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Fact checking with the BB Community


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#1 Beastformers


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Posted 22 November 2021 - 06:34 AM

As some of you might know a new Checklist for the Battle Beasts line is being built on the Beastformers Blog named the Beastformers Checklist it´ll also become available to consult via Instagram under #BeastformersChecklist


The reason for this new and more in depth checklist is the fact that with the ongoing research and investigation concerning this line via the Beastformers Archaeology Project more and more insights about this line are obtained and slight details which have been overlooked or ignored for years are slowly revealed as well meaning it´s about time a more solid checklist for our beloved 80´s toy line arises. It will does not only contain original names of the Beasts in the various officially used languages but also translations and detailed pictures of the backside of each Beast as well to make things even more distinct. Because eventually this Checklist should also bring clarity to the different versions of Beasts that are around so it´ll become much easier for you to determine not only what the name of the Beast is in the various languages, what weapon it goes with but it´ll also give you insight in what version it is and in which countries it was available. Needless to say this requires a bit more research and work than just taking a couple of pictures and composing a checklist of which a dozen are already around. It has to be an addition to the BB Community that´s useful and interesting for as well the beginning collector as the more experienced ones.


Series 1, the COMMON Battle Beast, are already completed and can be consulted via the various ways mentioned above. But where Series 1 is probably the most documented and well known Series of the line as a result of their widespread release and the fact that the first 18 Beasts played a key role in the promotion of this line during the 80´s things become less obvious for Series 2 and 3.


And this is where this topic comes in because even though nowadays a lot of communication with the BB Community goes via Social Media, only @Beastformers on Instagram and Twitter are the official Social Media accounts of the Beastformers Blog, there are also collectors who are not (very) active there and also those might have valuable knowledge and insights which can be of help. Because in order to validate some of our findings and make this new checklist as solid as possible the help of the BB Community is needed!


Why? When it comes to the specific details of Beasts we´re looking into to determine whether for instance a certain figure should be considered a COMMON version it is in some cases important to have this verified by checking a multitude of Beasts in order to rule out any mistakes.


This means that you can help and contribute to building the Beastformers Checklist by simply checking some specific details on your Beasts and reply in this Topic with your findings because the more input we get the better and more complete the checklist will become.


Every now and then a specific formulated question supported with detailed pictures will be dropping in this Topic to clearly communicate and inform you about what it is that we´re looking for. 


So please keep an eye out on this topic and check back every now and then to see if there might be another question awaiting.

And don´t worry if you have a small collection or maybe just only a few Beasts because if just that concerning Beast might be part of the subject it can already be a big help because every Beasts counts!


Thank you for your (future) input and...

Enjoy the Beasts!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#2 Beastformers


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Posted 22 November 2021 - 06:50 AM

The COMMON Series 2 Kickback Kangaroo (#35)?


Kickback Kangaroo is the first figure we need your help with for the Beastformers Checklist because during our research we found out something odd looking into the details of this figure. There not 1, not 2 but 3(!!) different versions of this figure around when it comes to the production details found on the backside of this figure. Although it´ll be a hard, if not impossible task, to determine why this has happened and what this means for the future it´s first our priority to determine which one of the three is the most COMMON version and thus the ones that´s found the most often simply because it´s been released in the largest numbers. And therefore this topic, and also contacting the BB Community via Social Media, comes in handy because the answer is literally found in the numbers. So the more Kangaroo´s are checked the better but remember even if you have just one to check your input is valuable as well because it´ll be part of the same pile of data.


This is the information that´s spread via Instagram asking the BB Community for help (Instagram Post);


How can you help?
If you have a Kickback Kangaroo in your collection please look into the details on the backside and compare them to the options (A/B/C) provided in the post above (Swipe Left) and comment below this post which option(s) you have. 

We believe there are 3 different options BUT that doesn't exclude even more differences so if you happen to have a Kangaroo with different details in regards to the Figure number 35 please reach out directly via DM and provide a picture. 

Please understand that this is really about the details and in this instance we're ONLY focusing on the Figure number so this is not about possible color differences or the Mold Numbers (1/2/3). 

If you have checked your Kangaroo figure(s) please comment as follows; 2A (if you happen to have 2 figure that are exactly the same as Option A), 1B (if you happen to have 1 figure that is exactly the same as Option B), etc. 

When you leave a comment please also be prepared/willing to share pictures of the concerning figures if requested. Because we'll randomly DM some fellow collectors who commented in order to verify and confirm their findings. 

Ideally we'll get an overview with at least 50+ Beasts so the more you have the better but even if you've one Kangaroo your help is much appreciated. 

The Option order chosen is completely random so which Kangaroo figure is the MOST COMMON is still open. Please understand that due to the irregularities found amongst some of the Series 2 figures this doesn't mean that the other Options are (much) more rare than the COMMON version. The COMMON version is just the figure that's the most wide spread and most likely to be found.



Attached File  Kangaroo post 2.jpg   116.83K   1 downloadsAttached File  Kangaroo post 3.jpg   113.97K   4 downloadsAttached File  Kangaroo post 4.jpg   108.37K   5 downloads



If you have already left a comment via Instagram please DON´T comment here again because that might result in the fact that some finding are counted double and that could affect the data in a negative way. So if you happen to have one or more Kangaroo Battle Beast figures and haven´t already checked and shared your findings outside of LRG please leave a reply below and if there are any other weird findings you might bump into regarding this figure please attach a picture of it as well.


Thank you for your input!

Edited by Beastformers, 22 November 2021 - 06:51 AM.

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#3 deano9


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Posted 22 November 2021 - 08:37 AM

Hey mate

Just checked the 5 I have and are all 5C with no number

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#4 IchthusStier


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Posted 22 November 2021 - 09:55 AM

1C here.  Sorry I've only got the one to report. 

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#5 jkaris


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Posted 22 November 2021 - 11:24 AM

Both mine are the C versions, with a very slim 2 in the box. It looks like a 1, but using a magnifier, it is actually a 2.

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#6 Moistsloth


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Posted 22 November 2021 - 06:05 PM

I have 6 Kangaroos:  1A, 2B, and 3C


They all also have that little micro number above the tail: 1, 2, or 3

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#7 Beastformers


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Posted 25 November 2021 - 08:23 AM

Thanks for the input so far it´s really helpful and as mentioned EVERY Kangaroo counts so no worries if you have only one to check because it´s just as appreciated!


The small numbers you´re referring to is the so called ¨Mold Letter¨ (which in this case, only for some Series 2 figures, is a Number) if you´re curious about that please check; Explanation Details which will clarify and give you some insight the details which can be found on the backside of the figure. For most collectors this might become a bit too specific or in detail but there are some crazy collectors out there, including myself who try to look into every detail ;)


Together with the obtained info via Social Media we´re getting to a closure on the Kangaroo issue so most likely it´ll finally be added to the Beastformers Checklist this Sunday and we can continue with it until we bump into another complicated Series 2 figure because there are a few more inconsistent ones around.


But keep sharing your Kangaroo finds in the meantime, thanks!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#8 Beastformers


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Posted 28 November 2021 - 01:21 PM

The BB Community has spoken, thanks for your input here and on Instagram!


With a total of 52 Kangaroos checked (we´d a minimum of 50 that´s needed) the leading Option had 31 Beasts confirmed so with a total of almost 60% it´s pretty safe to say we´ve determined the COMMON Kangaroo. Curious to find out which Option it was?


The Kangaroo has, today, been added to the Beastformers Checklist so you can check it out here;


Thanks again for the input and keep checking back on this post because sooner or later we´ll definitely need help again with a Series 2 Beasts and maybe others.


Enjoy the Beasts!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#9 Vnomous


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Posted 02 December 2021 - 05:50 PM

Not sure if this helps but I’ve been tracking BBs on eBay for years and always zoom in on pics to look for the variances you’re referring to. This is particularly one that I’ve known of for a long time. From what I’ve experienced, option A is the one I didn’t see often. This is years of looking at listings so I’m sure it’s more than the 50ish sample size you had received so far.
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#10 Beastformers


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Posted 04 December 2021 - 08:35 AM

Not sure if this helps but I’ve been tracking BBs on eBay for years and always zoom in on pics to look for the variances you’re referring to. This is particularly one that I’ve known of for a long time. From what I’ve experienced, option A is the one I didn’t see often. This is years of looking at listings so I’m sure it’s more than the 50ish sample size you had received so far.

Everything helps but also keep in mind that it can be quite region/country specific when it comes to finding figures with a difference in the mold details. And out of experience (also a ¨few¨ years) I can tell that often the majority of Ebay pictures or any pictures shared online for that matter rarely are good enough to spot the specific details on the back. Of course with the rather big number on the back of the head in case of Option A it´s a bit easier but the other options are often harder or impossible to tell on pictures. But you can check the provided links to see what the outcome was and you can rest assured it wasn´t Option A ;)

Thanks for sharing and Enjoy the Beasts!


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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#11 Beastformers


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Posted 13 December 2021 - 05:50 AM

The COMMON Series 2 Wolfgang Walrus (#37)?


It´s to be expected that with the earlier discussed Kickback Kangaroo as a mold partner (being produced in the same mold having the same base color) that there would be some issues with the Walrus as well. We knew about this but looking into it it shows that there seems to be even more unclear making that at this point in time we´re not even able to extract Options like we did with the Kangaroo earlier. Maybe it´s a coincidence that some errors/mistakes came together here making it all a bit chaotic or maybe there´s more we´ll find out and have to look into as we go but first in order to narrow down and work towards options the following;


This is the information that´s spread via Instagram asking the BB Community for help (Instagram Post);


How can you help?
If you have a Wolfgang Walrus in your collection please look into the details on the backside and if yours happens to have a 3 as Mold Number you can help.

We are aware there are other issues and oddities in regards to the details on the backside of the Walrus but in this first stage/phase we're trying to confirm this odd detail where the 3 that's found on the backside of the Walrus is upside down (Ɛ).
Is this the case for ALL Walrus' with a 3 or are some also found with a normal 3?

Since the Walrus is a mold partner with the Kangaroo it's to be expected we'd bump into difficulties with this one as well but where we've been able to narrow down the Kangaroo into 3 options straight as away we're not that far her yet.

So first please check if you happen to have a Walrus or more that has a 3 and if so please comment below if it's positioned normally like 3 or whether it's upside down Ɛ?

When you leave a comment please also be prepared/willing to share pictures of the concerning figures if requested. Because we'll randomly DM some fellow collectors who commented in order to verify and confirm their findings.

Thank you for your input and for all others who don't have a 3 Walrus around keep checking back because your help might be needed later on when we start checking other details.


Attached File  FACT CHECKING STORY Walrus Ph1.jpg   212.75K   5 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Post 1.jpg   113.46K   6 downloads


(Remember, unlike this post here on LRG which will remain visible the IG post in regards to the Fact Checking subject are TEMPORARY so once the issue is solved the IG post will be removed)

So to make clear the ONLY point to focus on at this moment in time is the 3 that is found on the backside of the figure in between the chest and ¨pants¨ armor. We are aware there are other irregularities and we will get back on that later but first we need certainty regarding this oddly positioned (upside down) 3.


And if you happen to have a Walrus with a normal positioned Mold Number 3 (wherever it might be on the backside of the figure) please add a picture of that to confirm. 


Thanks for your input!

Edited by Beastformers, 13 December 2021 - 05:51 AM.

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#12 IchthusStier


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Posted 14 December 2021 - 12:33 PM

Looks like mine has a 3 that is not upside down.

Attached Files

Edited by IchthusStier, 14 December 2021 - 12:36 PM.

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#13 Moistsloth


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Posted 14 December 2021 - 04:14 PM

I have 2, both have the upside down 3 but one is a bit scratched so it's hard to tell.

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#14 Beastformers


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Posted 17 December 2021 - 06:12 AM

Looks like mine has a 3 that is not upside down.

Well, that´s interesting although it certainly doesn´t make things easier... :huh:

Based on what we´ve seen so far and no others who´ve reached out with a correct 3 Walrus (yet) there was kind of an expectation it simply wouldn´t exist and the upside down 3 was just a coincidental error for a figure in which there were already enough oddities to be found. This just adds to that because not only does it show the 3 in the correct position it´s also placed in the center where the circle (a mold mark) was found on the reference pic of the upside down 3 which is actually a bit shifted and on the side of the circle. Luckily we do know of Walrus with the mold number placed in the center as well so it might be in line with that one.


This leaves the question open whether or not there´s a Walrus with a correct 3 which has shifted and is found besides the circle on the backside area, hopefully not because that would mean that there´s even another layer added to this already chaotic situation but who knows so please keep checking!


Thanks for the input and the picture of the correct 3 even though in this case it´s centered is very helpful so thanks for taking the effort!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#15 IchthusStier


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Posted 17 December 2021 - 09:55 AM

Well, that´s interesting although it certainly doesn´t make things easier... :huh:

Based on what we´ve seen so far and no others who´ve reached out with a correct 3 Walrus (yet) there was kind of an expectation it simply wouldn´t exist and the upside down 3 was just a coincidental error for a figure in which there were already enough oddities to be found. This just adds to that because not only does it show the 3 in the correct position it´s also placed in the center where the circle (a mold mark) was found on the reference pic of the upside down 3 which is actually a bit shifted and on the side of the circle. Luckily we do know of Walrus with the mold number placed in the center as well so it might be in line with that one.


This leaves the question open whether or not there´s a Walrus with a correct 3 which has shifted and is found besides the circle on the backside area, hopefully not because that would mean that there´s even another layer added to this already chaotic situation but who knows so please keep checking!


Thanks for the input and the picture of the correct 3 even though in this case it´s centered is very helpful so thanks for taking the effort!


Is it possible that the difference in 3's is regional?  Unfortunately, I'm not sure what region mine is from originally from though. 

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#16 Beastformers


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Posted 19 December 2021 - 05:12 AM

Is it possible that the difference in 3's is regional?  Unfortunately, I'm not sure what region mine is from originally from though. 

There is most definitely an explanation for the difference in the molds but it´s quite hard to say something about it. When it comes to Series 1 (S1), which has been the most wide spread and of which various molds have been used for different releases in other countries, we´re slowly getting an idea of what´s been going on. For S2 and S3 Beasts that´s a whole lot more complicated because they´re produced and released a whole lot less compared to S1 so it doesn´t really make a whole lot of sense to find out there are at least 3 or 4 different molds used for a figure like the Walrus and that´s what it´s starting to look like atm... Unlike S1, which has some exceptions, it´s very likely that the whole production of the S2 and S3 Beasts happened in China and since there´s not a real consistency in the molds of S2 Beasts also switching between Mold Letters (A/B/C) and Mold Numbers (1/2/3) it´s just a bit chaotic.

We´ll keep looking into it and hopefully can come with some conclusions soon.


In the meantime please keep checking your Walrus figures if you haven´t done it already.

At the moment the focus is on the position of the upside down 3 (so right of the mold circle on the backside) in the correct position because the correct 3 that´s shared here by IchtusStier above can be assigned to another Mold where the Mold Number is centered.


Thanks for the input!

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#17 Beastformers


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Posted 04 April 2022 - 04:40 AM

Looks like mine has a 3 that is not upside down.

Picking things up again in regards to the Walrus because we have to tackle this.

Going through/over all the received pictures and to keep things clear we´d like to completely IGNORE the Unpainted Tusks (Variant) Walrus because that´s only been causing extra chaos and we´ve reasons to assume that might´ve had it´s own mold for whatever reason.


@IchthusStier could you confirm whether the picture you shared of the Walrus with the 3 in on the back in the center is actually a Unpainted Walrus as we believe it is? Thanks, I´ll also send you a PM in case you might not see/check this post anymore.

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#18 IchthusStier


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Posted 05 April 2022 - 02:22 AM

Picking things up again in regards to the Walrus because we have to tackle this.

Going through/over all the received pictures and to keep things clear we´d like to completely IGNORE the Unpainted Tusks (Variant) Walrus because that´s only been causing extra chaos and we´ve reasons to assume that might´ve had it´s own mold for whatever reason.


@IchthusStier could you confirm whether the picture you shared of the Walrus with the 3 in on the back in the center is actually a Unpainted Walrus as we believe it is? Thanks, I´ll also send you a PM in case you might not see/check this post anymore.


I hate to add to the confusion but unfortunately, my Walrus DOES have painted tusks.  I will upload more photos later today just so the community has visual confirmation.

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#19 Beastformers


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Posted 05 April 2022 - 05:12 AM

I hate to add to the confusion but unfortunately, my Walrus DOES have painted tusks.  I will upload more photos later today just so the community has visual confirmation.

Nice, and no worries, this adds another piece to the puzzle!

When you take pictures can you please make sure to also capture the 37 (in the neck) properly because that´s a crucial detail we have to keep in mind as well it seems in order to define the distinct molds.


Just after posting, the other reply in this post yesterday, I decided to do another check on Ebay looking at Walrus´ listed there and found a Walrus with a 1 (see attached picture) on the same position as yours holding the 3. So hopefully your pictures can confirm those might belong together, which still leaves a 2 left to find but it might bring us a little closer into the right direction. Much appreciated!


Attached File  Screenshot_2022-04-04 1987 Battle Beasts Wolfgang Walrus #37 Series 2 Hasbro Takara eBay(2).png   511.67K   4 downloads

(Image from Ebay: https://www.ebay.com...ZwAAOSwVHRgZTu8 )


If anyone else has a Walrus WITH Painted tusks which has a 2 in the center position like the 3 from IchthusStier or the 1 from the reference above please share it here. ALSO we´re still looking for a Walrus with a 3 in the correct position on the exact same location as the Upside down 3 (see earlier reply in this post with pictures).


As always thanks for the input!

Edited by Beastformers, 05 April 2022 - 05:14 AM.

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#20 IchthusStier


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Posted 10 April 2022 - 10:49 AM

Sorry it took me a few days to get the pictures uploaded.  If there is anything you need a clearer image of just let me know.

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#21 IchthusStier


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Posted 10 April 2022 - 10:53 AM

Here is a better picture with the 37.

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#22 Beastformers


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Posted 11 April 2022 - 09:37 AM

Much appreciated and helpful, thanks!

To be continued...

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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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#23 Beastformers


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Posted 29 August 2022 - 05:04 AM

Back again and STILL struggling with the Walrus...

Ran a Poll via Instagram and will share it here as well hoping for some additional votes/input/discussion in order to see if we can clarify this situation and get the Beastformers Checklist going again.


Attached File  Walrus Story 1.jpg   242.09K   3 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 2.jpg   175.53K   0 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 3.jpg   171.31K   0 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 4.jpg   165.81K   0 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 5.jpg   168.83K   0 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 6.jpg   158.32K   0 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 7.jpg   168.2K   1 downloadsAttached File  Walrus Story 8.jpg   253.93K   1 downloads


Looks like I can´t embed a Poll in a reply to an existing Topic so please leave a reply with the Walrus´ you might have yourself (ONLY if you haven´t voted via Instagram before yet) and in case you might have a Walrus which shows different details on the backside than one of the 6 Options shared please share a good detailed picture.


As always thanks for the input!



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BEASTFORMERS ビーストフォーマー                               

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