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Samurai King

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#26 Kingmuscle


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 04:44 PM

Chapter 21: Round 2: Dudley Versus Ling


Kenshin: *winces as a nurse examines his ribs* damn he fights good for an old man


Dudley: *chuckles to himself as he looks over at the nurse* what's the extent of there injuries?


Nurse: nothing life threatening they just need rest and a good meal


Dudley: *nods* sounds good


Jade: agreed oh wait Dudley isn't your match starting?


Dudley: oh crap your right *runs to the ring*


Isono: The second match Dudley vs Ling will begin shortly


Ling: *steps up onto the ring*


Dudley: *gets on the ring as well*


Isono: when you guys are ready you may begin


Dudley: *extends a hand* may the best samurai win


Ling: *takes the hand* and that will be me!


Dudley: *chuckles* arrogance will get you nowhere my friend *pulls his blade out*


Ling: *pulls his blade out too*


Jade: *arrives at ringside* take this chump down Dudley!


Ling: *looks at Jade* who are you calling a chump woman?


Dudley: *stern look on his face* hey I won't tolerate you insulting a lady in front of me! *points his blade at Ling*


Ling: *chuckles* aww I'm sorry *runs toward Dudley as swings his blade at his face*


Dudley: *blocks it and a red aura surrounds him* I refuse to lose to a dirtbag like you! *pushes him away and slices his stomach sending him flying to the edge of the ring*


Ling: *groans*


Dudley: *walks over and points his blade in Lings face*


Ling: *look of fear on his face* w-wait d-don't do it I surrender!


Dudley: *lifts his blade up and prepares to swing it downward*


Jade: *runs towards Dudley and Ling* Dudley stop this he already surrendered!


Dudley: *stops his swing and looks at Jade*


Jade: *stops at the edge of the ring* this isn't like you, you gotta stop!


Dudley: *the red aura flickers before it disappears completely and he falls to his knees* N-Not again *grabs his head*


Jade: *looks at Isono* well?


Isono: Ling has surrendered the winner is Dudley!


Jade: *jumps in the ring and puts her hands on Dudley's shoulders*


Dudley: *looks up at Jade shaking* I-I'm sorry....


Jade: *shakes her head* its alright nothing bad happened


Dudley: this time but last time It happened I killed someone!


Jade: *shocked look on her face*


Dudley: *shakes* when I was kid I was cursed by someone whenever I lose my temper that foul power takes over my body and I lose all sense of myself the first time it happened I was about 15 years old I saw some thugs harassing a lady and I can't tolerate disrespect towards women so I lost me temper then that foul power came out and I killed every one of those thugs, if it wasn't for the lady I stood up for I wouldn't have returned to me senses


Jade: *her hands fly up to her mouth tears flowing down her cheeks* 


Dudley: *stands up weakly* I-I'm ok now *puts a hand on her shoulder* thanks for listening it feels good to get that off my chest


Jade: *wipes her face with her sleeve and nods* lets go my fight is next *they walk out of the ring together*


Narrator: Dudley wins his match by a surrender but who or what is responsible for that terrible power that dwells within him to find out keep reading Samurai King!   

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

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#27 Kingmuscle


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 05:47 PM

Chapter 22: The Final Bout of Round 1 Jade vs Shen!


Jade: *standing in the ring tapping her toe impatiently*


Isono: *clears his throat* the final bout of round 1 will now commence will Mr. Shen please come to the ring!


Shen: *calmly walks onto the ring hands in the cuffs of his Kimono*


Jade: should be fun


Isono: very good you may begin when your ready


Shen: *hands still in the cuffs of his Kimono bows at Jade* lets have a fun fight shall we?


Jade: *smiles and bows as well* of course


Dudley: *standing at ringside* be careful Jade I sense great power coming from him


Jade: right! *pulls out her blade*


Shen: *smiles at Jade* when your ready my dear


Jade: aren't you gonna pull out your blade?


Shen: *just smiles at her*


Jade: whatever *runs at him and swings her blade at him*


Shen: *pulls his hand out of his Kimono and grabs her blade with ease*


Jade: I-impossible how did you do that?


Shen: just a naked sword catch with one hand nothing special really


Jade: liar no one can catch a blade with one hand


Shen: *pushes her blade away and spin kicks her in the stomach*


Jade: *clutches her stomach and coughs up blood*


Shen: *chuckles* sorry I really should pull my punches with a lady


Jade: *growls with anger and stands up* your going down old man! *swings her blade rapidly*


Shen: *dodges with ease then grabs her arm* you won't beat me by attacking in anger you need to calm down


Dudley: Jade he's right you need to calm yourself down


Jade: *takes a deep breath and pulls her arm free of his grip* lets finish this! *holds up her blade*


Shen: gladly *finally pulls his own blade out*


Jade: I call upon the power of the Emerald Blade! *her blade turns into emeralds*


Shen: I Call upon the power of the Ryu Blade! *his blade melds into him giving him dragon hide armor and a metal dragons tail for an arm*


Jade: lets see if your armor can withstand this attack *swing her blade sending the emeralds at Shen*


Shen: *crosses his arms as the shards hit him cutting ever inch of his armor leaving massive gashes in him*


Dudley: *crosses his arms* hmmm


Shen: *falls to his knees blood all over his body* I-im not done yet *shakily stands up*


Jade: you sure your hurt pretty badly *the emeralds return to the hilt of her blade*


Shen: you'll have to kill me to win this fight *coughs up blood*


Jade: stubborn old man


Shen: *coughs up more blood*


Jade: *turns her blade over to the soft side and walks over to him*


Shen: why?


Jade: *stops in front of him* simple im not a murderer *hits him in the gut with soft side of the blade sending him out of the ring*


Shen: *laughs* forgot about ring outs


Isono: Jade is the winner!


Dudley: *claps happily*


Mai/Crowd: *cheers wildly*


Kenshin: *walks up to the ring using a crutch* 


Jade: Kenshin! *jumps out of the ring and hugs him*


Kenshin: OUCH! not so rough Jade


Jade: oh sorry *red faced*


Dudley: *walks up to them* Lucius still out of it mate?


Kenshin: yeah but he better wake up soon 


Dudley: *nods*


Jade: thanks for the advice Dudley it was a real help


Dudley *smiles* no problem mate happy to help


Kenshin: the next round will be tough


Dudley: indeed 


Jade: *nods*


Isono: *steps up onto the ring* The First round is complete, before the next round commences there will be a two day rest period starting now use this time to heal any wounds you may have sustained my congratulations goes out to you on making it to the next round and now the Supreme Samurai King has a brief announcement to make


Samurai King: *stands up from his chair high above the stands darkness once again blocks his face* Congratulations Samurai's I Look forward to your next bouts make sure you come well healed and at 100 percent I expect no less from any of you good luck in the next round I so look forward to facing one of you in the last bout of the tournament *sits down once again*


Announcer: who will win the tournament and earn the right to face the Samurai King himself?, keep reading to find out!   

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#28 Kingmuscle


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 04:20 PM

Chapter 23: The Mysterious Youth!


Kenshin: *yawns* well we got two free days what should we do?


Jade: I think we should train a little the next bouts will be the toughest challenges we faced yet


Dudley: I agree with Jade but we should pace ourselves as well going into a fight gassed won't help any of us


Kenshin: lets get some food I saw a few good restaurants in town


Mai: *stomach growls* good idea


Dudley: I say we get some barbeque I could go for a Steak right now


Kenshin: sounds good to me


Jade: men...*shakes her head*


Mai: *giggles*


Narrator: as our heroes head for there dinner they bump into a mysterious 5 year old girl with Red shoulder length hair, blue eyes and wearing a pink flowery kimono.


Child: *bumps into Kenshin and falls to the ground* ouch!


Kenshin: sorry about that little lady *picks her up and puts her on her feet*


Child: its ok *smiles at Kenshin*


Jade: well no harm done *smiles happily*


Child: *looks at Kenshin* your Kenshin right? 


Kenshin: *raises his eyebrows* you know me?


Child: yes I saw you fight in the tournament you were awesome


Kenshin: thanks and just who might you be my dear?


Child: *bows* my name is Lin


Kenshin: *bows* say where's your parents at 5 year olds like you shouldn't be wandering the streets alone


Lin: *puts finger up to her mouth* up at the castle I snuck out while the guards weren't looking *giggles*


Jade: the Castle? 


Lin: yes the Samurai King is my daddy I got tired of being couped up at the castle all the time so I snuck out


Kenshin: *shocked look on his face* that tyrant is your daddy?


Lin: *angry look on her face* my daddy isn't a tyrant a lot of people call him that but he's really not he's my very best friend


Narrator: just then a disgruntled looking guard runs up to them


Guard: *huffing and puffing* princess I finally found you thank goodness the king would've had my head if anything happed to you


Lin: *sticks her tongue out* I don't care I hate being stuck in that stupid castle its boring *runs off*


Guard: Princess wait! *runs after her*


Dudley: *looks at Kenshin* I don't know mate you think she'll be ok?


Kenshin: *nods* she's pretty mature for her age they'll be fine


Narrator: on the next chapter the tournament resumes and its sure to be a blood bath when the very best samurai's in the world duke it out!  

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#29 Rubberhammer


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 07:31 PM

Pretty good stuff, man!

Except, Mr. Heart.
I'm glad he's dead, I really am.
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#30 Kingmuscle


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Posted 24 March 2016 - 10:20 AM

thanks man yeah Mr. Heart was a rushed character originally when I made him I intended to do a Christmas themed chapter but I couldn't come up with a decent story lol

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#31 Kingmuscle


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Posted 26 March 2016 - 07:41 PM

Chapter 24: The Semi-Finals Begin!


Narrator: on the last chapter our heroes got a much needed 2 day rest after several grueling matches and now that the two days are over the semi finals begin...


Kenshin: so I face Dudley in the next round huh?


Dudley: I look forward to it should be fun *smiles happily*


Jade: and I have to face one of you in the finals


Isono: our last Semi Final Match will begin shortly will Mr. Dudley and Mr. Kenshin come to the ring


Kenshin: this is it *stone faced* lets go!


Dudley: *nods silently and walks towards the ring with Kenshin*


Jade: good luck guys


Isono: you may begin when your ready


Dudley/Kenshin: *nods at Isono*


Jade: *walks up and stands at ringside*


Dudley: lets have an honorable battle mate *holds out his hand*


Kenshin: *takes the hand* just promise me you won't hold back


Dudley: no worries there *takes his blade out*


Kenshin: *takes his out too*


Dudley: *runs at Kenshin blade raised*


Kenshin: *jumps upwards and swings downwards*


Dudley: *blade connects with Kenshin's blade* your good mate *pushes kenshin backwards*


Kenshin: thanks *pushes back causing sparks to fly from their blades*


Jade: *raises her eyebrows* impressive there really not holding back


Dudley: *kicks Kenshin in the gut*


Kenshin: *coughs up blood and falls to a knee but manages to hold on*


Dudley: *throws another kick*


Kenshin: *jumps backwards* not this time my friend


Dudley: what say we use our full power now mate?


Kenshin: agreed I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE YU-JYO BLADE! *the blade melds into his arm*


Dudley: I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE CROCODILE BLADE! *blade melds into him giving him a crocodiles head on one arm and a tail on the other one* lets finish this Kenshin!


Kenshin: *holds up his blade arm* I promised you my best and you'll get it!


Jade: *cheers for the both of them*


Mai/Audience: *loudly cheering*


Kenshin: *runs at Dudley and swings his arm downwards at his legs*


Dudley: you fool *jumps up to avoid the blade then clamps down on Kenshins right shoulder with the crocodile head*


Kenshin: *screaming in pain with blood flying everywhere from his shoulder* 


Dudley: give up mate *squeezes Kenshins right shoulder tighter causing more blood to fly everywhere*


Kenshin: *falls to his knees* never *stabs the crocodile head with his blade repeatedly*


Dudley: that won't work Crocodiles are known for their rock hard skin


Kenshin: *stabs the eye of the crocodiles head*


Dudley: * screams as blood drops from the eye* slick but that won't be enough mate


Kenshin: *smiles* I know take this *sends a bolt of lightning into the crocodiles eye*


Dudley: *screams in pain and jumps away* impressive *huffing and puffing*


Kenshin: *sucking some air blood still flowing from the massive wound in his shoulder* 


Mai/Crowd: *loudly cheering*


Dudley: *holds up the tail on his other arm* this is it the final blow! *runs at Kenshin*


Kenshin: *still sucking air watching Dudley run at him* your right this will be the last move *holds up his blade arm*


Jade: *puts her hand on her mouth crying*


Narrator: who will win this blood bath of a fight Kenshin or Dudley? find out on the next chapter of Samurai King!

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#32 Kingmuscle


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 07:50 PM

Chapter 25: The Final Match is Decided!


Narrator: on the last Chapter of Samurai King the showdown between Dudley and Kenshin got underway it quickly escalated into a massive blood bath, lets rejoin the battle and find out who will win!


Dudley: *Stops in front of Kenshin and swings his Tail Arm at Kenshin's Head* You Lose!


Kenshin: *gets his blade-arm up just in the nick of time to block the shot* n-not quite yet *still huffing and puffing*


Dudley: *pulls his tail arm up and starts raining blows downwards on Kenshin's blade pushing him backwards*


Kenshin: d-damn it! *standing on the edge of the arena*


Jade: this is it! *watches with wide eyes*


Kenshin: *pushes back as hard as he can then sidesteps Dudley and kicks him in the back*


Dudley: *coughs up blood and flies out of the ring landing on his stomach* D-Damn it! *reverts back to normal and furiously punches the ground*


Isono: the winner of this fight is Kenshin!


Jade: *claps happily*


Kenshin: *takes a massive deep breath and walks out of the ring towards Dudley* you alright Dudley?


Dudley: *looks at Kenshin and smiles* yeah I'm fine that was an excellent move mate *stands up and holds out his hand*


Kenshin: *takes the hand* nah I was just lucky 


Jade: *walks up to them* great fight guys 


Dudley: sure was I'm hoping for a rematch soon


Kenshin: me too it'll be better without the ring out rule


Dudley: *winces in pain* we'd better go get medical attention mate


Kenshin: *grunts in pain as he grabs his bloody shoulder causing more blood to shoot out* good call *runs to the tent with Dudley*


Nurse: you know the drill *points to the beds*


Kenshin/Dudley: yes ma'am *they each take a bed as Jade walks into the tent*


Jade: man I've never seen such a bloody fight before there still washing the blood off the ring out there


Kenshin: *laughs and winces* yeah and I don't think I ever lost this much blood before


Dudley: likewise


Nurse: *looks at Jade* your free to stay and chat with them just try to stay out of the way please


Jade: yes ma'am


Narrator: on the next chapter of Samurai King its Jade vs Kenshin with the winner to fight for the crown who will win and just who is the Samurai King anyway? keep reading Samurai King to find out!        

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#33 Kingmuscle


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Posted 19 May 2016 - 09:06 PM

Chapter 26: The Finals Begin!


Dudley/Kenshin: *grunts in pain as the nurses stitch up their wounds*


Jade: are you gonna be able to compete Kenshin? *concerned look on her face*


Kenshin: *holds up his undamaged arm fist clenched* damn straight I will be!


Dudley: *chuckles* I don't know mate I did a good number on your shoulder


Kenshin: *growls angrily at Dudley* it won't stop me competing!


Narrator: just then Isono walks into the tent...


Isono: *looks at the nurses* so what's the verdict can Mr. Kenshin compete?


Nurse 1: *wipes the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve* he's lost a lot of blood he needs at least 3 hours of rest and some food


Isono: *nods* that will be fine I'll go announce a break *leaves the Tent*


Jade: *smiles happily* that's good id hate to win on a forfeit


Isono: *on P.A. System* there will be a 3 hour break before the next fight


Jade: whelp *rubs her hands together* I'm gonna grab a snack you guys want anything?


Dudley: I'm fine thanks


Kenshin: I'll just get a bottle of water thanks


Jade: will do *leaves the tent*


Nurse 1: *cuts the stitch* ok I'll just wrap up your arm and your all done Mr. Kenshin


Kenshin: great thanks *smiles at her*


Nurse 1: *blushes* no problem


Nurse 2: *finishes wrapping up Dudley's arm* your done too Dudley


Dudley: thanks a lot *smiles as he examines his arm*


Jade: *walks into the tent* oh your done great! *hands Kenshin his bottle of water*


Kenshin: *takes the bottle* thanks Jade *takes a massive sip of water* man that's good stuff


Narrator: 3 hours later.....


Isono: *holds up a microphone* The Final bout of the tournament will now begin!, will Mr. Kenshin and Miss Jade please enter the arena


Jade: *walks onto the arena*


Kenshin: *walks onto the arena*


Isono: very good when your ready you may begin


Kenshin/Jade: *nods at Isono*


Kenshin: *rubs his arm*


Jade: *raises her eyebrows* you alright?


Kenshin: *nods* I'll be fine *pulls out his blade and holds it out*


Jade: *pulls hers out and crosses it with Kenshins* this is it!


Kenshin: I have a feeling this will be the toughest match of the tournament for both of us


Jade: *nods* I agree and I'm not gonna hold back either!


Narrator: two close friends, one final match, who will win and who will face the Supreme Samurai King for the crown?, keep reading to find out!

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#34 Kingmuscle


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 09:43 PM

Chapter 27: Battle of the Best!, Kenshin Vs Jade!


Kenshin: *looks at Jade there blades still crossed* are you ready?


Jade: *pulls her blade back* damn straight *swings her blade at his bad shoulder*


Kenshin: *holds up his blade blocking the attack*


Dudley: *walks up to ringside*


Jade: *pulls back and swings at his knees*


Kenshin: *leaps up to avoid the attacks* really now Jade are you really trying to hit me or are you holding back?


Jade: *chuckles* I guess I'm holding back a little bit but no more *swings at his knees again*


Kenshin: *jumps up again*


Jade: *kicks him in the mid-section as he jumps up*


Kenshin: *coughs up blood* good move my turn *swings his blade at her chest*


Jade: *holds up her blade blocking the blow*


Kenshin: *sweeps her legs as she blocks the blade sending her to the ground*


Jade: I've had enough of this foolishness! *stands up* I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE EMERALD BLADE! *the blade turns into tiny shards floating above the hilt* 


Kenshin: getting serious early are we? very well I'm game I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE YU-JYO BLADE! *the blade melds into his arm*


Dudley: *chuckles to himself* interesting....


Jade: *swings her blade sending the emeralds at Kenshin*


Kenshin: *swings his blade sending a massive bolt of electricity towards Jade and the two attacks hit in mid-air causing a massive explosion causing massive amounts of dust to cover the whole ring*


Jade: *coughing* whoops I think we went overboard


Kenshin: *laughing and coughing* just a touch


Dudley: blimey *looks at the ring* where'd they go?


Kenshin: *swings his blade around in the dust looking for Jade* this is kinda fun


Jade: *returns the emeralds to her blade and swings it around too* certainly will make things interesting to say the least


Kenshin: *Jades blade nicks his bad arm sending blood flying to the ground* yikes 


Jade: *notices the blood on the tip of her blade* ah ha *slices the dust*


Kenshin: *screams as he narrowly dodges the blade*


Jade: *swings her blade once again sending the emerald shards into the dust*


Kenshin: *crosses his arms as the shards scrape every inch of him* now that one hurt *falls to a knee as a massive gust of wind blows in sending the dust out of the ring*


Jade: *looks at kenshin covered in blood* its over


Kenshin: *weakly stands up* n-not q-quite y-yet!


Jade: *shocked look on her face* I-impossible no one gets up after that!


Dudley: impressive


Kenshin: w-what do you s-say to o-one last a-attack?


Jade: *nods* I'm game


Kenshin: *holds up his blade arm*


Jade: *raises her blade* let's finish this Kenshin!


Narrator: on the next chapter of Samurai King the battle between Jade and Kenshin comes to a close but who will win and face the Samurai King keep reading to find out!  

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

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Posted 09 June 2016 - 10:07 PM

Chapter 28: And The Winner Is?!


Jade: *looks at Kenshin*: Are you sure you want to do this?, one more attack and you could die!


Kenshin: *nods* oh I'm sure *Swings his blade down as hard as he can sending a massive bolt of lightning at Jade*


Jade: *gets hit by the lightning but manages to swing her blade sending the emeralds at Kenshin*


Kenshin: *gets hit by the blades and falls down coughing up blood*


Jade: *falls down as well coughing up blood*


Mai/Crowd: *gasps in shock*


Dudley: Crickey! *watches in horror*


Isono: *holds up a microphone* as per the rules I will do a 10 count and if one of them beats my count back to their feet they will be declared the winner if neither of them stands after a count of ten then the fight will be declared a draw!


Dudley: *concerned look on his face*


Isono: *starts counting* 1........2.......3........4......


Kenshin/Jade: *both slightly stir but don't move*


Isono: 5......6.....7....8....


Kenshin/Jade: *both start trying to stand up using their blades to lift them up*


Isono: 9......


Kenshin: *barely stands up*


Jade: *falls back down*


Isono: 10!, Kenshin is the winner!


Kenshin: *falls back down*


Mai: *jumps the barricade and runs to the ring* JADE!, KENSHIN!


Dudley: Mai lend me hand you take Jade and ill carry Kenshin we need to get them to the tent fast!


Mai: *nods and quickly runs over to Jade and picks her up and runs over to the tent*


Dudley: *picks up Kenshin and runs to the tent as well*


Nurse: *looks at Jade and Kenshin* oh my god quickly get them into the beds! *hurries and grabs her medical equipment*


Nurse 2: if we hurry they should be fine *looks at Mai and Dudley* we'll need you two to leave we'll call you when were done


Dudley/Mai: *nods nervously and leaves the tent*


Mai: *sad look on her face* I hope they'll be ok


Dudley: *pulls her into a hug* I'm sure everything will be fine don't worry


Mai: *blushes and wraps her arms around Dudley's mid-section and smiles*


Isono: *walks up to Mai and Dudley* how are they?


Dudley: nurses are working on them right now no telling how long its gonna take


Isono: *nods and looks at Mai* normally I wouldn't allow someone from the crowd down here but in light of what happened you may stay


Mai: *nods* thank you


Isono: *bows* if you'll excuse me I must speak to the King *walks off*


Dudley: *still hugging Mai* certainly hope they delay the finals for a few days...


Narrator: 20 minutes later....


Isono: *holds up his microphone* ladies and gentleman it is my painful duty to inform you that the final match will be delayed for 4 days and to make up for the delay the final match will be Free of charge!


Audience: *standing ovation*


Dudley: *looks at Mai* lets go check on Jade and Kenshin


Mai: *nods and walks with him to the tent*


Dudley: *peeks in the tent and sees Kenshin and Jade out cold on the beds next to the still unconscious Lucius* seems everything went well


Mai: *sighs* that's a relief


Nurse 1:*walks up to them* which is surprising considering how badly beat up they where


Dudley: how long to you expect them to be out for?


Nurse 1: at least a day or two but they'll still need another 2 days at least to recover 


Mai: *walks over and grabs Jades hand* this insanity's got to stop they almost died! *starts crying*


Dudley: *walks over and puts his hands on her shoulders* its gonna be alright I promise


Mai: *turns around and hugs him still crying* I-I just don't think I can bare to see this anymore


Narrator: what a horrible finish to an otherwise amazing fight can Kenshin recover in time to face the Supreme Samurai King and if he does can he possibly stop him?, those answers and more on the next chapter of Samurai King!

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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#36 Kingmuscle


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Posted 11 June 2016 - 08:43 PM

Chapter 29: The Samurai King Revealed!


Narrator: 4 Days have passed since Kenshin and Jades bloody battle but with just a mere 2 hours to go until Kenshin faces the Samurai King will Kenshin be ready to face his ultimate challenge lets rejoin the story and find out!


Dudley: *watches Kenshin doing sit ups* take it easy Mate you'll re-open your injuries


Jade: *sits up in her bed and winces* yes please stop your making me hurt just watching you


Kenshin: *stops and looks at Dudley and Jade* sorry your right *winces and stands up* but I need to be in shape if I want to stand a chance


Mai: *concerned look on her face* I don't know if you should do this you just woke up 2 days ago your in no condition to fight


Kenshin: *annoyed look on his face* I'm not quitting I will fight him


Dudley: *smiles* listen mate if it gets too hairy out there I've got your back *holds up his fist*


Kenshin: I appreciate that but please don't interfere no matter what


Narrator: just then Isono enters the tent....


Isono: *looks at Kenshin* are you gonna compete?


Kenshin: yes I am


Mai: *cuts in front of Kenshin* can't you give him one more day?


Isono: *looks at Mai* no I'm sorry 4 days is the max I can give as per the rules I'm afraid


Dudley: kind of an outdated rule don't you think?


Isono: *nods* I agree but the King makes all the rules not me


Kenshin: I got to admit I'm kind of nervous


Isono: that said I'm needed out at the ring be there in an hour and a half


Kenshin: *nods* 


Isono: *leaves the tent*


Kenshin: *does some stretches* pass me my blade will you Dudley?


Dudley: no problem *grabs the blade and hands it to Kenshin*


Kenshin: thanks *pulls out his blade and starts swinging it*


Mai: your arms seem to be ok that's good


Kenshin: *grunts as he swings his blade* a little stiff but otherwise good


Narrator: 1 hour and 25 minutes later....


Kenshin: whelp *ties his blade to his right shoulder* I guess I should go out there now


Jade: Kenshin wait!


Kenshin: *walks over to Jade's bed* something wrong?


Jade: *shakes her head* no I just wanted to say be careful and *grabs his hand* promise me you won't go crazy out there 


Kenshin: *puts his other hand on hers* I promise 


Jade: *smiles* take him down


Kenshin: *nods and walks out of the tent to a standing ovation from the crowd* wow *waves to the crowd and walks onto the ring*


Isono: *holds up his microphone* now ladies and gentleman its my esteemed honor to announce the Reigning Undefeated Undisputed Supreme Samurai King please welcome KING GENMA!


Genma: *standing in the shadows just outside the ring* Hello Kenshin its been a very long time I haven't seen you since you were a baby!


Kenshin: *raises his eyebrows* who are you?


Genma: *steps out of the shadows to reveal a man with a massive mane of red hair, full red beard, black suit of armor covering everything but his arms, a massive gold crown sits on his head, a red cape that reaches just below his kneecaps, and scars all over his arms and face, with a muscular build*


Dudley: *arrives at ringside* blimey he looks just Kenshin except the beard, bushy hair and big muscles


Genma: *chuckles darkly* I'm am your older half brother Kenshin!


Kenshin: *shocked look on his face* It cannot be dad never once mentioned you!


Genma: *chuckles* well its all true


Dudley: *shocked look on his face* blimey


Genma: *points at Isono* hurry up you fool lets get this over with!


Isono: *scared look* y-yes sire *holds up his microphone* LET THE FINAL MATCH BEGIN!


Kenshin: *still stunned but pulls out his blade*


Genma: *pulls out his blade that's completely black* let's see how well your Yu-Jyo Blade matches up with my Yami Blade! *laughs darkly*


Narrator: The Samurai King is Kenshins older half brother!, what will Kenshin do?, Can he truly face down his own brother? and just what does the Yami Blade do? all those answers and more on the next Samurai King!

Edited by Kingmuscle, 11 June 2016 - 08:44 PM.

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

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Posted 02 July 2016 - 08:59 PM

Chapter 30: Kenshin vs Genma!


Genma: Little Brother *holds up his blade* You Will Lose!


Kenshin: *smiles* Possibly But *points his blade at Genma* I don't intend to go down easily


Dudley: *concerned look on his face* I have a bad feeling about this


Genma: *runs towards Kenshin and swings his blade downwards towards his head*


Kenshin: *raises his blade and blocks the attack sending massive amounts of sparks flying* d-damn *grunts* you weren't lying I can barely hold you back


Genma: *pushes harder causing even more sparks to fly*


Kenshin: *goes down to one knee*


Genma: heh heh I'm not even using half my true strength yet Little Brother!


Dudley: *wide eyed* unbelievable!


Kenshin: *falls down to his other knee then puts his other hand on his blade and pushes back hard*


Genma: *leans in closer* if you give up ill spare your life Little Brother!


Kenshin: *grunts* Never! I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE JU-JYO BLADE! *blade melds into his arm*


Genma: *smiles* Excellent!


Kenshin: *sends a bolt of electricity through the blades towards Genma*


Genma: *jumps back* heh you fool I was expecting that and now I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE YAMI BLADE! *a great darkness surrounds Genma's blade*


Kenshin: *gets to his feet slowly*


Dudley: *looks at the darkness* well that's a new one


Kenshin: *raises his eyebrows* this isn't going to be easy 


Genma: *chuckles darkly* got that right *sends a blade of darkness towards Kenshin*


Kenshin: *holds up his blade as the darkness wave hits it* too easy 


Genma: heh don't celebrate too quickly look! *points at the darkness blade as the middle disappears and the edges slice Kenshin's shoulders*


Kenshin: *screams loudly and falls to his knees as the blood from his shoulders splatters everywhere*


Dudley: *winces* I felt that one over here


Genma: It's over *laughs gleefully*


Kenshin: not quite *weakly stands up* I told you I will never give up!


Genma: *angry look* your a fool to stand up


Kenshin: I'd rather be a fool than a monster like you! *swings his blade at Genma sending bolts of lighting at him*


Genma: *still angry holds up his blade to block it*


Kenshin: now whos the fool? *sends the bolt of lighting upwards and behind Genma which strikes him in the back*


Genma: *screams in pain and falls to a knee* well played little brother


Isono: *gasps in shock* No ones ever done that!


Dudley: *holds up his fist* COME ON KENSHIN YOU CAN DO IT!




Genma: what say you Little Brother *stands up* no more holding back?


Kenshin: *nods and rips off his torn up shirt* let's do this!


Narrator: what a fight! but just who will win this intense battle will it be Kenshin or will it be the Ruthless Genma to find out keep on reading Samurai King! 

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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Posted 15 August 2016 - 09:18 PM

Chapter 31: No Holding Back!, Kenshin Vs Genma Part 2!


Kenshin: *leaps at Genma and swings downward*


Genma: *holds his blade up and blocks it* heh surely you can do better than tha- *Kenshin's Knee hits him in the face and he falls on his back holding his face with one hand*


Kenshin: *spits on the ground*


Dudley: nice one mate *claps happily*


Genma: *stands back up still holding his face* I must admit I'm impressed *moves his hand revealing a busted nose and blood all over his face* now its my turn *holds up his blade* eat this *swings his blade repeatedly sending lots of darkness blades at Kenshin*


Kenshin: *crosses his arms then screams in pain as the blades hit every part of him then he falls to his butt blood all over his body*


Genma: *walks over and puts his blade on Kenshin's Chin* Surrender or Die Little Brother!


Kenshin: *breathing heavy* Never!


Genma: *sneers* very well so be it! *raises his blade and starts swinging downwards*


Jade: Nooo *steps in front of Kenshin and takes the hit resulting in a massive gash on her chest*


Kenshin: *wide-eyed* No JADE! *crawls over and grabs her*  


Dudley: *wide-eyed* oh my god


Genma: *tosses his blade, grabs his head and falls to his knees* n-not again


Jade: *looks at Kenshin*


Kenshin: *cries and pulls her into a hug* why Jade?


Jade: *smiles weakly* people always do crazy things when there in love *passes out*


Kenshin: *looks at all the blood* please stay with me I promise you'll be alright *kisses her then picks her up*


Isono: *pale faced holds up his mic with a shaky hand* due to outside interference Kenshin is disqualified


Kenshin: *shoots an angry look at Isono* who gives a shit *runs for the tent*


Genma: *still holding his head shaking* K-Kashiko...


Lin: *runs down from the front row of the audience* Daddy! *runs toward him*


Genma: *glances at her then continues to shake uncontrollably*


Lin: *kneels down in front of him tears flowing lifts his head up and looks into his eyes*  


Genma: *calms down instantly and hugs her* you have your mom's beautiful soothing eyes


Lin: Daddy...*giggles*


Meanwhile 20 minutes later over at the tent...


Nurse 1: *walks up to Kenshin, Dudley and Mai* we got her stitched up the other nurse is just bandaging her up unfortunately she lost so much blood she'll need a transfusion  


Kenshin: take mine *holds out an arm*


Nurse 1: but you need the same blood type as her and when we checked her blood it was B+


Kenshin: shoot I'm AB-


Mai: * sits down in a chair and holds out her arm* I'm B+ take mine


Nurse 1: *nods* this will make you weak for a little while *ties her arm and puts the needle in* 


Mai: *winces and looks away*


Kenshin: *shuffles nervously*


Dudley: *looks at Kenshin with a concerned look* calm down mate


Kenshin: sorry *sits down on the edge of a bed* I'm just scared


Nurse 1: ok Mai we should have enough for the time being *removes the needle and bandages her arm*


Mai: *nods weakly* 


Nurse 2: *brings in a tray of snacks and juice* eat and drink this Mai it should help


Mai: *nods and grabs some food*


Nurse 1: *hooks the blood up to Jade* now we wait and hope


Kenshin: *walks over to Jade and grabs her hand* I Love You Jade Please Come Back To Me! 


Genma: *walks into the tent tears flowing down his face*


Narrator: what a sad ending to a great fight, will Jade survive and just why did Genma enter the Medical Tent? all those answers and more on the next Chapter of Samurai King!  

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

King Muscle: I'll Have You Know I've Beaten Both Warsman And Neptuneman But That Was Back When My Stomach Didnt Resemble A Taffy Pool!

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Posted 11 September 2016 - 01:11 PM

Chapter 32: Genma's Past Part 1


Genma: *tears still flowing down his face* Little Brother *puts his hand on Kenshin's shoulder* I-I'm sorry


Kenshin: *slaps Genma's hand away then sits down to let the nurses stitch up his shoulders* what do you want?


Genma: *wipes his tears away with his hands* a chance to make amends and explain everything but this isn't the right place to do that come up to the palace later when your able to my guards will show you the way 


Kenshin: *nods* I will but not until I know Jades going to be fine


Genma: *nods* I know how you feel Little Brother


Kenshin: *glares at Genma* how would you possibly know how I'm feeling!


Genma: *looks down* my wife Kashiko was murdered in front of me


Kenshin: *wide eyed* I-I'm sorry


Genma: *shakes his head* its fine just come to the palace when your ready oh and please bring your friends with you *points at Dudley and Mai*


Dudley: you sure that's ok your majesty


Genma: of course and please call me Genma


Lin: *runs into the tent* Daddy what's taking you so long you promised we'd get some dinner


Genma: *chuckles* alright lets go


Narrator: a few days later.....


Kenshin: *walks up to the palace and stops in front of the guard* I believe the King is waiting for us


Guard: Master Kenshin and his friends I presume?


Kenshin: yes sir this is Mai and Dudley


Mai: *bows* nice to meet you


Dudley: G'Day Mate


Guard: very well follow me


Narrator: as the gang follows the guard they notice some pictures on the walls showing former kings


Kenshin: *stops in front of one photo* Dad!


Guard: ah yes King Lei his reign was short lived he was king for only 3 years before being dethroned by King Lucius who as you know was dethroned by your brother


Mai: *amazed look* wow


Dudley: *smiles* what history


Guard: *motions with his finger* this way


Narrator: the guard takes them to a massive throne room where Genma can be seen looking out a window


Kenshin: *whistles* amazing


Genma: *turns around* welcome and thanks for coming *looks at the guard* you may leave


Guard: *bows and leaves*


Genma: *looks at Kenshin* as promised I have lots to tell you so please take a seat *points at a nearby table*


Kenshin/Mai/Dudley: *takes a seat*


Genma: *sits at the head of the table* first off How's Miss Jade doing?


Kenshin: she's regained consciousness but is unable to move


Genma: *sighs* that's a relief *shakes his head* anyway its thanks to Miss Jade that the darkness that controlled me was destroyed


Mai: darkness?


Genma: yes *pulls out his blade and puts it on the table* this used to be the Yami Blade look at it now


Kenshin: I-its completely white!


Genma: *nods* this is my true blade the Light Blade!


Dudley: blimey!


Kenshin: so your going to tell us why the darkness was controlling you?


Genma: that's right it all started 10 years ago before I became King, my Wife Kashiko who was my Girlfriend at the time and I started a bounty hunter guild which specialized in bringing in criminals then one day "He" showed up, Hugo Snyder he wanted to join our cause and I being the fool that I Was trusted him but Kashiko didn't trust him.....


Narrator: 10 years ago........


Genma: *walks outside the headquarters and sees a man wearing a white suit, his black hair tied into a ponytail a single rose by his chest pocket and a black eye patch on his left eye, his right eye was blue standing just outside the door* you need help?


????: My Name is Hugo Snyder I'm looking for the Bounty Hunter Guild


Genma: well you found it what can I do for you?


Narrator: just then a beautiful brown haired woman with blue eyes, C-cup size breasts and wearing a long white sweatshirt with baby on it and black sweatpants with black boots walked out of the door


????: what's all the racket out here?


Genma: *looks at her* oh Kashiko this is Hugo Snyder he wishes to join us


Kashiko: *looks at Snyder* oh really?


Snyder: *bows* with your permission of course


Kashiko: Genma can I speak with you in private please


Genma: of course *looks at Snyder* we'll be right back


Snyder: *nods* very well


Narrator: Genma and Kashiko go inside the HQ


Genma: what's up dear?


Kashiko: I don't trust that dingus


Genma: why not?


Kashiko: its just a feeling I have


Genma: yeah well we could use more help around here we have cases piling up on us and your unable to work because your pregnant


Kashiko: oh very well but keep an eye on the dingus


Genma: *pulls her into a hug and kisses her* for you anything oh yeah almost forgot *reaches into his pocket and goes down to a knee*


Kashiko: *goes red in the face and starts crying*


Genma: Kashiko I Love You Will You Marry Me?


Kashiko: Yes Genma I will! 


Genma: *slips the ring on her finger and stands up to kiss her*


Narrator: just who is Hugo Snyder and can Genma and Kashiko truly trust him all those answers and more on the next chapter of Samurai King 

Edited by Kingmuscle, 26 December 2016 - 09:21 PM.

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

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Posted 04 October 2016 - 05:28 PM

Chapter 33: Genma's Past Part 2


Narrator: The Scene flashes back to the present....


Genma: 2 months later Kashiko and I got married as we wanted to get married before our child was born and she was due in 4 months


Kenshin: makes sense


Mai: *slightly red in the face* so what happened after that?


Genma: well....


Narrator: the Scene flashes back to the past to a few months after Kashiko and Genma get married


Kashiko: *looking down at her baby in her arms smiling while sitting in a hospital bed* what should we name her dear?


Genma: *smiles* you choose


Kashiko: hmm how about we name her Lin in honor of my grandmother


Genma: sounds good to me love *kisses her*


Narrator: just then the doctor walks in the room


Doctor: how's mom and baby doing?


Kashiko: very good


Doctor: I just came to say your free to go after I remove the IV from your arm of course


Kashiko: *smiles and holds out her arm*


Doctor: *takes the IV out* there we are take it easy guys


Genma: will do doctor and thanks


Narrator: 1 year later....


Genma: *walks into the guild with Snyder right behind him* that last bounty was an easy one eh Snyder?


Snyder: *chuckles* true


Kashiko: *walks up to them she's wearing a black business suit her hair tied into a ponytail* I take it you succeeded?


Genma: *kisses her on the cheek* naturally


Snyder: what's our next bounty?


Kashiko: its for a man who calls himself Danse no ones seen his face but he's got a bounty of over 2 million dollars on him


Snyder: *whistles* impressive!


Genma: hey Kashiko is Lin still at your parents place?


Kashiko: yup so I'm gonna join you for this bounty myself


Snyder: you sure?


Kashiko: yup *ties her blade to her side* I need the exercise and I still don't fully trust you dingus 


Snyder: *chuckles* very well


Genma: lets go


Narrator: after an exhaustive search they got a lead that this Danse guy had hideout in the mountains north of town


Genma: *whistles* very nice


Snyder: *chuckles darkly*


Kashiko: *glares at him* what's so funny?


Snyder: oh nothing *rolls his eye* shall we?


Kashiko: *still glaring at him hand on her blade handle* you asking for a beating?  


Snyder: is that a challenge I hear?


Kashiko: *pulls out her blade* damn straight!


Genma: *shakes his head* 


Kashiko: Genma if you interfere I swear I'll never forgive you!


Genma: *nods* go easy on him dear


Kashiko: *chuckles*


Snyder: eh heh heh heh *pulls out his blade which is pure black*


Kashiko: *holds up her blade* bring it you dingus!


Snyder: as you wish *disappears*


Kashiko: where'd he g- *gets hit in the gut and flies backwards landing on her back*


Snyder: *re-appears where Kashiko was standing* perhaps I ought to tell you a little secret


Genma: *wided eyed* that's impossible!


Kashiko: *coughs up blood and stands up* how did you do that?


Snyder: *disappears and re-appears in front of Kashiko*


Kashiko: *scared look on her face*


Snyder: *sneers* I AM DANSE! eh heh heh heh *stabs her through the chest with his blade*


Kashiko: *coughs up blood and looks at him* I-I Knew It! 




Snyder: *rips his blade out of Kashiko sending a pool of blood everywhere and her body falls to the ground*


Genma: *runs over and grabs her*


Kashiko: g-genma I-I told you we c-couldn't tr-trust him


Genma: no Kashiko please don't leave me


Kashiko: truth b-be told I-I knew all along he was D-Danse  


Genma: *crying*


Kashiko: *puts her hand on his face* I-I L-Love You G-Genma G-Goodbye *coughs up blood and dies* 




Snyder: eh heh heh heh


Genma: *gently puts Kashiko down and stands up* SNYDER! *pulls out his Light blade* 


Snyder: *sneers at Genma* that's right give into your hate let your anger control you!


Genma: SNYDER! your a dead man *swings his blade at him*


Snyder: *blocks it easily* eh heh heh heh fool *knees him in the gut then elbows him in the head*


Genma: *hits the ground unconscious*


Snyder: *points his blade at Genma's light blade and turns it into the Yami Blade*


Narrator: a few hours later Genma wakes up at a hospital


Genma: *opens his eyes and sneers* Snyder.....


Narrator: the scene flashes back to the present....


Genma: *wipes tears from his eyes*a few months after that I became king and the rest they say is history


Dudley: so what happened to this Hugo Snyder?


Genma: Don't Know I never saw him again after that day


Mai: *tears rolling down her face*


Kenshin: *puts his hand on Genma's shoulder* I promise we'll make him pay together *holds up his fist*


Genma: *smiles* Little Brother....


Narrator: what lies next for our heroes?, keep reading to find out!     

Edited by Kingmuscle, 24 November 2016 - 11:26 PM.

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#41 ironmask


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 12:51 PM

Genma and Kashiko were living in sin?!

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#42 Kingmuscle


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 04:08 PM

depends on your definition of sin really if your talking about Kashiko being pregnant before getting married I can see your point but hey lots of people have children before marriage

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 06:37 PM

I did! Haha
What did their families say?
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Posted 22 October 2016 - 07:06 PM

genma hasn't been home since he left on his own journey and Kashiko's folks were delighted who wouldn't be delighted to be grandparents?

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Posted 04 January 2017 - 06:56 PM

Chapter 34: Enter The Four War-lords!


Narrator: as our heroes chat dark storm clouds appear as if out of nowhere....


Genma: *looks out the window as a blast of lightning shoots by it* odd it was sunny a moment ago


Lin: *races into the room and leaps into her dads arms*


Genma: *pats her head and hugs her* its ok it'll pass soon


Kenshin: *looks at her* I take it she fears Lightning?


Genma: she always has


Lin: *lifts her head up off her dads chest and looks over at Kenshin*


Kenshin: *waves* hello again


Lin: *blushes and rams her face back into her dads chest*


Genma: *chuckles* Lin this is your Uncle Kenshin


Lin: *looks up from her dads chest* U-Uncle?


Genma: That's right he's my brother


Kenshin: *smiles and nods*


Genma: oh yes and these are his friends Dudley *points at him* and Mai *points at her*


Lin: N-Nice to meet you *buries her face in her fathers chest again as another blast of lightning strikes*


Narrator: just then one of Genma's guards comes running into the room....


Guard: Sire! there's trouble!


Genma: *looks at the guard* What's the problem?


Guard: Four men on black horses just came to the castle there demanding an audience with you sire!


Genma: very well I'll go *picks up Lin and stands up*


Kenshin: we'll come too just in case there's trouble


Dudley: *nods* I got your back *looks at Mai* stay here if anything happened to you id....


Mai: *blushes* just promise me you'll be careful


Dudley: of course


Genma: *looks at Mai* if your staying here do you mind looking after Lin?


Mai: sure no problem


Genma: *looks down at Lin in his arms* I want you to stay with Miss Mai ok?


Lin: ok daddy *gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek*


Genma; *hands Lin to Mai*


Mai: *holding Lin in her arms* be safe guys


Genma/Kenshin/Dudley: we will


Narrator: the guys head down to the court yard and see 4 massive men in black steel armor with a red cape each sporting different helmets and all riding on massive demonic looking Black horses with glowing red eyes and a foul black smog can be seen by each horses feet there also riding in a square formation


Genma: *whistles* and who might you fellas be?


Guy on the back left: Your Worst Nightmare Come To Life!


The Other 3: *laughs evilly*


Kenshin: *pulls out his blade and points it at the one who spoke* I Take it your the leader?


Guy on the Back Left: *looks up revealing black eyes and black hair with scars all over his face wearing a steel helmet with two horns sticking out the side and one on top he also bears a silver dragon Tattoo on the back of his left hand* That I am!, My Name is Rai-Long! and we are the Legendary Four War-Lords!  


Dudley: *shocked look on his face* That's Impossible!, you can't be them....


Kenshin: *looks at Dudley* you heard of them?


Dudley: *nods* The Four War-Lords also Known as the Four Horsemen many decades ago ruled the world with an iron fist, they committed many atrocities in there time no one was safe, women, men and children were hunted by them for there own amusement but then one day 4 Samurai's stood up to them but the results of said battle were unclear all that's known is after the Battle the Four War-Lords disappeared and peace reigned it was thought that the Samurai's destroyed them


Genma: I remember that tale dad told me when I was a kid but I thought it was just a fable


Rai-Long: *angry look on his face* Those Fools couldn't destroy us no they sealed us away and now we're back for revenge!


Kenshin: *concerned look on his face* I can sense this won't be an easy battle *rubs his shoulders gently and winces* still tender crap


Dudley: *sweating* not only are we banged up but we're outnumbered!


Genma: don't give up so easily guys! *pulls out his blade and jumps at the War-Lords only to be easily pushed away*


Front Right War-Lord: *looks up revealing red hair, black eyes and his helmet looks like Rai-Longs except it has only one horn on top* You fool!, hey Big Brother let me kill him! *sticks his tongue out*


Rai-Long: *laughs* by all means Lucifer have fun!


Lucifer: *sticks his tongue out and wags it around* time to die! *pulls out his blade which looks completely red and swings it at Genma*


????: *blocks the blade with his own blade the handle resembles a revolver* I see... *looks at Genma* some things never change do they old friend


Genma: *looks at the man who saved him, he's got brown shoulder length hair, blue eyes, brown bushy moustache, wearing blue jeans black leather chaps, a Ten Gallon Cowboy hat with a Blade holster at his side that looks like a Gun Holster* Billy!


Billy: *pushes Lucifer away then picks up Genma* howdy


Genma: impeccable timing as always Billy


Billy: *chuckles* Ah always did like to make an entrance


Kenshin: you know him Big Brother?


Genma: him and his wife Beverly worked for me when Kashiko and I ran the Guild


Kenshin: oh I see


Narrator: just who is Billy and why would he show up to save Genma and just what do the Four War-Lords have planned for our heroes keep reading to find out!

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 12:38 AM

Chapter 35: Billy's Story Part 1

Narrator: On The Last Chapter A Man Named Billy's Timely Arrival Saved Genma's Life Lets Rejoin The Story......

Lucifer: *looks at Billy* i've decided i'd rather kill you instead! *swings his blade*


Lucifer: *continues swinging anyway*

Rai-Long: Do You Really Intend To Defy Me Lucifer?

Lucifer: *stops his swing and throws a fearful look at Rai-Long* Sorry Big Brother Got Carried Away

Billy: *raises his eyebrows* Why Stop Him?

Rai-Long: You Have A Week To Live!

Genma: *confused look on his face* What Do You Mean?

Rai-Long: Thats When We'll Be Back!

Kenshin: Why Leave?

Rai-Long: *smiles gleefully as he signals the others* Lets Go

Narrator: The Four War-Lords Leave And As They Do The Storm Clouds Go With Them

Kenshin: *sighs* thats kind of a relief no?

Dudley: *nods* i agree but i also disagree those four are terrifying

Genma: I Agree Dudley But This Could Be A Blessing in Disguise

Billy: Indeed

Genma: *looks at Billy* So Whats Brings You Here?

Billy: I Was Hoping You Could Help Me

Genma: *raises his eyebrows* sure but lets go back into the Castle

Narrator: The Guys Go Back To The Throne Room and Reunite with Mai and Lin

Lin: *runs over and leaps into her dads arms* Hi Daddy!

Genma: *holding her in his arms* Hi Sweetheart

Mai: *smiles* how'd it go?

Kenshin: oddly enough they left

Mai: *looks at Billy* new friend?

Genma: Mai this is my old friend Billy

Mai: *bows* nice to meet you

Billy: *tips his hat* nice to meet you as well little lady

Genma: so Billy how can i help you?

Billy: I'm looking for a Murderer

Genma: Not Sure I Can Help You There

Billy: *sad look on his face* This Man Murdered My Family!

Genma: *shocked look on his face* I-Im so sorry

Kenshin: *sad look on his face* do you remember what he looked like?

Billy: No i didnt see his face he was wearing a mask that covered everything but one eye that eye was a bloodshot looking red cat eye

Dudley: *shocked look on his face* hes the same guy who cursed me!

Billy: *raises his eyebrows* curse?

Dudley: aye everytime i lose me temper a foul power takes control of me

Genma: so Billy are you ok with telling us what exactly happened that day?

Billy: *nods* If it will help

Narrator: just who is this guy and why did he curse Dudley and just why did he target Billys family all those answers and more on the next chapter of Samurai King!
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Posted 13 February 2017 - 02:39 PM

Chapter 36: Billy's Story Part 2


Billy: it all happened Three Years ago.....


Narrator: The scene shifts back three years to a beautiful ranch in Texas.....


Billy: *outside feeding the animals humming happily to himself*


Beverly: *opens the back door she's wearing a blue dress and white apron her brown hair messed up, blue eyes looking slightly flushed from exhaustion* Billy Dinners Ready Bring the Kids!


Billy: ok dear, Kids You heard your momma *puts the bucket away and notices he's low on animal food* after dinner I'd better go to town


Billy Jr.: Yes Pa *he wears the same outfit his dad wears and looks very much like him minus the moustache he's also 7 years old* 


Emily: Yes Daddy *Emily looks like her mom except she has green eyes and blonde hair and is wearing a pink dress she's 6 years old* 


Billy: *walks into the house the kids following right behind him* smells good my dear *walks over and gives her a kiss on the cheek before sitting at the table*


Billy Jr.: *sits at the table* nobody's a better cook than you Ma!


Emily: *nods and sits down* that's for sure


Beverly: *blushing* thank you now lets say grace *looks at her husband* care to do the honors my love?


Billy: *nods* love to *clears his throat and says the prayer* Lets Eat!


Narrator: an hour later they finish their meal and Billy stands up immediately


Beverly: something wrong my love?


Billy: *shakes his head* I've just got to run into town for animal food I noticed we were short


Beverly: ok have a safe trip *stands up and walks over to him and kisses him*


Billy: *wraps his arms around her* I love you


Beverly: I love you too


Billy: *walks over to his kids and pulls them into a hug and gives his daughter a kiss on the cheek* love you guys I'll be back in about an hour


Emily: ok daddy love you


Billy Jr.: love you too pa have a safe trip


Billy: thanks *puts his hat on* I'm off


Narrator: a few hours later when Billy returns....


Billy: *gets out of his truck and hears a blood curdling scream coming from his house* oh my god 


Narrator: As Billy enters the house he sees the most gruesome sight ever, his family lying in puddles of blood on the floor and a masked man standing in the adjacent door staring at him with a blood shot red cat eye


Billy: I'll Kill You *runs after him and chases him out the door and he seemingly disappears* You COWARD! *crying he walks back into his house*


Beverly: *stirs slightly*


Billy: *runs over to her and grabs her*


Beverly: B-Billy *weakly puts her hand on his face* I-I Love Y-You! *dies in his arms*


Billy: Beverly, Beverly *puts his head on her chest and cries*


Narrator: the scenes flashes back to the present....


Billy: and that's my story *puts his hand on his face and cries*


Everyone: *crying heavily*


Genma: *holds up his fist angrily* we find the bastard and make him pay I promise you that


Billy: *smiles weakly* thanks Genma


Genma: *nods* your like family to me Billy and no one messes with my family!


Kenshin: *puts his hand on Genma's shoulder* I got your back too 


Dudley: *nods* me too I got me own score to settle with that bastard!


Billy: thanks guys *wipes his tears away* now lets take care of the Four War Lords!


Narrator: can our heroes actually take down the Four War Lords?, find out on the next chapter of Samurai King!         

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Posted 16 March 2017 - 11:10 AM

Chapter 37: The Fight for the Fate of The World!


Narrator: a week has passed and the gang have trained long and hard, as they rest up a blast of thunder is heard as the Four Warlords return to the castle...


Kenshin: *gulps* this is it


Genma: *chuckles* your not nervous are you little brother?


Kenshin: *nods* a little bit


Rai Long: *laughs* once we kill you our debt to the masked one will be fulfilled!


Kenshin: *raises his eyebrows* masked one?, did this masked man have a blood shot red cat eye? 


Rai Long: *sneers* yes and in exchange for our freedom he asked us to kill all of you! *laughs*


Billy: *pulls out his blade and glares angrily* which one of you wants to die first?


Lucifer: *sticks his tongue out* oh please let me kill him big brother!


Rai Long: *sneers and looks over at the man beside him* any objections Giovanni?


Giovanni: *he wears the same mask as Rai Long except its Red and his hair is silver with red eyes, he shakes his head* nope


Rai Long: *looks over at the man next to Lucifer* what about you Madara?


Madara: *has black hair and green eyes and wears the same mask as Rai Long except its grey he shakes his head as well* nope


Rai Long: *chuckles* have fun little brother


Lucifer: *sticks his tongue out and licks his lips as he looks at Billy* You look tasty


Billy: get off your horse and lets do this *points his blade at Lucifer*


Lucifer: very well *jumps down off the horse*


Genma: Billy be careful


Billy: *nods* I'll be fine


Lucifer: just so you know after I kill you I'm gonna devour you! *licks his lips again*


Billy: *disgusted look on his face* I hate cannibals *swings his blade at Lucifer*


Lucifer: *blocks it with ease* if that's all you got this won't take long 


Billy: *angry look on his face* shut up! *swings his blade at his legs*


Lucifer: *jumps up and swing his blade downwards towards Billy's face*


Billy: *moves backwards but his face gets scraped causing blood to fly onto Lucifer's face*


Lucifer: *licks the blood off his face* tasty *holds up his blade to his face and licks the blood off it*


Billy: I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE GUN BLADE! *his blade turns into a revolver gun* take this! *fires several rounds at Lucifer*


Lucifer: *blocks them with his blade* I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE DEMON BLADE! *his blade covers his whole body turning him into a nightmarish demon looking monster*


Billy: *disgusted look on his face* how hideous!


Genma: now that's some trick


Kenshin: I have a bad feeling about this


Dudley: for once I'm glad I'm not fighting


Rai Long: *chuckles darkly*


Narrator: who will win this fight and just what does Lucifer have in store for Billy find out on the next chapter of Samurai King!      

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 08:39 PM

Chapter 38: Billy's Rage!


Billy: alright you hideous beast its time to die! *points his Gun blade at him and fires several rounds*


Lucifer: *chuckles as the bullets bounce off him* That Tickles!


Genma: *raises his eyebrows* What a monster!


Kenshin: Come on Billy You can do it!


Billy: *takes his hat off and throws it to Kenshin* hold that for me


Kenshin: *nods*


Billy: *jumps up into the air landing on Lucifer's shoulders, he puts his gun blade on his head* DIE! *he fires the gun right into Lucifer's temple*


Lucifer: *blood shoots out of his head as he screams, grabs his head and falls to his knees*


Rai Long: *uncrosses his arms and looks surprised* Impressive


Billy: *continues Firing Rounds into Lucifer's Head repeatedly while screaming in anger*


Lucifer: *falls on his face and coughs up blood as Billy continues shooting him*


Rai Long: *chuckles darkly*


Genma: *looks at Lucifer's limp body on the ground covered in his own blood* Billy Stop He's Already Dead!


Billy: *stops shooting and looks at Lucifer's body then puts his hand on his face* S-Sorry every time I fight I only see "him" and I get carried away


Rai Long: *claps slowly* oh well done you beat that weakling Lucifer


Genma: *points at Rai Long* enough of this one on one crap why not finish this now?


Rai Long: *chuckles* So You Have A Death wish do you?


Kenshin: you heard my brother lets fight!


Rai Long: *looks at Genma And Kenshin* have we met before?, you look familiar to me


Kenshin: *looks at Genma then back at Rai Long* nope


Rai Long: *continues looking at them then goes wide-eyed* I remember now, you two look just like two of the men who sealed us away!


Genma: *raises his eyebrows* could've been our ancestors


Kenshin: *holds up his blade* who cares?, enough talk lets fight!


Rai Long: *sneers* Revenge Time! *steps off his horse and pulls out his blade*


Giovanni: *does the same thing*


Madara: *jumps off his horse and lands on his feet also pulling out his blade*


Narrator: This is It!, The Battle To Decide it all!, Who Will Win? and can the Warlords be stopped? find out on the next chapter of Samurai King!

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Kid Muscle: No Way It Can't Be Is That You Dad? I Thought For Sure I'd Be Matched Up With Some Big Time Legend Like Warsman or Neptuneman I Can't Fight You Dad!

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