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OFFICIAL Dishonest eBay/LRG member Thread

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#1 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:24 PM

This is an official LRG thread designed to warn community members about dishonest eBay/LRG members. Because we have developed a zero tolerance policy for dishonest trading or selling, this thread will be for only banned members that were found to be dishonest in their selling or trading behavior.

The goal of this thread is to post factual information based on other threads and/or eBay auctions. Please feel free to post additional information in this thread. Eventually a LRG Moderator will incorporate pertinent information into official posts.

Excess posts will be deleted after the information has been added, or dismissed, in an effort to keep the thread simple, clean, and straight forward.

It is the duty of ALL board members to make sure they are leaving accurate feedback and informing the mods of any trades/sales/purchases gone bad. This allows us to help resolve any misunderstandings/minor infractions, stay informed/document, and (if all else fails) ultimately ban problematic members.

Also, please note: When dealing with a new or unverified member, it is in YOUR best interest to have them send first (assuming that you have adequate feedback) or at the very minimum, broker it through eBay. Don't become an example of the old saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted!"

Here is the list:Additional information can be seen below.

Email addresses are not listed because it is too easy to change your email with a new Yahoo, Gmail, or some other type of account.
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#2 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:25 PM

LRG Name: arforbes
eBay names: yapiel, balucard, monkeyroxy
Real Name: Alexander Forbes
  • arforbes - Glendale, AZ (100% true)
  • yapiel - ?
  • balucard - claims Toronto, ON, Canada
  • monkeyroxy - claims Hauppauge, NY
Brief Overview:
Alex had a knack for ripping off new collectors, which did not get him banned, but is worth noting and warning new collectors. He also pulled a scam where he bought and shilled with duplicate eBay accounts. While this should have got him banned a long time ago, he was given a second chance. The activity that got him banned was having another duplicate account and pretending to sell MUSCLE figures from Canada, because Canadian auctions tend to have rare (and expensive) figures. There was also some fear he may be resealing MUSCLE 4-packs. Even after he is banned members unavoidably observe and report his dishonest and odd behavior.

Other Notes:
  • Balucard: Claims to be military that is stationed in AZ, the "islands", and other locations.
Notable Threads:
  • Arforbes admits to being Yapiel
    In a move that should have got Alex banned he admits to having two eBay accounts (arforbes and yapiel). The yapiel account was used to drive up prices and buy additional rare figures so people would not know he had multiple rare figures.
  • Arforbes/Yapiel buys a BHS for $910
    Arforbes already owns the figure, but buys another one with the yapiel for $910. This is an example of the deceitfulness of Alex.
  • Balucard/Arforbes/Yapiel tries to sell a SC 4-Pack
    Alex pretends to be from Canada because figures from Canada tend to be rarer and sell for higher prices. Additionally he is trying to hide how many of each figure he actually has because it would lessen the value of the figures. Plus posting as arforbes allows him to continually publicize his own auctions. He is eventually caught because he tries to sell a SC in a sealed 4-pack. The buyers from other colored eBay auctions from balucard confirm all the suspicions.
  • Arforbes gets a negative feedback on eBay
    Gollum got a negative feedback on eBay. He uses the balucard eBay account to leave a retaliatory feedback.
  • General Veers realizes Alex screwed him over some time ago
    Alex refuses to send figures I bought a few years ago.
  • Balucard buys another SHA
    Alex continues to disappoint. Everybody knows he is Balucard, but he still wants to use the account. He could simply use his arforbes account. He was likely looking to shill and walk away, or hoping to get it cheap (at least in his mind).
  • Alex lashes out and tries to blackmail the LRG
    Alex tries to bother General Veers on another message board and then attempts to threaten and blackmail the LRG message board. He exhibits disruptive and underhanded behavior in an effort to suggest he didn't engage in disruptive and underhanded behavior.
  • A new board member reports that Alex is sadly still up to his same old games.
    In an effort to sell a SC 4-Pack, Alex once again creates a fake eBay account, says he’s somewhere else, and ships from Arizona.
  • Alex moves up from scamming LRG collectors to scamming GI Joe collectors.
    In a nutshell, Alex bought a MOSC Stormshadow missing the peg tag, then tries to sell the same figure after having re-inserted a peg tab as "unpunched". After being called out, he says that the tab is still attached at the bottom, but backside pics of the first auction show that there is clearly no tab attached.
  • Alex, in cahoots with a fake feedback seller account (whether his or a buddy's) blames us for it, all the while knowing exactly who the seller is.
    A obviously fake purple claw auction was listed on eBay, location was "Surprise, AZ". This was an open jab at Alex, who had just gotten through shill bidding up (and winning) his own purple claw auction. An auction that he posted hours after the one General Veers had listed, undoubtedly in an attempt to devalue Veers' auction. Anyways, Alex cried on CTL that it was one of us who had posted the auction to try to slander him. Well, it turns out that Alex has had at least 1 "transaction" with this fake feedback seller account. As documented in the link above. Just another instance of how dishonest Alex is. Create fake drama and then lie about it to try to slander someone here.
  • Alex tried to pass off a dyed #189 M.U.S.C.L.E. as a possible "FACTORY ERROR".
    A obviously dyed #189 was listed on eBay. Alex listed it as either a factory error or a stained figure, stating that in his opinion, it was a legitimate factory error. Any MUSCLE collector who has been around for a while knows about dying figures with RIT and the common characteristics when you do (mottled coloring, lighter coloring in the crevices, etc). Alex definitely knew the figure was dyed and tried to bait new collectors into thinking it was somehow rare. Same Alex, trying to dupe new collectors out of their money. The surprising bit was that he used his main arforbes ebay account to run the scam.
  • Seller claims that Alex rips her off for $7600.
    Alex won a mixed lot of figures for $7600 that contained a super rare Class A figure (red #68). After receiving them he filed an ebay claim to return the figures and won. The seller claims that he swapped out a few of the figures and sent the rest back. Ebay supposedly refunded Alex but was unable to get the money back from the seller because she emptied her paypal.
    Pictures and ebay messages below.

    Attached File  class-a-7600-01.jpg   53.64K   35 downloads Attached File  class-a-7600-02.jpg   103.64K   34 downloads Attached File  class-a-7600-03.jpg   111.82K   20 downloads

    This one was from another board member who was asking her about the auction's progression:

    eBay insisted I receive the items back. Mr Forbes stole almost half of them and replaced different ones. What a thief. The best part eBay gave him a refund....go figure! It will be a long day in hell before I pay them. I'm sure the toy chat lines would be buzzing if they knew the outcome of what I'm dealing with.
    Laura - funatsales65

    And after seeing that she had indeed pegged him as a thief on the feedback:
    (Image from the U of M write up on the situation:

    Dear funatsales65,

    I heard you got ripped off for that $7500 Muscle lot. If that is true, you should call yours and his local police stations and file a report. $7500 is beyond grand theft and is a felony. Jail time...
    - littlerubberguys

    Dear littlerubberguys,

    Thanks for your email. You heard right!! Rgh! I'm sitting pondering what I should be doing. Ebay has
    refunded the funds back to him. Go figure!! I appreciate your input. Im working on a solution but it's very
    time consuming.


    Dear funatsales65,

    Ah, I didn't realize you were in Canada. That makes it international wire fraud, right?

    Did you at least clear the funds from paypal before they refunded him?

    - littlerubberguys

    Dear littlerubberguys,

    I did remove the funds instantly. Don't know what happens
    If I don't give it back and I don't really care either.
    I reported to ic3.gov, hopefully they will put an end to this scammer.
    Is international wire fraud worse?

    - funatsales65

    Dear funatsales65,

    IC3.gov won't do anything. Your best bet is to call his local police station and report the incident. If you Google his zip code and the word police, then you can get the number to his local police department. You can file the police report and then call ebay with the report number. Last thing you want is for eBay to try to come after you for the money when Alex clearly ripped you off.

    - littlerubberguys

    The end of this particular story has a positive outcome though. Apparently she appealed and won and Alex did not succeed with his felonious attempt to rip her off for a figure he initally paid $7600 for.
NOTE: You should be very wary if you deal with Alex, as is well documented above.
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#3 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:25 PM

LRG Name: DiplotmatX
eBay names: suga456, kingdomheartx, iphonewholesaler
Email: Usually uses some form of kingdomheartx or his usual email diplomatx19@yahoo.com
Location: Miami, Florida

Brief Overview:
He was banned for lying about a highly desirable MUSCLE figure, a magenta Claw, in an eBay auction. Additional shady behavior did not help his case. After being banned, he tried to reclaim PayPal money from TheGodbeast.

Notable Threads:

  • The Magenta Claw Auction
    This is the auction that got him banned. He was intentionally vague in the auction, did not answer questions in the thread, and then lied to General Veers about the original source of the figure. The severity of this was increased because of the potential excitement around a Magenta Claw discovery, plus a history of similar vagueness and overall deviousness with his sales.
  • Odd eBay Situation
    DiplomatX listed some 4" Keshi and pretended they were not his figures. Another board member realized it was him. While not the reason he was banned it is an example of his dishonesty and generally odd behavior.
  • Selling Custom 2-piece SC as Authentic MUSCLE
    General Veers, again, catches this idiot is trying to pass off a TheGodBeast custom figure as an authentic Super Rare figure. The custom is a flesh 2-piece SC.
  • DiplomatX PayPal Credit Card Scam (After Being Banned)
    TheGodbeast reported that DiplomatX is trying to reclaim PayPal money from months ago on items that were delivered. Thankfully TGB has receipts showing the shipment and delivery confirmation.

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I will always place the mission first.
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#4 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:26 PM

LRG Name: Cheaptoyman
eBay Names: CHEAPTOYMAN; mat-teo
Other Names: Galaxy (2nd account on LRG), Balmudo (3rd account on LRG)
Real Name: N/A
Location: Miami Beach, Florida

Brief Overview:
Cheaptoyman used a duplicate eBay account (mat-teo) to shill bid auctions on his primary account (CHEAPTOYMAN). He then offered board members 2nd chance offers when he had shill bid the price too high. He also stiffed, at least, one collector who won an auction on the mat-teo account by not sending the items (although no money changed hands). He then tried to sell the same items on his CHEAPTOYMAN eBay account.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

I will always place the mission first.
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I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#5 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:26 PM

LRG Name: Dark Clown, DerrioEight
eBay Names: ancsanamun, v-olator
Other Nicknames: Sven Dollar
Real Name: J B
Location: Berlin, Germany

Brief Overview:

Manipulated trade deals by falsely claiming a higher offer, mis-representing BB Bootlegs to a member as Prototypes, and multiple areas of questionable integrity.

Notable information:

(1) Dark Clown sent a pm to matthewf1tz (who inquired about his BB & LB bootlegs) clearly stating, "are prototypes of Battle Beasts" and also covered himself by saying, "but I'am not sure at all." DISHONEST collectors use phrases like, "but I'am not sure at all" & "I think" to cover them self while seeing if they can get another collector or collectors into believing the toy could be a prototype (way more rare) & worth more $$$.

(2) Dark Clown stated in a pm to TGB that Roland13 offered "$150 per BB bootleg & $180 per LB bootleg." The true offer in Roland13's pm to Dark Clown was $100 for 4 of the bootlegs (one being a LB bootleg). This was done in an attempt to keep the value of his BB & LB bootlegs high (falsifying the true offer).
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I will always place the mission first.
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I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#6 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Location:Washington State
  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:27 PM

LRG Name: instant karma
eBay Names: puzzlecolor1982, elintseeker1982, just_vintage_1980s
Real Name: Aryo
Locations: Singapore/Indonesia

Brief Overview:
This former board member ripped off several board members, including: karloscar, nemesisbonga, Czarcher, dabbuu, and possibly others. It sounds like his basic scam was having people send Western Union transfers or Money Orders, then not sending the items.

Notable information:
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I will always place the mission first.
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I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#7 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:28 PM

Phillinley showed up again and squared things up with Scummdog. He has been fully reinstated with 2 caveats:
1. This record will remain for historical reference.
2. He has a "send first" restriction when trading with the group.

LRG Name: Phillinley
eBay Names: xan_shop
Real Name: N/A
Location: Quad Cities, IL

Brief Overview:
Phillinley seemingly ceased all contact with this board, which resulted in transactions not being completed. These incomplete transactions were the reason he was banned. He did not respond to several PM's and emails from moderators.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#8 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:29 PM

LRG Name: Ookla, DrunkenViking
Real Name: Pete
Location: Lexington, Kentucky

Brief Overview:
He was banned for stealing a large lot of vintage Star Wars figures from Universal Ruler Supreme. He was given several chances to rectify the situation, but URS never heard from him again and he never received his figures.
Came back to the board as DrunkenViking. Was found out and given the chance to make things right with URS and he ignored the offer.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#9 WhiteLeo


    The Man, the Legend!

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  • Interests:A little info on me I am a pretty big Forgotten Realms fan, I love R.A. Salvatore books. I love dragons! Lord of the Rings, Star Trek "Borgs Mostly", Battle Beasts. I love playing on the Computer, Fixing, Designing and just about everything with them. I collect Quinton Hoover Magic Cards, and artwork of him. Also some other favorite artists Greg Horn, Al Rio and Frank Cho and spending time with my wife and three daughters.

Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:34 PM

We had an update to arforbes' post.

If you have other information to add, or other threads that should be highlighted, then please PM me or any Mod.

Updated Dark Clown's reference. He was on the board as DerrioEight.
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I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
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I will never leave a fallen comrade.

#10 csmhoff


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Posted 18 November 2009 - 11:38 AM

LRG Name: iro-el
Real Name: Raul Tijerina or Monica Maldonado Gonzalez
Location: Nuevo Leon 64710 Mexico

Brief Overview:
Warning to any Monster in My Pocket sellers via ebay or private. He/she appears to be buying lots of MIMP auctions under £30, and subsequently claims items are stolen by local post office, and files paypal not received claim . Have had 2 unfortunate instances with 'buyer'. Counting up at least a dozen claims over past few weeks, that I know of.

Block buyer from auctions or charge the extra to the buyer to send with tracking reference and signiature.

Dissapointing to see this old trick, which pushes up the costs for all other collectors.
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#11 jkaris


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Posted 07 February 2010 - 09:25 PM

LRG Name: (not a member)
Real Name: Daniele Falasco
eBay: anna-45, formerly dan81f
Yahoo: focozza
Location: Italy

Brief Overview:
He bought a customized 3rd Series MIMP from GormTransMonsters and then proceeded to sell it in a lot of figures, failing to mention that it was a custom and not a rare variant. He failed to mention that it was a custom with the sole purpose of generating a higher sale amount. There is some question as to when GTM became aware of Dani's sale, whether before or after, as there are conflicting reports.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

#12 jkaris


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Posted 27 September 2010 - 05:03 PM

LRG Name: Rajdo74/Bibo
Real Name: Roby/Lorenzo
Location: Italy

Brief Overview:
He was banned for trying to scam a new user out of some rare Exogini.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

#13 jkaris


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 04:33 PM

LRG Name: Wolfmen
Real Name: Jose De Jesus Corrales Castillo / Alan, Parrish, Guillermo (signed off emails with these random names.)
Location: Mexico

Brief Overview:
Claimed to have rare/HTF MIMP figures. Made some deals and took the money and ran.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

#14 jkaris


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 04:48 PM

LRG Name: RisingSun81/Slayosin/SGrigs/Space Cowboy
Real Name: Jordan/Justin
Location: Texas/Maryland/DC/Germany

Brief Overview:
Claimed to have rare/HTF LaserBeast, Ninja Mite, etc. figures. Made some deals and took the money and ran.
As SGrigs claimed to have rare/HTF LaserBeast, Greek Beasts, etc. figures. When contacted via PM about the Greek Beasts, he played dumb.

Notable Threads:

Comments from other members:
PimpNugget: This guy is on ebay as clear_warewolf, zero score, less than 30 days old
Behemoth: He's currently selling on Ebay as Pink_Shine11. Had a few deals with him with no real issues other than slow shipping.
fkro6784: I bought some figures from this guy in May, and shortly after I paid him realized it was the same guy that had been discussed here. I was worried, but I ultimately did get my figures as described (he also threw in a bonus figure that was slightly damaged, but still pretty nice and displayable). They took well over a month to get here and he didn't respond to my emails asking about the status, but they did show up so I guess that's the most important thing.
Metalmonkey: Yeah, I've bought from this guy too. Always got my stuff after a hefty wait except for this one time, which he refunded.

Edited by jkaris, 12 September 2012 - 01:19 PM.
Added comments

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#15 jkaris


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 02:25 PM

LRG Name: 12345
Real Name: Gavin Arner
eBay username: nodecorumintheforum
Location: Merseyside, UK

Brief Overview:
Gavin has been quite the anti-social collector, even to the point where he had convinced a seller to sell him an auction out from under Strontium Dog after SD had already won. Well apparently he decided to just sink lower and resorted to using a buddy's account to pass off his crap figures, feigning ignorance. Took a play out of DiplomatX's playbook there.

Notable Threads:

Edited by Strontium Dog, 14 June 2014 - 04:24 AM.
adding ebay username

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#16 jkaris


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Posted 24 August 2012 - 05:53 PM

LRG Name: Feegag26
Real Name: ..
Location: New Jersey, USA

Brief Overview:
He worked out a huge deal with retroactive80z and even though the items were delivered to his house (he says he never got them, but delivery confirmations says they arrived) he filed a Paypal chargeback, effectively screwing retro out of $700. It's possible that the mailman delivered them to the wrong house or that someone stole them off his porch, but knowing that retor sent them and the post office confirmed delivery, he still filed the chargeback. Totally effed up and shady.

Notable Threads:

  • 0

#17 jkaris


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 07:47 PM

LRG Name: clonewars - This member was reinstated, see below.
eBay Names: clonewarscraig, roystoys2013
Real Name: N/A
Location: Belleville, IL

Brief Overview:
clonewars made a trade with soundwave and due to supposed life circumstances, was late on sending out his end of the deal. Soundwave was more than patient and clonewars said he finally shipped it, but was unable to produce proof that he did. The items were never received by soundwave and with no proof from clonewars that he sent the items in question, he is now banned.

Notable Threads:

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#18 NolanJP


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 04:47 AM

Bugger. I wish I'd read this a few months back.  :dry2:

  • 0

MISSING: Still Jill series 2 Cheap toy. It's not mine, but it might be yours. If willing please trade or sell to me. Thank you!

#19 jkaris


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 04:17 PM

Bugger. I wish I'd read this a few months back.  :dry2:


How so?

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#20 NolanJP


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 12:27 AM

I got royally screwed out of my very first series 2 cheap toy by somebody listed above. A few months ago a bunch of novo toys turned up on eBay and I ended up bidding on one of them and won it super cheap. Unbeknownst to the Canadian seller, his auctions weren't appearing on eBay.com but they did appear on eBay.ca and eBay international. When I posted up in this other forum that I'd won a figure, initially I was congratulated by the forum but the next day I got an email from the seller saying he was cancelling my auction and all the other novo auctions. When I asked him why he said that he'd been offered a substantial amount for them and it was an offer he couldn't refuse.
I posted up what happened on this other forum basically explaining how the seller withdrew his toys. That got deleted a few hours afterwards. A day or so after that I got a PM from one of the moderators saying that him and ^ bought them up because they didn't want the toys ending up all over the world. I was offered the toy I won back for the price I paid for it IF I threw in some split kits.
I didn't hear anything for a week or so, so I PM'ed the mod and asked what was going on. He told me that the deal went sour and they didn't bother buying them in the end so I contacted the seller to ask if they were still available, if so, I'd still like to buy one. I never got a reply nor did the figures ever resurface on eBay or any forum or collection.
A couple of back and forth PMs from the site owner asking if I was ok as I hadn't posted in a while was full of lies and contradiction. The guy claimed he'd banned a few people because of it and some people owed him an apology. I can see how people could get drawn into this sort of thing but I'm not biting so in this instance I'm just avoiding that place and that guy. I was contacted recently by someone from the forum saying that they had also been deceived so I'm glad to be shot of the place. I was going to send this in a PM but in all honesty I'd like people to be aware of this sort of thing.
While I wouldn't want anybody to change their opinions of someone based on MY experience perhaps it's worth airing on the side of caution if you do deal with someone like this namely someone listed above. While they may appear to be an "online buddy" it doesn't hurt to keep your guard up and play some things close to the chest.
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MISSING: Still Jill series 2 Cheap toy. It's not mine, but it might be yours. If willing please trade or sell to me. Thank you!

#21 ED209


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 10:07 AM

I second that  emotion.

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#22 ironmask


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 05:32 PM

LRG Name: Jasonoldham
eBay Names: ?

Real Name: Jason Oldham
Location: Sanford, North Carolina

Brief Overview:
He arrived on the board, and showed an interest in several trades available. He engaged in one trade with Rjdragon, and received his portion of the trade and Rjdragon has not recieved his end of the deal NOR heard anything from Jason. An attempt to contact him on Facebook was read, and ignored; Jason is banned from the board.

Notable Thread(s): http://www.littlerub...howtopic=172638

Edited by ironmask, 31 July 2013 - 05:33 PM.

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Any social media: @bad_luck_jimmy

#23 bachamn


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 11:28 AM

This isn't in relation to an LRG member, but an eBay seller uscod-bk8nmhpu.


They're a new seller account, but since they're offering a BB item I wanted to issue a warning to everyone.


Basically, I won an auction from this seller on 03/23 and received an invoice for exactly double the shipping+bid total (he'd somehow decided to enter the total in "Additional Seller Fees" field). It seemed like an obvious mistake to me, so I followed up asking for a revised/correct invoice. Nothing. More than a week goes by and I send a message to the seller asking them to cancel the purchase as they obviously didn't intend to fix the invoice. I received this reply an hour later: "price is as mentioned. I will open non-paying bidder case", so I left him a negative feedback and moved on. Three days later I received a dispute case notice, so I followed up again explaining the situation to eBay and again receiving no reply. Today I noticed the seller had relisted the item even though the case is still open. It has a bid too, so I'm hoping it's not anyone here.  :unsure:


Since the card is in crap condition I had intended to open it as I'm looking for mint copies of both the Tortoise and Boar figures at the moment, but this has not been worth the hassle. It just sucks that eBay is hiding my negative feedback on this seller while the case continues, and all the while he's running more auctions.



Edited by bachamn, 11 April 2014 - 11:37 AM.

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#24 imperfecz



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Posted 11 April 2014 - 11:34 AM

Sounds like he's not even selling what's in the picture... "its the purple mouse guy and the orange ant eater."
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#25 bachamn


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 12:12 PM

Yeah I think he just doesn't know anything about the figures; doesn't come off as overly intelligent, anyway.


So I called eBay about this, and basically they told me they can see I'm not at fault so they'll wipe the case from my account record. I asked what would happen with the seller, and they mentioned that the negative feedback I left would be wiped when the case is closed so basically, nothing. I asked if there was any way they could get the feedback to stick as a warning to other buyers since this guy obviously doesn't know what he's doing, and their reply was that I could pay for the invoice if I wanted the feedback to remain because their system only allows feedback with payment (which I know isn't the case as I've left feedback for canceled purchases before)


Am I the only one who sees this as a pretty damn big loophole that allows sellers to back out of a sale if they don't get the price they want? Just send a huge overcharge on the invoice, don't reply to any messages, and file a non-paying bidder dispute case. No visible repercussions and you get to try again for more cash.  <_<

Edited by bachamn, 11 April 2014 - 12:14 PM.

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