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#1 jkaris


    AKIA Site Owner Y/S*N*T

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Posted 11 July 2002 - 11:26 PM

I figured this would be a good topic to start, so that we can recognize eachother on eBay. I myself have a habit of SNIPING auctions in the last few seconds :p and I recently sniped a fellow MUSCLE head. If I had known, I wouldn't have, just to be polite. That being said, I think it would be a good idea to know each other on eBay, so if we see an auction that we are going to snipe, and it is bid on by another member, and it's not something we REALLY have to have, then we can avoid the "Oops".
This is just me, I'm not asking you to put yourself out for each others sake. Believe me, if anyone in this group believes in the free market capatalist system, it's definitely me! B) But just as a point of referrence, I would like to know, and I'm sure other would too.

But if it's something I REALLY have to have...............hehe.
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#2 fuzzbuster



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Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:36 AM


1 of 3/Toy Archive = intergalactic_space_bunny
abathalon = karmatoys
AbLivAspade = (removed per users request)
Adamantiumwulf = Adamantiumwulf/LordofChaos
AFCMan = afcman_uk
Aikola = kenny500_00 AND markhelen86
Akuma Shogun = Outlaw50
ALLSPORTDVD = litlman144
amauryton = trumanshower
AmoiMan = amoiman
Apricot = pickleloaf
arforbes = arforbes
Asator = face_made_of_leaves

bachamn = bachamn

Bass0r = Bass0r
Beligerant1 = DAMHSL
Bermuda Mohawk = bermuda_mohawk

Black Oracle = tangandrea

Boaconda = nightmare_keeper
Bobbydixon99 = bobbydixon99
BradH = mattemeo
BzzzapOuch = Lalaxrivet
ChimpmunkBot = minicon82
CCVegita = cccvegita
cranzilla = cranzilla
crawatt = crawatt
cylon_centurian = cylon_centurian
deathadder5150 = Ncoliogne007
d hop = Wild00
Davefishes = davefishes / jufishes
dabbuu = dabbuu
Dark Clown = ancsanamun & v-olator
dark_eternal = dark_eternal81
Daxel101uk = Daxel101uk
DeXeSs = dandelion26
doc_moore_j = Doc_moore_j
Doctor Dew = doctordew
Donkeykid77 = donkeykid77
Dr.Frankenstein = coreycuc
DoctorKent = DoctorKent
Dragoonzero0 = Dragoonzero0
Dusk = dusk3375
EASports = ericaddison
eightystoynut = chasbotts2011
El Diablo = plastic_prophet
el midgetron = el midgetron
er0k26 = er0k26
evo@24psi = civicpmpn
fossilsaur = stonecobra
fourth_heir = fourth_heir
Gaara = brother_quintall
galthisan = Pinkbuttonz
General Veer = 78cp
Ghost Lion = thunderconvoy
gilgar = gilgar
gojiman = gojiman
GRANDTHEFT = sheriff23mrx
green captain = captain_vert
grimerslimer = heater69
halize = halize
Hellacooljawa = Hellacooljawa
Hydra = blackgearsjp
Imp = ann.onimus
Indissoluble Koburanda = Shocklynx
Iron Rabbit = Knight.of.the.Lion
jacques_chie = jacques_chie
Jackson = jaxnshopping
JB83 = ImgladImnotagirl

Jeremy0477 = jeremy0477-us

Jet-Mech = leadsize12s
jkaris = kingstylus

jmckinnon316 = jmckinnon316

Jonathan = wwwmonstermadnessnet
jtsounds3 = jtsounds3
karloscar = karl-oscar
Kendaman = Kari132
Kinniku Ataru = nenesword
Kinnikux = Dellax13@aol.com
Knuxman = knuxman
koppenschevelle = koppenschevelle
lazorlion = lazorlion / toymaffia
lazzy lizard = luvz2buytoyz / ilovemeat2
lmdlu = lmdlu
lord = zendo4
lotsatoys4me = lotsatoys4me

majinmoo= ray_charles_baby

markderoos = markderoos

Matlock = Korean-Elvis

max powerz = m4x_p0w3rz
Merovingian = ashmor

Metalmonkey = shinobi_assassin_bearcub

MIWP = miwpdetroit
modpodcrazy = modpodcrazy / berube001
MonkeyUK = mattybeef2003
MrCheeks = c0mput0ruser
Mr. Crimson = robertpaullewis
mr. greedy = royleroi33
MuScLe BoMbEr = secret_character
musclemenkids = craigy-mo02
Mystery Mask = Sealights8200
nemesisbonga = chopperdog13
Ne]V[esis = corrodeddisorder
NewOldGuy = catbatrat
Omega = omega3214
Orca = firebolt
pfisteria = melioidosis
phillymadison = phillymadison
ploid = ploid
pooyabee = pooyabee
Prim = Kinsey97
QWAAH = skunkr1
rage = autumnslove
rainlord4 = rainlord4
rambo_samu = godzilla!!!!!
Ramses = Ramses84

retroactive80z = shark_bait_sushi

RubzOne = Corebee
Ridureyu = ridureyu
RobinMask81 = M3lriv3R
Robocarullo = Traceymariel
rock-n-wrestling = rock-n-wrestling
Rokk = rokkkrinn
roland13 = roland13
SaltLakeToyJunkie = downtownjacksonbrown801
shade07/scrappy = daisy2107
ShujiYomo = vampyrx
Siccx Degree = KhAo$
slothfl99 = sir-boris
Slowpoke Sloth = kloohorn
SMHM80 = scorl_matro
Sniper33 = sniper33
swoodington = swoodington
SpectreSuperSix5 = usaceranger
Stinger Wolf = gohibiki
Stoneyface = hawkeyeroost
Sulphur = tidalbladex
Swinger8 = Vincecarder
Taichi = Speedythepopcultureking
Tars Tarkas = fozzi331
TigerPrawnMaster = IronChefSonny
tirdman83 = tirdman83
theCrazyest = thecrazyest
THEGODBEAST = thegodbeast
The Monkey King = maglite212
theorgg = theorgg
The Shiznit = rawkthreads
Tofudrifter81 = Tofudrifter81
Tom-K = tom-k
tonganbynature = lst705
TOPHER = owlman-00
Tortle = ndnewell
ToyMan = ToyMan_rx79
transformersontheshelf = markivmpc
tree193 = tree193
trestletop = coffeeromance
trumanshower = amauryton
Tsuzuki = mrbuu6000
Twisted Sister = poodlebarb
Universal Ruler Supreme = Vegetass4583456
unix4 = unix4
voidsign = gianaga
Walrus = walrus2743
Warsman = Cool_Spot
whalewarrior = wookiee72
WhiteLeo = tlsmbb
WhoDatMuscle = jay679
Wraith = ghastly_wraith
Wrath1104 = wrath1104
Yom = dodgernaute







78cp = General Veers
Adamantiumwulf / LordofChaos = Adamantiumwulf
afcman_uk = AFCMan
amoiman = AmoiMan
ancsanamun = Dark Clown
ann.onimus = Imp
arforbes = arforbes
ashmor = Merovingian
autumnslove = rage

bachamn = bachamn

Bass0r = Bass0r
bermuda_mohawk = Bermuda Mohawk
bobbydixon99 = bobbydixon99
brother_quintall = Gaara
c0mput0ruser = MrCheeks
captain_vert = green captain
catbatrat = NewOldGuy
cccvegita = CCVegita
chasbotts2011 = eightystoynut
chopperdog13 = nemesisbonga
civicpmpn = evo@24psi
coffeeromance = trestletop
Cool_Spot = Warsman
Corebee = RubzOne
coreycuc = Dr.Frankenstein
corrodeddisorder = Ne]V[esis
craigy-mo02 = musclemenkids
cranzilla = cranzilla
crawatt = crawatt
cylon_centurian = cylon_centurian
dabbuu = dabbuu
daisy2107 = shade07/scrappy
DAMHSL = Beligerant1
dandelion26 = DeXeSs
dankingery33 = Dankingery
dark_eternal81 = dark_eternal
davefishes / jufishes = Davefishes
Daxel101uk = Daxel101uk
Dellax13@aol.com = Kinnikux
Doc_moore_j = doc_moore_j
doctordew = Doctor Dew
DoctorKent = DoctorKent
dodgernaute = Yom
donkeykid77 = Donkeykid77
Dragoonzero0 = Dragoonzero0
dusk3375 = Dusk
el midgetron = el midgetron
ericaddison = EASports
er0k26 = er0k26

face_made_of_leaves = Asator

firebolt = Orca
fourth_heir = fourth_heir
fozzi331 = Tars Tarkas
ghastly_wraith = Wraith
gianaga = voidsign
gilgar = gilgar
godzilla!!!!! = rambo_samu
gohibiki = Stinger Wolf
gojiman = gojiman
halize = halize
hawkeyeroost = stoneyface
heater69 = grimerslimer
Hellacooljawa = Hellacooljawa
hellbound-gunslinger = toyfiend76
ImgladImnotagirl = JB83
intergalactic_space_bunny = 1 of 3/Toy Archive
blackgearsjp = Hydra
IronChefSonny = TigerPrawnMaster
jacques_chie = jacques_chie
downtownjacksonbrown801 = SaltLakeToyJunkie
jaxnshopping = Jackson
jay679 = WhoDatMuscle

Jeremy0477-us = Jeremy0477

jmckinnon316 = jmckinnon316

jtsounds3 = jtsounds3
Kari132 = Kendaman
karl-oscar = karloscar
karmatoys = abathalon
KhAo$ = Siccx Degree
kingstylus = jkaris
Kinsey97 = Prim
kloohorn = Slowpoke Sloth
Knight.of.the.Lion = Iron Rabbit
knuxman = Knuxman
koppenschevelle = koppenschevelle

Korean-Elvis = Matlock
Lalaxrivet = BzzzapOuch
lazorlion / toymaffia = lazorlion
leadsize12s = Jet-Mech
litlman144 = ALLSPORTDVD
lmdlu = lmdlu
lotsatoys4me = lotsatoys4me
lst705 = tonganbynature
luvz2buytoyz / ilovemeat2 = lazzy lizard
M3lriv3R = RobinMask81
m4x_p0w3rz = max powerz
maglite212 = The Monkey King
markderoos = markderoos
markivmpc = transformersontheshelf
mattemeo = BradH
mattybeef2003 = MonkeyUK
melioidosis = pfisteria
minicon82 = ChimpmunkBot
miwpdetroit = MIWP
modpodcrazy / berube001 = modpodcrazy
mrbuu6000 = Tsuzuki
Ncoliogne007 = deathadder5150
ndnewell = Tortle
nenesword = Kinniku Ataru
nightmare_keeper = Boaconda
omega3214 = Omega
Outlaw50 = Akuma Shogun
owlman-00 = TOPHER
phillymadison = phillymadison
pickleloaf = Apricot
Pinkbuttonz = galthisan
plastic_prophet = El Diablo
ploid = ploid
poodlebarb = Twisted Sister
pooyabee = pooyabee
rainlord4 = rainlord4
Ramese84 = Ramses
rawkthreads = The Shiznit

ray_charles_baby = majinmoo

ridureyu = Ridureyu
robertpaullewis = Mr. Crimson
rock-n-wrestling = rock-n-wrestling
rokkkrinn = Rokk
roland13 = roland13
royleroi33 = mr. greedy
scorl_matro = SMHM80
Sealights8200 = Mystery Mask
secret_character = MuScLe BoMbEr

shark_bait_sushi = retroactive80z

sheriff23mrx = GRANDTHEFT

shinobi_assassin_bearcub = Metalmonkey

Shocklynx = Indissoluble Koburanda
sir-boris = slothfl99
skunkr1 = QWAAH
sniper33 = Sniper33
speedythepopcultureking = Taichi
stonecobra = fossilsaur
swoodington = swoodington
tangandrea = Black Oracle
thecrazyest = theCrazyest
thegodbeast = THEGODBEAST
theorgg = theorgg
thunderconvoy = Ghost Lion
tidalbladex = Sulphur
tirdman83 = tirdman83
tlsmbb = WhiteLeo
Tofudrifter81 = Tofudrifter81
tom-K = Tom-k
ToyMan_rx79 = ToyMan
Traceymariel = Robocarullo
tree193 = tree193
trumanshower = amauryton
unix4 = unix4
usaceranger = SpectreSuperSix5
vampyrx = ShujiYomo
Vegetass4583456 = Universal Ruler Supreme
Vincecarder = Swinger8
walrus2743 = Walrus
Wild00 = d hop
wookiee72 = whalewarrior
wrath1104 = Wrath1104
wwwmonstermadnessnet = Jonathan
zendo4 = lord

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#3 catbeast5000


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 02:57 AM


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#4 phypres


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Posted 02 October 2015 - 11:53 PM

little rubber guys = ebay

crytion = creytion

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#5 TheJoker


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 08:59 AM

On eBay my nickname is : thejok3r902013
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#6 Sooperduck


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Posted 03 April 2018 - 01:08 PM

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#7 BattleChick41


    Budding Collector

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  • 24 posts
  • Gender:Female
  • Interests:Battle Beast, Laser Beast, custom beast .... anything at all Battle beast!!!

Posted 11 June 2020 - 05:19 AM


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