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#26 Neo Muscle

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 03:56 PM

Team Guy(no name specified yet)

Guy Kinniku
Choujin kyoudo 940,000 /90,000,000 Full KKD
Kajiba no muscle crash 90,000,000 one
Honoo no Kuso Djikara
The 48 Killer Techniques
The 52 Submissions
Kinniku Buster
Kinniku Driver
Reduced Bio:
Some time in the future, Mantaro and Rinko settle down and have a son. Not long after, all the coordinates to Earth are mysteriously lost. Guy manages to get into Mantro and rinko’s old ship, crawls into an escape pod and starts pushing the buttons, which makes the pod blast off to earth. Guy landed on Earth, in Tomobiki, and was taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Morobishi, who can’t have any children of their own. They called him ‘Guy’, because that was his first word; although he can’t remember his father, he does have a strange memory of someone he loves calling him that a lot.
Move on a few years, and Guy Kinniku/Moroboshi is 17 and has some of his real dad's qualities (laziness, etc.), and never training results in weak muscles and low Choujin Kyoudo. Guy goes to his girlfriend, Shinobu’s, house, where he meets Mr. Invader who tells him that his opponent will be his daughter, Lum. On the very last day, the only way he can pump himself up to defeat her is by telling himself that he will marry Shinobu if he can grab Lum’s horns. This works well and after he’s successful He shouts, “Now I can get married!”, and Lum thinks he is proposing to her. Of course, on her planet, proposal is sacred, and she decides to stay with him for the rest of her life.

Kinniku Kentaro
Chojin Power: ???
Kinniku Buster
Muscle Millennium
Kinniku Driver
Muscle Gravity(rarely)
Muscle Spike:

Reduced Bio:
Kinniku Mantaro's long lost brother grew up a huge fan of his big brother Kinniku Mantaro. When he was born his mother Binbinba put him up for adoption shortly after putting a mask on. Kentaro was adopted by a very kind hearted Yuri and Kerri Tanaka who were living in Tokyo Japan. Yuri and his wife Kerri couldn’t have children themselves so they gladly took Kentaro in. When Kentaro turned 18 he was told he was adopted and his real parents were Kinniku Suguru and Kinniku Binbinba.

He was also told that he had a brother named Kinniku Mantaro. He knew who Kinniku Mantaro was one day dreamed of being a great wrestler like him some day. As fate would have it Kentaro ended up wrestling Kinniku Mantaro and he promised Mantaro if he beat him he would reveal a shocking secret. In the end Mantaro beat him and Kentaro told Mantaro that he was his younger brother and that he’d been put up for adoption as a baby by their mother much to the shock of everyone. Binbinba told everyone that what Kentaro said is all true he is Mantaros brother and that she did put Kentaro up for adoption as a baby. From that day onward Mantaro and Kentaro developed a close relationship with each other and both were always there for one another. They even formed a tag team known as Team Rice Bowl. Kentaro also has a girlfriend named Kari Kenyon

Cowboy Jack (Real Name: Ryou Nakagawa)
Choujin Kyoudo: 1,020,000 Power (exceeds 90,000,000 Power with KKD
Himeji Sunset
Cowboy Cutter
The Turbulence
Karate Sappou
Reduced Bio:
Jack is a half-Japanese orphan who began life as a human, but after watching his father die at the hands of Akugyo Choujin he slowly becomes stronger, burning with rage. He is discovered by Ramenman, who trains him and eventually helps him become a Choujin. After becoming a Choujin all of his rage disappears.

He is then sent to train with Terry the Kid, during one incident where they had to save Terryman from some Akugyo Choujin, Jack discovers that he possesses the Kajiba no Kuso Djikara. One day, Kid is visited by Red Wolf and Geronimo. Jack then begins training with Red Wolf and learns about Choujin Kyoudo Manipulation.

Jack uses the Kyoudo Manipulation to change his arm into a cybernetic arm, but uses it too much and his arm becomes stuck that way. Realizing he's pretty much stuck with the robot arm, Jack seeks out Ilioukhine in hopes that he can help him learn how to become one with his arm. While training with Ilioukhine, Jack actually learns how to perform The Turbulence. Jack now desires to be trained by Mantarou, and has joined the 3rd Gens in order to achieve that dream.

Robin Jazzlyen Mask
Chojin power: 2,650,000
British Massacre
Maelstrom Power
Reduced Bio:
Being the first born female in the Mask family and being named after her grandfather, Robin grew up in a pretty wealthy lifestyle. Her mother died giving birth to her, so she just grew up around her father, grandfather and uncle. Her Grandfather had made sure when Kevin was gone she was well care for with him around, going to the best prep school, spoiling her to death with the finest things a person can have. Her Uncle Warsman would always care for her when Robin and Kevin was gone, he would train her to become a strong chojin and help her a lot. Robin is very shy and don't get along with her father very well, as hard as he tries to give her everything like his dad gives her. They fight all the time, I mean yell, scream she goes out and just walks away form him when he tries to talk to her. The only Reason she does that, is because he was not there for her when she was younger and when she was sick. He was always gone, so she shies away from him no matter how much he tries to show her he loves her. Then one night after a fight about her doing something, she ran away and was gone. Her family looked for her but she ran to Japan and lives there on her own, trying to hide form her family and the Muscle League. Thought she keeps in contact with her Grandfather Robin.

Bobman (Bobby Lewis Castle the Second. Likes to be called Bob.)
Choujin Power is 28,000,001.
Chojin Clay Change
Clay Roller
Behemoth Blast
Reduced Bio:

A choujin from the USA(Ohio), he grew up fascinated with Idol and Kanpeki Choujin of the past. He is a genius, but is lazy. He actually modified his average choujin body into one that is similar to clay, so that combined with his brain he can copy attacks. He was made fun of for being slow as a child but didn't really care. He had many friends none the less. When he was 16 he decided that he would make a pretty good seigi choujin. So he went to the Hercules factory......and was massacred. His slow body put him behind, but his stamina kept him alive. He took a dislike to Gazelleman because he was so fast and ALWAYS on his case about being too slow. Him and Buffaloman actually get along pretty well. He graduated( barely, but still) and was sent to Earth to fight there( he was so darn annoying they let him go wherever he wanted). In tag teams, Bob likes to team with a lighter bodied choujin. Bob's explosive power and a smaller persons agility work well together. Bob is a bit of a loner, and shows no real desire to do anything but goof off. But when it comes down to it, he’s a nice guy and true friend. He annoys people as a hobby, and loves to eat. His family roots for him through the Television. Frequently seen as the announcer to a match when he's not fighting.
And for some reason he like to mess with old man Nakano as a hobby.

The Second:
Little Meat
Choujin Power: 700,000

Reduced bio:
Little Meat grew up on Muscle Planet(Planet Kinniku) where as a youth his father Alexander(Alexandria)Meat and his mother Marie spoiled him rotten but made sure their son didn’t turn out like Kid Muscle. Meat trained his son in the ways of wrestling so that one day his son could surpass his own knowledge and be the best trainer in the world. One day Meat and Marie took their son to King Muscle(Kinniku Suguru) and King Muscle suggested he have his son train Kinniku Kentaro and Kinniku Guy.
Ever since Kinniku Kentaro and Kinniku Guy have yet to lose a match.

The Announcer:
Kari Kenyon

Reduced Bio:
Kari Kenyon is the Daughter of Terry "The Kid" Kenyon and Trixie. Growing up, Kerri had a close relationship with her father and grandfather. Terryman and his son spoiled Kari rotten and she loved it. She also has two younger siblings Quillen and Terry The Third. On her 18 birthday her father Terry"The Kid" Kenyon told her she was born into a Wrestling Family, much to her shock and amazement. Soon after that she decided to Wrestle in a Tournament that was being hosted by the Legendary Kinniku Suguru.
That’s where she met her boyfriend, Kinniku Kentaro. She faced him in the first round and put up a fantastic fight, but in the end she lost. After the match Kentaro went over to her and carried her out of the ring to tend to her wounds. Kari then looked into Kentaro’s eyes and Kentaro looked into her eyes and they both fell in love and agreed to go out with each other.

“The Fallen”

Choujin Power: 13,000,000
Hantenna Zap Smash
Trauma Voice Dial
Number's Up

Reduced Bio:
The events surrounding ToxTone's birth is a mystery to even him. He was “born” in China, though the exact location is unknown. However, his mother simply was not there throughout his childhood, which took place in Atlanta, Georgia, near the home of Pumpinator and Roxanne. It seems that Dial Bolic moved back to where he could be close to Pumpinator, his friend back from his youth. Because of the close-knit relationship that the situation placed him in, ToxTone grew a deep respect for his father, who eventually began training his son in order to relive the old days. Pumpinator, it seems, played a part in this training also, whetting his appetite and brushing up his skills so that one day he could train his young daughter. ToxTone was trained at a much earlier age, though alot less harshly than what his friend, Serena, was. The two became close immediately, having spent days training together and sharing experiences. Throughout his childhood, ToxTone reflected that he indeed had the ability to pick up on things quickly, and also a wide range of knowlege, able to keep information in his highly developed brain. At age 9, he truely began questioning himself about his mother...no matter how many times ToxTone confronted his father, Dial Bolic wouldn't speak of the woman who gave his son life. Not wanting to trouble his father, ToxTone focused more on training and studying, excelling in school and using his love for technique and strategy to develop new specialties for use in the ring. He became a second-hand mentor for Serena after Roxanne's finding out about her daughter's training...he went on to wrestle in official matches, his massive numbers of wins overshadowing his few losses. He became respected for his kindness towards his oponents, and even Serena began to look up to him, also with a tad of jealousy.

Choujin Power: unknown as of now
Ultimate Scar Buster:
Spinning Double Toe Hold:
Madness Mask:
Wasp Sting
Wasp Sting Impale:
Wasp Sting Scraper:
Wasp Driller
Reduced Bio:
Melissa was born in Italy to Mars and Vexxon. From birth she was a rowdy bundle of trouble, causing her parents much heartache when trying to raise her. Mars became fond of her nonetheless, and trained her to fight in hopes that she would some day use the techniques to protect something she loves. Melissa took her father's teachings and instead twisted them to use in her own personal gain, often threatening others her age into doing what she wants them to do. Vexxon, her mother, eventually opted to home school Melissa due to her frequently skipping classes to spy on other choujin. Melissa secretly studied these choujin in order to pick out some to put in her 'special group.' It was then that Melissa, after hearing multiple stories of the old dMp and their power from her father, that she became obsessed with recruiting the remnants of that old order to make a new and powerful army in order to take over Earth. She kept this dream a secret from her parents, instead turning to a few choujin who were just as evil. Melissa was so adament on training herself to become stronger so she could better control her subjects' and be a tougher leader that she created a whole arsenal of techniques. Mars was pleasantly surprised at his daughters verve, and praised this even more...with her new moves, Melissa resembled a Wasp, using her devish suit to 'sting' her opponents...This earned her the name 'The Wasp' among many choujin who fear and respect her.

Jigoku's Hoshi (called Jigoku for short)
High sky piledriver
Burning body
Limitless void breaker
4D Power
Reduced Bio:
Jigoku was deemed a failure choujin because of his weight and very small wings, he also was mad, so he got locked up in a room as a youth by his family. Pentagon had been against this but had no choice but to agree with it. Jigoku lived in the room for many years, only learning how to speak by books and the occasional family member talking to him. Jigoku didn't really seem to care about anything at all, most shrugged it off at his brain damage however. At the age of 22 Jigoku managed to escape, killing Pentagon in the process and taking his mask. Later on he made a deal with the devil, recieving two pair of sharp wings, enabling him to fly, he also got his 4D Powers upgraded.

Imsek (Imhotep and Seker mashed together in a potatomess)
Choujin Power: 5,000,000
Summoning catastrophe
Freeze laser
Clothesline Strangle
Hat surprise
Reduced Bio:
Imsek is an descendant to the old Akuma Choujin Mr. Kamen and has been taught many of the family’s techniques such as the Freeze eye laser, he could however not master the final attack, Mummy Package. Lacking a finisher and on top of that actually never having a body (The Kamen family could change between floating head and full body) he was, like Jigoku deemed worthless. Imsek however, would not give up and tried to find a way to make up for his weaknesses, he found it in the family’s magic. Imsek studied it all and even managed to learn the most powerful spells, when the rest of the family members heard this he was no longer deemed worthless and was now seen as one of the most powerful choujins in the family. Imsek has learned that his grandfather got killed many years ago by Ramenman, hearing he now had "descendants" he decided to kill them when he had a chance. At the age of 18 Imsek took off on his own, he quickly founded a business as a magician and part time wrestler, always scoring high points on his matches because of his amazing tricks. Eventually he found a group of other Akumas lead by the former Kanpeki Staplerman. Imsek decided to join forces with them and was soon one of the most powerful in the group.

Chojin power: 17,490,300
Olympic slam
Spinning bulldog
Front chancery
Mounted punches
Ace of Hearts
Reduced Bio:
Achlys in Greek means mist and Darkness which she stands for to many people. When she was 5 she had murdered her whole family because the "voices" in her head told her to. The voices said they were holding her back form being one of the best chojins ever and that they were going to send her away because they were frightened of her powers. She had left a King on her father, a Queen on her mother and a Joker on her older brother. Police couldn't beleave that a 5 year old girl could kill her whole family, but they took her into private care, asking her questions. She told them " Once you kill someone....you can't get it out of her system...and now Mist said I should kill you " She then attacked him, getting a hold of his gun and shot him and 7 other police officers. She had walked out of the care, with everyone staying out of her way scared to end up dead. By the age of 11 she was in Taiwan and she had at least murdered 439 people, so the news says. People say Achlys killed more like a little over a thounds but they could never find any bodies. She only left clubs, clovers, Diamonds and Spades on her victims, but only on speical victims she leaves hearts, which gave her the nickname " Queen Of Hearts". By the time she was 15 she had been wanted by many but they were scared to catch her. Once she got to Japan she had gone to a library and read on chojins, knowing that is why she was so strong and could kill at the age of 5. Once she had studied more about them, the voices told her once again to kill. The victims, the Kinniku family.

The Second:
Weather Master
Power Level:6,000
Reduced Bio:
He was the local weather man for channel 69 in Arizona when his coworkers slipped him a bogus report about there being snow for the evening. He was fired almost immiedietly. However that night it did snow. He tried to get his job back but he was already replace by Brad Goodlookin. He tried to commit suicide but he just couldn't do it. He thought of drowning himself since he wouldn't need to actually do anything except not swimm but he couldn't find a river. He sat there wishing it would rain so there would be puddle at least.....and then it happened, it rained. He now knew he was special he was the Weather Master! After that he tried to become a wrestler and compete in matches but was told his power level was too low. He was told he could fight female wrestlers if he wanted to. So he began his glorious losing streak against female chojins. Recently he has been seen talking to some mysterious individuals.....
Special Techniques:
Weather Change: Can cause it to rain, snow, get cloudy, or get sunny.

Guest Announcer:
Reduced Bio:
Sludgeman was treated bad by his parents when he was little. As he was a pile of sludge, his parents never liked him, hugged him, ever. (Who his parents are is unknown.) This resulted in Sludgeman always wanting to hug everyone that is not “scary”. Sludgeman left his home at ten years age, and noticed that he was a chyojin. He participated in tournaments to be able to hug people, killing most chyojins with his infernal hugs. One day he met Buttercup, who saw Sludgeman brutally hug his opponents to death, and recruited him (by telling him that they would give him lots of candy.) into a akuma chyojin. Then Sludgeman got placed in akuma chyojin staplermans group, as second in command. Sludgeman likes the group and quickly starts liking the others in the group. Later when he meets Wasteria, the only one who can hug him without dying, and the only one who WANTS to hug him, he becomes terrified, starting to call her “scary”. It is unknown if he really has feelings for her or not.
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#27 KinnikuGai


    kinnikuman 3rd

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 04:23 AM

i thort we werrnt going to post it here

Edited by guy kinniku, 15 August 2007 - 04:24 AM.

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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#28 Souvenir


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Posted 15 August 2007 - 04:32 AM

Jag, did you not listen to a word I said?

Sorry, everyone. I expressly said we should not post it here when we were discussing it on our own forums. You are all sick of it, and, to be honest, I can't blame you.

I'm very sorry about this. I suggest the topic be closed.

Edited by Souvenir, 15 August 2007 - 04:33 AM.

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#29 Guest_General Veers_*

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 04:37 AM

Team Guy(no name specified yet)

Guy Kinniku
Choujin kyoudo 940,000 /90,000,000 Full KKD
Kajiba no muscle crash 90,000,000 one
Honoo no Kuso Djikara
The 48 Killer Techniques
The 52 Submissions
Kinniku Buster
Kinniku Driver
Reduced Bio:
Some time in the future, Mantaro and Rinko settle down and have a son. Not long after, all the coordinates to Earth are mysteriously lost. Guy manages to get into Mantro and rinko’s old ship, crawls into an escape pod and starts pushing the buttons, which makes the pod blast off to earth. Guy landed on Earth, in Tomobiki, and was taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Morobishi, who can’t have any children of their own. They called him ‘Guy’, because that was his first word; although he can’t remember his father, he does have a strange memory of someone he loves calling him that a lot.
Move on a few years, and Guy Kinniku/Moroboshi is 17 and has some of his real dad's qualities (laziness, etc.), and never training results in weak muscles and low Choujin Kyoudo. Guy goes to his girlfriend, Shinobu’s, house, where he meets Mr. Invader who tells him that his opponent will be his daughter, Lum. On the very last day, the only way he can pump himself up to defeat her is by telling himself that he will marry Shinobu if he can grab Lum’s horns. This works well and after he’s successful He shouts, “Now I can get married!”, and Lum thinks he is proposing to her. Of course, on her planet, proposal is sacred, and she decides to stay with him for the rest of her life.

Kinniku Kentaro
Chojin Power: ???
Kinniku Buster
Muscle Millennium
Kinniku Driver
Muscle Gravity(rarely)
Muscle Spike:

Reduced Bio:
Kinniku Mantaro's long lost brother grew up a huge fan of his big brother Kinniku Mantaro. When he was born his mother Binbinba put him up for adoption shortly after putting a mask on. Kentaro was adopted by a very kind hearted Yuri and Kerri Tanaka who were living in Tokyo Japan. Yuri and his wife Kerri couldn’t have children themselves so they gladly took Kentaro in. When Kentaro turned 18 he was told he was adopted and his real parents were Kinniku Suguru and Kinniku Binbinba.

He was also told that he had a brother named Kinniku Mantaro. He knew who Kinniku Mantaro was one day dreamed of being a great wrestler like him some day. As fate would have it Kentaro ended up wrestling Kinniku Mantaro and he promised Mantaro if he beat him he would reveal a shocking secret. In the end Mantaro beat him and Kentaro told Mantaro that he was his younger brother and that he’d been put up for adoption as a baby by their mother much to the shock of everyone. Binbinba told everyone that what Kentaro said is all true he is Mantaros brother and that she did put Kentaro up for adoption as a baby. From that day onward Mantaro and Kentaro developed a close relationship with each other and both were always there for one another. They even formed a tag team known as Team Rice Bowl. Kentaro also has a girlfriend named Kari Kenyon

Cowboy Jack (Real Name: Ryou Nakagawa)
Choujin Kyoudo: 1,020,000 Power (exceeds 90,000,000 Power with KKD
Himeji Sunset
Cowboy Cutter
The Turbulence
Karate Sappou
Reduced Bio:
Jack is a half-Japanese orphan who began life as a human, but after watching his father die at the hands of Akugyo Choujin he slowly becomes stronger, burning with rage. He is discovered by Ramenman, who trains him and eventually helps him become a Choujin. After becoming a Choujin all of his rage disappears.

He is then sent to train with Terry the Kid, during one incident where they had to save Terryman from some Akugyo Choujin, Jack discovers that he possesses the Kajiba no Kuso Djikara. One day, Kid is visited by Red Wolf and Geronimo. Jack then begins training with Red Wolf and learns about Choujin Kyoudo Manipulation.

Jack uses the Kyoudo Manipulation to change his arm into a cybernetic arm, but uses it too much and his arm becomes stuck that way. Realizing he's pretty much stuck with the robot arm, Jack seeks out Ilioukhine in hopes that he can help him learn how to become one with his arm. While training with Ilioukhine, Jack actually learns how to perform The Turbulence. Jack now desires to be trained by Mantarou, and has joined the 3rd Gens in order to achieve that dream.

Robin Jazzlyen Mask
Chojin power: 2,650,000
British Massacre
Maelstrom Power
Reduced Bio:
Being the first born female in the Mask family and being named after her grandfather, Robin grew up in a pretty wealthy lifestyle. Her mother died giving birth to her, so she just grew up around her father, grandfather and uncle. Her Grandfather had made sure when Kevin was gone she was well care for with him around, going to the best prep school, spoiling her to death with the finest things a person can have. Her Uncle Warsman would always care for her when Robin and Kevin was gone, he would train her to become a strong chojin and help her a lot. Robin is very shy and don't get along with her father very well, as hard as he tries to give her everything like his dad gives her. They fight all the time, I mean yell, scream she goes out and just walks away form him when he tries to talk to her. The only Reason she does that, is because he was not there for her when she was younger and when she was sick. He was always gone, so she shies away from him no matter how much he tries to show her he loves her. Then one night after a fight about her doing something, she ran away and was gone. Her family looked for her but she ran to Japan and lives there on her own, trying to hide form her family and the Muscle League. Thought she keeps in contact with her Grandfather Robin.

Bobman (Bobby Lewis Castle the Second. Likes to be called Bob.)
Choujin Power is 28,000,001.
Chojin Clay Change
Clay Roller
Behemoth Blast
Reduced Bio:

A choujin from the USA(Ohio), he grew up fascinated with Idol and Kanpeki Choujin of the past. He is a genius, but is lazy. He actually modified his average choujin body into one that is similar to clay, so that combined with his brain he can copy attacks. He was made fun of for being slow as a child but didn't really care. He had many friends none the less. When he was 16 he decided that he would make a pretty good seigi choujin. So he went to the Hercules factory......and was massacred. His slow body put him behind, but his stamina kept him alive. He took a dislike to Gazelleman because he was so fast and ALWAYS on his case about being too slow. Him and Buffaloman actually get along pretty well. He graduated( barely, but still) and was sent to Earth to fight there( he was so darn annoying they let him go wherever he wanted). In tag teams, Bob likes to team with a lighter bodied choujin. Bob's explosive power and a smaller persons agility work well together. Bob is a bit of a loner, and shows no real desire to do anything but goof off. But when it comes down to it, he’s a nice guy and true friend. He annoys people as a hobby, and loves to eat. His family roots for him through the Television. Frequently seen as the announcer to a match when he's not fighting.
And for some reason he like to mess with old man Nakano as a hobby.

The Second:
Little Meat
Choujin Power: 700,000

Reduced bio:
Little Meat grew up on Muscle Planet(Planet Kinniku) where as a youth his father Alexander(Alexandria)Meat and his mother Marie spoiled him rotten but made sure their son didn’t turn out like Kid Muscle. Meat trained his son in the ways of wrestling so that one day his son could surpass his own knowledge and be the best trainer in the world. One day Meat and Marie took their son to King Muscle(Kinniku Suguru) and King Muscle suggested he have his son train Kinniku Kentaro and Kinniku Guy.
Ever since Kinniku Kentaro and Kinniku Guy have yet to lose a match.

The Announcer:
Kari Kenyon

Reduced Bio:
Kari Kenyon is the Daughter of Terry "The Kid" Kenyon and Trixie. Growing up, Kerri had a close relationship with her father and grandfather. Terryman and his son spoiled Kari rotten and she loved it. She also has two younger siblings Quillen and Terry The Third. On her 18 birthday her father Terry"The Kid" Kenyon told her she was born into a Wrestling Family, much to her shock and amazement. Soon after that she decided to Wrestle in a Tournament that was being hosted by the Legendary Kinniku Suguru.
That’s where she met her boyfriend, Kinniku Kentaro. She faced him in the first round and put up a fantastic fight, but in the end she lost. After the match Kentaro went over to her and carried her out of the ring to tend to her wounds. Kari then looked into Kentaro’s eyes and Kentaro looked into her eyes and they both fell in love and agreed to go out with each other.

“The Fallen”

Choujin Power: 13,000,000
Hantenna Zap Smash
Trauma Voice Dial
Number's Up

Reduced Bio:
The events surrounding ToxTone's birth is a mystery to even him. He was “born” in China, though the exact location is unknown. However, his mother simply was not there throughout his childhood, which took place in Atlanta, Georgia, near the home of Pumpinator and Roxanne. It seems that Dial Bolic moved back to where he could be close to Pumpinator, his friend back from his youth. Because of the close-knit relationship that the situation placed him in, ToxTone grew a deep respect for his father, who eventually began training his son in order to relive the old days. Pumpinator, it seems, played a part in this training also, whetting his appetite and brushing up his skills so that one day he could train his young daughter. ToxTone was trained at a much earlier age, though alot less harshly than what his friend, Serena, was. The two became close immediately, having spent days training together and sharing experiences. Throughout his childhood, ToxTone reflected that he indeed had the ability to pick up on things quickly, and also a wide range of knowlege, able to keep information in his highly developed brain. At age 9, he truely began questioning himself about his mother...no matter how many times ToxTone confronted his father, Dial Bolic wouldn't speak of the woman who gave his son life. Not wanting to trouble his father, ToxTone focused more on training and studying, excelling in school and using his love for technique and strategy to develop new specialties for use in the ring. He became a second-hand mentor for Serena after Roxanne's finding out about her daughter's training...he went on to wrestle in official matches, his massive numbers of wins overshadowing his few losses. He became respected for his kindness towards his oponents, and even Serena began to look up to him, also with a tad of jealousy.

Choujin Power: unknown as of now
Ultimate Scar Buster:
Spinning Double Toe Hold:
Madness Mask:
Wasp Sting
Wasp Sting Impale:
Wasp Sting Scraper:
Wasp Driller
Reduced Bio:
Melissa was born in Italy to Mars and Vexxon. From birth she was a rowdy bundle of trouble, causing her parents much heartache when trying to raise her. Mars became fond of her nonetheless, and trained her to fight in hopes that she would some day use the techniques to protect something she loves. Melissa took her father's teachings and instead twisted them to use in her own personal gain, often threatening others her age into doing what she wants them to do. Vexxon, her mother, eventually opted to home school Melissa due to her frequently skipping classes to spy on other choujin. Melissa secretly studied these choujin in order to pick out some to put in her 'special group.' It was then that Melissa, after hearing multiple stories of the old dMp and their power from her father, that she became obsessed with recruiting the remnants of that old order to make a new and powerful army in order to take over Earth. She kept this dream a secret from her parents, instead turning to a few choujin who were just as evil. Melissa was so adament on training herself to become stronger so she could better control her subjects' and be a tougher leader that she created a whole arsenal of techniques. Mars was pleasantly surprised at his daughters verve, and praised this even more...with her new moves, Melissa resembled a Wasp, using her devish suit to 'sting' her opponents...This earned her the name 'The Wasp' among many choujin who fear and respect her.

Jigoku's Hoshi (called Jigoku for short)
High sky piledriver
Burning body
Limitless void breaker
4D Power
Reduced Bio:
Jigoku was deemed a failure choujin because of his weight and very small wings, he also was mad, so he got locked up in a room as a youth by his family. Pentagon had been against this but had no choice but to agree with it. Jigoku lived in the room for many years, only learning how to speak by books and the occasional family member talking to him. Jigoku didn't really seem to care about anything at all, most shrugged it off at his brain damage however. At the age of 22 Jigoku managed to escape, killing Pentagon in the process and taking his mask. Later on he made a deal with the devil, recieving two pair of sharp wings, enabling him to fly, he also got his 4D Powers upgraded.

Imsek (Imhotep and Seker mashed together in a potatomess)
Choujin Power: 5,000,000
Summoning catastrophe
Freeze laser
Clothesline Strangle
Hat surprise
Reduced Bio:
Imsek is an descendant to the old Akuma Choujin Mr. Kamen and has been taught many of the family’s techniques such as the Freeze eye laser, he could however not master the final attack, Mummy Package. Lacking a finisher and on top of that actually never having a body (The Kamen family could change between floating head and full body) he was, like Jigoku deemed worthless. Imsek however, would not give up and tried to find a way to make up for his weaknesses, he found it in the family’s magic. Imsek studied it all and even managed to learn the most powerful spells, when the rest of the family members heard this he was no longer deemed worthless and was now seen as one of the most powerful choujins in the family. Imsek has learned that his grandfather got killed many years ago by Ramenman, hearing he now had "descendants" he decided to kill them when he had a chance. At the age of 18 Imsek took off on his own, he quickly founded a business as a magician and part time wrestler, always scoring high points on his matches because of his amazing tricks. Eventually he found a group of other Akumas lead by the former Kanpeki Staplerman. Imsek decided to join forces with them and was soon one of the most powerful in the group.

Chojin power: 17,490,300
Olympic slam
Spinning bulldog
Front chancery
Mounted punches
Ace of Hearts
Reduced Bio:
Achlys in Greek means mist and Darkness which she stands for to many people. When she was 5 she had murdered her whole family because the "voices" in her head told her to. The voices said they were holding her back form being one of the best chojins ever and that they were going to send her away because they were frightened of her powers. She had left a King on her father, a Queen on her mother and a Joker on her older brother. Police couldn't beleave that a 5 year old girl could kill her whole family, but they took her into private care, asking her questions. She told them " Once you kill someone....you can't get it out of her system...and now Mist said I should kill you " She then attacked him, getting a hold of his gun and shot him and 7 other police officers. She had walked out of the care, with everyone staying out of her way scared to end up dead. By the age of 11 she was in Taiwan and she had at least murdered 439 people, so the news says. People say Achlys killed more like a little over a thounds but they could never find any bodies. She only left clubs, clovers, Diamonds and Spades on her victims, but only on speical victims she leaves hearts, which gave her the nickname " Queen Of Hearts". By the time she was 15 she had been wanted by many but they were scared to catch her. Once she got to Japan she had gone to a library and read on chojins, knowing that is why she was so strong and could kill at the age of 5. Once she had studied more about them, the voices told her once again to kill. The victims, the Kinniku family.

The Second:
Weather Master
Power Level:6,000
Reduced Bio:
He was the local weather man for channel 69 in Arizona when his coworkers slipped him a bogus report about there being snow for the evening. He was fired almost immiedietly. However that night it did snow. He tried to get his job back but he was already replace by Brad Goodlookin. He tried to commit suicide but he just couldn't do it. He thought of drowning himself since he wouldn't need to actually do anything except not swimm but he couldn't find a river. He sat there wishing it would rain so there would be puddle at least.....and then it happened, it rained. He now knew he was special he was the Weather Master! After that he tried to become a wrestler and compete in matches but was told his power level was too low. He was told he could fight female wrestlers if he wanted to. So he began his glorious losing streak against female chojins. Recently he has been seen talking to some mysterious individuals.....
Special Techniques:
Weather Change: Can cause it to rain, snow, get cloudy, or get sunny.

Guest Announcer:
Reduced Bio:
Sludgeman was treated bad by his parents when he was little. As he was a pile of sludge, his parents never liked him, hugged him, ever. (Who his parents are is unknown.) This resulted in Sludgeman always wanting to hug everyone that is not “scary”. Sludgeman left his home at ten years age, and noticed that he was a chyojin. He participated in tournaments to be able to hug people, killing most chyojins with his infernal hugs. One day he met Buttercup, who saw Sludgeman brutally hug his opponents to death, and recruited him (by telling him that they would give him lots of candy.) into a akuma chyojin. Then Sludgeman got placed in akuma chyojin staplermans group, as second in command. Sludgeman likes the group and quickly starts liking the others in the group. Later when he meets Wasteria, the only one who can hug him without dying, and the only one who WANTS to hug him, he becomes terrified, starting to call her “scary”. It is unknown if he really has feelings for her or not.

Awesomeness of this magnitude can’t be repelled.
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#30 WhiteLeo


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Posted 15 August 2007 - 03:47 PM

Keeping everyone on track, all comments have been moved to the junkyard, and souvier has been warned.

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I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#31 KinnikuGai


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Posted 16 August 2007 - 02:30 AM

why soverner beinng warnd
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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#32 WhiteLeo


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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 16 August 2007 - 05:33 AM

why soverner beinng warnd

Because of this!

Jaguar Muscle, you're a d*ck.

We are all adults here, so lets try to act like it. e+

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I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#33 MissMothra


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Posted 16 August 2007 - 06:23 AM

We are all adults here, so lets try to act like it. e+


Wow, we are? Huh, could've fooled me. [/joke]
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#34 KinnikuGai


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Posted 16 August 2007 - 09:00 AM

sorry i got mad

Edited by guy kinniku, 16 August 2007 - 09:26 AM.

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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#35 Neo Muscle

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Posted 17 August 2007 - 07:43 AM

Sorry for this last minut sub but The Fallen have a new guest announcer and here he is......

Name: Diceman
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, but very old.
Height: 190 centimeters
Weight: 120 kg
Choujin Class: Unclassified. (Former Kanpeki.)
Chyojin Kyondo: 70 Millions (Previosley had 80, but power got lowered with age.
Appearance: Diceman is a fashons man, he is often seen wearing a stylish tuxedo. His head is a large dice, his eyes being on the side with two dots (even thought he can change the sides), he has a toroc adorning his dicehead, and a large moutsasch sits on his two dot part of the dice. He is a tall and muscular choujin, often towering over his opponents with his high lenght.
Personality: Sees life as a game and likes to bet high. Silent and usually dosent speak too much.
Background: Long time ago, Diceman was a Kanpeki chyojin, and extremly highed ranked too. And once he participated in a kanpeki tournament, and got to the finals. There he battled the Kanpeki leader though, and got utterly deafeted. He was so brutaly deafeted everyone thought he was dead. But he survived, and started planning his revenge. Years later, Diceman's revenge started. He started a killing spree killing all Kanpekis, former Kanpekis and to-be kanpekis that was in his way.
Strengths: Smart and knows much beacuse of his age.
Weaknesses: Quite old, absolutley afraid of getting his stache or suit dirty
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#36 geniusbob



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:36 AM

In my opinion, Little Rubber Guy's probably doesn't care about it. AT ALL. If somebody wants to be on the project, LET THEM COME TO US!

I think we bugged them enough. And people got the message. Most people here are actaully pretty annoyed about this, so just let it go.
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Is disappointed more people don't talk about me.


Questions about Muscle Fight? Downloads? Favorite Color?

Always open to talk.

#37 KinnikuGai


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 04:13 PM

yaeh i agree
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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#38 KinnikuGai


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Posted 27 August 2007 - 05:22 AM

whans this happening
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"Gai's Kinniku Clan  Favourite Phrase"


"Technique transcends the soul, Begins in the Hands, Ends on the Mat"


#39 ironmask


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Posted 19 September 2007 - 09:44 PM

This is a joke, right?
We're getting worked, right guys?
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Any social media: @bad_luck_jimmy

#40 Tyrannoclaw


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Posted 05 October 2007 - 07:10 PM

to stay on topic I also like Jigoku and Vinhome

Nyaaa~! Another Jigoku fan -.- That guy is waaaay too popular I tell you *gets shot* but I'm a fan, too, so uh....can't really say much of anything <<; It's nice Vihnome has his share, too, and though I created him...I don't share the fond feelings I'm afraid. Vihnome creeps me out, to say the least. And I'm not scared easily, but...yah...

About us being canon...nah x.x But I do love some of the characters just as much as I do Nise and Isei ones, because of the simple fact that alot of the characters in Kinnikuman were sent in by fans themselves, so it's really not much of a difference IMHO. I'm glad we didn't shoot for a same ol' same ol' storyline, though, and contrare to what LRG (some ppl on here) thinks, we have had aot of members from here look at us and become interested after diving into it for awhile...I mean, interesting stuff can't really be deniedif you give it some thought and effort. Most of you don't look before you comment...but we are a growing community, and I expect us to still expand into the near future with talented members who do want to have fun and share the love for Kinnikuman and a bit of teamwork and creativity. So at least give us a look over before you speak x.x that's all I ask. If ya don't like it, it's not like I'm over here begging for people to join...but ya know, just those who want to have fun with us can. We're getting popular these days XD

For those who do want a taste, we're going into pre-production for the first chapter of the manga, so stay tuned. Perhaps you'll like our crazy little 3rd Gen world. x.x Who knows? I'll post the pages here as part of the fanfiction-ness by the way, but you can check out our animations and promotional videos on YouTube and our various artworks on DeviantArt. I'm gonna be bringing an official 3rd Gen update here soon...

Sorry for any trouble my members have caused. It's nice to see we've got some devoted and talented people tho XD
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Let's Get Prehistoric!

#41 ironmask


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Posted 05 October 2007 - 09:31 PM

to stay on topic I also like Jigoku and Vinhome

Nyaaa~! Another Jigoku fan -.- That guy is waaaay too popular I tell you *gets shot* but I'm a fan, too, so uh....can't really say much of anything <<; It's nice Vihnome has his share, too, and though I created him...I don't share the fond feelings I'm afraid. Vihnome creeps me out, to say the least. And I'm not scared easily, but...yah...

About us being canon...nah x.x But I do love some of the characters just as much as I do Nise and Isei ones, because of the simple fact that alot of the characters in Kinnikuman were sent in by fans themselves, so it's really not much of a difference IMHO. I'm glad we didn't shoot for a same ol' same ol' storyline, though, and contrare to what LRG (some ppl on here) thinks, we have had aot of members from here look at us and become interested after diving into it for awhile...I mean, interesting stuff can't really be deniedif you give it some thought and effort. Most of you don't look before you comment...but we are a growing community, and I expect us to still expand into the near future with talented members who do want to have fun and share the love for Kinnikuman and a bit of teamwork and creativity. So at least give us a look over before you speak x.x that's all I ask. If ya don't like it, it's not like I'm over here begging for people to join...but ya know, just those who want to have fun with us can. We're getting popular these days XD

For those who do want a taste, we're going into pre-production for the first chapter of the manga, so stay tuned. Perhaps you'll like our crazy little 3rd Gen world. x.x Who knows? I'll post the pages here as part of the fanfiction-ness by the way, but you can check out our animations and promotional videos on YouTube and our various artworks on DeviantArt. I'm gonna be bringing an official 3rd Gen update here soon...

Sorry for any trouble my members have caused. It's nice to see we've got some devoted and talented people tho XD

Right... Except the moment you publish anything, you're plagarizing. Yude created Kinnikuman... As a parody, sure... But nonetheless. Yeah, they took fan submissions, sure... But they still owned the original concept, and intellectual properties.
I normally don't like to pipe up, in regards to negativity, but I'd hope, if you were really this creative, you could come up with something of your own. Aping is stealing, and stealing is bad. Sesame St, and Mr. Rogers taught me that much.
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Any social media: @bad_luck_jimmy

#42 Tyrannoclaw


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Posted 05 October 2007 - 09:40 PM

I don't get it x.x Are you saying even fanfiction and fanart is considered stealing? Because that's basically what this is...except on a more serious and massive level...meaning that lots of people are participating...

I don't plan on stealing anybody's work, and Yude will be credited most likely when we do our uploads to DA and such, but most of these characters are in fact created by the team and not Yude. We just use the basic idea as a foundation...if you know what I mean. And they'll be credited for that much at least, if not more so...

And as a writer, artist, and rpg designer, I have created many many things of my own...but so fr our project has gained a number of fans to the Kinnikuman universe...those who didn't even know it existed, and that makes this all worthwhile ^^ Plus it's very fun XD Lotsa work and planning and organizing, but still fun...^^;
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Let's Get Prehistoric!

#43 MissMothra


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 11:35 AM

I don't get it x.x Are you saying even fanfiction and fanart is considered stealing? Because that's basically what this is...except on a more serious and massive level...meaning that lots of people are participating...

I don't plan on stealing anybody's work, and Yude will be credited most likely when we do our uploads to DA and such, but most of these characters are in fact created by the team and not Yude. We just use the basic idea as a foundation...if you know what I mean. And they'll be credited for that much at least, if not more so...

And as a writer, artist, and rpg designer, I have created many many things of my own...but so fr our project has gained a number of fans to the Kinnikuman universe...those who didn't even know it existed, and that makes this all worthwhile ^^ Plus it's very fun XD Lotsa work and planning and organizing, but still fun...^^;

I only felt like readin the first paragraph..

And my reply: Omfg. He meant taking someone's idea and passing it off as an idea of YOUR OWN is wrong.

Fanfics and fanart are perfectly fine as long as you give credit to the ORIGINAL artists/writers/creators. But even if you did that for publishing your bullcrap "3rd gen", you'd STILL need Yude's license, and you need to have a way to convince him to hand over the rights to you with a smile and a handshake.. and I highly doubt any OCs and OOC-played cannons will make him think on your side.

You can make your comics and whatnot, but passing them off as your own storyline isn't your idea alone. Besides, Nisei hasn't ended yet, and maybe Yude doesn't want the 2nd Generation to be parents yet. Maybe he wants to end the series with them living happily ever after somehow.

Open your eyes to the legal stuff you have to take into consideration... and I guarantee you.. you guys being hundreds of miles apart and your thrown-together-ideas won't convince Yude to let you publish and sell them as your own without some sort of lawsuit or (by a miracle for you guys) give you temporary rights.
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#44 Tyrannoclaw


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Posted 07 October 2007 - 04:31 AM

Er...again, it's more or less an extended fanfiction and fanart project. I'm not stealing anyone's ideas at all...and again, Yude will get credit. I'm sorry, but I honestly don't see where a fanproject has anything to do with all of that, because in fact it doesn't. I've done multiple things like this in the past on other instaces, gotten popular for it actually ^^;;;; but I'm not the type of person to do anything more than maybe put up things on DA or YouTube as doujinshi and fanars....becauseI'm just not like that.

As for the ending of Nisei, we're just taking it and doing a fan-created ending sorta...I won't spoil it for anyone since we do have a few watchers of Third Gen from here and such, but as I said, it would be the same as writing a fanfiction (theres tons on fanfiction.net and such) and all of that x.x you guys can think what you want but I've done this thing before and it's gotten popular and went smoothely...and as I have said before, I've brought alot of people into liking Isei and Nisei through creating this project, so thats an accomplishment i won't let anybody taint with their weird and often crap opinions.
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#45 MissMothra


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Posted 07 October 2007 - 11:11 AM

Lawlz. She finds intellectuality "weird" and a bunch of "crap", lol.
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#46 Tyrannoclaw


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Posted 08 October 2007 - 08:46 AM

eh. Right ._.

Anywas, I have gained a certain taste for another 3rd Gen character recently, namely Frank...due to many many a chat with Jigoku/Staplerman on future arcs and story bits.Unfortunately we havn't typed out every idea we've had come through, but I really wanted to comment on Frank's character here in the thread. It's facinating to watch him develop from a zany, whacky and humerous personality into a more mature fellow (though he still retains some silly habits so don't worry...XD). From his vigor and perserverance in the ring to his transformation of lust to love for Serena...He just strikes me as a very, VERY well developed character for such a manga. We've discussed his gaining in strength so that he will surpass Tox, who will be strongest at first...Frank will eventually become the strongest of the main group. I also love the way Pain-okio and Petto follow him around lie lapdogs XD

I'llwrite more later, for my net is messing up...but i have grown fond of certain characters from generation third, and I hope we continue to grow in charater count ^^
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#47 Jaeger gal

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Posted 08 October 2007 - 10:56 AM

I swear if I here the name Frank like one more time im going to scream i swear u have said it more times on msn and the fourms than i can count. I swear he is like a god or something to you....the praite is in the shoe....XD im going to be beaten by this form you. I swear i think this project will be killed by the people here if we keep talking about it XD i mean it's not bad its just that...well yeah. been two months almost since i been here and thier fed up with this project more than anything.
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I promised mom and dad,the moment before they died...that I would join the justice federation...and use my powers for the world,for the people...
Jeager in volume 7

#48 Tyrannoclaw


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Posted 08 October 2007 - 10:01 PM

uhhhh...I just now started liking Frank x.x Didn't really care about him much before. You should know by now, sissy...that Frank is not God....but you know who is...

Posted Image

ImSeK <3 <3 <3~~~~!!!11

Duh x.x

Edited by Tyrannoclaw, 08 October 2007 - 10:02 PM.

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Let's Get Prehistoric!

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