posted 26 June 2003 - 07:40 AM

one time, i heard this flaming comedian say something to the effect of "why would i want to get married? that's my favorite part about being gay, not being able to get married! don't mess this up for me!!!". ;)

but, sure- people should be allowed to join themselves in union as long as both parties are consenting, obviously.
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#4 Rokk


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 08:20 AM

1.) Do you think the US will allow same sex marriage? If so, when?
2.) Do you think that the US should recognize same sex marriages that take place in foreign countries?
3.) Do you think that the government should have any law stating what type of sex we can have (of course there should be laws to protect children, I’m talking about consenting adults. Oh, and no animal stuff either)?

1. No. There is a chance that the US may allow gays some legal rights enjoyed by married couples in order to make it easier for gay couples to have Power of Attorney for their partner or to be a beneficiary on a life insurance plan or a 401K plan. But, full gay marriages just like straight marriages? No.

2. No.

3. No. The government has absolutely no right to dictate what consenting adults can do in the privacy of their bedrooms. Any sex law is absolutely ridiculous.
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#5 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 08:51 AM

Rokk why don’t you think there will be gay marriages, and why shouldn’t foreign marriage licenses be honored?

Could the second part open up a whole different can of worms (i.e., foreign wills, foreign driver’s licenses, etc.)?
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#6 arforbes


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:04 AM

1.) Do you think the US will allow same sex marriage? If so, when?
2.) Do you think that the US should recognize same sex marriages that take place in foreign countries?
3.) Do you think that the government should have any law stating what type of sex we can have (of course there should be laws to protect children, I’m talking about consenting adults. Oh, and no animal stuff either)?

1. I don't see this happening any time soon, but it may someday become a reality. It pretty much already is a reality actually, just not officially.
2. I don't think it is really that much of an issue for our country to have to recognize at this time.
3. I think these laws should exist, especially for certain religions. But people are going to do what they want anyways. They can't help what they are. Sure it is considered a sin, but the lord made them that way so what can they do, right?

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#7 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:15 AM

3. I think these laws should exist, especially for certain religions. But people are going to do what they want anyways. They can't help what they are. Sure it is considered a sin, but the lord made them that way so what can they do, right?

Really?! ;)

Why would we need a law to help a religion? There isn't a national religion. If a Church of Veers member isn't supposed to have sex with 2 women, then that church member shouldn't do it because of the religious "rules". However why should everyone else be made to follow that?
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#8 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:18 AM

2. I don't think it is really that much of an issue for our country to have to recognize at this time.

Why? I think the ruling on the sodomy case was yesterday, and Canada is currently trying to figure out what they are going to do about same sex marriage. When would be a good time to deal with it? Aren’t we a country that strives for equality (although we don’t always accomplish it)?
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#9 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:20 AM

1.) Do you think the US will allow same sex marriage? If so, when?
2.) Do you think that the US should recognize same sex marriages that take place in foreign countries?
3.) Do you think that the government should have any law stating what type of sex we can have (of course there should be laws to protect children, I’m talking about consenting adults. Oh, and no animal stuff either)?

1. Unfortuanetly yes. When who knows. I think it will come with small steps. Allowing them to be on same insurance together, 401k, pensions That kind of stuff then eventually it will lead into it. That way more and more peole will see it as normal.

2. No. It would open a can of worms. If you accept it from a foreign country then it would make it easier to press the point if you accept it from there then why not allow it here.

3. No. You have your agency to choose right or wrong. You will have to deal with the consequences sooner or later.

As far as not being able to help it thats thats a load of Bull.
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#10 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:22 AM

As far as not being able to help it thats thats a load of Bull.

Are you suggesting that homosexuality is a choice rather then genetic?
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#11 mimoman


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:26 AM

As far as not being able to help it  thats  thats a load of Bull.

Are you suggesting that homosexuality is a choice rather then genetic?

Everything is a choice. Whether we choose to make it or not is an entirely different matter.
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#12 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:37 AM

Wrong, everything is not a choice. Take a look at ANY social psychology. You may believe that your life is completely controlled by you, and for the most part that is true, but the environment affects you much more than people want to admit. And that is not to say homosexuality is a result of your up bringing, or strictly environment.

Why do you think homosexuality is a choice? Did you make a choice? When you were 13 did you stop and think, “Geez, do I like boys or girls? My best friend Dave is great. He’s athletic, funny, and we get along really great. I’m friends with Suzie too, but we don’t hang out as much. She’s athletic too, but not as athletic. But I guess I’ll choose Suzie.”
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#13 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 09:47 AM

Why do you think homosexuality is a choice?

I made a choice that I do not want to have sex with a guy.

Everybody makes a choice whenever they have sex.

You can decide where to stick your unit or where not to. You can choose who you do or do not like. It isn't hard to decide you do or don't like someone.

When do you not have a choice?
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"I've always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other." Ronald Regan - April 11, 1984

#14 jkaris


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 10:00 AM

Homosexuality IS a choice. It is a sexual preference.
To say that homosexuality is pre-programmed is to say that pedophiles and those who eff animals are born like that. That is a crock of shizznit.

We choose what we like and who we like throughout life.
The desire for sex is natural, the desire for sex with a member of the opposite is natural. Homosexuality is NOT normal, it is a choice.
Whether you believe in evolution or creationism, both theories realize that nature requires the propagation of the species. Homosexuality does not do that.

Can you find examples in nature of homosexuality? Nope, they don't exist.

Homosexuality is a preference, not a genetic pre-disposition.

If homosexuality was genetic, then you could not chenge your preferences. I know plenty of people who have changed their preferences from gay to straight, and even vise versa.

To answer your questions though,

1. Yes, unfortunately it will happen. I disagree with it though. Marriage is an institution between man and wife, not "man and man" or "woman and woman".

There should however be some form of domestic contract that can be entered into, for ANY 2 persons who wish to be bound together. This would include best friends, homosexuals, etc. Basically any 2 people who want to spend their life together and have those responsibilities.

2. No, I don't believe the US should recognize contracts that are illegal here, regardless of the type of contract.

3. Hell NO! Government should have no business legislataing what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home, considering that the matter does not affect a non-willing adult or otherwise infringe on someone elses rights.
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#15 jkaris


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 10:04 AM

Wrong, everything is not a choice. Take a look at ANY social psychology. You may believe that your life is completely controlled by you, and for the most part that is true, but the environment affects you much more than people want to admit.

That is a false pretense Veers. Regardless of outside influences, the choice remains yours. We are creatures of choice. We even have the choice to over-ride our genetic programming, which is A LOT more powerful than any outside influences.
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#16 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 10:42 AM

So you made a conscious decision to only have sex with women? When did you do that?

It’s easy to choose NOT to do something you don’t want to do. I don’t want to shoot myself in the head, so I don’t. Gee, that was a pretty easy one.

But what if you really wanted to do something? What if you had some type of internal drive? Isn’t that what happened to you with girls? One day they were gross, and you didn’t want to have anything to do with them. Then all of a sudden you were interested. Did you choose to be interested? You started to “like” girls, hold hands, and innocent type stuff. Then you got older and the urges probably got stronger. Maybe masturbation, probably wet dreams about girls. Did you choose to have those dreams? Then you found your wife, and you could finally have sex. What you had been wanting to do for SO long was so close, but stop. You don’t have to have sex with her. Just suppress those sexual feelings. It’s easy, it’s a choice.
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#17 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 10:54 AM

Here is some information from the American Psychological Association (APA). This is the premiere psychology organization in the United States.

Here are some answers to some FAQ’s:


This should but to rest any false beliefs or stereotypes. This information is based on rigorously scrutinized empirical data.

And here is part of what I was taught in my ethics class:

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#18 ToyMan



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Posted 26 June 2003 - 11:01 AM

maybe animals don't commit to a life of homosexuality because don't have the mental facilities to even ponder something in that realm?

to say "animals don't do it, so humans aren't supposed to do it!" is bullshizznit. i don't know how anyone would draw a comparisons so directly between animal behaviour and human behaviour, and then even start to claim that one dictates the other.

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#19 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 11:02 AM

Probably most important:

Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?

No, human beings can not choose to be either gay or straight. Sexual orientation emerges for most people in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.

Can Therapy Change Sexual Orientation?

No. Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable.

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#20 ToyMan



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Posted 26 June 2003 - 11:10 AM

who's to say that when a population of lifeforms grows to a certain level, the inherent desire to go out and spread seed doesn't ebb off? like, who can say that? can you tell me that's not the way it's supposed to be? perhaps humanity has grown to a certain level, where on a socio-psychic level, we know that not all of us need to mate in order to maintain our species, thereby encouraging some of us to consider different lifestyle options.

i think it's very irresponsible for anyone to think they understand the delicate inner-workings of our minds, and to then make suppositions that have massive implications on the lives of others.

Edited by ToyMan, 26 June 2003 - 11:14 AM.

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#21 Adamantiumwulf


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 11:55 AM

So you made a conscious decision to only have sex with women? When did you do that?

Yes I did. When I did I couldn't say but I also couldn't say what I did on my 10th birthday. When I first decided I liked Chinese food. Can you remember all the choices you made in your life?

Are you saying that you haven't chosen to only sleep with women?

It's easy to choose NOT to do something you don't want to do. I don't want to shoot myself in the head, so I don't. Gee, that was a pretty easy one.

Do you want to go to work today? Do you want to Pay your bills? Do you want to eat today? Do you want to keep going to school and get a degree? Do you want to be alive?

How many people would answer no to one or more of those questions but still go on doing it?

But what if you really wanted to do something? What if you had some type of internal drive? Isn't that what happened to you with girls? One day they were gross, and you didn't want to have anything to do with them. Then all of a sudden you were interested. Did you choose to be interested?

If you really want to do something you make a choice and hopefully take into consideration cause and effect.
You have urges for some types of food don't you? You saying that you always do what these urges push you towards?
So you aren't capable of deciding on who you wanted to like?

You can't choose which girl/boy to like then? it is preprogrammed that you will or won't like them?

You choose who and what you are interested in. It isn't preprogrammed. We aren't freaking computers that can only understand 1 and 0's. We make choices based on our surroundings and what we think is best.

I resisted those sexual urges for girls/women for 22 years. So not being able to put down the urges is doesn't apply. I made a choice to wait and I stuck to my guns and did.

Edited by Adamantiumwulf, 26 June 2003 - 11:57 AM.

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#22 ToyMan



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Posted 26 June 2003 - 12:04 PM

how long did it take you to get your master's degrees in sociology and psychology?

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#23 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 12:21 PM

First, take a look at this: http://www.apa.org/p...html#whatcauses

Now to respond directly to some of your points. Choices.

Do you want to go to work today? Answer: No.
That is MY internal decision, but the environment dictates that I go to work. If I don’t go to work, I won’t get paid. If I don’t get paid, I won’t have any money. If I don’t have money, I can’t do anything. The need for food (an external thing), housing (external), and MUSCLE’s (external) drives me to go to work even though I don’t want to. My environment controls that decision.

Do you want to pay your bills? Answer: No.
Again, I can CHOOSE not to pay my bills but then my environment changes. I won’t have A/C or heat, my TV won’t work, my phone won’t work, and I won’t have any water. I can choose not to pay those bills, but because I want my environment to stay the same I am obligated to pay them. My environment controls that decision.

Do you want to eat today? Answer: Yes.
Today I do, tomorrow I may not feel like it. Free will, right? Well let’s say I don’t eat for 3 days or 4 days. What do you think is going to happen? I’ll get hungry. I will start to feel light headed. I may get dizzy. I will probably have a headache. My environment will start to change. Will I want to stay in this “altered state”, do I want to die if I continue not to eat? Wouldn’t death really change your environment?

Do you want to keep going to school and get a degree? Answer: Yes.
But there are many reasons for this. The intrinsic thirst for knowledge, and the desire for more money. This could vary too much from person to person. A person going for an MBA may not want to learn anything, but if they get their degree their salary will increase 25%. This extra money could buy a new house, car, and etc. causing a change in their environment.

Do you want to be alive? Answer: Yes.
But how many random variables affect this? Genetics, diet, life style, decision making skills, etc. This question is too broad.

How many people would answer no to one or more of those questions but still go on doing it?

BECAUSE their environment pushes them to make these decisions.

My goal is not to argue free will vs. decisions impacted by environment. Take a social psychology class if you want to learn more about that.

Your other points are addressed here: http://www.apa.org/p...html#whatcauses
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#24 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 26 June 2003 - 12:30 PM

how long did it take you to get your master's degrees in sociology and psychology?


What have I said about sociology? I've only spoken from my psychology background. Even though I/O deals with attitudes, group processes, social learning, social cognition, and self-perception which are all part of sociology.

PM if you want to get personal.

Edited by General Veers, 26 June 2003 - 12:37 PM.

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#25 Beligerant1


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Posted 26 June 2003 - 12:49 PM

Whether you believe in evolution or creationism, both theories realize that nature requires the propagation of the species. Homosexuality does not do that.

Can you find examples in nature of homosexuality? Nope, they don't exist.

what about cancer, that doesnt do anything for the propagation of the species and i dont think we have too much choice about that.

Actually you can find plenty of examples of homosexuality in nature, your neighborhood never had that one dog that always humped the other male dogs? In biology 101 we were given an example of a certain type of beetle in wich their mates were picked based on size (the male beetles were attracted to the larger females) it was also based on competition (to spread those genes and propogate the species). Well, the females in this species would have sex with each other (a smaller one and a larger one) or as close as it comes with two female beetles, to attract males that would knock off the smaller beetle and have sex with the larger female. Ever notice how guys dont have as much of a problem with hot lesbians as they do with gay men? So that at least goes a little way to explain why homosexuality cannot be dismissed as a uniqulely human behavior, and also how it helps propagate the species.
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