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Best long term storage option(s)?

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#1 AndrewLyall


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Posted 06 February 2024 - 04:40 PM

Hello all.


I was wondering: what is the best way to store loose Battle/Laser Beasts?


Of course, it would be great if I had enough room to display them. Maybe someday....


Right now, I have most in 3x4 inch 4mm thick poly bags inside plastic storage boxes. I have started to worry that the 4mm bags might be too stiff and cause paint wear when taking out/putting back the Beast. Maybe the more flexible 2mm bags might be better?


Here are the bags I use: https://www.amazon.c...uct/B089QWP4R7/


What do y'all think?

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#2 jason76basin


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Posted 07 February 2024 - 02:22 AM

i dont collect battle beasts per se, but i do collect a ton of toys, and even the small figures i use sandwich bags, and just roll up the extra part onto the toy as more protection and have done this for years with no issues really.

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#3 Beastformers


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Posted 08 February 2024 - 06:06 AM

If you handle the figures with care I doubt you´d really be damaging them with those poly bags, I use these as well also for shipping but for extra protection you can wrap them in bubble wrap. Especially when you place multiples on top of each other I´d advice to place a bubble wrap layer or something similar in between each layer of figures. For (long time) storage the most important thing to keep in mind is a certain consistency in temperature and humidity because that´s something that can really affect the material the Beasts are made of. Avoiding extremes in both temperature and humidity is crucial as well as rapidly changing conditions. So not only the way you pack them up is important but also the place where you store them. I assume your plastic storage boxes are not transparent allowing any light to come in because if you store them it´d be best to store them in the dark. 


There´s not a lot known about long term storage of these figures but we obviously know from the past that when Beasts were discovered after many years and were taken out of storage the condition in which they´ve shown up really varies a lot. I´ve seen Beasts in a completely faded and dried out condition coming straight out of storage, these have probably been exposed to extremely high temperature with a very low humidity causing the base material to completely dry out also affecting the colors. But there are luckily also enough examples of Beasts that show up almost pristine after being taken out of storage decades later simply because they´re kept in better conditions. 


All the Beasts I currently don´t have on display and which are in boxes are in a dark closet in which there´s not a whole lot of extreme temperature change and I check these regularly to see how they´re holding up.


To obtain a more stable climate it might also be worth considering to place them inside a EPS box this would instantly create a way more stable condition and you´ll hardly have to worry about extreme shifts in temperature or humidity.


You can make it as extreme as you want with packaging but in general the Beasts were made to last as they´ve proven to be holding up pretty well over time so they´ll probably also survive a couple more years inside a storage box if you avoid any extremes.


Enjoy the Beasts!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#4 AndrewLyall


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Posted 09 February 2024 - 04:31 PM

Thank you both for the info!


Right now, I am thinking about wrapping them in archival tissue paper and placing them in 2mm poly bags (with white box to write the # on).


Here is the kind of paper I mean: https://www.amazon.c...uct/B00IFP4E2C/


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#5 Beastformers


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Posted 11 February 2024 - 07:01 AM

Thank you both for the info!


Right now, I am thinking about wrapping them in archival tissue paper and placing them in 2mm poly bags (with white box to write the # on).


Here is the kind of paper I mean: https://www.amazon.c...uct/B00IFP4E2C/

Looks solid, is the room/area where you store them a bit stable when it comes to the external influences like temperature and humidity?

And how long are you planning to store them? Hopefully it won´t be long and you´ll soon have the space to display them in all their glory!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#6 AndrewLyall


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Posted 11 February 2024 - 10:40 AM

The place where they are stored is the top shelf in a bedroom closet. And my house has central air conditioning.


As for how long I will store them... That depends on how quickly I can sell my other collections on eBay. It is taking some time since I need to take good photographs of everything and want to get a fair price.

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