Well, at least this person waited until it showed up in the mail and started at 99 cents.
I don't know. I still find that pretty weak. Clearly they purchased it with the intent on flipping it, obviously knowing it would bring a hefty chunk of change. To me, it's not a whole lot different. Same intent, different timing. I do understand how the timing is important in some regards.That's the way to do it. I wonder if the other seller is going to try to buy this one to resell it. lol
They may be a collector of sorts but they didn't want it in their collection or simply valued the money over the piece. I would understand if they held onto it for a few months, got their joy out of it, maybe took some pictures and then sold it. It's still taking a very nice toy out of a true collectors collection in the name of money, or simply put, greed.
Now a true collector had to pay a 500% mark up because this person was milliseconds faster at checking out with PayPal and wanted to make a quick $200. Definitely not the hobby I thought I was getting into those years ago. Then again, this behaviour has seemed to infiltrate just about every hobby involving collecting. Pretty sad. And lame.