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Board etiquette tips for everyone

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#1 PlasticSoul


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Posted 12 September 2013 - 02:35 PM

1. Read for a while to get a good feel of how the community interacts with one another. It also helps you to get familiar with the layout and different sections of the board. 
2. Have fun. Most members here have been around for years and they all love to joke around with each other and will probably do the same with you. A little hazing doesn't mean anyone here wants you to leave so please don't take everything personally. This place is about toys and should be fun!
3. Yes you can come here and ask for advice about what you're going to sell on ebay but please respect the well educated opinions you get here and please don't expect the community to embrace you if all you want is for them to help you take as much of their money as you possibly can. It's always a better idea to contribute AND use the resources here. Plus it's more fun that way.
4. Look for the answer before you ask the question. The search feature under the main banner, works great.
5. Please  try to limit cross-posting. If you have something for trade/sale there is a proper place for that. You can also make links to your sales/trades in your signature as well. This board is also a great place for showing off custom work of every kind but please don't show off your same customs in multiple threads on multiple forums here. Everyone can have a customs thread of their own and an art thread as well so for the most part that should be enough. Remember lots of users still browse this site on cell phones or slow internet connections so be considerate of bandwith. 
6. Yes this place has full HTML options and you CAN post in giant bright pink bold italic text but that doesn't mean you should. People read this place on every kind of device known to man so keeping it simple is always your best bet.


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